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Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis KIM   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
We present the complete genome sequence of Yersinia pestis KIM, the etiologic agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague. The strain KIM, biovar Mediaevalis, is associated with the second pandemic, including the Black Death. The 4.6-Mb genome encodes 4,198 open reading frames (ORFs). The origin, terminus, and most genes encoding DNA replication proteins are similar to those of Escherichia coli K-12. The KIM genome sequence was compared with that of Y. pestis CO92, biovar Orientalis, revealing homologous sequences but a remarkable amount of genome rearrangement for strains so closely related. The differences appear to result from multiple inversions of genome segments at insertion sequences, in a manner consistent with present knowledge of replication and recombination. There are few differences attributable to horizontal transfer. The KIM and E. coli K-12 genome proteins were also compared, exposing surprising amounts of locally colinear "backbone," or synteny, that is not discernible at the nucleotide level. Nearly 54% of KIM ORFs are significantly similar to K-12 proteins, with conserved housekeeping functions. However, a number of E. coli pathways and transport systems and at least one global regulator were not found, reflecting differences in lifestyle between them. In KIM-specific islands, new genes encode candidate pathogenicity proteins, including iron transport systems, putative adhesins, toxins, and fimbriae.  相似文献   
Long-term resistance to Toxoplasma gondii is dependent on the development of parasite-specific T cells that produce IFN-gamma. CD28 is a costimulatory molecule important for optimal activation of T cells, but CD28(-/-) mice are resistant to T. gondii, demonstrating that CD28-independent mechanisms regulate T cell responses during toxoplasmosis. The identification of the B7-related protein 1/inducible costimulator protein (ICOS) pathway and its ability to regulate the production of IFN-gamma suggested that this pathway may be involved in the CD28-independent activation of T cells required for resistance to T. gondii. In support of this hypothesis, infection of wild-type or CD28(-/-) mice with T. gondii resulted in the increased expression of ICOS by activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. In addition, both costimulatory pathways contributed to the in vitro production of IFN-gamma by parasite-specific T cells and when both pathways were blocked, there was an additive effect that resulted in almost complete inhibition of IFN-gamma production. Although in vivo blockade of the ICOS costimulatory pathway did not result in the early mortality of wild-type mice infected with T. gondii, it did lead to increased susceptibility of CD28(-/-) mice to T. gondi associated with reduced serum levels of IFN-gamma, increased parasite burden, and increased mortality compared with the control group. Together, these results identify a critical role for ICOS in the protective Th1-type response required for resistance to T. gondii and suggest that ICOS and CD28 are parallel costimulatory pathways, either of which is sufficient to mediate resistance to this intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   
This study describes the viscoelastic properties of a refined cellular-tensegrity model composed of six rigid bars connected to a continuous network of 24 viscoelastic pre-stretched cables (Voigt bodies) in order to analyse the role of the cytoskeleton spatial rearrangement on the viscoelastic response of living adherent cells. This structural contribution was determined from the relationships between the global viscoelastic properties of the tensegrity model, i.e., normalized viscosity modulus (eta(*)), normalized elasticity modulus (E(*)), and the physical properties of the constitutive elements, i.e., their normalized length (L(*)) and normalized initial internal tension (T(*)). We used a numerical method to simulate the deformation of the structure in response to different types of loading, while varying by several orders of magnitude L(*) and T(*). The numerical results obtained reveal that eta(*) remains almost independent of changes in T(*) (eta(*) proportional, variant T(*+0.1)), whereas E(*) increases with approximately the square root of the internal tension T(*) (from E(*) proportional, variant T(*+0.3) to E(*) proportional, variant T(*+0.7)). Moreover, structural viscosity eta(*) and elasticity E(*) are both inversely proportional to the square of the size of the structure (eta(*) proportional, variant L(*-2) and E(*) proportional, variant L(*-2)). These structural properties appear consistent with cytoskeleton (CSK) mechanical properties measured experimentally by various methods which are specific to the CSK micromanipulation in living adherent cells. Present results suggest, for the first time, that the effect of structural rearrangement of CSK elements on global CSK behavior is characterized by a faster cellular mechanical response relatively to the CSK element response, which thus contributes to the solidification process observed in adherent cells. In extending to the viscoelastic properties the analysis of the mechanical response of the cellular 30-element tensegrity model, the present study contributes to the understanding of recent results on the cellular-dynamic response and allows to reunify the scattered data reported for the viscoelastic properties of living adherent cells.  相似文献   
Nappi VM  Petti LM 《Journal of virology》2002,76(16):7976-7986
