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Silicatein genes are known to be involved in siliceous spicule formation in marine sponges. Proteins encoded by these genes, silicateins, were recently proposed for nanobiotechnological applications. We studied silicatein genes of marine sponges Latrunculia oparinae collected in the west Pacific region, shelf of Kuril Islands. Five silicatein genes, LoSilA1, LoSilA1a, LoSilA2, and LoSilA3 (silicatein-α group), LoSilB (silicatein-β group), and one cathepsin gene, LoCath, were isolated from the sponge L. oparinae for the first time. The deduced amino acid sequence of L. oparinae silicateins showed high-sequence identity with silicateins described previously. LoCath contains the catalytic triad of amino acid residues Cys-His-Asn characteristic for cathepsins as well as motifs typical for silicateins. A phylogenetic analysis places LoCath between sponge silicateins-β and L-cathepsins suggesting that the LoCath gene represents an intermediate form between silicatein and cathepsin genes. Additionally, we identified, for the first time, silicatein genes (AcSilA and AcSilB) in nonspicule-forming marine sponge, Acаnthodendrilla sp. The results suggest that silicateins could participate also in the function(s) unrelated to spiculogenesis.  相似文献   
An endo-(1→3)-β-d-glucanase (L0) with molecular mass of 37 kDa was purified to homogeneity from the crystalline style of the scallop Chlamys albidus. The endo-(1→3)-β-d-glucanase was extremely thermolabile with a half-life of 10 min at 37 °C. L0 hydrolyzed laminaran with Km ∼ 0.75 mg/mL, and catalyzed effectively transglycosylation reactions with laminaran as donor and p-nitrophenyl β d-glucoside as acceptor (Km ∼ 2 mg/mL for laminaran) and laminaran as donor and as acceptor (Km ∼ 5 mg/mL) yielding p-nitrophenyl β d-glucooligosaccharides (n = 2-6) and high-molecular branching (1→3),(1→6)-β-d-glucans, respectively. Efficiency of hydrolysis and transglycosylation processes depended on the substrate structure and decreased appreciably with the increase of the percentage of β-(1→6)-glycosidic bonds, and laminaran with 10% of β-(1→6)-glycosidic bonds was the optimal substrate for both reactions. The CD spectrum of L0 was characteristic for a protein with prevailing β secondary-structural elements. Binding L0 with d-glucose as the best acceptor for transglycosylation was investigated by the methods of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and CD. Glucose in concentration sufficient to saturate the enzyme binding sites resulted in a red shift in the maximum of fluorescence emission of 1-1.5 nm and quenching the Trp fluorescence up to 50%. An apparent association constant of L0 with glucose (Ka = 7.4 × 105 ± 1.1 × 105 M−1) and stoichiometry (n = 13.3 ± 0.7) was calculated. The cDNA encoding L0 was sequenced, and the enzyme was classified in glycoside hydrolases family 16 on the basis of the amino acid sequence similarity.  相似文献   
Genetically modified hematopoietic progenitors represent an important testing platform for a variety of cell-based therapies, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and other applications. Stable expression of a transfected gene of interest in the cells is often obstructed by its silencing. DNA transposons offer an attractive non-viral alternative of transgene integration into the host genome, but their broad applicability to leukocytes and other “transgene unfriendly” cells has not been fully demonstrated. Here we assess stability of piggyBac transposon-based reporter expression in murine prostate adenocarcinoma TRAMP-C2, human monocyte THP-1 and erythroleukemia K562 cell lines, along with macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) that have differentiated from the THP-1 transfects. The most efficient and stable reporter activity was observed for combinations of the transposon inverted terminal repeats and one 5’- or two cHS4 core insulators flanking a green fluorescent protein reporter construct, with no detectable silencing over 10 months of continuous cell culture in absence of any selective pressure. In monocytic THP-1 cells, the functional activity of luciferase reporters for NF-κB, Nrf2, or HIF-1α has not decreased over time and was retained following differentiation into macrophages and DCs, as well. These results imply pB as a versatile tool for gene integration in monocytic cells in general, and as a convenient access route to DC-based signaling pathway reporters suitable for high-throughput assays, in particular.  相似文献   

Interactions of meso-tetra-(4-N-oxyethylpyridyl) porphyrin (TOEPyP(4)), its 3-N analog (TOEPyP(3)) and their Co, Cu, Ni, Zn metallocomplexes with duplex DNA have been investigated by uv/visible absorbance and circular dichrosim spectroscopies. Results reveal the interactions of these complexes with duplex DNA are of two types. (1) External binding of duplex DNA by metalloporphyrins containing Zn and Co, and (2) Binding of duplex DNA both externally and internally (by intercalation) by porphyrins not containing metals, and metalloporphyrins containing Cu and Ni. Results indicate that (4N-oxyethylpyridyl) porphyrins intercalate more preferably in the structure of duplex DNA and have weaker external binding than 3N-porphyrins.  相似文献   
