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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The goal of this work is to analyse the environmental impacts across the productive continuum of market gardening in southern Benin, to...  相似文献   
The species Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, 1907 is a rare tick found on the Neotropical Region, but it has not been recorded as a valid taxon in some lists proposed by current taxonomists. After a comparison between the Brazilian material of A. fuscum deposited in the Acari Collection of the Butantan Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and the male type deposited in Leiden Museum of Natural History, The Netherlands, we confirm the taxonomic validity of A. fuscum and redescribe the adult specimens based on light and scanning electron microscope studies.  相似文献   
The mechanisms by which peptidergic signals are terminated have been the center of multiple studies leading to the discoveries of novel proteolytic activities. When studying the catabolic fate of neurotensin (NT) in brain and gastrointestinal tract, we detected a novel activity belonging to the metallopeptidases class and apparently distinct from previously known enzymes. Purification and cloning confirmed that this NT-degrading neutral metalloendopeptidase activity was indeed original. It was named endopeptidase according to the IUBMB nomenclature and later, referred to as neurolysin. This review tells the history of neurolysin from its initial detection to its purification, cloning, design of specific inhibitors as well as in vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies aimed at delineating its role in the control of NT function. Finally, we discuss very recent advances suggesting a potential role of neurolysin in pathologies.  相似文献   
Journal of Mathematical Biology - We consider cascades of enzymatic Goldbeter–Koshland loops (Goldbeter and Koshland in Proc Natl Acad Sci 78(11):6840–6844, 1981) with any number n of...  相似文献   
Shells of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis remain free of fouling organisms as long as they possess an intact periostracum, and a multiple antifouling defence that comprises a ripple-like microtopography and the production of chemical antifouling compounds has been suggested previously. This study investigates the chemical defence strategy of blue mussels for the first time. Six crude extracts of the periostracum of intact shells were made using solvents of increasing polarity. These extracts were tested against common fouling organisms in laboratory based bioassays. Non-polar and moderately polar fractions showed the highest activities: the diethyl ether fraction strongly inhibited attachment of Balanus amphitrite cyprids and the marine bacteria Cobetia marina and Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus. Attachment of the benthic diatom Amphora coffeaeformis was significantly reduced by the dichloromethane extract, whereas both ethyl acetate and diethyl ether fractions slowed diatom growth. These results provide the first evidence of surface bound compounds that may moderate surface colonisation.  相似文献   
We previously found that a directional movement of the raft component GD3 towards mitochondria, by its association with microtubules, was mandatory to late apoptogenic events triggered by CD95/Fas. Since CLIPR-59, CLIP-170-related protein, has recently been identified as a microtubule binding protein associated with lipid rafts, we analyzed the role of GD3-CLIPR-59 association in lymphoblastoid T cell apoptosis triggered by CD95/Fas. To test whether CLIPR-59 could play a role at the raft-microtubule junction, we performed a series of experiments by using immunoelectron microscopy, static or flow cytometry and biochemical analyses. We first assessed the presence of CLIPR-59 molecule in lymphoblastoid T cells (CEM). Then, we demonstrated that GD3-microtubule interaction occurs via CLIPR-59 and takes place at early time points after CD95/Fas ligation, preceding the association GD3-tubulin. GD3-CLIPR-59 association was demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis. The key role of CLIPR-59 in this dynamic process was clarified by the observation that silencing CLIPR-59 by siRNA affected the kinetics of GD3-tubulin association, spreading of GD3 towards mitochondria and apoptosis execution. We find that CLIPR-59 may act as a typical chaperone, allowing a prompt interaction between tubulin and the raft component GD3 during cell apoptosis triggered by CD95/Fas. On the basis of the suggested role of lipid rafts in conveying pro-apoptotic signals these results disclose new perspectives in the understanding of the mechanisms by which raft-mediated pro-apoptotic signals can directionally reach their target, i.e. the mitochondria, and trigger apoptosis execution.  相似文献   
