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A simple fluorimetric assay for the determination of carbamoyl phosphate in tissue extracts is described. In the assay, production of ATP from carbamoyl phosphate and ADP by carbamate kinase is coupled to the formation of NADPH, using glucose, hexokinase, NADP+, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Production of NADPH in this system proved to be equal to the amount of carbamoyl phosphate present.  相似文献   
Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were labeled with 35SO(4)2- for 48 h. The membrane-associated proteoglycans were solubilized from these monolayers with detergent and purified by ion-exchange chromatography on Mono Q, incorporation in liposomes, and gel filtration. The liposome-intercalated proteoglycans were 125I-iodinated and treated with heparitinase before SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Radio-labeled proteins with apparent molecular masses of 130, 60, 46, 35, and 30 kDa (HAEC) and 180, 130, 62, 43, and 35 kDa (HUVEC) were detected by autoradiography. Further characterization by affinity chromatography on immobilized monoclonal antibodies and by Northern blot analysis provided evidence for the expression of syndecan, glypican, and fibroglycan in human endothelial cells. Most of the heparan sulfate which accumulated in the subendothelial matrix was implanted on a 400-kDa core protein. This protein was immunologically related to perlecan and bound to fibronectin. Binding studies on immobilized antithrombin III suggested that all membrane-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycan forms had the capacity to bind to antithrombin III but that high affinity binding was more typical for glypican. Most of the proteoglycans isolated from the extracellular matrix also bound only with low affinity to antithrombin III. These results imply that glypican may specifically contribute to the antithrombotic properties of the vascular wall.  相似文献   
Summary A quantitative histochemical assay for NADPH-ferrihemoprotein (P450) reductase had been developed. For optimal activity, it is necessary to use a relatively electropositive tetrazolium salt such as neotetrazolium chloride as the final acceptor. The apparentK m of the reaction is 0.83 mM. Its specificity has been proven in two ways: (i) activity is increased selectively in the pericentral zone of liver from rats treated with phenobarbitone, an inducer of the reductase, though not in liver of rats injected with 3-methylcholanthrene, which induces NAD(P)H dehydrogenase; (ii) it is competitively inhibited by NADP+ (K i=1.50mm) though unaffected by dicumarol, an inhibitor of NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activity. An NADP+ concentration ten times greater than the substrate concentration inhibits the histochemical reaction and the reaction in a microsomal fraction assayed biochemically to the same degree (70% inhibition). The amount of inhibition is independent of temperature, of the zone of the acinus and of the treatment of the animal.Continuous microdensitometric monitoring of the reaction product as it is formed has shown that the specific reaction is linear with incubation up to 10 min, thus allowing end-point measurements to be used for cytophotometric analysis.  相似文献   
A Farmer-based approach to conserving crop germplasm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In situ conservation of crop genetic resources from centers of agricultural diversity is considered. This strategy has been rejected for several reasons, but other factors make it an important potential contributor to the overall conservation effort. Case studies of potato agriculture in Peru, maize agriculture in Mexico, and rice agriculture in Thailand indicate that farmers frequently engage in de facto conservation of landraces. Five principles should guide planning of in situ conservation: complementarity with off-site conservation, minimal institutional development, continuity with existing programs, meeting the development goals of increasing income and food, and accepting germplasm as an international public good. Four means to implement on-site conservation are presented: the institutional framework; the information base; the policy framework; and the role of grassroots organizations.  相似文献   
Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) produces an induced defensive hypersensitive response in inner bark colonized by the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and its associated fungi. Adult beetles forced to colonize the induced response tissue in a laboratory study constructed galleries that were the same length as adults boring in normal phloem. However, each female laid fewer eggs in the induced tissue. Larval and pupal mortality were also higher in this tissue when compared to surrounding phloem. Beetles colonizing trees in response to pheromone baits constructed less gallery and laid fewer eggs in induced tissue than in surrounding normal phloem. These results suggest that the lesions produced by the induced defense system in conifers may not only contain the growth of fungi inoculated into trees during the attack phase of beetle colonization, but may also affect survival of bark beetle progeny.
Résumé Une réaction hypersensible de défense a été induite dans les couches profondes de l'écorce de P. taeda colonisée par D. frontalis et le champignon qui lui est associé. Au laboratoire, des adultes, contraints de coloniser les tissus où une réaction hypersensible e été induite, ont foré des galeries de même longueur que celles creusées dans du phloème sain. Cependant les femelles ont pondu moins d'oeufs dans les tissus induits; les mortalités larvaires et nymphales étaient aussi plus fortes dans ce tissu que dans le phloème voisin. Les scolytes, ayant colonisé les arbres après attraction par des pièges à phéromones, forent moins de galeries et pondent moins d'oeufs dans le tissu induit que dans le phloème sain voisin. Ces résultats suggèrent que les lésions, provoquées par le système de défense induit des conifères, peuvent non seulement limiter la croissance du champignon inoculé dans l'arbre au cours de la colonisation des scolytes, mais aussi affecter la survie des descendants dans l'écorce.
