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Until recently, the most common parametric approaches to study the combined effects of several genetic polymorphisms located within a gene or in a small genomic region are, at the genotype level, logistic regressions and at the haplotype level, haplotype analyses. An alternative modeling approach, based on the case/control principle, is to regard exposures (e.g., genetic data such as derived from Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms – SNPs) as random and disease status as fixed and to use a marginal multivariate model that accounts for inter‐relationships between exposures. One such model is the multivariate Dale model. This model is based on multiple logistic regressions. That is why the model, applied in a case/control setting, leads to straightforward interpretations that are similar to those drawn in a classical logistic modeling framework. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
In the preceding paper, an alternative method is described for obtaining information about the reorientational behavior of a fluorophore in a membrane system from frequency domain measurements. To demonstrate this new analysis procedure, we present data for the probe-molecule 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) in l--dimyristoyl- and l--dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC and DPPC) obtained with two different phase fluorometers: the SLM 4800A Subnanosecond Spectrofluorometer which has only three fixed frequencies available (6, 18 and 30 MHz) and the recently constructed continuously variable multifrequency phasefluorometer (Gratton and Limkeman 1983).It will be shown that reasonable information about the anisotropy behavior of a fluorophore can be obtained even if only three frequencies are used. The phase modulation technique was also used to check the new expression for the anisotropy, r(t), called the general model and introduced by Van der Meer et al. (1984). The parameters P 2, P 4 and D, obtained from the nonlinear least squares fit (Bevington 1969) for this general model, confirm the results from the pulse technique of Ameloot and coworkers (Ameloot et al. 1984; Pottel et al. 1986).  相似文献   
Summary After random Tn5 mutagenesis of the stem-nodulating Sesbania rostrata symbiont strain ORS571, Nif-, Fix- and Nod- mutants were isolated. The Nif- mutants had lost both free-living and symbiotic N2 fixation capacity. The Fix- mutants normally fixed N2 in the free-living state but induced ineffective nodules on S. rostrata. They were defective in functions exclusively required for symbiotic N2 fixation. A further analysis of the Nod- mutants allowed the identification of two nod loci. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 1 completely abolished both root and stem nodulation capacity. Root hair curling, which is an initial event in S. rostrata root nodulation, was no longer observed. A 400 bp region showing weak homology to the nodC gene of Rhizobium meliloti was located 1.5 kb away from this nod Tn5 insertion. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 2 caused the loss of stem and root nodulation capacity but root hair curling still occurred. The physical maps of a 20.5 kb DNA region of nod locus 1 and of a 40 kb DNA region of nod locus 2 showed no overlaps. The two nod loci are not closely linked to nif locus 1, containing the structural genes for the nitrogenase complex (Elmerich et al. 1982).  相似文献   
The fluence-response curves for the effect of two red pulses separated by 24 hours on the germination of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. cv Vesuv seeds, incubated on gibberellic acid (GA3) are biphasic for suboptimal concentrations. The response in the low fluence range corresponds with a classical red/far-red reversible phytochrome mediated reaction. GA3 induces an additional response in the very low fluence range, which is also phytochrome mediated. The sensitivity to phytochrome-far-red absorbing form (Pfr), however, is increased about 20,000-fold, so that even far-red fluences become saturating. Both in the very low and low fluence response range, the maximal responses induced by saturating fluences are modulated by the GA3 concentration. GA3 having no direct influence on the phytochrome phototransformations, alters the Pfr requirement and determines the responding seed population fraction in the very low and low fluence range. The effet of GA3 appears to be on the transduction chain of the phytochrome signal.  相似文献   
Growth of 2-month-old nonnodulatedHippophaë rhamnoides seedlings supplied with combined N was compared with that of nodulated seedlings grown on zero N. Plant growth was significantly better with combined N than with N2 fixation and, although not statistically significant for individual harvests, tended to be highest in the presence of NH 4 + , a mixture of NH 4 + and NO 3 ? producing the highest yields. Growth was severely reduced when solely dependent on N2 fixation and, unlike the combined-N plants, shoot to root ratios had only slightly increased after an initial decrease. An apparently insufficient nodule mass (nodule weight ratio <5 per cent) during the greater part of the experimental period is suggested as the main cause of the growth reduction in N2-fixing plants. Thein vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of NO 3 ? dependent plants was almost entirely located in the roots. However, when grown with a combination of NO 3 ? and NH 4 + , root NRA was decreased by approximately 85 per cent.H. rhamnoides demonstrated in the mixed supply a strong preference for uptake of N as NH 