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Slow‐colonizing forest understorey plants are probably not able to rapidly adjust their distribution range following large‐scale climate change. Therefore, the acclimation potential to climate change within their actual occupied habitats will likely be key for their short‐ and long‐term persistence. We combined transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient with open‐top chambers to assess the effects of temperature on phenology, growth and reproductive performance of multiple populations of slow‐colonizing understorey plants, using the spring flowering geophytic forb Anemone nemorosa and the early summer flowering grass Milium effusum as study species. In both species, emergence time and start of flowering clearly advanced with increasing temperatures. Vegetative growth (plant height, aboveground biomass) and reproductive success (seed mass, seed germination and germinable seed output) of A. nemorosa benefited from higher temperatures. Climate warming may thus increase future competitive ability and colonization rates of this species. Apart from the effects on phenology, growth and reproductive performance of M. effusum generally decreased when transplanted southwards (e.g., plant size and number of individuals decreased towards the south) and was probably more limited by light availability in the south. Specific leaf area of both species increased when transplanted southwards, but decreased with open‐top chamber installation in A. nemorosa. In general, individuals of both species transplanted at the home site performed best, suggesting local adaptation. We conclude that contrasting understorey plants may display divergent plasticity in response to changing temperatures which may alter future understorey community dynamics.  相似文献   
Earth system models associate the ongoing global warming with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events such as droughts and heat waves. The carbon balance of soils may be more sensitive to the impact of such extremes than to homogeneously distributed changes in soil temperature (Ts) or soil water content (θs). One parameter influenced by more pronounced drying/rewetting cycles or increases in Ts is the wettability of soils. Results from laboratory and field studies showed that low θs, particularly in combination with high Ts can increase soil water repellency (SWR). Recent studies have provided evidence that the stability of soil organic matter (SOM) against microbial decomposition is substantially enhanced in water repellent soils. This review hypothesizes that SWR is an important SOM stabilization mechanism that could become more important because of the increase in extreme events. We discuss wettability‐induced changes in soil moisture distribution and in soil aggregate turnover as the main mechanisms explaining the reduced mineralization of SOM with increasing SWR. The creation of preferential flow paths and subsequent uneven penetration of rainwater may cause a long‐term reduction of soil water availability, affecting both microorganisms and plants. We conclude that climate change‐induced SWR may intensify the effects of climatic drought and thus affects ecosystem processes such as SOM decomposition and plant productivity, as well as changes in vegetation and microbial community structure. Future research on biosphere–climate interactions should consider the effects of increasing SWR on soil moisture and subsequently on both microbial activity and plant productivity, which ultimately determine the overall carbon balance.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Proventocitum procerulum radiolarian assemblage from the Valhallfonna Formation of Spitsbergen is described for the first time in some detail from material investigated in transmitted light. A number of species are recognized in the well‐preserved material, showing unexpected diversity. The age of the fauna is restricted to the early Darriwilian (Da1‐2), based on comparison with precisely dated radiolarian assemblages from the Cow Head and Table Head Groups of western Newfoundland. Most species, however, are left in open nomenclature until additional material is available for SEM investigation. Inanigutta magnifica n. sp. is described as new.  相似文献   
B cell differentiation depends on cellular interactions with T lymphocytes and monocytes via adhesion molecules (AM). In order to characterize AM which are required for B cell differentiation immunoglobulin production using unseparated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was studied. Unstimulated human PBMC were cultured for 9 days with mAb directed at CD2/CD48, /CD58, CD59, CD5/CD72, CD11a—CD18/CD54, CD28/CD80, CD86, CD40/CD40L, or rat CD2 (control). B cell differentiation was quantified measuring IgM and in some cases IgA, IgG, and IgE production. IgM levels were significantly reduced by mAb against CD40, CD48, CD58 and CD80. The reduction was not due to isotype switching to IgA, IgG or IgE. The role of CD40, CD48, CD58 and CD80 was further investigated after depletion of different cell types. Depletion of monocytes and NK cells resulted in no detectable IgM production irrespective of added mAbs. In contrast, IgM production was still present after depletion of T cells and NK cells. Only mAb against CD80 and CD48 significantly reduced IgM production, the reduction of IgM production by anti-CD40 mAb was less than in the presence of T cells. Importantly, anti-CD58 mAb had no effect on IgM production after T cell and NK cell depletion. Taken together, the AM CD40, CD48, CD58, and CD80 are involved in Ig production of unseparated PBMCs. In this model of B cell differentiation only the AM CD58 depend on the presence of T cells while CD48 and CD80 help was found to be T cell independent.