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Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae showed an uncommon resistance to Cu(2+), as pointed out through cell growth rate (EC(50) = 469 +/- 30 microM) and the neutral red cytotoxicity assay (EC(50) = 334 +/- 45 microM). Although no evidence of Cu-inducible metallothionein was found, Cu-dependent ATPase activity was cytochemically detected on pelletted, resin-embedded amoebae. This activity required Cu(2+) in the incubation medium, was sensitive to TPEN, vanadate and temperature, and showed dose-dependent increase after exposure of amoebae to 10-500 microM Cu(2+) for 7 days. Accordingly, immunofluorescence and Western blotting revealed the occurrence of a Cu-inducible, putative homologue of human Menkes (MNK) Cu-P-type ATPase. To verify if Cu-ATPase is involved in copper resistance, amoebae were exposed to low concentrations of Cu(2+) and vanadate followed by the neutral red assay. Exposure to either treatment showed no effect, while a combination caused a dramatic increase of Cu toxicity, possibly depending on Cu-ATPase inhibition.  相似文献   
Calexcitin (CE) is a calcium-binding protein, closely related to sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins, that is involved in invertebrate learning and memory. Early reports indicated that both Hermissenda and squid CE also could bind GTP; however, the biochemical significance of GTP-binding and its relationship to calcium binding have remained unclear. Here, we report that the GTPase activity of CE is strongly regulated by calcium. CE possessed a P-loop-like structure near the C-terminal similar to the phosphate-binding regions in other GTP-binding proteins. Site-directed mutagenesis of this region showed that Gly182, Phe186 and Gly187 are required for maximum affinity, suggesting that the GTP-binding motif is G-N-x-x-[FM]-G. CE cloned from Drosophila CNS possessed a similar C-terminal sequence and also bound and hydrolyzed GTP. GTPase activity in Drosophila CE was also strongly regulated by Ca2+, exhibiting over 23-fold higher activity in the presence of 0.3 μM calcium. Analysis of the conserved protein motifs defines a new family of Ca2+-binding proteins representing the first example of proteins endowed with both EF-hand calcium binding domains and a C-terminal, P-loop-like GTP-binding motif. These results establish that, in the absence of calcium, both squid and Drosophila CE bind GTP at near-physiological concentrations and hydrolyze GTP at rates comparable to unactivated ras. Calcium functions to increase GTP-binding and GTPase activity in CE, similar to the effect of GTPase activating proteins in other low-MW GTP-binding proteins. CE may, therefore, act as a molecular interface between Ca2+ cytosolic oscillations and the G protein-coupled signal transduction.  相似文献   
We studied regeneration patterns of three tree species Picea ajanensis, Betula platyphylla and Populus tremula from 1998 to 2000 in the Central Depression of the Kamchatka Peninsula. We paid special attention to the contribution of sprouting to their regeneration. P. ajanensis was the only species that regenerated by seedling. In a 40 × 40 m study plot, the density of P. ajanensis saplings < 2.0 cm in diameter at basal area (DBH) was 1132, and this was the highest among the three species studied. The number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined sharply with size class. The spatial distribution of P. ajanensis saplings (< 2 cm in DBH) showed a significant positive correlation with that of adult trees and a negative correlation with that of gaps. These trends were not changed after re-measurement in 2000, although nearly half of the juveniles had died or been injured during the two years. These results suggest that small Picea saplings prefer habitats under the canopy of adult trees rather than in gaps for establishment. Most small individuals of B. platyphylla were produced from sprouts. The number of saplings in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) was much less than that of P. ajanensis, although the number of larger individuals did not decrease remarkably. The spatial distribution of B. platyphylla saplings showed a positive correlation with that of adult trunks and a negative correlation with that of canopy trees of P. ajanensis. These results suggest an effective contribution of sprouts to the regeneration of B. platyphylla. P. tremula was the only species that could invade big gaps and produce many root suckers efficiently. There were 181 suckers of P. tremula in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) in the study plot, although the number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined abruptly. The spatial distribution of saplings of this species showed a slight positive correlation with that of gaps, and negative correlation with that of adult trees of B. platyphylla, P. ajanensis, and P. tremula. The root suckering strategy of P. tremula might be adaptive under severe conditions in high-latitude regions. Our data suggest, however, that it does not necessarily contribute to regeneration in mature forests. The three component species in this forest did not seem to utilize canopy gaps for regeneration; we suggest that gap dynamics do not work in this forest. The sparse canopy, which is a typical character of forests in high-latitude regions, might be a consequence of high mortalities of seedlings and root suckers inside gaps.  相似文献   
