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Since phospholipids are major components of all serum lipoproteins, the role of phospholipid biosynthesis in lipoprotein secretion from cultured rat hepatocytes has been investigated. In liver, phosphatidylcholine is made both by the CDP-choline pathway and by the methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine, which in turn is derived from both serine (via phosphatidylserine) and ethanolamine (via CDP-ethanolamine). Monolayer cultures of rat hepatocytes were incubated in the presence of [methyl-3H]choline, [1-3H] ethanolamine, or [3-3H]serine. The specific radioactivity of the phospholipids derived from each of these precursors was measured in the cells and in the secreted lipoproteins of the cultured medium. The specific radioactivities of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine derived from [1-3H]ethanolamine were markedly lower (approximately one-half and less than one-tenth, respectively) in the secreted phospholipids than in the cellular phospholipids. Thus, ethanolamine was not an effective precursor of the phospholipids in lipoproteins. On the contrary, the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylcholine made from [methyl-3H]choline was approximately equal in cells and lipoproteins. In addition, over the first 4 h of incubation with [3-3H]serine, the specific radioactivities of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were significantly higher in the lipoproteins than in the cells. These data indicate that there is not a random and homogeneous labeling of the phospholipid pools from the radioactive precursors. Instead, specific pools of phospholipids are selected, on the basis of their routes of biosynthesis, for secretion into lipoproteins.  相似文献   
We have determined the structures and thermodynamic stabilities of the wild type Asn-52 and unusually thermostable mutant Ile-52 yeast iso-1-cytochromes c (Das, G., Hickey, D. R. McLendon, D., McLendon, G., and Sherman, F. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 496-499). Although both structures were similar, Water-166, buried within the wild type protein, is excluded from the Ile-52 mutant, which substantially reorganizes the local hydrogen bonding. Wild type Cys-102 was replaced with alanine or serine to eliminate dimerization in vitro. The Cys-102 (wild type), Ala-102, and Ser-102 proteins were equally stable, whereas the chemically modified Cys-102-SCH3 was less stable. The order of stability observed with replacements at positions 52 and 102 was as follows: Ile-52 Ala-102 greater than Ala-52 Ala-102 greater than Asn-52 Ala-102 ("normal") greater than Gly-52 Ala-102. No significant stabilization was attributed to potential energy interactions expressed as helix-forming propensities of replacements at position 52. A high correlation between differences in free energy changes and transfer free energies suggests hydrophobic interactions are the main factor for enhancing stability in the Ile-52 mutant. Additional possible contributions to the thermostability of the Ile-52 variant are energetic effects due to packing and hydrogen bonding changes surrounding position 52.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - A member of the Trk family of neurotrophin receptors, tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB, encoded by the NTRK2 gene) is an increasingly important target in various...  相似文献   
We are addressing the puzzling metal ion specificity of Fe- and Mn-containing superoxide dismutases (SODs) [see C.K.Vance, A.-F. Miller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120(3) (1998) 461–467]. Here, we test the significance to activity and active site integrity of the Gln side chain at the center of the active site hydrogen bond network. We have generated a mutant of MnSOD with the active site Gln in the location characteristic of Fe-specific SODs. The active site is similar to that of MnSOD when Mn2+, Fe3+ or Fe2+ are bound, based on EPR and NMR spectroscopy. However, the mutant’s Fe-supported activity is at least 7% that of FeSOD, in contrast to Fe(Mn)SOD, which has 0% of FeSOD’s activity. Thus, moving the active site Gln converts Mn-specific SOD into a cambialistic SOD and the Gln proves to be important but not the sole determinant of metal-ion specificity. Indeed, subtle differences in the spectra of Mn2+, Fe3+ and 1H in the presence of Fe2+ distinguish the G77Q, Q146A mut-(Mn)SOD from WT (Mn)SOD, and may prove to be correlated with metal ion activity. We have directly observed the side chain of the active site Gln in Fe2+SOD and Fe2+(Mn)SOD by 15N NMR. The very different chemical shifts indicate that the active site Gln interacts differently with Fe2+ in the two proteins. Since a shorter distance from Gln to Fe and stronger interaction with Fe correlate with a lower Em in Fe(Mn)SOD, Gln has the effect of destabilizing additional electron density on the metal ion. It may do this by stabilizing OH coordinated to the metal ion.  相似文献   
Binding of thrombospondin (TSP) to types I-V collagen was examined by direct binding assays using 125I-TSP and by visualization of rotary-shadowed intermolecular complexes in the electron microscope. The binding of TSP was highest to type V collagen in the absence of Ca, while lower but significant levels of binding were observed to all other collagen types in the presence or absence of Ca. Unlike intact TSP, the trimeric collagen-binding domain of TSP composed of 70-kD chains showed no Ca dependence in its binding to type V collagen. Further evidence for binding of TSP to types I and III collagen was obtained by competition studies in which these soluble collagens effectively inhibited binding of 125I-TSP to immobilized type V collagen. The binding of TSP to type V collagen was inhibited by heparin and fucoidin, both high-affinity ligands of TSP's heparin-binding domain. mAb A6.1, which binds to the 70-kD domain of TSP, is also the best of a panel of anti-TSP mAbs at inhibiting the TSP-collagen interaction. Electron microscopy of rotary-shadowed replicas of TSP-collagen complexes revealed that all five types of collagen examined had a binding site for TSP at one end of the pepsinized, triple helical molecule. The specificity of this site was tested by examining the ability of BSA to form a complex with the end of the pepsinized collagens. Rotary-shadowed replicas revealed a low frequency of apparent BSA-collagen complexes, and histograms of these data showed no evidence for the preferential association of BSA with the end of the collagen molecules. In addition to the specific end site, type V collagen had an internal binding site for TSP located about two-thirds of the distance along the length of the collagen molecule from the end site. The internal binding site for TSP on type V collagen is apparently the site responsible for the higher affinity binding of TSP to that protein observed in direct binding assays. The trimeric 70-kD collagen-binding domain of TSP bound to the same sites on the collagens as did intact TSP.  相似文献   
