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Effect of Nitric Oxide on Anammox Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of nitrogen oxides on anammox bacteria are not well known. Therefore, anammox bacteria were exposed to 3,500 ppm nitric oxide (NO) in the gas phase. The anammox bacteria were not inhibited by the high NO concentration but rather used it to oxidize additional ammonium to dinitrogen gas under conditions relevant to wastewater treatment.Nitric oxide (NO) has several different roles in bacteria, fungi, and mammals (24). In nitrogen cycle bacteria, it acts as an intermediate and cell communication/signal transduction molecule. On the other hand, NO is a highly reactive and toxic compound that contributes to ozone depletion and air pollution (5). Due to its reactive nature, many bacteria employ an arsenal of proteins (those encoded by norVW, as well as bacterial globins, heme proteins, etc.) that are used to detoxify NO to the less-reactive and more-stable nitrous oxide (N2O) (24). Still, N2O is a very effective greenhouse gas and an unfavorable constituent in the off-gases from nitrification/denitrification nitrogen removal systems (4). The presence of gene(s) encoding cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase (EMBL accession no. CAJ74898), flavorubredoxin NorVW (accession no. CAJ73918 and CAJ73688), and bacterial hemoglobin (accession no. CAJ72702) in the genome of Kuenenia stuttgartiensis led to the proposal that NO also plays this dual role (metabolic versus toxic) in anammox bacteria (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (10, 20). This has ramifications for both application and metabolism of anammox bacteria. The source of NO in an anammox reactor could be the activity of other community members (ammonium-oxidizing or denitrifying bacteria) or high concentrations of nitrite in the influent wastewater stream. Full-scale anammox reactors typically contain a significant population of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). In the single nitritation-anammox reactors, these carry out the conversion of 50% of the ammonium in the wastewater to nitrite (6). It has been shown that AOB may produce significant amounts of NO (2, 7), and recently it was reported that NO and N2O could be emitted from these reactors up to 0.005 and 1.2% of the total nitrogen load to the reactor, respectively (6, 23). NO may inhibit the anammox bacteria and could also be further reduced to N2O in these reactors (6, 23). It is presently unknown whether anammox bacteria contribute to the NO or N2O emissions, although it has been suggested previously that anammox bacteria do not produce N2O under physiologically relevant conditions (10). Nevertheless, if conversion of NO could be coupled to anaerobic ammonium oxidation, the toxic air pollutant NO would facilitate further removal of ammonium in full-scale anammox bioreactors. In the present study, we investigated the effect of very high NO fluxes on anammox bacteria.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.The hypothetical anammox pathway with possible routes of NO removal. Solid black arrows: anammox pathway, including nitrite oxidation to nitrate; gray arrow, possible detoxification pathway to N2O (not observed in the bioreactor); dashed gray arrow, NO oxidation to nitrite/nitrate (not possible under anoxic conditions).NO has been described many times as a potent inhibitor of nitrogen cycle bacteria; aerobic ammonium oxidizers, nitrite oxidizers, and denitrifiers were all inhibited by concentrations as low as a few micromolar units (1, 18, 24). In a previous study, it was suggested that “Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans” could tolerate up to 600 ppm NO (approximately 1 mg NO·day−1 NO load) (16). In the reported experiments, without direct measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the effluent gas stream, it was postulated that NO was reduced to N2O (16). In the present study, we used a carefully monitored sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to further our understanding of the effect and fate of NO in a laboratory-scale anammox reactor under conditions which are relevant in wastewater treatment plants.An SBR (working volume, 3.5 liters) consisting of approximately 80% of the anammox bacterium “Candidatus Brocadia fulgida” and no detectable aerobic ammonium oxidizers (determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as described previously [15]) was used in the present study. Before the first introduction of NO into the reactor, the influent (synthetic wastewater) (21) was supplied to the reactor at a flow rate of 1.4 ml·min−1 with nitrite and ammonium concentrations (assayed as previously described [9]) at 45 and 39 mM, respectively (corresponding to a total of 2,370 mg N·day−1). All nitrite was consumed in the reactor, while 2 mM ammonium was still present in the effluent. For every 1 mol of ammonium, 1.22 mol of nitrite was consumed, similar to the previously determined anammox stoichiometry (19). NO was first introduced at a concentration of 400 to 600 ppm in the gas phase at a flow rate of 10 ml/min (CLD 700EL chemiluminescence NOx analyzer, detection limit of 0.1 ppm NO, with 15 ml/min Ar/CO2 as the dilution gas [a load of 25 to 28 mg NO·day−1]; EcoPhysics, Michigan). During this period, 45% (±6%) of the supplied NO was removed