Waghmare SK  Caputo V  Radovic S  Bruschi CV 《BioTechniques》2003,34(5):1024-8, 1033
Sophisticated genome manipulation requires the possibility to modify any intergenic or intragenic DNA sequence at will, without leaving large amounts of undesired vector DNA at the site of alteration. To this end, a series of vectors was developed from a previous gene knockout plasmid system to integrate nonselectable foreign DNA at any desired genomic location in yeast, with a minimum amount of residual plasmid DNA. These vectors have two mutated Flp recognition targets (FRT) sequences flanking the KanMX4 gene and multiple sites for subcloning the DNA fragment to be integrated. The selectable marker can be recycled by Flp site-specific excision between the identical FRTs, thereby allowing the integration of further DNA fragments. With this system, the NLS-tetR-GFP and DsRed genes were successfully integrated at the thr1 locus, and the RVB1 gene was tagged at the C-terminus with the V5-epitope-6-histidine tag. This plasmid system provides for a new molecular tool to integrate any DNA fragment at any genome location in [cir+] yeast strains. Moreover, the system can be extrapolated to other eukaryotic cells in which the FLP/FRT system functions efficiently.  相似文献   
In this study we report preliminary data on the consumption of tannin-rich plants by sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) living in the Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Sifakas spent most of their time feeding on only a few plant species. The tannin intake during the period between the pregnancy and birth season was significantly higher in pregnant females or females with lactating infants than in non-reproductive females and males. These periparturient females secured a larger proportion of condensed tannins by short feeding bouts on plants not included in the group's limited preferred food species. The measured increase in tannin intake is puzzling in light of the fact that tannins are commonly known for their protein-binding properties. Since protein demands are highest in pregnant and lactating females, possible medicinal benefits of tannin ingestion are considered. Tannin consumption is associated with an increase in body weight and stimulation of milk secretion. Veterinarians administer tannins as an astringent, anti-hemorrhagic and anti-abortive. Their high potential as an alternative anthelminthic has also recently been recognized. Thus, when viewed as self-medicating behavior, controlled increase in tannin intake could have multiple prophylactic advantages for females during the periparturient period. The high selectivity in their plant choice, and the presence of unusual feeding habits by a particular group of individuals (females with infants) limited in time (birth season), suggests that an increase in tannin ingestion may be a self-medicating behavior with multiple directly adaptive benefits to female reproduction. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate the applicability of a previously developed method for the analysis of triacylglycerol molecular species to the simultaneous determination of triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and monoacylglycerols of human very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). Ten elderly women were recruited for the study. Blood was obtained in fasting conditions and VLDL were isolated by ultracentrifugation. Neutral lipids were separated by solid-phase extraction and were subsequently injected on a reversed-phase HPLC system, with an elution system composed of acetone in acetonitrile. The method allowed the separation of four monoacylglycerols, 18 diacylglycerols and 24 triacylglycerols, including the resolution of positional isomers of diacylglycerols. Monoacylglycerols were composed of oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids. The major diacylglycerols were 1,2-dilinoleoyl-glycerol and 1,3-dilinoleoyl-glycerol (14.24+/-1.02 and 17.93+/-1.42%, respectively). The main triacylglycerols quantified were dioleoyl-stearoyl-glycerol (OOS), oleoyl-dipalmitoyl-glycerol (OPP), trilinoleoyl-glycerol (LLL) and linoleoyl-distearoyl-glycerol (LSS), accounting for 11.25+/-2.15, 10.14+/-2.05, 9.35+/-2.30 and 8.56+/-1.56%, respectively. An inverse relationship between polarity and fatty acid disappearance from triacylglycerols (r(2)=0.82, P<0.05) and from diacylglycerols (r(2)=0.93, P<0.01) was discovered. In conclusion, the method allowed, for the first time, the easy, rapid and simultaneous determination in a single chromatogram of triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol and monoacylglycerol molecular species of human VLDL by reversed-phase HPLC.  相似文献   
