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Agrotis segetum nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AsNPV) and granulosis virus (AsGV), propagated in laboratory cultures of A. segetum in England and A. ipsilon in Spain, respectively, were applied to plots of maize plants at the one‐ to four‐leaf stage of growth. Plots were arranged in a 6 x 6 Latin square design and infested with second‐instar A. segetum larvae (the common cutworm). Each virus was applied in separate treatments by two application methods; as an aqueous spray containing 0.1% Agral as a wetting agent, and as a bran bait. The NPV was applied at a rate of 4 X 1012 polyhedra/ha, and the GV at 4 X 1013 granules/ha. Soil and plants were sampled for larvae on three occasions following virus treatment: 24 h, 4 days and 11 days. The larvae were reared on diet in the laboratory, until death or pupation, to examine the rate and level of viral infection. Infection data showed 87.5% and 91% NPV infection and 12.5% and 55% GV infection in spray and bait treatments, respectively, in larvae sampled 24 h after treatment. In larvae sampled 4 days after treatment, the results were 78% and 100% NPV infection, and 13% and 6% GV infection. A total of only six larvae were retrieved on day 11. In both treatments larvae infected with AsNPV died significantly more rapidly and at an earlier instar than those infected with AsGV, indicating that AsNPV appears to have better potential as a control agent for A. segetum.  相似文献   
Sea urchin sperm respond to egg factors with changes in the ionic permeability of their plasma membrane. It has been previously shown that plasma membranes isolated preferentially from sea urchin sperm flagella respond to egg jelly increasing their Ca2+ and Na+ uptake (Darszon et al. (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 144, 515-522). However, the egg jelly induced acrosome reaction occurs in the sperm head, and there is evidence for an heterogeneous distribution of plasma membrane components within the various regions of this cell. We here report a method for purifying sperm head membranes using positively charged beads according to Jacobson (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 471, 331-335). Under the transmission electron microscope these membranes appeared homogeneous and apparently free of internal membranes. The yield of the preparation was 0.9% of the total protein in the sperm homogenate. The preparation contained less than 5% of the mitochondrial marker cytochrome oxidase, and 10% of the total DNA/mg protein. Surface labeling with 125I indicated a 2.5-3-fold enrichment in specific activity of the head membranes with respect to whole sperm. The SDS band pattern and the lipid composition of this preparation were different from those of isolated flagellar membranes. Phosphatidylcholine was higher in the head membranes, while phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine were lower. The head membranes displayed a 1.7-2.3-fold higher Ca2+-ATPase activity and a 2.5-fold lower Na+/K+-ATPase activity, than the flagellar membranes. These results are consistent with a heterogeneous distribution of membrane components along the sea urchin sperm plasma membranes. Isolated head membranes sonicated in the presence of soybean phospholipid liposomes responded to egg jelly with a species-specific increase in Ca2+ and Na+ uptake. As in whole sperm, Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by the Ca2+ channel blocker nisoldipine. A close analog of this compound, [3H]nitrendipine, binds with high affinity to head membranes in a saturable, reversible manner, showing a Kd and Bmax of 31 nM and 5.3 pmol/mg protein, respectively.  相似文献   
We have investigated changes that occur in mitochondria obtained from the livers of rats that had been maintained on a high protein diet (80% casein instead of 20%) for 6 months. Liver homogenates were separated by centrifugation into a mitochondrial fraction, a nuclear fraction and the supernatant fluid of the nuclear fraction (nuclear wash). Rhodamine-123 was used to selectively stain mitochondria depending upon their membrane potential. The stained organelles were processed through a flow cytometer where the fluorescent stains were excited by the 488 nm wavelength of a laser and the resultant fluorescence signals analysed. After 6 months on a high protein diet, mitochondria displayed an increase in the fluorescence associated with rhodamine-123 uptake in both mitochondrial and nuclear wash fractions, while mitochondrial fluorescence in the nuclear fraction showed a heterogeneous distribution. This was interpreted as an increase in membrane potential in most of the liver mitochondria under these nutritional conditions, with a certain degree of heterogeneity. These functional changes may be correlated with morphological alterations previously reported and show the usefulness of flow cytometry for biochemical analysis of isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   
The algorithm described in the accompanying paper was applied to X-ray scattering experiments performed with rat sciatic nerves, either as a function of the age of the animal (4 to 30 days), or with adult nerves swollen in non-isotonic media. The results were all consistent with the model of disorder used in the theoretical treatment. The algorithm leads, in one step, from the data to the numerical values of the parameters, avoiding all intermediate manipulation. For each experiment a variety of parameters was determined: the average D and the variance sigma 2D of the repeat distance, the average number [N] of motifs per crystallite, the set [idiff(h/D)], which defines the diffuse scattering, the fraction alphaloose of myelin that does not belong to the compact sheaths, and the set [imotif (k/2D)], which suffices to define the continuous intensity curve of the motif imotif(s). Note the remarkable wealth of information, especially by contrast with conventional analyses which, as a rule, only yield the values of D and of the set [imotif(h/D)] (insufficient to determine the function imotif(s]. The function imotif(s) and the parameters D and sigma D (and thus the local structure of the myelin sheaths) were shown to be almost invariant in the course of myelinogenesis; what varies is mainly the total amount of myelin in the nerve and the number of membranes per sheath. Swelling agents have a dramatic influence on the X-ray scattering spectra, but in spite of the conspicuous variation of D, sigma D and [N] the structure of the motif is invariant. The structure of the motif was shown to be quite different in the native and in the swollen samples; the stacking disorder appears to involve mainly the cytoplasmic space in native myelin, the external space in swollen nerves. The very notion of electron density profile, when disorder is present, is discussed. Two criteria were proposed to select the "best" signs of the reflections: two sets came out at almost the same rank, one corresponding to Caspar & Kirschner's the other to Worthington & McIntosh's proposals, neither of which can be ruled out according to the criteria used in this work.  相似文献   
