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Changes in pH and redox potential were studied in the rhizosphere soil of a nickel hyperaccumulator plant (Alyssum murale) and of a crop plant, radish (Raphanus sativus). Differences in rhizosphere pH and reducing activity were found between the lateral and the main roots of both species, but the pH changes in the rhizosphere were similar in both species. Changes in pH were associated with the relative uptakes of cations and anions; whether the concentrations of heavy metals in the growth medium did not have any effect on the rhizosphere pH. The source of nitrogen (ammonium or nitrate) was the major factor determining the pH of the rhizosphere of both species. The redox potential of the rhizosphere was influenced by both the N-source and the concentrations of heavy metals. When heavy metals were not present in the growth medium, and nitrate was the N-source, the reducing capacity of A. murale roots was enhanced. However, the reducing activity of A. murale was always smaller than that of radish. Therefore, the mechanism of metal solubilization by the hyperaccumulator plant does not involve either the reduction of pH in the rhizosphere or the release of reductants from roots. The acidification and reducing activity of the roots of A. murale was always smaller than that of R. sativus.  相似文献   
In this work we report the optical absorption spectra of three cobalt-substituted derivatives of hemocyanin (He) from Carcinus maenas, in the temperature range 300–20 K. The derivatives studied are the mononuclear (Co2+)-He with a single cobalt ion in the CuA site, the binuclear (Co2+)2-He and the binuclear mixed metal (Co2+-Cu1+)-He. At low temperature three main bands are clearly resolved; the temperature dependence of their zeroth, first and second moments sheds light on the stereodynamic properties in the surroundings of the chromophore. Within the limits of the reported analysis, in the binuclear derivatives the motions coupled to the chromophore appear to be essentially harmonic in the whole temperature range investigated; moreover the data are consistent with the presence of an exogenous ligand strongly bound to the two metal ions. For the mononuclear derivative an essentially harmonic behavior is evident only up to 200 K where the data are consistent with the presence of an exogenous ligand much less strongly bound, while at higher temperatures the behavior of the spectra indicates the onset of very large anharmonic contributions to motions, that plausibly involve the above exogenous ligand and, quite likely, the entire active site.Abbreviations He Hemocyanin - M0 zeroth moment - M1 first moment - M2 second moment - (Co2–)2-He binuclear bicobalt hemocyanin derivative - (Co2+)-He mononuclear monocobalt hemocyanin derivative - (Co2+-Cu1+)-He binuclear mixed metals hemocyanin derivative - LFT ligand field theory - CT charge transfer - EPR electronic paramagnetic resonance - XANES X-ray absorption near edge structure Correspondence to: L. Cordone  相似文献   
In contrast to its usual habitat as a copepod that may occurin shelf or slope waters with low oxygen content between depthsfrom the surface to >2000 m, Rhincalanus nasutus was foundin a shallow (<60 m) embayment, the Arauco Gulf in Chile.Here, we document the complex life history of this copepod wheredid and ontogenetic vertical migratory behavior was co-ordinatedwith the circulation pattern which helped to retain a summerresident population in the vicinity of the gulf. With the onsetof the upwelling season in the southern summer, the mid-depthEquatorial Sub Surface Waters intrude into the gulf, leadingto the formation of a strong thermocline at 10–20 m andthe development of a two-layer circulation pattern. CopepoditesI, C.II and C.III (first stage to exhibit migratory behavior)were found within the gulf in the layer where the net transportwas at a minimum while chlorophyll-a concentrations were ata maximum. Older stages (C.IV-C.VI females and males) migratefrom their daytime depth in the bottom, shoreward-moving, low-oxygenlayer, to their night-time depth in the shallow seaward-movinglayer. The population of copepods retained in the area thuslyreproduce, as reflected in the sequential pulses of differentdevelopmental stages. Because coastal intrusions such as thisof R.nasutus have been documented for several other speciesduring the seasons of maximum phytoplankton production (upwelling),they may form part of a more widespread reproductive strategyof the larger zooplankton of coastal upwelling systems thanpreviously suspected.  相似文献   
Riassunto La scheda morfopalinologica diSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. continua lo studio sulle Pinohyta ornamentali più frequenti in Torino. È esaminato polline fresco ed acetolizzato proveniente da due stazioni e la provenienza non determina variazioni significative dei parametri morfometrici.
Summary The morphopalynological card ofSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. is a new contribution to the comprehensive study on pollen of ornamental Pinophyta in Turin. Fresh and acetolysed grains from two stations are examined, and for all parameters no significative differences were observed in relation to the collection site.
