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ABSTRACT Sightability models have been used to estimate population size of many wildlife species; however, a limitation of these models is an assumption that groups of animals observed and counted during aerial surveys are enumerated completely. Replacing these unknown counts with maximum observed counts, as is typically done, produces population size estimates that are negatively biased. This bias can be substantial depending on the degree of undercounting occurring. We first investigated a method-of-moments estimator of group sizes. We then defined a population size estimator using the method-of-moments estimator of group sizes in place of maximum counts in the traditional sightability models, thereby correcting for bias associated with undercounting group size. We also provide associated equations for calculating the variance of our estimator. This estimator is an improvement over existing sightability model techniques because it significantly reduces bias, and variance estimates provide near nominal confidence interval coverage. The data needed for this estimator can be easily collected and implemented by wildlife managers with a field crew of only 3 individuals and little additional flight or personnel time beyond the normal requirements for developing sightability models.  相似文献   
Species in the genus Bothrops s. l. are extraordinarily variable in ecology and geography, compared with other genera in the subfamily Crotalinae. In contrast to the trend of splitting large and variable groups into smaller, more ecologically and phenotypically cohesive genera, the genus Bothrops has remained speciose. In addition, previous phylogenetic analyses have found Bothrops to be paraphyletic with respect to the genus Bothriopsis. Taxonomic arguments exist for synonymizing Bothriopsis with Bothrops, and for splitting Bothrops into smaller genera, but the greatest hindrance to taxonomic revision has been incomplete phylogenetic information. We present a phylogeny of Bothrops, Bothriopsis, and Bothrocophias based on 85 characters of morphology and 2343 bp of four mitochondrial gene regions, and with significantly greater taxonomic coverage than previous studies. The combined data provide improved support over independent datasets, and support the existence of discrete species groups within Bothrops. The monophyly and distinctness of these groups warrant recognition at the generic level, and we propose a new taxonomic arrangement to reflect these findings. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 617–640.  相似文献   
The diagenetic mineral assemblages in petroleum reservoirs control the formation fluid pH and pCO2. Anaerobic biodegradation of petroleum is controlled by the transfer of electrons from reduced organic species to inorganic, redox sensitive, aqueous and mineral species in many cases through intermediates such as H2 and CH3COO?. The terminal electron accepting reactions induce the dissolution or precipitation of the same minerals that control the ambient pH and pCO2 in petroleum reservoirs. In this study, we develop a model for anaerobic biodegradation of petroleum that couples the production of acetate and H2 to ‘late stage’ diagenetic reactions. The model reveals that the principal terminal electron accepting process and electron donor control the type of diagenetic reaction, and that the petroleum biodegradation rate is controlled through thermodynamic restriction by the minimum ΔG required to support a specific microbial metabolism, the fluid flux and the mineral assemblage. These relationships are illustrated by modeling coupled microbial diagenesis and biodegradation of the Gullfaks oil reservoir. The results indicate that the complete dissolution of albite by acids generated during oil biodegradation and the corresponding elevated pCO2 seen in the Gullfaks field are best explained by methanogenic respiration coupled to hydrocarbon degradation and that the biodegradation rate is likely controlled by the pCH4. Biodegradation of Gullfaks oil by a consortium that includes either Fe3+‐reducing or ‐reducing bacteria cannot explain the observed diagenetic mineral assemblage or pCO2. For octane, biodegradation, not water washing, was the principal agent for removal at fluid velocities <20 m Myr?1.  相似文献   
The arginine reagents phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione in borate buffer completely inhibited photophosphorylation and Mg-ATPase of Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. The inactivation rates followed apparent first order kinetics. Oxidative phospho-rylation and the light-dependent ATP-Pi exchange reactions ofR. rubrum chromatophores and the Ca-ATPase activity of the soluble coupling factor were similarly inhibited by 2,3-butanedione in borate buffer. The apparent order of reaction with respect to inhibitor concentrations for all these reactions gave values of near 1 suggesting that inactivation was the consequence of modifying one arginine per active site. ATP synthesis and hydrolysis by R. rubrum chromatophores were strongly protected against inactivation by ADP and ATP, respectively, and by other nucleotides that are substrates of the reactions but not by the products. Similarly, the Ca-ATPase of the soluble coupling factor was protected by ATP but not by ADP. Inactivation of chromatophores reactions by butanedione in borate buffer was more rapid in the light than in the dark. The results suggest that the catalytic sites for ATP synthesis and hydrolysis on the chromatophore coupling factor are different and both contain an essential arginine.  相似文献   
Interspecific comparisons have played a prominent role in evolutionarybiology at least since the time of Charles Darwin. Since 1985,the "comparative method" has been revitalized by new analyticaltechniques that use phylogenetic information and by increasedavailability of phytogenies (often from molecular data sets).Because species descend from common ancestors in a hierarchicalfashion, related species tend to resemble each other (elephantslook like elephants); therefore, cross-species data sets generallydo not comprise independent and identically distributed datapoints. Phylogenetically based statistical methods attempt toaccount for this fact. Phylogenetic methods allow traditionaltopics in comparative and ecological physiology to be addressedwith greater rigor, including the form of allometric relationshipsand whether physiological phenotypes vary predictably in relationto behavior, ecology or environmental characteristics, whichprovides evidence about adaptation. They can also address newtopics, such as whether rates of physiological evolution havediffered among lineages (clades), and where and when a phenotypefirst evolved. We present brief overviews of three phylogeneticallybased statistical methods: phylogenetically independent contrasts,Monte Carlo computer simulations to obtain null distributionsof test statistics, and phylogenetic autocorrelation. In a newresult, we show analytically how to use independent contraststo estimate ancestral values and confidence intervals aboutthem. These confidence intervals often exceed the range of variationobserved among extant species, which points out the relativelygreat uncertainty inherent in such inferences. The use of phytogeniesshould become as common as the use of body size and scalingrelationships in the analysis of physiological diversity.  相似文献   
Abstract. Foraging activity of ants in xeric areas may be limited by desiccation stresses. To assess the extent of such stresses on a polymorphic ant species [Messor pergandei (Mayr), body mass range 1-12mg], we measured body water reserves, absolute rates of water loss, and cuticular permeability over the species' foraging temperature range (15–45C). Cuticular permeability of M. pergandei was typical of xeric arthropods (17μgcm-2h-1mmHg-1). However, the effect of polymorphism on both absolute and relative rates of water loss was unexpected. Large workers lost water more slowly than small workers, even after adjusting for cuticular surface area. In addition, the body water reserves of large workers were larger, even after adjusting for body mass. Small workers of this ant species are therefore disproportionately prone to dehydration, yet, in spite of this, constitute a large and important component of the foraging force. To assess the practical relevance of desiccation to polymorphic ants, we developed a 'worst-case' model of desiccation-limited foraging parameters (time to complete loss of locomotor coordination in 5% of the foraging force). In this model, average actual foraging duration was substantially less than would be required to incapacitate the ants by dehydration. We discuss direct and indirect evidence suggesting that desiccation may, nevertheless, impose limitations on the foraging activity of ants.  相似文献   
The carboxylase activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)carboxylase/oxygenase released from freshly ruptured spinachchloroplasts was stimulated preferentially by Mg2+ while oxygenaseactivity was higher with Mn2+. Only Mg2+ could reactivate eitheractivity of desalted enzyme. The results suggest that carboxylaseand oxygenase activities of RuBP craboxylase/oxygenase can bemodulated selectively by Mg2+ or Mn2+. 1 Present address: Department of Botany, Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupati 517 502, India. (Received March 5, 1981; Accepted June 26, 1981)  相似文献   
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