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Riassunto La scheda morfopalinologica diSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. continua lo studio sulle Pinohyta ornamentali più frequenti in Torino. È esaminato polline fresco ed acetolizzato proveniente da due stazioni e la provenienza non determina variazioni significative dei parametri morfometrici.
Summary The morphopalynological card ofSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. is a new contribution to the comprehensive study on pollen of ornamental Pinophyta in Turin. Fresh and acetolysed grains from two stations are examined, and for all parameters no significative differences were observed in relation to the collection site.
Parole chiave: Sequoia sempervirens(Lamb.) Endl., Flora Palinologica Italina, Sezione Aeropalinologica.  相似文献   
Phages depend on their bacterial hosts to replicate. The habitat, density and genetic diversity of host populations are therefore key factors in phage ecology, but our ability to explore their biology depends on the isolation of a diverse and representative collection of phages from different sources. Here, we compared two populations of marine bacterial hosts and their phages collected during a time series sampling program in an oyster farm. The population of Vibrio crassostreae, a species associated specifically to oysters, was genetically structured into clades of near clonal strains, leading to the isolation of closely related phages forming large modules in phage–bacterial infection networks. For Vibrio chagasii, which blooms in the water column, a lower number of closely related hosts and a higher diversity of isolated phages resulted in small modules in the phage–bacterial infection network. Over time, phage load was correlated with V. chagasii abundance, indicating a role of host blooms in driving phage abundance. Genetic experiments further demonstrated that these phage blooms can generate epigenetic and genetic variability that can counteract host defence systems. These results highlight the importance of considering both the environmental dynamics and the genetic structure of the host when interpreting phage–bacteria networks.  相似文献   
Eco-evolutionary dynamics, or eco-evolution for short, are often thought to involve rapid demography (ecology) and equally rapid heritable phenotypic changes (evolution) leading to novel, emergent system behaviours. We argue that this focus on contemporary dynamics is too narrow: Eco-evolution should be extended, first, beyond pure demography to include all environmental dimensions and, second, to include slow eco-evolution which unfolds over thousands or millions of years. This extension allows us to conceptualise biological systems as occupying a two-dimensional time space along axes that capture the speed of ecology and evolution. Using Hutchinson's analogy: Time is the ‘theatre’ in which ecology and evolution are two interacting ‘players’. Eco-evolutionary systems are therefore dynamic: We identify modulators of ecological and evolutionary rates, like temperature or sensitivity to mutation, which can change the speed of ecology and evolution, and hence impact eco-evolution. Environmental change may synchronise the speed of ecology and evolution via these rate modulators, increasing the occurrence of eco-evolution and emergent system behaviours. This represents substantial challenges for prediction, especially in the context of global change. Our perspective attempts to integrate ecology and evolution across disciplines, from gene-regulatory networks to geomorphology and across timescales, from today to deep time.  相似文献   
L1 retroposons are represented in mice by subfamilies of interspersed sequences of varied abundance. Previous analyses have indicated that subfamilies are generated by duplicative transposition of a small number of members of the L1 family, the progeny of which then become a major component of the murine L1 population, and are not due to any active processes generating homology within preexisting groups of elements in a particular species. In mice, more than a third of the L1 elements belong to a clade that became active approximately 5 Mya and whose elements are > or = 95% identical. We have collected sequence information from 13 L1 elements isolated from two species of voles (Rodentia: Microtinae: Microtus and Arvicola) and have found that divergence within the vole L1 population is quite different from that in mice, in that there is no abundant subfamily of homologous elements. Individual L1 elements from voles are very divergent from one another and belong to a clade that began a period of elevated duplicative transposition approximately 13 Mya. Sequence analyses of portions of these divergent L1 elements (approximately 250 bp each) gave no evidence for concerted evolution having acted on the vole L1 elements since the split of the two vole lineages approximately 3.5 Mya; that is, the observed interspecific divergence (6.7%-24.7%) is not larger than the intraspecific divergence (7.9%-27.2%), and phylogenetic analyses showed no clustering into Arvicola and Microtus clades.   相似文献   
