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Information processing is a cognitive trait forming the basis of complex abilities like executive function. The Trail Making Test (TMT) is a well‐established test of information processing with moderate to high heritability. Age of the individual also plays an important role. A number of genetic association studies with the TMT have been performed, which, however, did not consider age as a moderating factor. We report the results of genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) on age‐independent and age‐dependent TMT performance in two population‐representative community samples (Munich Antidepressant Response Signature, MARS: N1 = 540; Ludwig Maximilians University, LMU: N2 = 350). Age‐dependent genome‐wide findings were then evaluated in a third sample of healthy elderly subjects (Sydney Memory and Ageing Study, Sydney MAS: N3 = 448). While a meta‐analysis on the GWAS findings did not reveal age‐independent TMT associations withstanding correction for multiple testing, we found a genome‐wide significant age‐moderated effect between variants in the DSG1 gene region and TMT‐A performance predominantly reflecting visual processing speed (rs2199301, Pmeta‐analysis = 1.3 × 10?7). The direction of the interaction suggests for the minor allele a beneficial effect in younger adults turning into a detrimental effect in older adults. The detrimental effect of the missense single nucleotide polymorphism rs1426310 within the same DSG1 gene region could be replicated in Sydney MAS participants aged 70–79, but not in those aged 80 years and older, presumably a result of survivor bias. Our findings demonstrate opposing effects of DSG1 variants on information processing speed depending on age, which might be related to the complex processes that DSG1 is involved with, including cell adhesion and apoptosis.  相似文献   
Stress during childhood and adolescence is a risk factor for psychopathology. Alterations in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, have been found following stress exposure and fear experiences and are often implicated in anxiety and mood disorders. Abnormal amygdala functioning has also been detected following stress exposure and is also implicated in anxiety and social disorders. However, the amygdala is not a unitary structure; it includes several nuclei with different functions and little is known on the potential differences the impact of early life stress may have on this system within different amygdaloid nuclei. We aimed here to evaluate potential regional differences in the expression of GABAergic-related markers across several amygdaloid nuclei in adult rats subjected to a peripuberty stress protocol that leads to enhanced basal amygdala activity and psychopathological behaviors. More specifically, we investigated the protein expression levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD; the principal synthesizing enzyme of GABA) and of GABA-A receptor subunits α2 and α3. We found reduced GAD and GABA-A α3, but not α2, subunit protein levels throughout all the amygdala nuclei examined (lateral, basolateral, basomedial, medial and central) and increased anxiety-like behaviors and reduced sociability in peripubertally stressed animals. Our results identify an enduring inhibition of the GABAergic system across the amygdala following exposure to early adversity. They also highlight the suitability of the peripuberty stress model to investigate the link between treatments targeting the dysfunctional GABAergic system in specific amygdala nuclei and recovery of specific stress-induced behavioral dysfunctions.  相似文献   
The current study sought to examine the relative influence of genetic and environmental factors on corpus callosum (CC) microstructure in a community sample of older adult twins. Analyses were undertaken in 284 healthy older twins (66% female; 79 MZ and 63 DZ pairs) from the Older Australian Twins Study. The average age of the sample was 69.82 (SD = 4.76) years. Brain imaging scans were collected and DTI measures were estimated for the whole CC as well as its five subregions. Parcellation of the CC was performed using Analyze. In addition, white matter lesion (WMLs) burden was estimated. Heritability and genetic correlation analyses were undertaken using the SOLAR software package. Age, sex, scanner, handedness and blood pressure were considered as covariates. Heritability (h2) analysis for the DTI metrics of whole CC, indicated significant h2 for fractional anisotropy (FA) (h2 = 0.56; p = 2.89×10−10), mean diffusivity (MD) (h2 = 0.52; p = 0.30×10−6), radial diffusivity (RD) (h2 = 0.49; p = 0.2×10−6) and axial diffusivity (AD) (h2 = 0.37; p = 8.15×10−5). We also performed bivariate genetic correlation analyses between (i) whole CC DTI measures and (ii) whole CC DTI measures with total brain WML burden. Across the DTI measures for the whole CC, MD and RD shared 84% of the common genetic variance, followed by MD- AD (77%), FA - RD (52%), RD - AD (37%) and FA – MD (11%). For total WMLs, significant genetic correlations indicated that there was 19% shared common genetic variance with whole CC MD, followed by CC RD (17%), CC AD (16%) and CC FA (5%). Our findings suggest that the CC microstructure is under moderate genetic control. There was also evidence of shared genetic factors between the CC DTI measures. In contrast, there was less shared genetic variance between WMLs and the CC DTI metrics, suggesting fewer common genetic variants.