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QTL mapping for teat number in an Iberian-by-Meishan pig intercross   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to investigate chromosomal regions affecting the number of teats in pigs and possible epistatic interactions between the identified quantitative trait loci (QTL). An experimental F2 cross between Iberian and Chinese Meishan lines was used for this purpose. A genomic scan was conducted with 117 markers covering the 18 porcine autosomes. Linkage analyses were performed by interval mapping using an animal model to estimate QTL and additive polygenic effects. Complementary analyses with models fitting two QTL were also carried out. The results showed three genomewide significant QTL mapping on chromosomes 5, 10 and 12, whose joint action control up to 30% of the phenotypic variance of the trait. Meishan alleles had a positive additive effect on teat number, and a positive-additive x additive-epistatic interaction was detected between QTL on chromosomes 10 and 12.  相似文献   
In this paper, we apply a real time activity-dependent protocol to study how freely swimming weakly electric fish produce and process the timing of their own electric signals. Specifically, we address this study in the elephant fish, Gnathonemus petersii, an animal that uses weak discharges to locate obstacles or food while navigating, as well as for electro-communication with conspecifics. To investigate how the inter pulse intervals vary in response to external stimuli, we compare the response to a simple closed-loop stimulation protocol and the signals generated without electrical stimulation. The activity-dependent stimulation protocol explores different stimulus delivery delays relative to the fish’s own electric discharges. We show that there is a critical time delay in this closed-loop interaction, as the largest changes in inter pulse intervals occur when the stimulation delay is below 100 ms. We also discuss the implications of these findings in the context of information processing in weakly electric fish.  相似文献   
New findings in the nervous system of invertebrates have shown how a number of features of central pattern generator (CPG) circuits contribute to the generation of robust flexible rhythms. In this paper we consider recently revealed strategies that living CPGs follow to design CPG control paradigms for modular robots. To illustrate them, we divide the task of designing an example CPG for a modular robot into independent problems. We formulate each problem in a general way and provide a bio-inspired solution for each of them: locomotion information coding, individual module control and inter-module coordination. We analyse the stability of the CPG numerically, and then test it on a real robot. We analyse steady state locomotion and recovery after perturbations. In both cases, the robot is able to autonomously find a stable effective locomotion state. Finally, we discuss how these strategies can result in a more general design approach for CPG-based locomotion.  相似文献   
A crossed population between Iberian × Landrace pigs consisting of 321 F2, 87 F3, and 85 backcross individuals has been analyzed to refine the number and positions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting shape, growth, fatness, and meat quality traits in SSC4. A multitrait multi-QTL approach has been used. Our results suggest that carcass length and shoulder weight are affected by two loci. The first one, close to the AFABP gene, has a very strong pleiotropic effect on fatness, whereas the second one, in the interval between S0073 and S0214, also affects live weight, although to a lesser extent. This latter QTL would correspond to the FAT1 locus described initially in pigs. It seems that SSC4’s loci play an important role in redistributing total weight, and the Landrace allele increases shoulder weight and carcass length much more than ham or total weight. Furthermore, there is also strong evidence of additional loci influencing pH and color in more distant, telomeric positions.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate chromosomal regions affecting gestation length in sows. An experimental F2 cross between Iberian and Meishan pig breeds was used for this purpose and we genotyped 119 markers covering the 18 porcine autosomal chromosomes. Within this context, we have developed a new empirical Bayes factor (BF) approach to compare between nested models, with and without the quantitative trait loci (QTL) effect, and after including the location of the QTL as an unknown parameter in the model. This empirical BF can be easily calculated from the output of a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling by averaging conditional densities at the null QTL effects. Linkage analyses were performed in each chromosome using an animal model to account for infinitesimal genetic effects. Initially, three QTL were detected at chromosomes 6, 8 and 11 although, after correcting for multiple testing, only the additive QTL located in cM 110 of chromosome 8 remained. For this QTL, the allelic effect of substitution of the Iberian allele increased gestation length in 0.521 days, with a highest posterior density region at 95% ranged between 0.121 and 0.972 days. Although future studies are necessary to confirm if detected QTL is relevant and segregating in commercial pig populations, a hot-spot on the genetic regulation of gestation length in pigs seems to be located in chromosome 8.  相似文献   
