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Observations of acoustic velocities in DNA fibers have been used to refine nonbonded force constants for the DNA double helix. Long-range forces are found to be needed for A conformation and are likely to dominate in B conformation as well. The acoustic dispersion curves are described and calculated. A correction due to the effects of water is calculated. The effect of nonbonded interaction on other vibrational modes is calculated.  相似文献   
The human malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, incorporated significant radioactivity into glycoconjugates when cultured in the presence of [14C]- or [3H]glucosamine for 48 to 50 hr. Digestion of the labeled proteins with pronase and subsequent precipitation with absolute ethanol showed that 90 to 95% of the radioactive glucosamine was incorporated into the precipitated material. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the labeled macromolecules revealed eight bands with approximate molecular weights from 19,000 to 90,000 daltons.  相似文献   
Dynamic geometry of the intact left ventricle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Knowledge of left ventricular chamber dynamics is central to our understanding of cardiac physiology. The complicated changes in left ventricular geometry observed in the dog during various phases of the cardiac cycle can be represented as distinct linear relationships between chamber eccentricity and intracavitary volume during diastole and ejection, and probably represent structural properties of the ventricular wall. Chamber geometry of the left ventricle is a major determinant of overall myocardial function. The slope of the radius of curvature (r) to wall thickness (h) relationship is a geometric constant that determines the mural force at any given transmural pressure. Chronic pressure and volume overload produce changes in this geometric relationship as a result of increased mural force resisting ejection. The adaptive mechanism of ventricular hypertrophy in this setting alters the r/h ratio and returns systolic mural force toward normal. Coronary occlusion induces acute changes in regional geometry characterized by holosystolic wall bulging and systolic wall thinning, which shift the r/h relationship upward and to the left. The geometric alteration during ischemia probably increases systolic mural force and could adversely affect myocardial function. Recent studies with patients have shown the r/h ratio to be of value in distinguishing between reversible and irreversible impairment of myocardial performance. Because most myocardial diseases produce major alterations in the structure of the ventricular wall, analysis of dynamic chamber geometry may prove of prognostic value in assessing patients with cardiac disorders.  相似文献   
Starting from enzyme kinetics, it is shown that generally a linear rather than a proportional relationship exists between rate and free energy changes in biochemical processes. In the derivation the boundary condition of constant substrate plus product is used, which is appropriate for many cellular systems. An example is the ADP plus ATP concentration in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, as is illustrated experimentally.  相似文献   
On the basis of electrophysiological screening of lateral and medial styloconic sensilla of caterpillars of Yponomeuta species, several hypotheses concerning behavioural effects of plant constituents can be posed (Van Drongelen, 1979). Feeding experiments have been carried out with intact larvae of Y. cagnagellus (Hb.) and Y. evonymellus (L.). Both species display neural responses to dulcitol, phloridzin and prunasin. Leaf discs of the host plants of these species were modified using these three constituents and effects were studied in choice and non-choice situations. Dulcitol appears to stimulate food intake of both species, whereas phloridzin acts as a deterrent exclusively in a choice situation. Prunasin inhibits feeding of Y. cagnagellus in a choice situation, but Y. evonymellus does not show a reaction to this compound at the concentration applied. Neural mechanisms probably underlying these behaviours are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Aufgrund elektrophysiologischer Versuche mit lateralen und medialen Sensilla styloconica von Yponomeuta-Arten können mehrere Hypothesen über Verhaltenseffekte von Pflanzenbestandteilen aufgestellt werden (Van Drongelen, 1979). Y. cagnagellus und Y. evonymellus zeigen neurale Reaktionen auf Dulcitol, Phlorizin und Prunasin.Es wurden Frassexperimente mit intakten Raupen beider Arten durchgeführt. Blattscheiben der Wirtspflanzen wurden mit den genannten Stoffen modifiziert, und die Effekte wurden in Wahl- und Nichtwahlversuchen studiert. Dulcitol scheint die Futteraufnahme beider Arten anzuregen, während Phlorizin als Abhaltestoff wirkt und zwar nur in einer Wahlsituation. Prunasin verhindert Fressen bei Y. cagnanellus in einer Wahlsituation, während Y. evonymellus auf diesen Stoff in der geprüften Konzentration nicht reagiert. Neurale Mechanismen, welche wahrscheinlich diesem Verhalten zugrunde liegen, werden diskutiert.

Supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).  相似文献   
Rat liver soluble proteins were phosphorylated by endogenous protein kinase with [gamma-32P]ATP. Proteins were separated in dodecyl sulphate slab gels and detected with the aid of autoradiography. The relative role of cAMP-dependent, cAMP-independent and Ca2+-activated protein kinases in the phosphorylation of soluble proteins was investigated. Heat-stable inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibits nearly completed the phosphorylation of seven proteins, including L-type pyruvate kinase. The phosphorylation of eight proteins is not influenced by protein kinase inhibitor. The phosphorylation of six proteins, including phosphorylase, is partially inhibited by protein kinase inhibitor. These results indicate that phosphoproteins of rat liver can be subdivided into three groups: phosphoproteins that are phosphorylated by (a) cAMP-dependent protein kinase or (b) cAMP-independent protein kinase; (c) phosphoproteins in which both cAMP-dependent and cAMP-independent protein kinase play a role in the phosphorylation. The relative phosphorylation rate of substrates for cAMP-dependent protein kinase is about 15-fold the phosphorylation rate of substrates for cAMP-independent protein kinase. The Km for ATP of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and phosphorylase kinase is 8 microM and 38 microM, respectively. Ca2+ in the micromolare range stimulates the phosphorylation of (a) phosphorylase, (b) a protein with molecular weight of 130 000 and (c) a protein with molecular weight of 15 000. The phosphate incorporation into a protein with molecular weight of 115 000 is inhibited by Ca2+. Phosphorylation of phosphorylase and the 15 000-Mr protein in the presence of 100 microM Ca2+ could be completely inhibited by trifluoperazine. It can be concluded that calmodulin is involved in the phosphorylation of at least two soluble proteins. No evidence for Ca2+-stimulated phosphorylation of subunits of glycolytic or gluconeogenic enzymes, including pyruvate kinase, was found. This indicates that it is unlikely that direct phosphorylation by Ca2+-dependent protein kinases is involved in the stimulation of gluconeogenesis by hormones that act through a cAMP-independent, Ca2+-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
1. The soluble cytochromes c-556 from three strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, B6, II Chrys and Apple 185 have been purified to homogeneity. The strains are representative members of the three main genetic races of Agrobacterium. The purity of the final preparations was established by electrophoresis with an without sodium dodecyl sulphate, by analytical isoelectric focusing and ultracentrifugation, and by N-terminal analysis. 2. Properties of these cytochromes were compared wih those of cytochrome c-556 from A. tumefaciens, strain B2a, a member of the same genetic race as strain B6. The four cytochromes are monohaem proteins with molecular weights of about 12300 (determined by four different methods). The isoelectric points of those from strains B6 and B2a are identical at pH 5.5, but they differ from the cytochromes of the other genetic races: cytochrome c-556 from strain Apple 185 is more acidic (ph 5.2) and that from strain II Chrys more basic (pH 6.2). The cytochromes from strains b6 and B2a have very similar but not identical amino acid compositions; both of them differ more from Apple 185 than from II Chrys c-556. 3. Comparison of the tryptic, chymotryptic and thermolytic fingerprints of cytochrome c-556 from strains B2a and II Chrys reveals strong homology between the primary structures of these cytochromes. Therefore and because of the sequence identity of the first eight residues, the cytochromes c-556 from strains II Chrys, B6 and B2a are most likely C-terminal haem-bound, of the same type as the cytochrome c' from photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   
In the two-fuel system for flight of the migratory locust, the haemolymph carbohydrate concentration falls during flight periods of up to 1 hr, the decrease being greater in case the pre-flight carbohydrate level is higher. The increase in the lipid concentration from the onset of flight is virtually independent of the initial lipid concentration. Flight intensity affects these changes in substrate concentrations: the carbohydrate level decreases more rapidly if flight speed is higher, whereas the increase in lipid concentration is delayed at higher flight speeds. Respiratory carbon dioxide production is elevated rapidly during flight and reaches over eight times the resting level. From the rate of 14CO2 production after labelling of the haemolymph diglyceride pool it is concluded that diglycerides contribute to providing the energy for flight from the earliest stage of flying activity; diglyceride oxidation increases until maximum utilization is attained after some 45 min of flight. The decline in haemolymph carbohydrate concentration due to flying activity results in a decrease of haemolymph osmolarity. Free amino acids, particularly taurine, increase markedly in the haemolymph during flight; yet their concentration only partially counterbalances the fall in haemolymph osmolarity.  相似文献   
The effect of binding of the codon UUC to yeast tRNAPhe was investigated by means of n.m.r.2 spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation. Binding of UUC to the transfer RNA anticodon tends to promote the aggregation of tRNA molecules; this is manifest from a line broadening in the n.m.r. experiments as well as from an increase in s20,w the ultracentrifuge experiments. Such an aggregation of tRNA molecules was not observed upon addition of different oligonucleotides, as described in the accompanying paper. In addition to the general broadening observed in the n.m.r. spectra, specific resonances in the methyl proton spectrum as well as in the hydrogen-bonded proton spectrum are broadened or shifted upon binding of UUC.These results are explained on the basis of the premise that two different tRNA-UUC complexes can exist in solution. It is suggested that the binding of UUC tends to promote a disruption of the m7G46 · m22G22 base-pair and its neighbouring base-pairs.In studying the binding of U-U-U-U to yeast tRNAPhe no resonances of protons hydrogen-bonded between the oligonucleotide and the tRNA could be detected at low temperatures. This indicates, that at these temperatures the lifetime of the tRNA-U-U-U-U complex is substantially shorter than the lifetime of the other tRNA-oligonucleotide complexes studied in this and the accompanying paper under these conditions.  相似文献   
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