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a prospective model system for understanding molecular mechanisms associated with DNA repair in plants and algae. To explore this possibility, we have developed an in vitro repair system from C. reinhardtii cell-free extracts that can efficiently repair UVC damage (Thymine-dimers) in the DNA. We observed that excision repair (ER) synthesis based nucleotide incorporation, specifically in UVC damaged supercoiled (SC) DNA, was followed by ligation of nicks. Photoreactivation efficiently competed out the ER in the presence of light. In addition, repair efficiency in cell-free extracts from ER deficient strains was several fold lower than that of wild-type cell extract. Interestingly, the inhibitor profile of repair DNA polymerase involved in C. reinhardtii in vitro ER system was akin to animal rather than plant DNA polymerase. The methodology to prepare repair competent cell-free extracts described in the current study can aid further molecular characterization of ER pathway in C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   
Leukotoxin (Ltx) is a prominent virulence factor produced by Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, an oral microorganism highly associated with aggressive periodontitis. Ltx compromises host responsiveness by altering the viability of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. Previously, we developed a Rhesus (Rh) monkey colonization model designed to determine the effect of virulence gene mutations on colonization of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Unexpectedly, an A. actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin (ltxA) mutant (RhAa-VS2) failed to colonize in the Rh model. No previous literature suggested that Ltx was associated with A. actinomycetemcomitans binding to tooth surfaces. These results led us to explore the broad effects of the ltxA mutation in vitro. Results indicated that LtxA activity was completely abolished in RhAa-VS2 strain, while complementation significantly (P<0.0001) restored leukotoxicity compared to RhAa-VS2 strain. RT-PCR analysis of ltx gene expression ruled out polar effects. Furthermore, binding of RhAa-VS2 to salivary-coated hydroxyapatite (SHA) was significantly decreased (P<0.0001) compared to wild type RhAa3 strain. Real time RT-PCR analysis of the genes related to SHA binding in RhAa-VS2 showed that genes related to binding were downregulated [rcpA (P = 0.018), rcpB (P = 0.02), tadA (P = 0.002)] as compared to wild type RhAa3. RhAa-VS2 also exhibited decreased biofilm depth (P = 0.008) and exo-polysaccharide production (P<0.0001). Buccal epithelial cell (BEC) binding of RhAa-VS2 was unaffected. Complementation with ltxA restored binding to SHA (P<0.002) but had no effect on biofilm formation when compared to RhAa3. In conclusion, mutation of ltxA diminished hard tissue binding in vitro, which helps explain the previous in vivo failure of a ltxA knockout to colonize the Rh oral cavity. These results suggest that; 1) one specific gene knockout (in this case ltxA) could affect other seemingly unrelated genes (such as rcpA, rcpB tadA etc), and 2) some caution should be used when interpreting the effect attributed to targeted gene mutations when seen in a competitive in vivo environment.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial serine protease HtrA2/Omi helps to maintain mitochondrial function by handling misfolded proteins in the intermembrane space. In addition, HtrA2/Omi has been implicated as a proapoptotic factor upon release into the cytoplasm during the cell death cascade. The protein contains a C-terminal PDZ domain that packs against the protease active site and inhibits proteolytic activity. Engagement of the PDZ domain by peptide ligands has been shown to activate the protease and also has been proposed to mediate substrate recognition. We report a detailed structural and functional analysis of the human HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain using peptide libraries and affinity assays to define specificity, X-ray crystallography to view molecular details of PDZ-ligand interactions, and alanine-scanning mutagenesis to probe the peptide-binding groove. We show that the HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain recognizes both C-terminal and internal stretches of extended, hydrophobic polypeptides. High-affinity ligand recognition requires contacts with up to five hydrophobic side chains by distinct sites on the PDZ domain. However, no particular residue type is absolutely required at any position, and thus, the HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain appears to be a promiscuous module adapted to recognize unstructured, hydrophobic polypeptides. This type of specificity is consistent with the biological role of HtrA2/Omi in mitochondria, which requires the recognition of diverse, exposed stretches of hydrophobic sequences in misfolded proteins. The findings are less consistent with, but do not exclude, a role for the PDZ domain in targeting the protease to specific substrates during apoptosis.  相似文献   
