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The smallpox vaccine is the prototypic vaccine, yet the viral targets critical for vaccine-mediated protection remain unclear in humans. We have produced protein microarrays of a near-complete vaccinia proteome and used them to determine the major antigen specificities of the human humoral immune response to the smallpox vaccine (Dryvax). H3L, an intracellular mature virion envelope protein, was consistently recognized by high-titer antibodies in the majority of human donors, particularly after secondary immunization. We then focused on examining H3L as a valuable human antibody target. Purified human anti-H3L antibodies exhibited substantial vaccinia virus-neutralizing activity in vitro (50% plaque reduction neutralization test [PRNT50] = 44 microg/ml). Mice also make an immunodominant antibody response to H3L after vaccination with vaccinia virus, as determined by vaccinia virus protein microarray. Mice were immunized with recombinant H3L protein to examine H3L-specific antibody responses in greater detail. H3L-immunized mice developed high-titer vaccinia virus-neutralizing antibodies (mean PRNT50 = 1:3,760). Importantly, H3L-immunized mice were subsequently protected against lethal intranasal challenges with 1 or 5 50% lethal doses (LD50) of pathogenic vaccinia virus strain WR, demonstrating the in vivo value of an anti-H3L response. To formally demonstrate that neutralizing anti-H3L antibodies are protective in vivo, we performed anti-H3L serum passive-transfer experiments. Mice receiving H3L-neutralizing antiserum were protected from a lethal challenge with 3 LD50 of vaccinia virus strain WR (5/10 versus 0/10; P < 0.02). Together, these data show that H3L is a major target of the human anti-poxvirus antibody response and is likely to be a key contributor to protection against poxvirus infection and disease.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major health problem in the Asia-Pacific region, with high incidence and mortality rate. There is currently no effective treatment for inoperable cases that represent the vast majority of patients. In the present study, we report that in vitro treatment of primary hepatoma, HepG2 (wild-type p53), PLC/PRF/5 (p53-mutant), and Hep3B (p53-deleted) cells with 2-chloroethyl-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea (SarCNU) resulted in upregulation of p53, p21(Cip1/Waf1), phosphorylated cdc-2 at Tyr15 in wild-type p53 cells and phosphorylation of cdc-2 at Tyr15 in p53-mutant or p53-deleted hepatoma cells. This was accompanied by the reduction in cdc-2 kinase activity and G(2)/M cell cycle arrest. These findings indicate that SarCNU-induced G(2)/M growth arrest in hepatoma cells by a p53-independent phosphorylation of cdc-2. Our data suggest the potential use of SarCNU in treatment of HCC.  相似文献   
Cardiac myocyte membranes contain lipids which remodel dramatically in response to heart growth and remodeling. Lipid species have both structural and functional roles. Physiological and pathological cardiac remodeling have very distinct phenotypes, and the identification of molecular differences represent avenues for therapeutic interventions. Whether the abundance of specific lipid classes is different in physiological and pathological models was largely unknown. The aim of this study was to determine whether distinct lipids are regulated in settings of physiological and pathological remodeling, and if so, whether modulation of differentially regulated lipids could modulate heart size and function. Lipidomic profiling was performed on cardiac-specific transgenic mice with 1) physiological cardiac hypertrophy due to increased Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) receptor or Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) signaling, 2) small hearts due to depressed PI3K signaling (dnPI3K), and 3) failing hearts due to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). In hearts of dnPI3K and DCM mice, several phospholipids (plasmalogens) were decreased and sphingolipids increased compared to mice with physiological hypertrophy. To assess whether restoration of plasmalogens could restore heart size or cardiac function, dnPI3K and DCM mice were administered batyl alcohol (BA; precursor to plasmalogen biosynthesis) in the diet for 16 weeks. BA supplementation increased a major plasmalogen species (p18:0) in the heart but had no effect on heart size or function. This may be due to the concurrent reduction in other plasmalogen species (p16:0 and p18:1) with BA. Here we show that lipid species are differentially regulated in settings of physiological and pathological remodeling. Restoration of lipid species in the failing heart warrants further examination.  相似文献   
