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The current taxonomic status of the species and subspecies belonging to the genus Alouatta is addressed by combined phylogenetic analysis using morphological, kariotipyc and molecular data (mitochondrial genes cytocrome oxidase II and cytochrome B). Our result demonstrated that Alouatta palliata is the most basal taxon for the genus in concordance with previous studies, as well as showing the validity of the taxon Alouatta sara as a species. Also our analysis shows that the sex chromosome has evolved from a XY/XX system to a X1X2Y1Y2/X1X1X2X2 system within the genus, as well as an increase in the size and complexity of the hioideal bone.  相似文献   
Twenty-six Candida dubliniensis and 27 Candida albicans oral strains isolated from patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were tested for germ tube production and 21 extracellular enzymatic activities. Assessment of the enzymatic profile was performed by using the API-ZYM commercial kit system (bioMerieux, France), which tests 19 different enzymes. Protease activity was expressed during the first days of incubation by 100% of the strains studied and resulted higher than phospholipase activity in the C. dubliniensis and C. albicans strains tested. The API-ZYM profile of the C. dubliniensis and C. albicans strains differs with respect to the number and percentage of the enzymes considered, as well as with the intensity of the substrate metabolized by the strains, in particular for the enzymes n 8 (cystine-arylamidase), n 12 (naphtol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase) and n 16 (alpha-glucosidase). These enzymes may be useful to differentiate C. dubliniensis and C. albicans together with other phenotypic characteristics proposed in the literature. No relationship among protease, phospholipase and other extracellular enzymatic activities was observed in C. dubliniensis. The average percentage of strains filamentation after 4 h was between 32 and 42%.  相似文献   
We examined phylogenetic relationships in two lineages of Leuciscinae cyprinid fishes based on the sequence data of the complete mitochondrial DNA region coding for the cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). Telestes includes obligate riverine, moderately cold water-adapted species whereas Scardinius comprises warm-adapted species living in lowland lakes and still waters of rivers and streams. We also analysed selected representatives of Leuciscus and Phoxinellus because the taxonomic status of some species belonging to these genera is dubious and they could be placed in the genus Telestes. The study includes 18 species, 43 populations, and 111 individuals from 9 of the 14 peri-Mediterranean ichthyogeographic districts. Clades recovered from the phylogenetic analyses do not support previous taxonomic assumptions based on morphology. Telestes, Leuciscus, and Phoxinellus do not form monophyletic assemblages; phylogenetic analyses suggest that L. polylepis, L. turskyi, P. croaticus, and P. metohiensis should be included in Telestes. Similarly, populations of Scardinius erythrophthalmus do not cluster together and the endangered S. scardafa, endemic to central Italy and surviving in a single locality, is nested within them. The radiations of Telestes and Scardinius occurred in different time periods. A major diversification of Telestes is consistent with a sea dispersal during the freshwater Messinian "Lago Mare" phase of the Mediterranean Sea. Cladogenetic events within Scardinius are likely related to the extension and confluence of river drainages in lowlands following multiple lowering of the sea level during the Quaternary glaciations.  相似文献   
A Myc epitope was inserted at residue 283 of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein K (gK), a position previously shown not to interfere with gK activity. The Myc-tagged gK localized predominantly to the endoplasmic reticulum, both in uninfected and in HSV-infected cells. gK, coexpressed with the four HSV fusogenic glycoproteins, gD, gB, gH, and gL, inhibited cell-cell fusion. The effect was partially dose dependent and was observed both in baby hamster kidney (BHK) and in Vero cells, indicating that the antifusion activity of gK may be cell line independent. The antifusion activity of gK did not require viral proteins other than the four fusogenic glycoproteins. A syncytial (syn) allele of gK (syn-gK) carrying the A40V substitution present in HSV-1(MP) did not block fusion to the extent seen with the wild-type (wt) gK, indicating that the syn mutation ablated, at least in part, the antifusogenic activity of wt gK. We conclude that gK is part of the mechanism whereby HSV negatively regulates its own fusion activity. Its effect accounts for the notion that cells infected with wt HSV do not fuse with adjacent, uninfected cells into multinucleated giant cells or syncytia. gK may also function to preclude fusion between virion envelope and the virion-encasing vesicles during virus transport to the extracellular compartment, thus preventing nucleocapsid de-envelopment in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a maternally inherited form of central vision loss, is associated with mitochondrial DNA pathogenic point mutations affecting different subunits of complex I. We here report that osteosarcoma-derived cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrid) cell lines harboring one of the three most frequent LHON pathogenic mutations, at positions 11778/ND4, 3460/ND1, and 14484/ND6, undergo cell death when galactose replaces glucose in the medium, contrary to control cybrids that maintain some growth capabilities. This is a well known way to produce a metabolic stress, forcing the cells to rely on the mitochondrial respiratory chain to produce ATP. We demonstrate that LHON cybrid cell death is apoptotic, showing chromatin condensation and nuclear DNA laddering. Moreover, we also document the mitochondrial involvement in the activation of the apoptotic cascade, as shown by the increased release of cytochrome c into the cytosol in LHON cybrid cells as compared with controls. Cybrids bearing the 3460/ND1 and 14484/ND6 mutations seemed more readily prone to undergo apoptosis as compared with the 11778/ND4 mutation. In conclusion, LHON cybrid cells forced by the reduced rate of glycolytic flux to utilize oxidative metabolism are sensitized to an apoptotic death through a mechanism involving mitochondria.  相似文献   