We detected, for the first time, the occurrence of vegetative incompatibility between different isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species Glomus mosseae. Vegetative compatibility tests performed on germlings belonging to the same isolate showed that six geographically different isolates were capable of self-anastomosing, and that the percentage of hyphal contacts leading to fusions ranged from 60 to 85%. Successful anastomoses were characterized by complete fusion of hyphal walls, protoplasm continuity and occurrence of nuclei in the middle of hyphal bridges. No anastomoses could be detected between hyphae belonging to different isolates, which intersected without any reaction in 49 to 68% of contacts. Microscopic examinations detected hyphal incompatibility responses in diverse pairings, consisting of protoplasm retraction from the tips and septum formation in the approaching hyphae, even before physical contact with neighboring hyphae. Interestingly, many hyphal tips showed precontact tropism, suggesting that specific recognition signals may be involved during this stage. The intraspecific genetic diversity of G. mosseae revealed by vegetative compatibility tests was confirmed by total protein profiles and internal transcribed spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles, which evidenced a higher level of molecular diversity between the two European isolates IMA1 and BEG25 than between IMA1 and the two American isolates. Since arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi lack a tractable genetic system, vegetative compatibility tests may represent an easy assay for the detection of genetically different mycelia and an additional powerful tool for investigating the population structure and genetics of these obligate symbionts.  相似文献   
Trace elements have been shown to improve red blood cell (RBC) deformability: zinc in sickle cell disease and magnesium in an in vitro model of chemically rigidified erythrocytes. In this study, we investigated the effect and the influence of incubation time of zinc or magnesium on an in vitro model of rigidified RBCs by heating. Erythrocyte rigidity was determined by viscosimetry at high shear rate by a falling ball viscosimeter MT 90. In the first part of the study, six normal volunteers participated. Viscosimetry was performed on native blood before and after heating the sample for 10 min at 50°C. Therefore, increasing concentrations of zinc gluconate (final concentration: 0.5–4 g/L) or isotonic NaCl as control medium were added to the sample. Heating induced a twofold increase in all indices of RBC rigidity (p<0.05). At all these concentrations of zinc, a highly significant, dose-related fluidifying effect was observed (40–70%): this effect was immediately obtained and did not change over 60 min. Even at the highest concentration, recovery was not complete. In the second part of the study, we studied magnesium’s effects on blood. In a first protocol, whole blood was rigidified by heating at 56°C for 10 min, and the correcting effect of 5 min of incubation at 37°C of RBCs in 150 mmol/L NaCl, MgSO4, magnesium acetate, and magnesium gluconate was investigated. In a second protocol, the same incubation with NaCl and magnesium salts was made on blood that had not been previously heated. In a third protocol, the correcting effect of magnesium gluconate on heated red blood cells was tested at four concentrations (75, 150, 225, and 300 mmol/L) over 1 h, for evaluating the effects of both concentration and time. Erythrocyte rigidity by heating is corrected by the three salts employed in protocol 1 (compared to sodium). In protocol 2, the deformability of normal (nonheated) red cells is not modified by magnesium. In protocol 3, no marked modification over 1 h is observed. The correcting effect is not complete for 75 mmol/L Mg, but remains the same at the three other concentrations. This study shows that zinc and magnesium at supraphysiological concentration are able to reverse RBC’s rigidification induced by heating, but that magnesium does not modify the flexibility of normal RBCs. This article suggests that zinc and magnesium may be studied in vivo as potential pharmacologic tools for improving hemorheologic disturbances.  相似文献   
Zinc improves both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, and exerts insulin-like effects. We investigated its acute effects on the parameters of glucose assimilation determined with the minimal model technique from frequent sampling intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIVGTT) in seven healthy volunteers. FSIVGTTs (0.5 g/kg of glucose, followed by 2 U insulin iv injection at 19 min) were performed after the subjects had taken 20 mg zinc gluconate twice (the evening before and 30 min before the beginning of the test) or placebo pills (simple blind randomized protocol). Glucose assimilation was analyzed by calculating Kg (slope of the exponential decrease in glycemia), glucose effectiveness Sg (i.e., ability of glucose itself to increase its own disposal independent of insulin response), and SI (insulin sensitivity, i.e. the effect of increases in insulinemia on glucose disposal). The two latter parameters were calculated by fitting the experimental data with the two equations of Bergman’s “minimal model”. Zinc increased Kg (p<0.05) and Sg (p<0.05), whereas SI and insulin first-phase secretion did not significantly increase. This study suggests that zinc improves glucose assimilation, as evidenced by the increase in Kg, and that this improvement results mainly from an increase in glucose effectiveness (insulin-like effect), rather than an action on insulin response or insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   
A list of 19 polymorphic species of the generaOstertagia, Orloffia, Teladorsagia, Marshallagia andSpiculopteragia is presented. The morphs of the polymorphic species in question have identical females and show similarities in some male features, e.g. the structure of the oesophagus, the synlophe and the shape of the rays of the copulatory bursa. However, they differ by characters which are recognised as generic features, e.g. the structure of spicules, gulbernaculum and genital cone. The presence or lack of minor morphs is a generic feature in the Ostertagiinae. Each polymorphic genus has a defined type of minor morph.  相似文献   
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