A fundamental issue in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is to determine the plausibility of the presence of a QTL at a given genome location. Bayesian analysis offers an attractive way of testing alternative models (here, QTL vs. no-QTL) via the Bayes factor. There have been several numerical approaches to computing the Bayes factor, mostly based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), but these strategies are subject to numerical or stability problems. We propose a simple and stable approach to calculating the Bayes factor between nested models. The procedure is based on a reparameterization of a variance component model in terms of intra-class correlation. The Bayes factor can then be easily calculated from the output of a MCMC scheme by averaging conditional densities at the null intra-class correlation. We studied the performance of the method using simulation. We applied this approach to QTL analysis in an outbred population. We also compared it with the Likelihood Ratio Test and we analyzed its stability. Simulation results were very similar to the simulated parameters. The posterior probability of the QTL model increases as the QTL effect does. The location of the QTL was also correctly obtained. The use of meta-analysis is suggested from the properties of the Bayes factor.  相似文献   
The leptin receptor gene (LEPR) is a candidate for traits related to growth and body composition, and is located on SSC6 in a region where fatness and meat composition quantitative trait loci (QTL) have previously been detected in several F2 experimental designs. The aims of this work were: (i) to fine map these QTL on a larger sample of animals and generations (F3 and backcross) of an Iberian x Landrace intercross and (ii) to examine the effects of LEPR alleles on body composition traits. Eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected by sequencing LEPR coding regions in Iberian and Landrace pig samples. Three missense polymorphisms were genotyped by pyrosequencing in 33 F0, 70 F1, 418 F2, 86 F3 and 128 individuals coming from the backcross of four F2 males with 24 Landrace females. Thirteen microsatellites and one SNP were also genotyped. Traits analysed were: backfat thickness at different locations (BF(T)), intramuscular fat percentage (IMF(P)), eye muscle area (EM(A)), loin depth (LO(D)), weight of shoulder (SH(W)), weight of ribs (RIB(W)) and weight of belly bacon (BB(W)). Different statistical models were applied in order to evaluate the number and effects of QTL on chromosome 6 and the possible causality of the LEPR gene variants with respect to the QTL. The results support the presence of two QTL on SSC6. One, at position 60-100 cM, affects BF(T) and RIB(W). The other and more significant maps in a narrow region (130-132 cM) and affects BF(T), IMF(P), EM(A), LO(D), SH(W), RIB(W) and BB(W). Results also support the association between LEPR alleles and BF(T) traits. The possible functional implications of the analysed polymorphisms are considered.  相似文献   
This work presents a model for the joint analysis of a binomial and a Gaussian trait using a recursive parametrization that leads to a computationally efficient implementation. The model is illustrated in an analysis of mortality and litter size in two breeds of Danish pigs, Landrace and Yorkshire. Available evidence suggests that mortality of piglets increased partly as a result of successful selection for total number of piglets born. In recent years there has been a need to decrease the incidence of mortality in pig-breeding programs. We report estimates of genetic variation at the level of the logit of the probability of mortality and quantify how it is affected by the size of the litter. Several models for mortality are considered and the best fits are obtained by postulating linear and cubic relationships between the logit of the probability of mortality and litter size, for Landrace and Yorkshire, respectively. An interpretation of how the presence of genetic variation affects the probability of mortality in the population is provided and we discuss and quantify the prospects of selecting for reduced mortality, without affecting litter size.  相似文献   
The previous results from a genome scan for total number of piglets born and number of piglets born alive in a F2 Iberian by Meishan intercross showed several single and epistatic QTL. One of the most interesting results was obtained for SSC12, where two QTL affecting both traits showed epistatic interaction. In this study, we proposed two genes ( SLC9A3R1 and NOS2 ) as biological and potentially positional candidates underlying these QTL. Both cDNAs were characterized and 23 polymorphisms were detected. A chromosome scan was conducted with 12 markers, plus one SNP in SLC9A3R1 and one in NOS2, covering 110 cM of SSC12. The epistatic QTL (QTL1 at 15 cM and QTL2 at 97 cM) were confirmed, and SLC9A3R1 and NOS2 were mapped around the QTL1 and QTL2 regions respectively. Several SNPs in both genes were tested with standard animal model and marker assisted association tests. The most significant results were obtained with the NOS2 haplotype defined by one missense SNP c.2192C > T (Val to Ala) and a 15 bp duplication at the 3'UTR. This duplication seems to include AU-rich elements, and could be a target site for miRNA, therefore there are statistical and biological indications to consider this haplotype as the potential causal mutation underlying QTL2. SLC9A3R1 results were not conclusive. Although the interaction between the SNPs was not significant, we cannot reject the possibility of interaction of the NOS2 haplotype with other polymorphisms closely linked to the SL9A3R1 SNPs analysed.  相似文献   
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