4 + , NO 3 ? contributing only for approximately 20 per cent to the total N assimilation. Specific rates of N acquisition and ion uptake were generally highest in NO 3 ? +NH 4 + plants. The generation of organic anions per unit total plant dry weight was approximately 40 per cent less in the NH 4 + plants than in the NO 3 ? plants. Measured extrusions of H+ or OH? (HCO 3 ? ) were generally in good agreement with calculated values on the basis of plant composition, and the acidity generated with N2 fixation amounted to 0.45–0.55 meq H+. (mmol Norg)?1. Without acidity control and in the presence of NH 4 + , specific rates of ion uptake and carboxylate generation were strongly depressed and growth was reduced by 30–35 per cent. Growth of nonnodulatedH. rhamnoides plants ceased at the lower pH limit of 3.1–3.2 and deterioration set in; in the case of N2-fixing plants the nutrient solution pH stabilized at a value of 3.8–3.9 without any apparent adverse effects upon plant performance. The chemical composition of experimental and field-growing plants is being compared and some comments are made on the nitrogen supply characteristics of their natural sites.  相似文献   
Phentolamine (10(-5) M) and an inhibitor of the lipoxygenase pathway, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (N. D. G. A.; 8 10(-6) M) antagonized the ATP induced contraction but not antagonized the UTP induced contraction on both rat tail artery and dog saphenous vein. We conclude that the receptors to ATP are distinct from receptors to UTP and that the P2 purinoceptors are an heterogeneous group.  相似文献   
Singlet oxygen-induced mutations in M13 lacZ phage DNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The mutagenic consequences of damages to M13 mp19 RF DNA produced by singlet oxygen have been determined in a forward mutational system capable of detecting all classes of mutagenic events. When the damaged M13 mp19 RF DNA is used to transfect competent E. coli JM105 cells, a 16.6-fold increase in mutation frequency is observed at 5% survivors when measured as a loss of alpha-complementation. The enhanced mutagenicity is largely due to single-nucleotide substitutions, frameshift events and double-mutations. The single-nucleotide substitutions occur in the regulatory and in the structural part of the lacZ gene under the predominant form of a G:C to T:A transversion. The spectrum of mutations detected among the M13 lacZ phages surviving the singlet oxygen treatment is totally different from those appearing spontaneously. SOS induction mediated through u.v.-irradiation of bacteria leads to an increase of the mutation frequency in the M13 surviving to the singlet oxygen treatment. The mutation spectrum in this case is a mixture between those observed with the spontaneous mutants and the mutants induced by singlet oxygen. Lesions introduced in the M13 mp19 RF DNA can be partly repaired by the enzymatic machinery of the bacteria. It turns out that excision-repair and SOS repair are probably involved in the removal of these lesions by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the iodide-induced inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation in dog thyroid slices have been previously described [Van Sande, J., Cochaux, P. and Dumont, J. E. (1985) Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 40, 181-192]. In the present study we investigated the characteristics of the iodide-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity in dog and horse thyroid. The inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation by iodide in stimulated horse thyroid slices was similar to that observed in dog thyroid slices. The inhibition was observed in slices stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone, cholera toxin and forskolin. Increasing the concentration of the stimulators did not overcome the iodide-induced inhibition. Adenylate cyclase activity, assayed in crude homogenates or in plasma-membrane-containing particulates (100,000 x g pellets), was lower in homogenates or in particulates prepared from iodide-treated slices than from control slices. This inhibition was observed on the cyclase activity stimulated by forskolin, fluoride or guanosine 5'-[beta, gamma-imino]triphosphate, but also on the basal activity. It was relieved when the homogenate was prepared from slices incubated with iodide and methimazole. Similar results were obtained with dog thyroid. The inhibition persisted when the particulate fraction was washed three times during 1 h at 100,000 x g, in the presence of bovine serum albumin or increasing concentration of KCl. It was similar whatever the duration of the cyclase assay, in a large range of protein concentration. These results indicate that a stable modification of adenylate cyclase activity, closely related to the plasma membrane, was induced when slices were incubated with iodide. Iodide inhibition did not modify the affinity of adenylate cyclase for its substrate (MgATP), but induced a decrease of the maximal velocity of the enzyme. The percentage inhibition was slightly decreased when Mg2+ concentration increased, and markedly decreased when Mn2+ concentration increased. A detectable adenylate cyclase activity was demonstrated when intact slices were incubated in the presence of [alpha-32P]ATP, probably because of the presence of broken cells produced during the slicing. Iodide had no direct effect on this cyclase system, which confirms that iodide needs the integrity of the cell to induce the inhibition and suggests that the inhibition is not transmitted between cells.  相似文献   
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