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R B Russell  G J Barton 《Proteins》1992,14(2):309-323
An algorithm is presented for the accurate and rapid generation of multiple protein sequence alignments from tertiary structure comparisons. A preliminary multiple sequence alignment is performed using sequence information, which then determines an initial superposition of the structures. A structure comparison algorithm is applied to all pairs of proteins in the superimposed set and a similarity tree calculated. Multiple sequence alignments are then generated by following the tree from the branches to the root. At each branchpoint of the tree, a structure-based sequence alignment and coordinate transformations are output, with the multiple alignment of all structures output at the root. The algorithm encoded in STAMP (STructural Alignment of Multiple Proteins) is shown to give alignments in good agreement with published structural accounts within the dehydrogenase fold domains, globins, and serine proteinases. In order to reduce the need for visual verification, two similarity indices are introduced to determine the quality of each generated structural alignment. Sc quantifies the global structural similarity between pairs or groups of proteins, whereas Pij' provides a normalized measure of the confidence in the alignment of each residue. STAMP alignments have the quality of each alignment characterized by Sc and Pij' values and thus provide a reproducible resource for studies of residue conservation within structural motifs.  相似文献   
We have found and characterized an antigen associated with crystal-containing cells in the stomium and connective tissue of the anthers of Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco). The antigen, defined by the monoclonal antibody NtF-8B1, localizes to subcellular regions surrounding the crystals. At the light-microscope level, the antigen is detectable just after the first appearance of crystals in the connective tissue of the anther, and at approximately the same time as the appearance of crystals in the stomium. The antigen is not detectable on a Western blot, and gave inconclusive results on a test of periodate sensitivity. It is not the crystals themselves, nor is the presence of the crystals required for antibody recognition. The antigen is sensitive to heat and protease treatment, indicating that it is a protein. The antigen is not tightly membrane-bound, in spite of its localization closely surrounding the crystals. Chemical tests indicate that the druse crystals in the stomium are calcium oxalate.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate This research was supported by a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to B.L.H., by National Science Foundation grants DMB-87-15799 and to W.E.F. BSR-88-18035, and by U.S. Department of Agriculture grant GAM-89-01056. The authors thank Phillip T. Evans (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA), Wilma L. Lingle, Harry T. Horner, Jr. (Iowa State University), and A. Jack Fowler, Jr., for advice and helpful discussions.  相似文献   
Although hypophysectomy has been a popular tool to study the effects of hormone deprivation as well as concomitant or subsequent hormone supplementation, there is relatively little morphological information available on the structural manifestation of pituitary removal on the testis. In the report, changes, in addition to those previously reported after short-term (6 days) hypophysectomy in the rat (Russell and Clermont, 1977), are described. Membrane-bound vacuoles (primarily) appeared within the basal region of the Sertoli cell at approximately the level of Sertoli-Sertoli junctions. In stages VIII through XI elongating spermatids were abnormal and manifested manchette indentation of the nucleus, a variety of other abnormal head shapes, acrosomal breaks and enlargement of the subacrosomal space. These defects were interpreted as the effect of declining hormonal levels in stage VII on spermatids that had survived the stage VII hormone sensitivity known to occur with severe hormone depletion. Abnormalities in the flagellum involving the mitochondrial sheath and fibrous sheath were detected. Preleptotene spermatocytes degenerated and could be identified in the process of doing so near the base of the seminiferous epithelium. The contact of preleptotene spermatocytes with the basal lamina was also significantly reduced. The results show that both Sertoli cell and germ cell abnormalities were present although germ cell abnormalities could be a secondary consequence of lack of appropriate stimulation of the Sertoli cell. Degeneration of basal compartment germ cells shows that germ cells other than those located in the adluminal compartment are vulnerable to hormonal withdrawal. The question of how hormone effects are mediated in the testis at midcycle to produce these effects is discussed.  相似文献   
