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Six trypanosomatids isolated from different geographical areas from South America (Peru and Brazil) and different vectors and reservoir hosts (the triatomine Panstrongylus chinai [TP1], Triatoma infestans [TP2], Rhodnius ecuadorensis [TP3], R. prolixus [TB1], Didelphys marsupialis [TB2]), and one from a human asymptomatic patient [TB3], were characterized using lectin agglutination, isoenzyme profile, in vitro culture final metabolite patterns, and compared with a reference strain (Trypanosoma cruzi, Maracay strain [TC]). The different isolates were cultured in vitro in Grace's medium supplemented with 10% inactivated bovine foetal serum. According to our results and the statistical study, the isolate obtained from R. ecuadorensis should be designed as a Trypanosoma rangeli sp., showing all other isolates strong similarities to T. cruzi. Between them, two clusters could be identified, strongly correlating with the geographical origin. Cluster I grouped isolates from Peru and T. cruzi reference strain, and cluster II grouped the three Brazilian isolates.  相似文献   
Studies of the desiccation tolerance of 15-month-old Licania platypus (Hemsl.) Fritsch seedlings were performed on potted plants. Pots were watered to field capacity and then dehydrated for 23-46 d to reach various visible wilting stages from slightly-wilted to dead. Root hydraulic conductance, k(r), was measured with a high-pressure flow meter and whole-stem hydraulic conductance, k(ws), was measured by a vacuum chamber method. Leaf punches were harvested for measurement of leaf water potential by a thermocouple psychrometer and for measurement of fresh- and dry-weight. L. platypus was surprisingly desiccation-tolerant, suggesting that most species of central Panama may be well adapted to the seasonality of rainfall in the region. The slightly-wilted stage corresponded to leaf water potentials and relative water contents of -2.7 MPa and 0.85, respectively, but plants did not die until these values fell to -7.5 MPa and 0.14, respectively. As desiccation proceeded k(r) and k(ws) declined relative to irrigated controls, but k(ws) was more sensitive to desiccation than k(r). Values of k(ws) declined by 70-85% in slightly-wilted to dead plants, respectively. By comparison, k(r) showed no significant change in slightly-wilted plants and fell by about 50% in plants having severely-wilted to dead shoots.  相似文献   
Centrin is a low molecular mass (20 kDa) protein that belongs to the EF-hand superfamily of calcium-binding proteins. Local and overall changes were investigated for interactions between cations and Chlamydomonas centrin using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and circular dichroic (CD) spectroscopies. FT-IR spectral features studied included the amide I' band and the side-chain absorbances for aspartate residues located almost exclusively at the calcium-binding sites in the spectral region of 1700-1500 cm(-1). The amide I' band is exquisitely sensitive to changes in protein secondary structure and is observed to shift from 1626.5 to 1642.7 cm(-1) in the presence and absence of calcium. These spectral bands are complex and were further studied using two-dimensional Fourier transform infrared (2D-FT-IR) correlation along with curve-fitting routines. Using these methods the secondary structure contributions were determined for holocentrin and apocentrin. The alpha-helical content in centrin was determined to be 60%-53% in the presence and absence of cations, respectively. Furthermore, the beta-strand content was determined to be 12%-36%, while the random coil component remained almost constant at 7%-13.5% in the presence and absence of cations, respectively. Changes in the side-chain band are mostly due to the monodentate coordination of aspartate to the cation. A shift of approximately 4 cm(-1) (for the COO- antisymmetric stretch in Asp) from 1565 to 1569 cm(-1) is observed for apocentrin and holocentrin, respectively. Thermal dependence revealed reversible conformational transition temperatures for apocentrin at 37 degrees C and holocentrin at 45 degrees C, suggesting greater stability for holocentrin.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analyses of nrITS sequences of Asteraceae revealed that the Bellis group is a natural assemblage comprising all the species of Bellis and Bellium, but not Rhynchospermum. In contrast, we propose to include the genera Bellis, Bellium, and Bellidastrum in the subtribe Bellidinae in the interest of circumscribing natural groups. Our results also suggest an early diversification in the western Mediterranean Basin of two monophyletic lineages, Bellis and Bellium. Three major groups can be distinguished within BELLIS: (1) the B. perennis group, containing five annual and perennial species with three ploidy levels (diploid, octoploid, and decaploid), which are distributed throughout the Mediterranean Basin despite lack of pappus; (2) the Bellis sylvestris group, with five annual and perennial species primarily from the western Mediterranean, in which there are five ploidy levels (diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid, octoploid, and decaploid); and (3) a basal grade consisting of three diploid, perennial species which displays remarkable diversification of morphologies. Striking characteristics, such as an annual life form, polyploidy, and loss of pappus, seem to have occurred in parallel several times and in different geographical areas during the early diversification of Bellis species in the western Mediterranean. Character evolution reconstructions allow us to describe a putative ancestor of the genus Bellis (proto-Bellis).  相似文献   
Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is necessary for B-lymphocyte development. Mutation in the gene coding for Btk causes X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans. Similar to Btk, c-Abl is a tyrosine kinase shuttling between the cytoplasm and the nucleus where it is involved in different functions depending on the localization. In this report we describe for the first time that c-Abl and Btk physically interact and that c-Abl can phosphorylate tyrosine 223 in the SH3 domain of Btk. Interestingly, the Btk sequence matched a v-Abl substrate [correction] identified from a randomized peptide library and was also highly related to a number of previously found c-Abl substrates.  相似文献   
We studied the morfological diversity in fruits and seeds in 38 wild populations of Phaseolus lunatus var. lunatus (lima beans) in the central valley of Costa Rica. In order to do so, measured the length and width of the fruits and the length, width and thickness of seeds. We also calculated the ratio between these traits and determined the weight of 100 seeds. In general, we found significant variation between populations for all variables. When we grouped the 38 populations into eight geographical regions within the study area, we found significant differences between regions. However, the levels of variation between populations within geographical regions was larger than that found between geographical regions. These findings suggested that there is no clear relationship between these variables and the geographical grouping established in this study. The implications of these findings for the establishment of strategies for in situ conservation of wild populations of lima beans are discussed.  相似文献   
Parasites belonging to Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania mexicana complexes and Trypanosoma cruzi (clones 20 and 39) were searched in blood, lesions and strains collected from 28 patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis and one patient with visceral leishmaniasis. PCR-hybridization with specific probes of Leishmania complexes (L. braziliensis, L. donovani and L. mexicana) and T. cruzi clones was applied to the different DNA samples. Over 29 patients, 8 (27.6%) presented a mixed infection Leishmania complex species, 17 (58.6%) a mixed infection Leishmania-T. cruzi, and 4 (13.8%) a multi Leishmania-T. cruzi infection. Several patients were infected by the two Bolivian major clones 20 and 39 of T. cruzi (44.8%). The L. braziliensis complex was more frequently detected in lesions than in blood and a reverse result was observed for L. mexicana complex. The polymerase chain reaction-hybridization design offers new arguments supporting the idea of an underestimated rate of visceral leishmanisis in Bolivia. Parasites were isolated by culture from the blood of two patients and lesions of 10 patients. The UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages) dendrogram computed from Jaccard's distances obtained from 11 isoenzyme loci data confirmed the presence of the three Leishmania complexes and undoubtedly identified human infections by L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (L.) chagasi and L. (L.) mexicana species. Additional evidence of parasite mixtures was visualized through mixed isoenzyme profiles, L. (V.) braziliensis-L. (L.) mexicana and Leishmania spp.-T. cruzi.The epidemiological profile in the studied area appeared more complex than currently known. This is the first report of parasitological evidence of Bolivian patients with trypanosomatidae multi infections and consequences on the diseases' control and patient treatments are discussed.  相似文献   
POCUS: mining genomic sequence annotation to predict disease genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here we present POCUS (prioritization of candidate genes using statistics), a novel computational approach to prioritize candidate disease genes that is based on over-representation of functional annotation between loci for the same disease. We show that POCUS can provide high (up to 81-fold) enrichment of real disease genes in the candidate-gene shortlists it produces compared with the original large sets of positional candidates. In contrast to existing methods, POCUS can also suggest counterintuitive candidates.  相似文献   
This study analyzed the role of nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) in the abnormal renal vascular reactivity of hypothyroid rats. Renal responses to vasoconstrictors [VC: phenylephrine (PHE) and ANG II] and vasodilators [VD: ACh, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and papaverine (PV)] were studied in kidneys from control and hypothyroid rats under normal conditions and after NO or EDHF blockade. NO was blocked by the administration of Nomega-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) and EDHF by the administration of tetraethylammonium (TEA) or by an increased extracellular K+. The response to VC was also evaluated after endothelium removal. Hypothyroid kidneys showed reduced responsiveness to PHE and a normal response to ANG II. l-NAME and TEA administration produced an increased sensitivity to PHE and to ANG II in control preparations. l-NAME also increased the response to PHE in hypothyroid kidneys, but the differences between control and hypothyroid kidneys were maintained. TEA administration did not change the response to either VC in hypothyroid preparations. In endothelium-removed preparations, TEA was unable to increase pressor responsiveness to VC. Hypothyroid kidneys showed reduced responsiveness to ACh and SNP and normal response to PV. The differences between hypothyroid and control preparations in the responses to ACh and SNP were maintained after l-NAME or increased K+. In conclusion, this study shows that 1) the attenuated response to PHE in hypothyroidism is not related to an increased production of endothelium-derived relaxing factors NO and EDHF; 2) the response to VC in hypothyroid preparations is insensitive to EDHF blockade; and 3) hypothyroid preparations have a reduced reactivity to the NO donor, and NO-independent vasodilatation remains unaffected.  相似文献   
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