Signals involved in protection against apoptosis by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) were investigated. Using U937 monocytoid cells as an experimental model, we have demonstrated that HSV-1 rendered these cells resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis promptly after infection. UV-inactivated virus as well as the envelope glycoprotein D (gD) of HSV-1, by itself, exerted a protective effect on Fas-induced apoptosis. NF-kappaB was activated by gD, and protection against Fas-mediated apoptosis by gD was abolished in cells stably transfected with a dominant negative mutant I-kappaBalpha, indicating that NF-kappaB activation plays a role in the antiapoptotic activity of gD in our experimental model. Moreover, NF-kappaB-dependent protection against Fas-mediated apoptosis was associated with decreased levels of caspase-8 activity and with the up-regulation of intracellular antiapoptotic proteins.  相似文献   
The suppressive role of endogenous regucalcin (RC), which is a regulatory protein of calcium signaling, in the enhancement of protein phosphatase activity (PPA) in the cytosol and nucleus of kidney cortex in calcium-administered rats was investigated. Calcium content in the kidney cortex was significantly increased at 0.5-5 h after a single intraperitoneal administration of calcium chloride solution (10 mg Ca/100 g body weight) to rats. The analysis with Western blotting of RC protein showed that RC levels in the cytosol and nucleus were significantly increased 0.5-5 h after the administration of calcium (10 mg/100 g). PPA toward phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, and phosphothreonine was found in the cytosol and nucleus of kidney cortex. PPA toward three phosphoamino acids in the cytosol and nucleus was significantly increased by the administration of calcium (10 mg/100 g). The presence of anti-RC monoclonal antibody (25 ng/ml) in the enzyme reaction caused a significant increase in PPA toward phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, and phosphothreonine in the cytosol and nucleus of kidney cortex in normal rats. The effect of anti-RC monoclonal antibody (25 ng/ml) in increasing PPA toward three phosphoamino acids in the cytosol and nucleus was significantly enhanced in calcium-administered rats. The effect of anti-RC monoclonal antibody (25 ng/ml) in increasing PPA in the cytosol and nucleus of normal rats and calcium-administered rats was completely abolished by the addition of RC (10(- 6) M) in the enzyme reaction mixture. The present study suggests that endogenous RC suppresses the enhancement of PPA in the cytosol and nucleus of kidney cortex in calcium-administered rats.  相似文献   
A bacteriocin produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. ciccaronei, used at different purification levels and concentrations in culture and in planta, inhibited the multiplication of P. syringae subsp. savastanoi, the causal agent of olive knot disease, and affected the epiphytic survival of the pathogen on the leaves and twigs of treated olive plants. Treatments with bacteriocin from P. syringae pv. ciccaronei inhibited the formation of overgrowths on olive plants caused by P. syringae subsp. savastanoi strains PVBa229 and PVBa304 inoculated on V-shaped slits and on leaf scars at concentrations of 10(5) and 10(8) CFU ml(-1), respectively. In particular, the application of 6,000 arbitrary units (AU) of crude bacteriocin (dialyzed ammonium sulfate precipitate of culture supernatant) ml(-1) at the inoculated V-shaped slits and leaf scars resulted in the formation of knots with weight values reduced by 81 and 51%, respectively, compared to the control, depending on the strains and inoculation method used. Crude bacteriocin (6,000 AU ml(-1)) was also effective in controlling the multiplication of epiphytic populations of the pathogen. In particular, the bacterial populations recovered after 30 days were at least 350 and 20 times lower than the control populations on twigs and on leaves, respectively. These results suggest that bacteriocin from P. syringae pv. ciccaronei can be used effectively to control the survival of the causal agent of olive knot disease and to prevent its multiplication at inoculation sites.  相似文献   
The reaction of the rhenium(V) nitrido complex [Re(N)Cl2(PPh3)2] with the tripodal ligand N(CH2CH2PPh2)3 (NP3) in THF gave [Re(N)Cl22-P,P-NP3)] (1) in which NP3 acts as a tridentate ligand using the nitrogen and two phosphorus donors for coordination. Refluxing 1 in a polar solvent such as ethanol produced [(η4-NP3)Re(N)Cl]Cl (2) in which NP3 acts as a tetradentate ligand. Treatment of complex [Re(O)Cl3(AsPh3)2] containing the [ReO]3+ core with NP3 in THF yielded [ReCl33-N,P,P-(N{CH2CH2Ph2}2{CH2CH2P(O)Ph2})}] (3). Complexes 1 and 3 have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray analyses.  相似文献   
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