Five alternative cDNA clones were isolated for CD46, also known as the membrane cofactor protein (MCP) for the factor I-mediated cleavage of the complement convertases. One of these cDNA clones (a) was identical to an earlier MCP clone. The other four CD46 clones 3ontained the four NH2-terminanl short consensus repeat (SCR) units of MCP, but differed at the region encoding the carboxyl-terminal of the protein which includes an extracellular segment rich in Ser, Thr, and Pro residues, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, and a 33 amino acid cytoplasmic tail. The different CD46 cDNAs have variously: (b) inserted a 93 base pair (bp) exon resulting in a new cytoplasmic tail of 26 amino acids; (c) deleted a 42 bp exon from the extracellular Ser/Thr rich region; (d) used a cryptic splice acceptor sequence to delete 37 bp from an exon encoding transmembrane sequence; or (e) failed to splice the intron after the four SCR units. These were shown by northern blot and polymerase chain reaction to arise by alternative splicing of CD46 RNA. Forms (a), (b), and (c) of CD46 RNA are common in placental RNA, but (d) was rare, and (e) was incompletely processed and therefore aberrant. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to map the sites of the intron/exon junctions and demonstrate further possible splice variants of CD46. The alternative RNAs for CD46 may correlate to the different isoforms of CD46 found in different tissues, tumors, and in serum.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M58050. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: D. F. J. Purcell.  相似文献   
Nonlinear mechanical responses of mouse cochlear hair bundles.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The stiffness of sensory hair bundles of both inner (IHC) and outer (OHC) hair cells was measured with calibrated silica fibres in mouse cochlear cultures to test the hypothesis that the mechanical properties of the hair bundle reflect processes underlying mechanotransduction. For OHCs, the displacement of the hair bundle relaxed with time constants of 6 ms for displacements which open transducer channels and 4 ms for displacements which close the channels. The corresponding values of the time constants for IHCs were 10 ms and 8 ms, respectively. A displacement-dependent change in the stiffness of the hair bundle was not observed when the bundle was displaced orthogonally to the direction of excitation. The stiffness of the hair bundle as a function of nanometre displacements from the resting position was remarkably nonlinear. The stiffness declined to a minimum from the resting stiffness by about 12% for OHCs and 20% for IHCs when the hair bundle was displaced by about 20 nm in the excitatory direction, and it increased by a similar amount when the bundle was displaced by 20 nm in the inhibitory direction. The displacement at which the stiffness reached a minimum was within the most sensitive region of the hair-cell transducer function (receptor potential as a function of hair-bundle displacement), and the displacement at which the stiffness reached a maximum was at the point of saturation of the transducer function in the inhibitory direction. The nonlinear displacement-dependent compliance change is reversibly abolished, and the time constant of relaxation of the bundle for excitatory displacements is reversibly reduced, when mechanotransduction is blocked by the addition of either neomycin sulphate or cobalt chloride to the solution bathing the hair cells. The displacement-dependent compliance change was not apparently reduced when the receptor potential was attenuated through the substitution of sodium in the bathing solution with a less permeant cation, tetraethylammonium. These findings suggest that the nonlinear mechanical properties of the hair bundle are associated with aspects of the hair-cell mechanotransducer process. The mechanical properties of the hair bundle are discussed in relation to the 'gating-spring' hypothesis of hair-cell transduction.  相似文献   
Glucose-limited, continuous cultures (dilution rate 0.1 h-1) of Streptococcus bovis JB1 fermented glucose at a rate of 3.9 mol mg protein-1 h-1 and produced acctate, formate and ethanol. Based on a maximum ATP yield of 32 cells/mol ATP (Stouthamer 1973) and 3 ATP/glucose, the theoretical glucose consumption for growth would have been 2.1 mol mg protein-1 h-1. Because the maintenance energy requirement was 1.7 mol/mg protein/h (Russell and Baldwin 1979), virtually all of the glucose consumption could be explained by growth and maintenance and the YATP was 30. Glucose-limited, continuous cultures produced heat at a rate of 0.29 mW/mg protein, and this value was similar to the enthalpy change of the fermentation (0.32 mW/mg protein). Batch cultures (specific growth rate 2.0 h-1) fermented glucose at a rate of 81 mol mg protein-1 h-1, and produced only lactate. The heat production was in close agreement with the theoretical enthalpy change (1.72 versus 1.70 mW/mg protein), but only 80% of the glucose consumption could be accounted by growth and maintenance. The YATP of the batch cultures was 25. Nitrogen-limited, glucose-excess, non-growing cultures fermented glucose at a rate of 6.9 mol mg protein-1 h-1, and virtually all of the enthalpy for this homolactic fermentation could be accounted as heat (0.17 mW/mg protein). The nitrogenlimited cultures had a membrane potential of 150 mV, and nearly all of the heat production could be explained by a futile cycle of protons through the cell membrane (watts = amperes x voltage where H+/ATP was 3). The membrane voltage of the nitrogen-limited cells was higher than the glucose-limited continuous cultures (150 versus 80 mV), and this difference in voltage explained why nitrogen-limited cultures consumed glucose faster than the maintenance rate. Batch cultures had a membrane potential of 100 mV, and this voltage could not account for increased glucose consumption (more than growth plus maintenance). It appears that another mechanism causes the increased heat production and lower growth efficiency of batch cultures.