A novel gene, RTVP-1, which shows significant sequence identity to the mammalian testis-specific proteins, a family of plant pathogenesis-related proteins and the vespid venom allergen, antigen-5, has been isolated from a cDNA library of the human glioblastoma brain tumor cell line, U-251 MG. The highest degree of sequence identity was with the human testis-specific protein, TPX1 (38.7% over 119 amino acids). Northern hybridization analysis revealed that in fetal tissue RTVP-1 RNA was detected only in the kidney, but its expression was ubiquitous in adult tissues including brain. Multiple mRNAs encoded by RTVP-1 were highly expressed in a panel of cell lines from nervous system tumors arising from glia, although expression was low or absent in non-glial-derived nervous system tumour cell lines. The GenBank DNA database accession number for this sequence is X91911.  相似文献   
Post‐translational modifications (PTMs) of α/β‐tubulin are believed to regulate interactions with microtubule‐binding proteins. A well‐characterized PTM involves in the removal and re‐ligation of the C‐terminal tyrosine on α‐tubulin, but the purpose of this tyrosination–detyrosination cycle remains elusive. Here, we examined the processive motility of mammalian dynein complexed with dynactin and BicD2 (DDB) on tyrosinated versus detyrosinated microtubules. Motility was decreased ~fourfold on detyrosinated microtubules, constituting the largest effect of a tubulin PTM on motor function observed to date. This preference is mediated by dynactin's microtubule‐binding p150 subunit rather than dynein itself. Interestingly, on a bipartite microtubule consisting of tyrosinated and detyrosinated segments, DDB molecules that initiated movement on tyrosinated tubulin continued moving into the segment composed of detyrosinated tubulin. This result indicates that the α‐tubulin tyrosine facilitates initial motor–tubulin encounters, but is not needed for subsequent motility. Our results reveal a strong effect of the C‐terminal α‐tubulin tyrosine on dynein–dynactin motility and suggest that the tubulin tyrosination cycle could modulate the initiation of dynein‐driven motility in cells.  相似文献   
The pyruvoyl-dependent histidine decarboxylase from Lactobacillus 30a is rapidly inactivated by incubation with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide and glycine ethyl ester. On 90% of inactivation, 1.3 residues of [14C]glycine ethyl ester are incorporated per alpha subunit; nearly 60% of this is linked to the beta-carboxyl group of Asp-191. Histamine, a competitive inhibitor, protects against this inactivation. The KM value of the modified enzyme for histidine (6.2 mM) is much higher than that of the unmodified enzyme (KM = 0.4 mM); catalytic activity is reduced but not eliminated. Thus, Asp-191 is the most reactive accessible carboxyl group under these conditions and is close to the substrate-binding site, but apparently is not essential for catalysis. At pH 8.0, fluorodinitrobenzene inactivates histidine decarboxylase completely with the incorporation of two dinitrophenyl residues/alpha subunit; the modified residues are Lys-155 and Cys-228. Urocanic acid, a competitive inhibitor, protects against inactivation. Treatment with mercaptoethanol restores the free -SH of Cys-228 but does not restore activity. Conversion of Cys-228 to its cyano derivative slows but does not prevent dinitrophenylation of Lys-155; the resulting derivative is catalytically inactive. Thus, Lys-155 is located within the active site and may play an essential role in catalysis. Finally, histidine methyl ester was shown to inhibit this decarboxylase by forming a Schiff's base with the essential pyruvoyl group.  相似文献   
Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration and matrix degradation occurs with intimal hyperplasia associated with atherosclerosis, vascular injury, and restenosis. One proposed mechanism by which VSMCs degrade matrix is through the use of podosomes, transient actin-based structures that are thought to play a role in extracellular matrix degradation by creating localized sites of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) secretion. To date, podosomes in VSMCs have largely been studied by stimulating cells with phorbol esters, such as phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), however little is known about the physiological cues that drive podosome formation. We present the first evidence that physiological, physical stimuli mimicking cues present within the microenvironment of diseased arteries can induce podosome formation in VSMCs. Both microtopographical cues and imposed pressure mimicking stage II hypertension induce podosome formation in A7R5 rat aortic smooth muscle cells. Moreover, wounding using a scratch assay induces podosomes at the leading edge of VSMCs. Notably the effect of each of these biophysical stimuli on podosome stimulation can be inhibited using a Src inhibitor. Together, these data indicate that physical cues can induce podosome formation in VSMCs.  相似文献   
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