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A lower jaw with multicusped teeth and a number of unique characteristics was discovered in an extensive exposure of the Upper Triassic Kössen Formation in the Northern Calcareous Alps. The ramus of the jaw is high and dominated by a row of large, oval foramina that lies parallel to the tooth row. In addition, the anterior portion of the dentary exhibits a large number of nutritive foramina and small pits, which might indicate an association with a soft tissue structure and/or the presence of a keratinous cover of that area during life. All elements of the jaw are thin-walled and hollow, possibly pneumatic. Two teeth are preserved within the dentary. One is tricuspid and the other bears four cuSPS. The teeth are noticeably small in comparison with the overall size of the ramus, being only one-third of the height of the ramus. The teeth show a strong similarity to those of the well-known basal pterosaur genus Eudimorphodon , whose jaw morphology, however, clearly differs from the specimen described in this study. The dentition and the pneumatic bone structure make an assignment to the Pterosauria plausible. Based on the great number of distinct morphological characters the specimen is described as Caviramus schesaplanensis gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Several parasitic wasps of the Pimplinae (Ichneumonidae) use self-produced vibrations transmitted through plant substrate to locate their concealed immobile hosts (lepidopteran pupae) by reflected signals. This mechanosensory mechanism of host location, called vibrational sounding, depends on the physical characteristics of the plant substrate and the wasp's body and is postulated to depend on ambient temperature. Adaptations of two parasitoid species to thermal conditions of their habitats and the influence of temperature on the trophic interaction during host location are investigated in the tropical Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg) and compared with the temperate Pimpla turionellae (L.). Plant-stem models with hidden host mimics are offered to individual wasps under defined temperature treatments and scored for the number and location of ovipositor insertions. Significant effects of temperature are found on host-location activity and its success. The tropical species possesses an optimum temperature range for vibrational sounding between 26 and 32 °C, whereas the performance decreases both at low and high temperatures. The temperate species reveals substantial differences with respect to performance at the same thermal conditions. With increasing temperature, P. turionellae shows a reduced response to the host mimic, reduced numbers of ovipositor insertions, and decreased precision of mechanosensory host location. In the tropical X. stemmator , the female wasps are able to locate their host with high precision over a broad range of ambient temperatures, which suggests endothermic thermoregulation during vibrational sounding. Environmental physiology may therefore play a key role in adaptation of the host location mechanism to climatic conditions of the species' origin.  相似文献   
STÖCKLIN, J., 1992. Differences in the location of subcotyledonary buds among Epilobium angustifolium L., E. dodonaei Vill. and E. fleischeri Hochst. (Onagraceae) and effects on architecture and population structure . Morphological and architectural features in the two closely related pioneer plant species Epilobium dodonaei and E. fleischeri are examined in cultivation and in the field and compared with E. angustifolium. In E. angustifolium , the aerial shoot system is renewed every year from buds on horizontal roots and results in a horizontal spread and a clonal growth form. In E. dodonaei , bud formation is restricted to the hypocotyl and in larger plants to the transitional region between root and shoot. Consequently this species shows no vegetative mobility and develops a shrub-like habit. The alpine E. fleischeri combines the habit of E. angustifolium and E. dodonaei and may either develop successive generations of shoots from the transitional region between root and shoot and/or exploit new areas by horizontal roots and the formation of shoots from root buds. The simple difference in the location of renewal buds is accentuated by cumulative growth. The study shows that E. dodonaei and E. fleischeri , which often are considered as subspecies, are separated by fundamental differences in their architectural models. The ecological and demographic implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Combining measurements of electric potential and pH with such of chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf gas exchange showed heat stimulation to evoke an electrical signal (propagation speed: 3–5 mm s−1) that travelled through the leaf while reducing the net CO2 uptake rate and the photochemical quantum yield of both photosystems (PS). Two-dimensional imaging analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal of PS II revealed that the yield reduction spread basipetally via the veins through the leaf at a speed of 1.6 ± 0.3 mm s−1 while the propagation speed in the intervein region was c. 50 times slower. Propagation of the signal through the veins was confirmed because PS I, which is present in the bundle sheath cells around the leaf vessels, was affected first. Hence, spreading of the signal along the veins represents a path with higher travelling speed than within the intervein region of the leaf lamina. Upon the electrical signal, cytoplasmic pH decreased transiently from 7.0 to 6.4, while apoplastic pH increased transiently from 4.5 to 5.2. Moreover, photochemical quantum yield of isolated chloroplasts was strongly affected by pH changes in the surrounding medium, indicating a putative direct influence of electrical signalling via changes of cytosolic pH on leaf photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Eight new species in seven new genera of follicular fruits are described from the Late Cretaceous of southern Sweden. They are Agapitocarpus emisxus , Chontrocarpus pachytoichus , Maiandrocarpus moirasmenus , Malliocarpus batrachoides , Mitocarpus elegans , Xylocarpus rhitidoides , Zeugarocarpus adroagathus and Z. leptoagathus . The fossil follicles are borne along infructescence axes or more commonly occur as isolated, dispersed fruits. Three genera, Maiandrocarpus , Mitocarpus and Zeugarocarpus , have follicles in distinct pairs borne spirally on an infructescence axis. Each follicle of a pair faces the axis with its ventral slit, which strongly indicates that the paired follicles were derived from two separate, monocarpellate flowers rather than from a single, bicarpellate flower. One genus ( Malliocarpus ) has follicles borne individually in the infructescence and three others ( Agapitocarpus , Chontrocarpus and Xylocarpus ) are known only as dispersed follicles. The paired follicles share many features with most of the dispersed follicles, including a sessile stigmatic area, a three-layered simple follicle wall, a simple vascular system composed of one dorsal and two lateral bundles, as well as a marginal-linear placentation bearing several anatropous ovules. Accordingly they are thought to belong to the same complex of taxa. The general structure of the fossils and comparison with modern angiosperms suggest that the fossils might represent an extinct lineage within or close to basal eudicots and many characters are shared with members of extant Proteaceae.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 377–407.  相似文献   
Seed production and seed quality in a calcareous grassland in elevated CO2   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In diverse plant communities the relative contribution of species to community biomass may change considerably in response to elevated CO2. Along with species‐specific biomass responses, reproduction is likely to change as well with increasing CO2 and might further accelerate shifts in species composition. Here, we ask if, after 5 years of CO2 exposure, seed production and seed quality in natural nutrient‐poor calcareous grassland are affected by elevated CO2 (650 μ L L?1 vs 360 μ L L?1) and how this might affect long‐term community dynamics. The effect of elevated CO2 on the number of flowering shoots (+ 24%, P < 0.01) and seeds (+ 29%, P = 0.06) at the community level was similar to above ground biomass responses in this year, suggesting that the overall allocation to sexual reproduction remained unchanged. Compared among functional groups of species we found a 42% increase in seed number (P < 0.01) of graminoids, a 33% increase (P = 0.07) in forbs, and no significant change in legumes (? 38%, n.s.) under elevated CO2. Large responses particularly of two graminoid species and smaller responses of many forb species summed up to the significant or marginally significant increase in seed number of graminoids and forbs, respectively. In several species the increase in seed number resulted both from an increase in flowering shoots and an increase in inflorescence size. In most species, seeds tended to be heavier (+ 12%, P < 0.01), and N‐concentration of seeds was significantly reduced in eight out of 13 species. The fraction of germinating seeds did not differ between seeds produced in ambient and elevated CO2, but time to germination was significantly shortened in two species and prolonged in one species when seeds had been produced in elevated CO2. Results suggest that species specific increases in seed number and changes in seed quality will exert substantial cumulative effects on community composition in the long run.  相似文献   
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