The bovine papillomavirus E5 protein activates the cellular platelet-derived growth factor beta receptor (PDGFbetaR) tyrosine kinase in a ligand-independent manner. Evidence suggests that the small transmembrane E5 protein homodimerizes and physically interacts with the transmembrane domain of the PDGFbetaR, thereby inducing constitutive dimerization and activation of this receptor. Amino acids in the receptor previously found to be required for the PDGFbetaR-E5 interaction are a transmembrane Thr513 and a juxtamembrane Lys499. Here, we sought to determine if these are the only two receptor amino acids required for an interaction with the E5 protein. Substitution of large portions of the PDGFbetaR transmembrane domain indicated that additional amino acids in both the amino and carboxyl halves of the receptor transmembrane domain are required for a productive interaction with the E5 protein. Indeed, individual amino acid substitutions in the receptor transmembrane domain identified roles for the extracellular proximal transmembrane residues in the interaction. These data suggest that multiple amino acids within the transmembrane domain of the PDGFbetaR are required for a stable interaction with the E5 protein. These may be involved in direct protein-protein contacts or may support the proper transmembrane alpha-helical conformation for optimal positioning of the primary amino acid requirements.  相似文献   
The structure of IP-10 was solved by NMR spectroscopy and represents the first structure from the class of agonists toward the receptor CXCR3. CXCR3 binding chemokines are unique in their ability to bind receptors from both the CC and CXC classes of chemokine receptors. An unusual structural feature of IP-10 was identified that may provide the basis for the ability of IP-10 to bind both CXCR3 and CCR3. The surface of IP-10 that interacts with the N-terminus of CXCR3 was defined by monitoring changes in the NMR spectrum of IP-10 upon addition of a CXCR3 N-terminal peptide. These studies indicated that the interaction involves a hydrophobic cleft, formed by the N-loop and 40s-loop region of IP-10, similar to the interaction surface observed for other chemokines such as IL-8. An additional region of interaction was observed that consists of a hydrophobic cleft formed by the N-terminus of IP-10 and 30s-loop of IP-10.  相似文献   
Elongation of the mouse anteroposterior axis depends on a small population of progenitors initially located in the primitive streak and later in the tail bud. Gene expression and lineage tracing have shown that there are many features common to these progenitor tissues throughout axial elongation. However, the identity and location of the progenitors is unclear. We show by lineage tracing that the descendants of 8.5 d.p.c. node and anterior primitive streak which remain in the tail bud are located in distinct territories: (1) ventral node descendants are located in the widened posterior end of the notochord; and (2) descendants of anterior streak are located in both the tail bud mesoderm, and in the posterior end of the neurectoderm. We show that cells from the posterior neurectoderm are fated to give rise to mesoderm even after posterior neuropore closure. The posterior end of the notochord, together with the ventral neurectoderm above it, is thus topologically equivalent to the chordoneural hinge region defined in Xenopus and chick. A stem cell model has been proposed for progenitors of two of the axial tissues, the myotome and spinal cord. Because it was possible that labelled cells in the tail bud represented stem cells, tail bud mesoderm and chordoneural hinge were grafted to 8.5 d.p.c. primitive streak to compare their developmental potency. This revealed that cells from the bulk of the tail bud mesoderm are disadvantaged in such heterochronic grafts from incorporating into the axis and even when they do so, they tend to contribute to short stretches of somites suggesting that tail bud mesoderm is restricted in potency. By contrast, cells from the chordoneural hinge of up to 12.5 d.p.c. embryos contribute efficiently to regions of the axis formed after grafting to 8.5 d.p.c. embryos, and also repopulate the tail bud. These cells were additionally capable of serial passage through three successive generations of embryos in culture without apparent loss of potency. This potential for self-renewal in chordoneural hinge cells strongly suggests that stem cells are located in this region.  相似文献   
We have identified and characterized a protein of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7 that shares homology with antigen 43 and AIDA-I of E. coli. The gene encoding this protein consists of a 2850 bp open reading frame and was named cah for calcium binding antigen 43 homologue. The prototype EHEC strain EDL933 possesses identical duplicate copies of cah (cah1 and cah2), which showed 100% identity at the nucleotide level. We showed that E. coli K-12 containing the recombinant cah gene produced two proteins, an approximately 80 kDa outer membrane protein and a 43.0 kDa heat-extractable protein. The Cah protein contains a predicted 52-amino-acid extended signal sequence found in several autotransporter proteins, and N-terminal sequencing data indicated that the 43.0 kDa passenger protein was derived from cleavage of the signal sequence from alanine at position 53. Phenotypes such as autoaggregation and change in bacterial shape were observed when a recombinant plasmid containing the cah gene was introduced into a laboratory E. coli strain, and these phenotypes were eliminated upon mutation of the cah gene. The passenger domain contains six domains found in calcium-binding proteins, and the recombinant Cah passenger protein bound 45Ca2+. In E. coli O157:H7, Cah is a heat-extractable protein, the expression of which is induced in minimal essential media and under divalent ion-depleting conditions; it also participates in the formation of biofilms. Our results provide insight into the expression, secretion and preliminary features of the calcium-binding Cah autotransporter protein of EHEC O157:H7.  相似文献   
Mini p53     
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