Alphaviruses are mosquito-transmitted RNA viruses that cause important diseases in both humans and livestock. Sindbis virus (SIN), the type species of the alphavirus genus, carries a 11.7-kb positive-sense RNA genome which is capped at its 5′ end and polyadenylated at its 3′ end. The 3′ nontranslated region (3′NTR) of the SIN genome carries many AU-rich motifs, including a 19-nucleotide (nt) conserved element (3′CSE) and a poly(A) tail. This 3′CSE and the adjoining poly(A) tail are believed to regulate the synthesis of negative-sense RNA and genome replication in vivo. We have recently demonstrated that the SIN genome lacking the poly(A) tail was infectious and that de novo polyadenylation could occur in vivo (K. R. Hill, M. Hajjou, J. Hu, and R. Raju, J. Virol. 71:2693–2704, 1997). Here, we demonstrate that the 3′-terminal 29-nt region of the SIN genome carries a signal for possible cytoplasmic polyadenylation. To further investigate the polyadenylation signals within the 3′NTR, we generated a battery of mutant genomes with mutations in the 3′NTR and tested their ability to generate infectious virus and undergo 3′ polyadenylation in vivo. Engineered SIN genomes with terminal deletions within the 19-nt 3′CSE were infectious and regained their poly(A) tail. Also, a SIN genome carrying the poly(A) tail but lacking a part or the entire 19-nt 3′CSE was also infectious. Sequence analysis of viruses generated from these engineered SIN genomes demonstrated the addition of a variety of AU-rich sequence motifs just adjacent to the poly(A) tail. The addition of AU-rich motifs to the mutant SIN genomes appears to require the presence of a significant portion of the 3′NTR. These results indicate the ability of alphavirus RNAs to undergo 3′ repair and the existence of a pathway for the addition of AU-rich sequences and a poly(A) tail to their 3′ end in the infected host cell. Most importantly, these results indicate the ability of alphavirus replication machinery to use a multitude of AU-rich RNA sequences abutted by a poly(A) motif as promoters for negative-sense RNA synthesis and genome replication in vivo. The possible roles of cytoplasmic polyadenylation machinery, terminal transferase-like enzymes, and the viral polymerase in the terminal repair processes are discussed.  相似文献   
We have identified a Helicobacter pylori d-glycero-d-manno-heptosyltransferase gene, HP0479, which is involved in the biosynthesis of the outer core region of H. pylori lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Insertional inactivation of HP0479 resulted in formation of a truncated LPS molecule lacking an alpha-1,6-glucan-, dd-heptose-containing outer core region and O-chain polysaccharide. Detailed structural analysis of purified LPS from HP0479 mutants of strains SS1, 26695, O:3, and PJ1 by a combination of chemical and mass spectrometric methods showed that HP0479 likely encodes alpha-1,2-d-glycero-d-manno-heptosyltransferase, which adds a d-glycero-d-manno-heptose residue (DDHepII) to a distal dd-heptose of the core oligosaccharide backbone of H. pylori LPS. When the wild-type HP0479 gene was reintegrated into the chromosome of strain 26695 by using an "antibiotic cassette swapping" method, the complete LPS structure was restored. Introduction of the HP0479 mutation into the H. pylori mouse-colonizing Sydney (SS1) strain and the clinical isolate PJ1, which expresses dd-heptoglycan, resulted in the loss of colonization in a mouse model. This indicates that H. pylori expressing a deeply truncated LPS is unable to successfully colonize the murine stomach and provides evidence for a critical role of the outer core region of H. pylori LPS in colonization.  相似文献   
Summary A synthetic lactose-inducible promoter was chosen to study host cell responses to the over-expression of heterologous genes. Fermentations were conducted to compare the effect of induction strategies on the synthesis of -galactosidase versus the production of recombinant protein. The levels of lactose, IPTG and glucose during induction were manipulated to adjust the utilization of lactose as the inducer and/or the carbon source. In addition, the involvement of the gal operon in lactose metabolism was also explored in order to optimize lactose transport and utilization during induction.  相似文献   
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