The osmoregulatory pathways of the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 have been investigated. This strain grew optimally at 1.5 to 2 M NaCl in M63 glucose-defined medium. It required at least 0.5 M NaCl for growth, which is a higher concentration than that exhibited by the H. elongata type strain ATCC 33173. Externally provided betaine, choline, or choline-O-sulfate (but not proline, ectoine, or proline betaine) enhanced the growth of H. elongata on 3 M NaCl-glucose-M63 plates, demonstrating the utilization of these compounds as osmoprotectants. Moreover, betaine and choline stimulated the growth of H. elongata DSM 3043 over the entire range of salinity, although betaine was more effective than choline at salinities below and above the optimum. We found that H. elongata DSM 3043 has at least one high-affinity transport system for betaine (K(m) = 3.06 microM and Vmax = 9.96 nmol of betaine min(-1) mg of protein(-1)). Competition assays demonstrated that proline betaine and ectoine, but not proline, choline, or choline-O-sulfate, are also transported by the betaine permease. Finally, thin-layer chromatography and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis showed that exogenous choline was taken up and transformed to betaine by H. elongata, demonstrating the existence of a choline-glycine betaine pathway in this moderately halophilic bacterium.  相似文献   
Xp-duplications with and without sex reversal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Duplications in Xp including the DSS (dosage sensitive sex reversal) region cause male to female sex reversal. We investigated two patients from families with Xp duplications. The first case was one of two sisters with karyotype 46,XY, der(22), t(X;22)(p11.3;p11)mat and unambiguous female genitalia. The living sister was developmentally retarded, and showed multiple dysmorphic features and an acrocallosal syndrome. The second case was a boy with a maternally inherited direct duplication of Xp21.3-pter with the breakpoint close to the DSS locus. He had multiple abnormalities and micropenis, but otherwise unambiguous male genitalia. We performed quantitative Southern blot analysis with probes from Xp22.13 to p21.2 to define the duplicated region. Clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular data from both patients were compared with those of previously reported related cases. A comparison of the extragenital symptoms revealed no differences between patients with or without sex reversal. In both cases, the symptoms were non-specific. Among 22 patients with a duplication in Xp, nine had unambiguous female genitalia and a well-documented duplication of the DSS region. Two patients with duplication of DSS showed ambiguous external genitalia. From these data, we conclude that induction of testicular tissue may start in these patients, but that the type of genitalia depends on the degree of subsequent degeneration by a gene in DSS.  相似文献   
Saxifraga pentadactylis subsp. almanzorii , an endemic to the subalpine nucleus of Sierra de Gredos (central Spain), differs from its closest relative, subsp. willkommiana , by its less showy petals. An artificial crossing program was carried out in order to assess the degree of reproductive isolation between the subspecies. To facilitate interpretation of the results, the program was extended to 10 other interspecific hybrid combinations within sect. Saxifraga . All the data gathered are congruent with the occurrence of two evolutionary scenarios. Interspecific crossings, rendering moderate to high seed-set (in obtaining the F1), and vigorous but relatively sterile F1 offspring, reveal reproductive barriers at the level of the F1 fertility, probably originated as a byproduct of divergent evolution. In contrast, intraspecific crossings within S. pentadactylis resulted in seed-set values lower than expected (in obtaining the F1), in a majority of weak non-viable F1 offspring but also in a few fertile F1 hybrid specimens which were able to originate F2 offspring. This second pattern reveals reproductive barriers at the level of the F1 vitality, probably arisen in a quite abrupt fashion. The lower P/O for subsp. almanzorii as compared to subsp. willkommiana , together with the rest of the evidence suggest that the reproductive barriers between them might be the product of active selection against hybridization achieved by incrementing the levels of autogamy in the former.  相似文献   
We studied an imported host-parasitoid community in Hawaii, asking to what extent the species covaried in a systematic fashion even though all species were exotic to Hawaii, and occurred in an artificial agroecosystem (a commercial guava, Psidium guajava L., orchard). Using knock-down pyrethrin sprays we were able to accurately quantify numbers of the host, [oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)] and its four major parasitoid species [Biosteres arisanus (Sonan), Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), Psyttalia incisi (Silvestri), and Bi. vandenboschi (Fullaway)] at hourly intervals. We found that the parasitoids' activity and abundance was well correlated with the activity and abundance of their host, and that all four parasitoid species covaried in concert with one another. In fact, the magnitude of correlation between the different species in this system was greater than the correlation with temperature. This show clearly that an entirely exotic community, reassembled piecemeal as a result of biocontrol efforts, can end up with patterns of temporal covariation that are highly coincident. One other interesting result concerns the speed with which sprayed trees were recolonized by the fruit fly and its parasitoids. The time that it took each species to reach its mean density prior to removal by the first pyrethrin spray at 0600 hours varied. It took 2 h for female B. dorsalis to recolonize guava trees to pre-spray levels. It took 3 h for Bi. arisanus, 4 h for D. longicaudata, 7 h for Bi. vandenboschi and 14 h for P. incisi to reach pre-spray levels. The fact that Bi. arisanus recolonized vacant trees almost as rapidly as did the fruit fly pest suggest that there is little opportunity for the fruit fly to escape in space and time by staying one step ahead of its enemies.  相似文献   
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