from the system. Initially, there was no detectable change in the ammonium and nitrite removal efficiencies and no detectable nitrous oxide (N2O) in the flue gas (analyzed with an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph). It is most likely that NO was converted to N2, but the increase in the N2 concentrations in the off-gas was below the detection limit (1,000 ppm).At day 49, the influent NO concentration was increased to 3,500 ppm (640 mg NO·day−1 load). Simultaneously, the stirring speed of the reactor was increased from 200 to 600 rpm to enable better mass transfer to the flocculent anammox biomass. The increase in the stirring speed did not result in any disturbance in the floc size and settling ability of the biomass but did lead to a much higher level of NO removal (128 mg NO·day−1) by the anammox bacteria. The converted NO could theoretically be converted to N2O via detoxification enzymes or coupled to ammonium oxidation (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Surprisingly, there was no change in the nitrite removal capacity of the bioreactor, suggesting that NO was not a substrate preferred over nitrite. Nitrate concentrations (assayed according to the method in reference 9) were stable around 7.2 mM (±0.7 mM). Theoretically, as anammox bacteria reduce NO, they could oxidize a larger proportion of nitrite to nitrate (Fig. (Fig.1)1) to increase their capacity for CO2 fixation; however, such an increase in nitrate production was not observed (or could not be discriminated by the method used [sensitivity, 100 μM]). During this phase of the experiment, the effluent ammonium concentration gradually decreased to below the detection limit (Fig. (Fig.2).2). There was only a minimal N2O (0.6 ppm) emission from the system, and the total N2 production increased from 3,060 to 3,680 mg N2·day−1. This indicated that NO reduction was coupled to the catabolism of the anammox bacteria rather than being detoxified by anammox or other community members. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first time that such a high load of NO was not found to be toxic to the nitrogen cycle bacteria. In a previous study, an NO load of 1 mg NO·day−1 was reported to be toxic to anammox bacteria, most probably due to the fact that the experiments were conducted with biomass that had a 100-fold lower cell density and 10-fold lower activity compared to the current enrichment cultures. Furthermore, the NO conversion in the current experiments was stoichiometrically coupled to ammonium oxidation and not converted to N2O, indicating that the previously reported N2O emissions from full-scale anammox bioreactors originated not with the anammox bacteria but rather with other community members as hypothesized previously (8).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Ammonium concentration in the effluent of the anammox bioreactor. Dashed lines indicate the trend of effluent ammonium concentration during different phases of the reactor operation. Black arrows indicate the manipulations to influent NO stream, and the gray arrow points to an increase in the influent ammonium concentration. d, day.To determine if there could be more NO-dependent ammonium removal, the influent ammonium concentration was first increased to 41 mM (day 80) and then to 43 mM (day 81). This resulted in a slow but gradual increase in the effluent ammonium concentration, and additional ammonium did not appear to be completely converted, most probably due to NO mass transfer limitations. As a result of the higher level of ammonium removal, the observed anammox stoichiometry in the reactor decreased from 1.22 to 0.91 (nitrite/ammonium). Between days 95 and 131, the NO supply to the reactor was turned off, which resulted in an average ammonium concentration of 3.3 mM (±0.9 mM) in the effluent. Following this period, on day 132, the NO load on the reactor was increased back to 640 mg NO·day−1 (Fig. (Fig.2).2). As a result, the effluent ammonium concentration gradually decreased again to an average of 1.5 mM (±0.36 mM). The highest level of NO removal achieved in this period was 371 mg NO·day−1. When the NO supply was turned off on day 165, ammonium concentrations increased back to 3.5 mM (±0.71 mM).During the course of the experiment, the biodiversity of the reactor was monitored using FISH and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as described previously (15) with probes specific to eubacteria (3), Planctomycetes (13), anammox bacteria (15), “Ca. Brocadia fulgida” (11), and a variety of aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (12, 22). Before the experiments started and throughout the cultivation of the anammox bacteria with NO, the only detectable anammox species (with FISH and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis) was “Candidatus Brocadia fulgida.”In the present study, we showed that 2 mM ammonium (4.5% of the influent concentration) could be removed by anammox bacteria via direct coupling to NO reduction. These observations support the proposal of NO as an intermediate of the anammox reaction and have two consequences for application of the anammox process for nitrogen removal. First, we obtained strong indications that previously reported N2O emissions (6, 8) from full-scale anammox reactors were not generated by anammox bacteria. In our experiments, even under a very