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The Rift Valley fever (RVF), which first appeared in Kenya in 1912, is an anthropozoonosis widespread in tropical areas. In Senegal, it is particularly felt in the Ferlo area where a strong presence of ponds shared by humans, cattle and vectors is noted. As part of the studies carried out on the environmental factors which favour its start and propagation, the focus of this paper is put on the decision making process to evaluate the impacts, the interactions and to make RVF monitoring easier. The present paper proposes a model based on data mining techniques and dedicated to trade experts. This model integrates all the involved data and the results of the analyses made on the characteristics of the surrounding ponds. This approach presents some advantage in revealing the relationship between environmental factors and RVF transmission vectors for space–time epidemiology monitoring purpose.  相似文献   
Inspired by Davidson method of estimating daily survivals of a structureless population of mosquitoes, we present a model which describes the behavior of floodwater mosquitoes in terms of emergence functions following a rainfall event, blood feeding frequency and parous stages, and survival at various stages. As a generalization of the Davidson formula, we have developed an approach for dealing with the dynamics of structured population of mosquitoes, and derived various formulas allowing assessment of demographic parameters like durations of gonotrophic cycles and (apparent) daily survivals. The method was subsequently applied to field data of floodwater mosquitoes Aedes vexans arabiensis, potential vectors of Rift Valley fever in West Africa, collected during the 2003 rainy season in Barkedji, Senegal. We found that mosquitoes emerged about 3 to 4 days following an efficient rainfall, and mosquito emergences, described by a bell shaped function, lasted for about 2 days. The mean duration of the gonotrophic cycle was 3 days and the apparent daily survival about 0.87.  相似文献   


In Africa, many areas are co-endemic for the two major Schistosoma species, S. mansoni and S. haematobium. Epidemiological studies have suggested that host immunological factors may play an important role in co-endemic areas. As yet, little is known about differences in host immune responses and possible immunological interactions between S. mansoni and S. haematobium in humans. The aim of this study was to analyze host cytokine responses to antigens from either species in a population from a co-endemic focus, and relate these to S. mansoni and S. haematobium infection.


Whole blood cytokine responses were investigated in a population in the north of Senegal (n = 200). Blood was stimulated for 72 h with schistosomal egg and adult worm antigens of either Schistosoma species. IL-10, IL-5, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production was determined in culture supernatants. A multivariate (i.e. multi-response) approach was used to allow a joint analysis of all cytokines in relation to Schistosoma infection.

Principal Findings

Schistosoma haematobium egg and worm antigens induced higher cytokine production, suggesting that S. haematobium may be more immunogenic than S. mansoni. However, both infections were strongly associated with similar, modified Th2 cytokine profiles.