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel that is expressed on the apical plasma membrane (PM) of epithelial cells. The most common deleterious allele encodes a trafficking-defective mutant protein undergoing endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) and presenting lower PM stability. In this study, we investigated the involvement of the Cdc42 pathway in CFTR turnover and trafficking in a human bronchiolar epithelial cell line (CFBE41o-) expressing wild-type CFTR. Cdc42 is a small GTPase of the Rho family that fulfils numerous cell functions, one of which is endocytosis and recycling process via actin cytoskeleton remodelling. When we treated cells with chemical inhibitors such as ML141 against Cdc42 and wiskostatin against the downstream effector N-WASP, we observed that CFTR channel activity was inhibited, in correlation with a decrease in CFTR amount at the cell surface and an increase in dynamin-dependent CFTR endocytosis. Anchoring of CFTR to the cortical cytoskeleton was then presumably impaired by actin disorganization. When we performed siRNA-mediated depletion of Cdc42, actin polymerization was not impacted, but we observed actin-independent consequences upon CFTR. Total and PM CFTR amounts were increased, resulting in greater activation of CFTR. Pulse-chase experiments showed that while CFTR degradation was slowed, CFTR maturation through the Golgi apparatus remained unaffected. In addition, we observed increased stability of CFTR in PM and reduction of its endocytosis. This study highlights the involvement of the Cdc42 pathway at several levels of CFTR biogenesis and trafficking: (i) Cdc42 is implicated in the first steps of CFTR biosynthesis and processing; (ii) it contributes to the stability of CFTR in PM via its anchoring to cortical actin; (iii) it promotes CFTR endocytosis and presumably its sorting toward lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   
The Lebanese mountain range is an important zone of plant species richness and endemism where the genus Astragalus constitutes a principal component of plant biodiversity. Most of endemic Astragalus taxa, living in mountains and arid zones of Mounts Lebanon and anti-Lebanon, are characterized by a cushion, spiny vegetative form, named “tragacanthic”, which is a remarkable example of vegetative convergence evolution. Because of determination difficulties, taxonomic uncertainties, and discrepancy in the number of taxa listed according to authors, new data are hardly needed to improve systematics of Astragalus and to investigate the role of the Lebanese mountain range as refugia of biodiversity. Before this study only two values on the genome size of Astragalus were reported in the literature and no previous molecular studies had been carried out on Astragalus genus in Lebanon. We examined the utility of rDNA ITS molecular markers to distinguish Astragalus species of Lebanese mountain range and the variation range of their genome size. The main results revealed a striking diversity in Lebanese Astragalus species with the emphasis of a huge variation of genome sizes, an important inter-specific chromosome polymorphism and the existence of a high phylogenetic diversity. The strict endemic species of the Lebanese mountains are positioned throughout the phylogeny. These results confirm that the Lebanon and anti-Lebanon mounts constitute a third diversity center for Astragalus and that high altitude areas are important refugia of plant biodiversity despite centuries of exploitation by humans.  相似文献   
Endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress contribute to the atherosclerotic process that includes stiffening of large peripheral arteries. In contrast, our laboratory previously reported a paradoxical increase in cerebrovascular compliance in LDLr(-/-):hApoB(+/+) atherosclerotic (ATX) mice (7). We hypothesized that prevention of cerebral artery endothelial dysfunction with a chronic dietary antioxidant intake would normalize the changes in cerebral artery wall structure and biomechanics and prevent the decline in basal cerebral blood flow associated with atherosclerosis. Three-month-old ATX mice were treated, or not, for 3 mo with the polyphenol (+)-catechin (CAT; 30 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) and compared with wild-type controls. In isolated, pressurized cerebral arteries from ATX mice, CAT prevented endothelial dysfunction (deterioration of endothelium-dependent, flow-mediated dilations; P < 0.05), the inward hypertrophic structural remodeling (increase in the wall-to-lumen ratio; P < 0.05), and the rise in cerebrovascular compliance (rightward shift of the stress-strain curve measured in passive conditions, reflecting mechanical properties of the arterial wall; P < 0.05). Doppler optical coherence tomography imaging in vivo confirmed these findings, showing that cerebral compliance was higher in ATX mice and normalized by CAT (P < 0.05). CAT also prevented basal cerebral hypoperfusion in ATX mice (P < 0.05). Active remodeling of the cerebrovascular wall in ATX mice was further suggested by the increase (P < 0.05) in pro-metalloproteinase-9 activity, which was normalized by CAT. We conclude that, by preserving the endothelial function, a chronic treatment with CAT prevents the deleterious effect of severe dyslipidemia on cerebral artery wall structure and biomechanical properties, contributing to preserving resting cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   
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