Exudate production in the pistil of Lilium longiflorum was studiedin relation to pollen tube growth, using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy.In contrast with conventional fixation for SEM, during whichthe exudate of L. longiflorum largely washes away, the exudateremains present through freezing in case of cryo-SEM. Usingthe latter method we observed that exudate production on thestigma and in the style started before anthesis. Just underneaththe stigma the exudate was first accumulated at the top of eachsecretory cell, followed by a merging of those accumulationsas exudate production proceeded. Exudate is also produced bythe placenta. It was however not possible to determine whetherany of this fluid originated from the micropyle. Apart fromthe cell shape and the cuticle present in between the secretorycells, the ultrastructure of the secretory cells covering theplacenta was comparable to those of the stylar canal. The transferwall of the secretory cells of the placenta originated fromfusing Golgi vesicles but the endoplasmic reticulum seemed tohave an important role as well. After pollination the pollen tubes grew across the stigma andentered the style through one of the slits in the three stigmalobes. The pollen tubes grew straight downward through the styleand were covered by exudate. As the pollen tubes approachedthe ovary their growth was restricted to the areas with secretorycells. In the cavity the pollen tubes formed a bundle and theybent from this bundle in between the ovules towards the micropylarside. There they bent again to stay close to the secretory cells.After bud pollination the pollen tube growth was retarded. Laterarriving pollen tubes had a tendency to grow close to the secretorycells of the style, which resulted in a growth between thesecells and preceding pollen tubes. If there was still a littleexudate produced, it resulted in a lifting up of the pollentubes, out of the exudate. The relationship between exudateproduction and pollen tube growth is discussed. Both the speedand the guidance of the pollen tube seemed determined by theproperties of the exudate.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Cryo-scanning electron microscopy, exudate, Lilium longiflorum, lily, ovary, pollination, pollen tube growth, secretory cell, stigma, style  相似文献   
The perception of a regular beat is fundamental to music processing. Here we examine whether the detection of a regular beat is pre-attentive for metrically simple, acoustically varying stimuli using the mismatch negativity (MMN), an ERP response elicited by violations of acoustic regularity irrespective of whether subjects are attending to the stimuli. Both musicians and non-musicians were presented with a varying rhythm with a clear accent structure in which occasionally a sound was omitted. We compared the MMN response to the omission of identical sounds in different metrical positions. Most importantly, we found that omissions in strong metrical positions, on the beat, elicited higher amplitude MMN responses than omissions in weak metrical positions, not on the beat. This suggests that the detection of a beat is pre-attentive when highly beat inducing stimuli are used. No effects of musical expertise were found. Our results suggest that for metrically simple rhythms with clear accents beat processing does not require attention or musical expertise. In addition, we discuss how the use of acoustically varying stimuli may influence ERP results when studying beat processing.  相似文献   
The Cbl proteins (Cbl, Cbl-b, and Cbl-c) are a highly conserved family of RING finger ubiquitin ligases (E3s) that function as negative regulators of tyrosine kinases in a wide variety of signal transduction pathways. In this study, we identify a new Cbl-c interacting protein, Enigma (PDLIM7). This interaction is specific to Cbl-c as Enigma fails to bind either of its closely related homologues, Cbl and Cbl-b. The binding between Enigma and Cbl-c is mediated through the LIM domains of Enigma as removal of all three LIM domains abrogates this interaction, while only LIM1 is sufficient for binding. Here we show that Cbl-c binds wild-type and MEN2A isoforms of the receptor tyrosine kinase, RET, and that Cbl-c enhances ubiquitination and degradation of activated RET. Enigma blocks Cbl-c-mediated RETMEN2A ubiquitination and degradation. Cbl-c decreased downstream ERK activation by RETMEN2A and co-expression of Enigma blocked the Cbl-c-mediated decrease in ERK activation. Enigma showed no detectable effect on Cbl-c-mediated ubiquitination of activated EGFR suggesting that this effect is specific to RET. Through mapping studies, we show that Cbl-c and Enigma bind RETMEN2A at different residues. However, binding of Enigma to RETMENA prevents Cbl-c recruitment to RETMEN2A. Consistent with these biochemical data, exploratory analyses of breast cancer patients with high expression of RET suggest that high expression of Cbl-c correlates with a good outcome, and high expression of Enigma correlates with a poor outcome. Together, these data demonstrate that Cbl-c can ubiquitinate and downregulate RETMEN2A and implicate Enigma as a positive regulator of RETMEN2A through blocking of Cbl-mediated ubiquitination and degradation.  相似文献   
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