high load of NO, there was hardly any detectable N2O in the effluent gas stream. The competition for nitrogen oxides by denitrifying and anammox bacteria needs further study but may ultimately be used to design operational conditions that would reduce or even prevent NO and N2O emissions from full-scale nitritation-anammox reactors. Second, by implementing the results of this study, in the future the anammox process could be designed to remove NO from flue gases. Since NO is mostly emitted together with O2, this could be achieved by the combination of anammox and aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria, for example, with CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite)- or OLAND (oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification-denitrification)-type reactor systems (14, 17).  相似文献   
Airborne and waterborne fungal spores were compared with respect to cytoplasmic viscosity and the presence of ergosterol. These parameters differed markedly between the two spore types and correlated with spore survival. This suggests that the mode of spore dispersal has a bearing on cellular composition, which is relevant for the eradication of industrially relevant fungal propagules.Contamination of food products by fungi often starts with dispersal vehicles that include air- and waterborne spores. The aim of this study was to assess whether air- and waterborne spores are not only different with respect to surface wettability but also have a distinct membrane and cytoplasmic composition. To this end, microviscosity and the presence of ergosterol in the plasma membrane were determined. Ergosterol is the target of many antifungals, and its presence or absence will affect sensitivity to such antifungals, including natamycin. Natamycin is considered a fungistatic antibiotic. It binds to ergosterol but is not able to disrupt the plasma membrane (9, 11). In this study, conidia of Penicillium discolor, Aspergillus niger (airborne), Fusarium oxysporum, and Verticillium fungicola (waterborne) were used. All of these species are relevant in applied situations ranging from postharvest diseases (Aspergillus and Fusarium) and food spoilage (Penicillium) to mycoparasitism of mushrooms (Verticillium). A. niger N402 and P. discolor CBS112557 were grown on malt extract agar (MEA; 7) at 25°C. F. oxysporum CBS116593 and V. fungicola MES12712 were grown on oatmeal agar (7) at 25°C. Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy of uncoated samples (8) clearly showed that the conidia of Verticillium and Fusarium were formed in large (spherical) clusters or on the surface of the colony amid the mycelium, while the other fungi showed clearly elevated spore-forming structures that formed chains of conidia (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Conidia of 10- to 12-day-old cultures were harvested in cold ACES buffer [10 mM N-(2-acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, 0.02% Tween 80, pH 6.8] and stored on ice before experimentation on the same day.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Formation of conidia by V. fungicola (Vf), F. oxysporum (Fo), P. discolor (Pd), and A. niger (An) observed by scanning cryoelectron microscopy. (A) Numerous conidia of A. niger are formed on erect conidiophores (B) Conidia of P. discolor are also formed on conidiophores, and the chains of the spores are notable. (C) Conidia of F. oxysporum are formed within the mycelium. (D) Conidia of V. fungicola are formed in large clusters that coalesce to form large aggregates of spores inside the mycelium. Bars, 10 μm.  相似文献   
Sophorolipids production by the yeast Candia bombicola is most favourable when glucose is used as a carbon source in combination with a hydrophobic carbon source such as a common vegetable oil. Most vegetable oils are comprised of C16–C18 fatty acids, an ideal range for sophorolipid production. The use of oils with either shorter or longer fatty acids, such has coconut oil or meadowfoam oil, respectively, was evaluated. Such oils did not contribute to enhanced sophorolipid production when compared to cultures run on glucose as the sole carbon source. Moreover, a toxic effect of medium-chain fatty acids towards stationary C. bombicola cells was demonstrated.  相似文献   


The 30-day case-fatality rate after acute myocardial infarction (MI) for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients is twice that of the general population. This study compared the frequency and timeliness of early reperfusion therapy and treatment with secondary prevention medications after acute MI in RA patients and controls.  相似文献   
Cell migration in the absence of external cues is well described by a correlated random walk. Most single cells move by extending protrusions called pseudopodia. To deduce how cells walk, we have analyzed the formation of pseudopodia by Dictyostelium cells. We have observed that the formation of pseudopodia is highly ordered with two types of pseudopodia: First, de novo formation of pseudopodia at random positions on the cell body, and therefore in random directions. Second, pseudopod splitting near the tip of the current pseudopod in alternating right/left directions, leading to a persistent zig-zag trajectory. Here we analyzed the probability frequency distributions of the angles between pseudopodia and used this information to design a stochastic model for cell movement. Monte Carlo simulations show that the critical elements are the ratio of persistent splitting pseudopodia relative to random de novo pseudopodia, the Left/Right alternation, the angle between pseudopodia and the variance of this angle. Experiments confirm predictions of the model, showing reduced persistence in mutants that are defective in pseudopod splitting and in mutants with an irregular cell surface.  相似文献   