Redox proteomics: identification of oxidatively modified proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ghezzi P  Bonetto V 《Proteomics》2003,3(7):1145-1153
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species may cause various types of chemical modifications on specific proteins, Such modifications if irreversible are often associated with permanent loss of function and may lead to the elimination or to the accumulation of the damaged proteins. Reversible modifications, particularly at the cysteine residues, may have a dual role of protection from cysteine irreversible oxidation and modulation of protein function (redox regulation). Here we will review the techniques available for identifying proteins based on their redox state. In particular, we will focus on protein carbonylation, tyrosine nitration and thiol-disulfide chemistry of cysteines, with special emphasis on glutathionylation, because these are the fields where the tools of proteome analysis have been applied.  相似文献   
Bleomycin displays clinical chemotherapeutic activity, but is so nonspecifically toxic that it is rarely administered. It was therefore of interest to determine whether bleomycin could be directed to cleave RNA or DNA at a specific site by conjugation to a complementary oligonucleotide. A 15 nt MYC complementary oligodeoxynucleotide (HMYC55) bearing a 5' bleomycin A5 (Blm) residue was designed to base-pair with nt 7047-7061 of human MYC mRNA. Reactivity of the Blm-HMYC55 conjugate (and mismatch controls) with a MYC mRNA 30-mer, a MYC DNA 30-mer, and a MYC 2'-O-methyl RNA 30-mer, nt 7041-7070, was analyzed in 100 microM FeNH(4)SO(4), 50 mM beta-mercaptoethanol, 200 mM LiCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, at 37 degrees C. Cleavage of the substrate RNA or DNA occurred primarily at the junction of the complementary DNA-target RNA duplex, 18-22 nt from the 5' end of the RNA. Reaction products with lower mobility than the target RNA or DNA also formed. Little or no reaction was observed with more than three mismatches in a Blm-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugate. Neither the short RNA or DNA cleavage fragments nor the low mobility products were observed in the absence of Fe(II), or the presence of excess EDTA. The target RNA was also cleaved efficiently by bleomycin within a hybrid duplex with a preformed single-nucleotide bulge in the RNA strand. New Blm-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugates containing long hexaethylene glycol phosphate based linkers between oligodeoxynucleotide and bleomycin were designed to target this bulge region. These conjugates achieved 8-18% cleavage of the target RNA, depending on the length of the linker. Blm-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugates thus demonstrated sequence specificity and site specificity against RNA and DNA targets.  相似文献   
Summary Use of lysozyme was tested for treatment of bacterial contaminations in in vitro shoot cultures of quince (Cydonia oblonga) ‘BA 29’ and the hybrid (Prunus persica × P. amygdalus) rootstock ‘GF 677’. Shoots which had been contaminated for about 1 yr by Bacillus circulans and Sphingomonas paucimobilis were treated in liquid culture, at pH 4.5, with 9–36 mg ml−1 egg white lysozyme (EWL), and compared to each other and to untreated cultures for their growth, proliferation, and number of bacterial colony-forming units in the tissues. EWL did not negatively affect shoot growth up to 18 mg ml−1; furthermore, the proliferation rates of EWL-treated shoots were sometimes higher than those of controls. In contrast, the concentration of 36 mg ml−1 had some deleterious effect on the regrowth capacity and shoot production of ‘GF 677’ at the first subculture to solid medium after EWL, treatments. EWL had a simple bacteriostatic effect against Sphingomonas paucimobilis; in contrast, it was effective at 18 mg ml−1 in eliminating Bacillus circulans in both ‘BA 29’ and ‘GF 677’ cultures, after optimal treatment duration.  相似文献   
Phylogeny of the endemic Baikalian Sergentia (Chironomidae,Diptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fragments of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b (CytB) and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) have been used as phylogenetic markers in Sergentia (Chironomidae, Diptera). The concatenated (1241 bp) sequences from both genes were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships among seven Sergentia species. Five of the species belong to the endemic fauna of Lake Baikal. Alignments of the nucleotide sequences were used for the construction of trees using Neighbor-Joining and maximum parsimony methods. Both methods yielded similar results. Monophyly of both Sergentia and the Baikalian endemic species was well supported. The date of origin of the endemic group of Sergentia was estimated as 25.7 MYA which closely coincides with the start of geological changes in the Baikal area. A cytological tree, based on 12 chromosomal characteristics, for the same set of Sergentia species showed a great similarity to the molecular phylogeny.  相似文献   
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