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effect of added selenite on autotrophic growth and the time course of hydrogen oxidation derepression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum 122DES cultured in a medium purified to remove selenium compounds. In addition, hydrogenase was purified to near homogeneity and examined for the specific incorporation of Se into the enzyme. The addition of Se at 0.1 microM significantly increased total cell protein and hydrogenase specific activity of harvested cells. Also, the addition of SeO3(2-) enhanced the time course of hydrogenase derepression by 133%, whereas VO3, AsO2(2-), SO2(2-), and TeO3(2-) failed to substantially affect hydrogenase derepression. During the final chromatographic purification of hydrogenase, a striking coincidence in peaks of protein content, Se radioactivity, and hydrogenase activity of fractions was obtained. The total Se content expressed per milligram of protein increased manyfold during the purification procedure. The mean Se content of the purified hydrogenase was 0.56 +/- 0.13 mol of Se per mol of enzyme. These results indicate that Se is an important element in the H2 metabolism of B. japonicum and that hydrogenase from B. japonicum is a seleno protein.  相似文献   
We have shown that the rat liver plasma membrane has at least two (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPases. One of them has the properties of a plasma membrane Ca2+-pump (Lin, S.-H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 7850-7856); the other one, which we have purified (Lin, S.-H., and Fain, J.N. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3016-3020) and characterized (Lin, S.-H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 10976-10980) has no established function. In this study we present evidence that the purified (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase is a plasma membrane ecto-ATPase. In hepatocytes in primary culture, we can detect Ca2+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities by addition of ATP to the intact cells. The external localization of the active site of the ATPase was confirmed by the observation that the Ca2+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities were the same for intact cells, saponin-treated cells, and cell homogenates. Less than 14% of total intracellular lactate dehydrogenase, a cytosolic enzyme, was released during a 30-min incubation of the hepatocytes with 2 mM ATP. This indicates that the hepatocytes maintained cytoplasmic membrane integrity during the 30-min incubation with ATP, and the Ca2+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activity measured in the intact cell preparation was due to cell surface ATPase activity. The possibility that the ecto-Ca2+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase may be the same protein as the previously purified (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase was tested by comparing the properties of the ecto-ATPase with those of (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase. Both the ecto-ATPase and the (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase have broad nucleotide-hydrolyzing activity, i.e. they both hydrolyze ATP, GTP, UTP, CTP, ADP, and GDP to a similar extent. The effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the ecto-ATPase activity is not additive indicating that both Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase activities are part of the same enzyme. The ecto-ATPase activity, like the (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase, is not sensitive to oligomycin, vanadate, N-ethylmaleimide and p-chloromercuribenzoate; and both the ecto-ATPase and purified (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activities are insensitive to protease treatments. These properties indicate that the previously purified (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase is an ecto-ATPase and may function in regulating the effect of ATP and ADP on hepatocyte Ca2+ mobilization (Charest, R., Blackmore, P.F., and Exton, J.H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 15789-15794).  相似文献   
A model of a stage-V monkey Sertoli cell was reconstructed from electron micrographs taken of semiserial sections. The configuration (type-B) was one in which spermatids were positioned near the lumen, their heads occupying shallow cylindrical recesses at the apical portion of the Sertoli cell. The cell volume was calculated to be 4,100 micron3, the surface area 2,400.68 micron2, and the surface-to-volume ratio 0.58:1. The reconstructed cell extended from the basal lamina to the tubular lumen and was generally of the tall columnar type although its surface contour was highly irregular. The dimensions of the cell [centripetal (68.46 micron), circumferential (18.40 micron), and longitudinal (21.63 micron)] were determined and cell surfaces designated. Relative and absolute surface areas of the reconstructed cell which faced other Sertoli cells, germ cells, basal lamina, and tubular lumen were calculated. Junctions and surface specializations were enumerated, catalogued, and depicted on diagrams of the cell surface. Where appropriate, type-A rat and type-B monkey Sertoli cells were compared and discussed. Morphometry was utilized to analyze the relative surface areas of germ cells adjoining the reconstructed cell to determine the percentage of their surface facing cellular and acellular elements, and these data were compared to data obtained for the rat.  相似文献   
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