Background:Randomized trial evidence suggests that some antiviral drugs are effective in patients with COVID-19. However, the comparative effectiveness of antiviral drugs in nonsevere COVID-19 is unclear.Methods:We searched the Epistemonikos COVID-19 L·OVE (Living Overview of Evidence) database for randomized trials comparing antiviral treatments, standard care or placebo in adult patients with nonsevere COVID-19 up to Apr. 25, 2022. Reviewers extracted data and assessed risk of bias. We performed a frequentist network meta-analysis and assessed the certainty of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.Results:We identified 41 trials, which included 18 568 patients. Compared with standard care or placebo, molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir–ritonavir each reduced risk of death with moderate certainty (10.9 fewer deaths per 1000, 95% confidence interval [CI] 12.6 to 4.5 fewer for molnupiravir; 11.7 fewer deaths per 1000, 95% CI 13.1 fewer to 2.6 more). Compared with molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir–ritonavir probably reduced risk of hospital admission (27.8 fewer admissions per 1000, 95% CI 32.8 to 18.3 fewer; moderate certainty). Remdesivir probably has no effect on risk of death, but may reduce hospital admissions (39.1 fewer admissions per 1000, 95% CI 48.7 to 13.7 fewer; low certainty).Interpretation:Molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir–ritonavir probably reduce risk of hospital admissions and death among patients with nonsevere COVID-19. Nirmatrelvir–ritonavir is probably more effective than molnupiravir for reducing risk of hospital admissions. Most trials were conducted with unvaccinated patients, before the emergence of the Omicron variant; the effectiveness of these drugs must thus be tested among vaccinated patients and against newer variants.

Most trials addressing the treatment of patients with COVID-19 have targeted patients admitted to hospital with severe or critical disease.1 However, more recently, several treatments, including antiviral drugs, antidepressants, monoclonal antibodies and inhaled corticosteroids, have been studied for patients with nonsevere COVID-19.2 Preliminary evidence from ongoing or recently completed trials suggests that 2 novel antiviral drugs — molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir–ritonavir (Paxlovid) — may be effective at reducing risk of hospital admission.35 To date, evidence on antiviral drugs for nonsevere COVID-19 has not been systematically synthesized or appraised. Furthermore, although efficacy data from trials of molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir–ritonavir and remdesivir are promising, no head-to-head trials have compared these drugs.A network meta-analysis allows for comparison of treatments that have not been compared in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), using pooled estimates from direct and indirect evidence. They can provide guidance to clinicians and evidence users in determining which treatments are superior. This is particularly important as health care systems attempt to prioritize access to effective COVID-19 treatments in the early stages of the disease.We sought to compare the effectiveness of antiviral drugs for patients with nonsevere COVID-19.  相似文献   
The European agricultural policy is not simple and needs to accommodate also social and environmental requirements. Grassland will continue to be an important form of land use in Europe, but with increased diversity in management objectives and systems used. Besides its role as basic nutrient for herbivores and ruminants grasslands have opportunities for adding value by exploiting positive health characteristics in animal products from grassland and through the delivery of environmental benefits. In fact grasslands contribute to a high degree to the struggle against erosion and to the regularizing of water regimes, to the purification of fertilizers and pesticides and to biodiversity. Finally they have aesthetic role and recreational function as far as they provide public access that other agricultural uses do not allow. But even for grassland it is very difficult to create a good frame for its different tasks (1) the provision of forage for livestock, (2) protection and conservation of soil and water resources, (3) furnishing a habitat for wildlife, both flora and fauna and (4) contribution to the attractiveness of the landscape. Nevertheless it is the only crop, able to fulfil so many tasks and to fit so many requirements.  相似文献   
Summary A specific enzyme immunoassay of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase was developed and applied to the detection of the human enzyme in man-rodent somatic cell hybrids. This method allowed to assign the gene for uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase to human chromosome 1.  相似文献   
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