Parole chiave: Sequoia sempervirens(Lamb.) Endl., Flora Palinologica Italina, Sezione Aeropalinologica.  相似文献   
We detected, for the first time, the occurrence of vegetative incompatibility between different isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species Glomus mosseae. Vegetative compatibility tests performed on germlings belonging to the same isolate showed that six geographically different isolates were capable of self-anastomosing, and that the percentage of hyphal contacts leading to fusions ranged from 60 to 85%. Successful anastomoses were characterized by complete fusion of hyphal walls, protoplasm continuity and occurrence of nuclei in the middle of hyphal bridges. No anastomoses could be detected between hyphae belonging to different isolates, which intersected without any reaction in 49 to 68% of contacts. Microscopic examinations detected hyphal incompatibility responses in diverse pairings, consisting of protoplasm retraction from the tips and septum formation in the approaching hyphae, even before physical contact with neighboring hyphae. Interestingly, many hyphal tips showed precontact tropism, suggesting that specific recognition signals may be involved during this stage. The intraspecific genetic diversity of G. mosseae revealed by vegetative compatibility tests was confirmed by total protein profiles and internal transcribed spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles, which evidenced a higher level of molecular diversity between the two European isolates IMA1 and BEG25 than between IMA1 and the two American isolates. Since arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi lack a tractable genetic system, vegetative compatibility tests may represent an easy assay for the detection of genetically different mycelia and an additional powerful tool for investigating the population structure and genetics of these obligate symbionts.  相似文献   
Vast amounts of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) are produced in Mediterranean countries, where their treatment and disposal are becoming a serious environmental problem. Increasing attention has been paid to discovering a use for OMW and a wide range of technological treatments are available nowadays for reducing their pollutant effects and for their transformation into valuable products, the most suitable procedures being found to involve recycling rather than the detoxication of these wastes. Direct application of OMW to soil has been considered as an inexpensive method of disposal and recovery of their mineral and organic components but, because of their organic acid and phenol contents, OMW are also a source of pollution. By using composting technologies, it is possible to transform either fresh OMW or sludge from pond-stored OMW mixed with appropriate plant waste waterials (carriers) into organic fertilizers (composts) with no phytotoxicity to improve soil fertility and plant production, the process involving the microbial degradation of the polluting load of the wastes. Results of field and pot experiments using OMW-composts to cultivate horticultural and other crops have shown that yields obtained with organic fertilization are similar, and sometimes higher, to those obtained with a balanced mineral fertilizer. A comparison between the macro and micronutrient contents of plants cultivated with organic or mineral fertilizers did not generally reveal important differences. However, the cases of iron and manganese are worth mentioning as their bio-availability may be linked to the soil humic complexes originated by the OMW organic fertilizers.  相似文献   
Enkephalin-binding systems in human plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three amino acid-containing fractions present in human plasma are shown to bind both leu and met-enkephalin: serum albumin and two species of a much lower molecular weight, in all likelihood polypeptides. The amount of enkephalin associated with serum albumin seems comparatively smaller than that associated with the two low molecular weight systems. These systems jointly are apparently capable of binding a significant part of the circulating enkephalins. The possibility is suggested that the interactions described may play a role in maintaining the integrity of circulating enkephalins.  相似文献   
FUS7 was previously identified by a mutation that causes a defect in cell fusion in a screen for bilateral mating defects. Here we show that FUS7 is allelic to RVS161/END6, a gene implicated in a variety of processes including viability after starvation, endocytosis, and actin cytoskeletal organization. Two lines of evidence indicate that RVS161/END6's endocytic function is not required for cell fusion. First, several other endocytic mutants showed no cell fusion defects. Second, we isolated five function-specific alleles of RVS161/FUS7 that were defective for endocytosis, but not mating, and three alleles that were defective for cell fusion but not endocytosis. The organization of the actin cytoskeleton was normal in the cell fusion mutants, indicating that Rvs161p's function in cell fusion is independent of actin organization. The three to fourfold induction of RVS161 by mating pheromone and the localization of Rvs161p-GFP to the cell fusion zone suggested that Rvs161p plays a direct role in cell fusion. The phenotypes of double mutants, the coprecipitation of Rvs161p and Fus2p, and the fact that the stability of Fus2p was strongly dependent on Rvs161p's mating function lead to the conclusion that Rvs161p is required to interact with Fus2p for efficient cell fusion.  相似文献   
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