The glutathione S-transferases that were purified to homogeneity from liver cytosol have overlapping but distinct substrate specificities and different isoelectric points. This report explores the possibility of using preparative electrofocusing to compare the composition of the transferases in liver and kidney cytosol. Hepatic cytosol from adult male Sprague–Dawley rats was resolved by isoelectric focusing on Sephadex columns into five peaks of transferase activity, each with characteristic substrate specificity. The first four peaks of transferase activity (in order of decreasing basicity) are identified as transferases AA, B, A and C respectively, on the basis of substrate specificity, but the fifth peak (pI6.6) does not correspond to a previously described transferase. Isoelectric focusing of renal cytosol resolves only three major peaks of transferase activity, each with narrow substrate specificity. In the kidney, peak 1 (pI9.0) has most of the activity toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, peak 2 (pI8.5) toward p-nitrobenzyl chloride, and peak 3 (pI7.0) toward trans-4-phenylbut-3-en-2-one. Renal transferase peak 1 (pI9.0) appears to correspond to transferase B on the basis of pI, substrate specificity and antigenicity. Kidney transferase peaks 2 (pI8.5) and 3 (pI7.0) do not correspond to previously described glutathione S-transferases, although kidney transferase peak 3 is similar to the transferase peak 5 from focused hepatic cytosol. Transferases A and C were not found in kidney cytosol, and transferase AA was detected in only one out of six replicates. Thus it is important to recognize the contribution of individual transferases to total transferase activity in that each transferase may be regulated independently.  相似文献   
Chemical cross-linking of the proteins of Semliki Forest virus has been performed in virus particles and in baby hamster kidney-21 (BHK-21) cells infected with Semliki Forest virus. Most of the studies were done with the reversible cross-linkers dimethyl 3,3'-thiobis(propionimidate) and dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). The identity of the cross-linked species was determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The results with virus particles showed extensive cross-linking of the nucleocapsid proteins and the formation of dimers of the two large envelope glycoproteins (E1 and E2). Similar patterns for the cross-linked virus proteins were observed in plasma membranes isolated from BHK-21 cells infected with Semliki Forest virus. No cross-linking of the third envelope glycoprotein (E3) was observed. Also, there was no evidence for significant cross-linking between host and virus proteins. The addition of colchicine, a drug that disrupts microtubules, to infected BHK-21 cells had no effect on the cross-linking of virus proteins in the plasma membrane. In contrast, dibucaine, a local anesthetic, greatly inhibited the formation of envelope dimers (E1-E2) in plasma membranes, but not in virus particles. The implication of these results for the involvement of the cytoskeletal system in the morphogenesis of Semliki Forest virus is discussed.  相似文献   
Residues Arg283, Arg285, and Ile287 are highly conserved amino acids in bovine viral diarrhea virus RNA polymerase (BVDV RdRp) and RdRps from related positive-strand RNA viruses. This motif is an important part of the binding pocket for the nascent RNA base pair during initiation and elongation. We found that replacement of the arginines with alanines or more conserved lysines or replacement of isoleucine with alanine or valine alters the ability of the mutant RdRps to incorporate ribonucleotides efficiently. The reduced RdRp activity stems from both decreased ribonucleotide binding and decreased catalytic efficiency in both primer-dependent and de novo initiation, as shown by kinetic studies. In line with other studies on flaviviral RdRps, our data suggest that Arg283 and Ile287 may be implicated in ribonucleotide binding and positioning of the template base in the active site. Arg285 appears to be involved directly in the selection of cognate nucleotide. The findings for Arg285 and Ile287 mutants also agree with similar data from picornavirus RdRps.  相似文献   
To examine the neural basis of the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal, we have developed a rodent model in which functional MRI data and in vivo intracortical recording can be performed simultaneously. The combination of MRI and electrical recording is technically challenging because the electrodes used for recording distort the MRI images and the MRI acquisition induces noise in the electrical recording. To minimize the mutual interference of the two modalities, glass microelectrodes were used rather than metal and a noise removal algorithm was implemented for the electrophysiology data. In our studies, two microelectrodes were separately implanted in bilateral primary somatosensory cortices (SI) of the rat and fixed in place. One coronal slice covering the electrode tips was selected for functional MRI. Electrode shafts and fixation positions were not included in the image slice to avoid imaging artifacts. The removed scalp was replaced with toothpaste to reduce susceptibility mismatch and prevent Gibbs ringing artifacts in the images. The artifact structure induced in the electrical recordings by the rapidly-switching magnetic fields during image acquisition was characterized by averaging all cycles of scans for each run. The noise structure during imaging was then subtracted from original recordings. The denoised time courses were then used for further analysis in combination with the fMRI data. As an example, the simultaneous acquisition was used to determine the relationship between spontaneous fMRI BOLD signals and band-limited intracortical electrical activity. Simultaneous fMRI and electrophysiological recording in the rodent will provide a platform for many exciting applications in neuroscience in addition to elucidating the relationship between the fMRI BOLD signal and neuronal activity.Download video file.(95M, mp4)  相似文献   
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