In the present work, the adsorption kinetics of extended ligands on DNA duplexes at small fillings when molecules of DNA duplexes are on the underlayer within diffusion layer has been investigated. Both diffusion of ligands in solution (diffusion stage) and adsorption of ligands (kinetic stage) are taken into consideration at adsorption of ligands on DNA duplexes. Nonlinear system of differential equations describing adsorption of ligands where not only diffusion stage but also kinetic stage is taken into account, is obtained, moreover the equations allow localizing duplexes in arbitrary place within diffusion layer. Numeric solution of the equations makes possible to investigate the filling kinetics of DNA duplexes by ligands depending on parameters controlling adsorption process. It has been shown that depending on relation between adsorption parameters different kinetic regimes of adsorption – kinetic, complex, and diffusion regimes may be realized.  相似文献   
The binding of ligands with DNA is a key moment in a whole range of cellular processes that provide not only the normal cell vital activity but also the development of some pathological processes. Depending on ligand type, structure of DNA adsorption centers, and physical–chemical conditions of the surrounding, the ligand may bind to DNA by several modes [1]. Particularly, adsorption isotherm of multimodal ligands binding to DNA in Scatchard’s coordinates has a concave shape with two brightly expressed linear areas in the region of small fillings. The analysis of such type of adsorption isotherm for determining of important binding parameters such as binding constant and number of adsorption centers (the part of DNA polymer with which one ligand molecule binds) presents difficulties. Practically in all cases, the analysis of such adsorption isotherm is carried out by linear parts of curves. Such analysis mode of experimental points is approximate method, since all registered of experimental points are roughly divided into two groups and they are treated by linear binding isotherm and therefore the binding parameters are determined. In the present work, the non-linear adsorption isotherm in Scatchard‘s coordinates is obtained which allowed, provided, the more precise treatment of all experimental points by unique curve which includes linear regions as well. Such mode of treatment of experimental points makes more precise the determination of not only binding constant and number of adsorption centers that correspond to the one ligand molecule binding, but also additional binding parameter – a proportion of adsorption centers of each binding to DNA type of multimodal ligand.  相似文献   
Physical properties of capsids of plant and animal viruses are important factors in capsid self-assembly, survival of viruses in the extracellular environment, and their cell infectivity. Combined AFM experiments and computational modeling on subsecond timescales of the indentation nanomechanics of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid show that the capsid’s physical properties are dynamic and local characteristics of the structure, which change with the depth of indentation and depend on the magnitude and geometry of mechanical input. Under large deformations, the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid transitions to the collapsed state without substantial local structural alterations. The enthalpy change in this deformation state ΔHind = 11.5–12.8 MJ/mol is mostly due to large-amplitude out-of-plane excitations, which contribute to the capsid bending; the entropy change TΔSind = 5.1–5.8 MJ/mol is due to coherent in-plane rearrangements of protein chains, which mediate the capsid stiffening. Direct coupling of these modes defines the extent of (ir)reversibility of capsid indentation dynamics correlated with its (in)elastic mechanical response to the compressive force. This emerging picture illuminates how unique physico-chemical properties of protein nanoshells help define their structure and morphology, and determine their viruses’ biological function.  相似文献   
Physical properties of capsids of plant and animal viruses are important factors in capsid self-assembly, survival of viruses in the extracellular environment, and their cell infectivity. Combined AFM experiments and computational modeling on subsecond timescales of the indentation nanomechanics of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid show that the capsid’s physical properties are dynamic and local characteristics of the structure, which change with the depth of indentation and depend on the magnitude and geometry of mechanical input. Under large deformations, the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid transitions to the collapsed state without substantial local structural alterations. The enthalpy change in this deformation state ΔHind = 11.5–12.8 MJ/mol is mostly due to large-amplitude out-of-plane excitations, which contribute to the capsid bending; the entropy change TΔSind = 5.1–5.8 MJ/mol is due to coherent in-plane rearrangements of protein chains, which mediate the capsid stiffening. Direct coupling of these modes defines the extent of (ir)reversibility of capsid indentation dynamics correlated with its (in)elastic mechanical response to the compressive force. This emerging picture illuminates how unique physico-chemical properties of protein nanoshells help define their structure and morphology, and determine their viruses’ biological function.  相似文献   
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