This study is the first to compare S. mansoni and S. haematobium cytokine responses in one population residing in a co-endemic area. These findings are in line with previous epidemiological studies that also suggested S. haematobium egg and worm stages to be more immunogenic than those of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Spermatological characteristics of the troglotrematid digenean Nephrotrema truncatum, a parasite of the shrew Crocidura russula, have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural study reveals that the mature spermatozoon of N. truncatum exhibits many ultrastructural characters previously described in most gorgoderoideans. These are two axonemes of the 9+‘1‘ trepaxonematan pattern, four attachment zones, a lateral expansion, an external ornamentation of the plasma membrane associated with spine-like bodies and cortical microtubules, and in the posterior part of the anterior spermatozoon region, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules with the maximum number located in the anterior part of the spermatozoon, a nucleus, two mitochondria, and granules of glycogen. The obtained results are compared with those of other digeneans, particularly the Gorgoderoidea. The sperm cells gorgoderoideans are of type IV, characterised by a 9+‘1‘ pattern of axonemes, the presence of an external ornamentation associated with cortical microtubules and located in the posterior area of the anterior extremity, the presence of two bundles of cortical microtubules, the maximum number of cortical microtubules located in the anterior region of the spermatozoon, and the presence of generally two mitochondria. However, dicrocoeliids and troglotrematids have spermatozoa with ornamentation of the plasma membrane and lateral expansions.  相似文献   
Using parasite genotyping tools, we screened patients with mild uncomplicated malaria seeking treatment at a clinic in Thiès, Senegal, from 2006 to 2011. We identified a growing frequency of infections caused by genetically identical parasite strains, coincident with increased deployment of malaria control interventions and decreased malaria deaths. Parasite genotypes in some cases persisted clonally across dry seasons. The increase in frequency of genetically identical parasite strains corresponded with decrease in the probability of multiple infections. Further, these observations support evidence of both clonal and epidemic population structures. These data provide the first evidence of a temporal correlation between the appearance of identical parasite types and increased malaria control efforts in Africa, which here included distribution of insecticide treated nets (ITNs), use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria detection, and deployment of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT). Our results imply that genetic surveillance can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of disease control strategies and assist a rational global malaria eradication campaign.  相似文献   
During the dry season in February, 2010 and the wet season in September, 2011 we sampled mosquito larvae and eggs from treeholes of seven native hardwood species and the husks of Saba senegalensis in 18 sites in the PK‐10 forest in southeastern Senegal. Larvae were reared to adults for species identification. In the dry season, we recovered 408 Aedes mosquitoes belonging to seven species. Aedes aegypti s.l. comprised 42.4% of the collection, followed by Ae. unilineatus (39%). In contrast to reports from East Africa, both Ae. aegypti aegypti and Ae. aegypti formosus were recovered, suggesting that both subspecies survive the dry season in natural larval habitats in West Africa. In the wet season, 455 mosquitoes were collected but 310 (68.1%) were the facultatively predaceous mosquito Eretmapodites chrysogaster. The remaining 145 mosquitoes consisted of ten Aedes species. Aedes aegypti s.l. comprised 55.1% of these, followed by Ae. apicoargenteus (15.2%) and Ae. cozi (11.7%). Similar to East Africa, most (90%) of Ae. aegypti s.l. in the wet season were subspecies formosus.  相似文献   
Aridification processes that affected the Sahelian area of West Africa during the last decades have induced significant changes in plant and animal communities of this region. In rodents, the genus Gerbillus characteristic of North African and Asian arid habitats has been affected by this climatic and environmental trends. Several species of this genus showed a southward range expansion in recent years into the Sahelian bioclimatic zone. Recent sampling in several localities of West Africa (Mali, Niger and Senegal) enabled us to collect numerous specimens of small gerbils. An integrative study of these samples using molecular, morphological and cytogenetical methods revealed that many of them were attributable to Gerbillus nancillus, a secretive and poorly known species. Gerbillus nancillus appears characterized by a well differentiated karyotype with 2n = 56 chromosomes, and to represent a unique genetic lineage within this genus. Body and skull measurements of G. nancillus were compared with those of the morphologically similar Gerbillus henleyi, which provided diagnostic clues between them. These new data significantly expand the distribution area of G. nancillus, which now ranges from Sudan in the East to Senegal in the West. G. nancillus is here reported from numerous new localities in Niger and Mali, and for the first time in Senegal, which raises questions about the origin of its presence and the colonization routes it followed to get there. We also show that G. henleyi and G. nancillus are sympatric and apparently often syntopic in the sub-Saharan part of the distribution of G. henleyi.  相似文献   
Hint2, one of the five members of the superfamily of the histidine triad AMP-lysine hydrolase proteins, is expressed in mitochondria of various cell types. In human adrenocarcinoma cells, Hint2 modulates Ca2+ handling by mitochondria. As Hint2 is highly expressed in hepatocytes, we investigated if this protein affects Ca2+ dynamics in this cell type. We found that in hepatocytes isolated from Hint2−/− mice, the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations induced by 1 μM noradrenaline was 150% higher than in the wild-type. Using spectrophotometry, we analyzed the rates of Ca2+ pumping in suspensions of mitochondria prepared from hepatocytes of either wild-type or Hint2−/− mice; we found that Hint2 accelerates Ca2+ pumping into mitochondria. We then resorted to computational modeling to elucidate the possible molecular target of Hint2 that could explain both observations. On the basis of a detailed model for mitochondrial metabolism proposed in another study, we identified the respiratory chain as the most probable target of Hint2. We then used the model to predict that the absence of Hint2 leads to a premature opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in response to repetitive additions of Ca2+ in suspensions of mitochondria. This prediction was then confirmed experimentally.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton [chlorophyll a (Chl a)], microzooplankton,mesozooplankton and macrozooplankton biomass and distributionwere studied as part of a multidisciplinary project (Tempano)along the Antarctic Peninsula during December 2002. Even thoughthe summer phytoplankton bloom was not yet developed in thearea, autotrophs dominated the plankton biomass. Phytoplanktonvertical distribution was, in general, homogeneous in the upper40–50 m of the water column, further decreasing with depth.Protozoans showed low biomass; their contribution to the totalplankton being one order of magnitude lower than that of autotrophs.The vertical distribution of protozoans was variable among stationswith marked peaks at depths ranging from 30 to 80 m. Mesozooplankton-integratedbiomass was generally low, although there was a notable increasesouthward near the ice marginal zone. Macrozooplankton distributionwas more variable without any clear zonal distribution pattern.The vertical distribution of meso- and macrozooplankton (>4mm) biomass showed clear peaks of abundance comprising differentspecies depending on the geographical area. Our biomass distributiondata suggest a food-web scenario in which macrozooplankton arepreying on mesozooplankton populations only in the northernerstations, and mesozooplankton are, in their turn, shaping theabundance of the emerging populations of microzooplankton. Phytoplankton,on the other hand, seem to be hardly controlled by grazing activity.  相似文献   
The trophic relation between prokaryotes and heterotrophic nanoflagellateswas studied during two latitudinal cruises in the central AtlanticOcean. The losses to predation on prokaryotes were determinedin 12 locations covering a wide range of trophic situations,from ultraoligotrophic [<0.05 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) m–3]to moderately eutrophic waters (>1 mg Chl a m–3). Inthese locations, the abundance of prokaryotes (P) covaries withthat of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, thus suggesting thatresources controlled the abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates(HNF). Besides, the losses to predation were positively relatedto prokaryotic and heterotrophic nanoflagellate biomass, whichpoints toward higher consumption rates associated with largerconcentrations of preys and predators. Conversely, decliningtrends between prokaryotic production (PP) and the fractionof this production lost to predation revealed higher relativelosses in the environments with lower productions. Our studyshows for the central Atlantic that 35% of prokaryotic biomass(BP), equating to between 40 and 83% of PP can be ingested dailyand that 55% of the variability observed in the rate of prokaryoticloss to predation was related with the HNF. As predators grazeon many prey types, in an oligotrophic system containing manyprey species but little numeric loading, there will still beprey for predators but not enough hosts for viruses. In thissense, our study confirms the importance of the prey–predatorrelationship between prokaryotes and heterotrophic nanoflagellatesin the flow of carbon of the less productive regions of theocean.  相似文献   
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