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2000 ribosomes have to be synthesized in yeast every minute. Therefore the fast production of ribosomal proteins, their efficient delivery to the nucleus and correct incorporation into ribosomal subunits are prerequisites for optimal growth rates. Here, we report that the ankyrin repeat protein Yar1 directly interacts with the small ribosomal subunit protein Rps3 and accompanies newly synthesized Rps3 from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where Rps3 is assembled into pre-ribosomal subunits. A yar1 deletion strain displays a similar phenotype as an rps3 mutant strain, showing an accumulation of 20S pre-rRNA and a 40S export defect. The combination of an rps3 mutation with a yar1 deletion leads to an enhancement of these phenotypes, while increased expression of RPS3 suppresses the defects of a yar1 deletion strain. We further show that Yar1 protects Rps3 from aggregation in vitro and increases its solubility in vivo. Our data suggest that Yar1 is a specific chaperone for Rps3, which serves to keep Rps3 soluble until its incorporation into the pre-ribosome.  相似文献   
Biological invasions represent ideal systems for the study of evolutionary processes associated with colonization events. It has been hypothesized that the genetic diversity is generally decreasing from the centre of the range to the margins due to multiple founder events. Invasive populations offer the opportunity to test this hypothesis at a fine spatial and temporal scale. We analysed the genetic structure of a large expanding non-native population of the Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) in Passau (Germany) using thirteen microsatellite loci. We analyzed the genetic structure and levels of admixture across a transect reflecting the expansion process and tested for a loss of genetic diversity and an increase of genetic differentiation from the centre to the invasion front. Our results demonstrate that significant genetic population structure can emerge rapidly at a small spatial scale. We found a trend for an increase in genetic differentiation and a decrease in genetic diversity from the invasion centre to the expanding range margin, suggesting that genetic drift is the major factor causing this pattern. The correlation between genetic diversity and average genetic differentiation was significant among sites. We hypothesize that the territoriality of P. muralis generates sufficient rates of noncontiguous and stratified dispersal from longer established sites to maintain significant genetic diversity at the invasion front. Simultaneously, territoriality might restrict the colonization success of migrants at established sites, so that in combination with founder events a strong differentiation arises.  相似文献   
Sheep are used as models for the human spine, yet comparative in vivo data necessary for validation is limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to compare spinal motion and trunk muscle activity during active trunk movements in sheep and humans. Three-dimensional kinematic data as well as surface electromyography (sEMG) of spinal flexion and extension was compared in twenty-four humans in upright (UR) and 4-point kneeling (KN) postures and in 17 Austrian mountain sheep. Kinematic markers were attached over the sacrum, posterior iliac spines, and spinous and transverse processes of T5, T8, T11, L2 and L5 in humans and over the sacrum, tuber sacrale, T5, T8, T12, L3 and L7 in sheep. The activity of erector spinae (ES), rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus externus (OE), and obliquus internus (OI) were collected. Maximum sEMG (MOE) was identified for each muscle and trial, and reported as a percentage (MOE%) of the overall maximally observed sEMG from all trials. Spinal range of motion was significantly smaller in sheep compared to humans (UR / KN) during flexion (sheep: 6–11°; humans 12–34°) and extension (sheep: 4°; humans: 11–17°). During extension, MOE% of ES was greater in sheep (median: 77.37%) than UR humans (24.89%), and MOE% of OE and OI was greater in sheep (OE 76.20%; OI 67.31%) than KN humans (OE 21.45%; OI 19.34%), while MOE% of RA was lower in sheep (21.71%) than UR humans (82.69%). During flexion, MOE% of RA was greater in sheep (83.09%) than humans (KN 47.42%; UR 41.38%), and MOE% of ES in sheep (45.73%) was greater than KN humans (14.45%), but smaller than UR humans (72.36%). The differences in human and sheep spinal motion and muscle activity suggest that caution is warranted when ovine data are used to infer human spine biomechanics.  相似文献   
Marazzo  Andrea  Valentin  Jean L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):133-139
We analysed monthly samples collected in Guanabara Bay, with a conical net of 200 m mesh during 1985. The bay was divided into three areas: an outer region (area A), influenced by oceanic waters; an inner region (area C), influenced by fluvial inflow; and a transition region (area B) with intermediate features. Penilia avirostris and Evadne tergestina were observed in the three areas, with greatest densities, however, in the outermost region, which had the highest salinities and lowest temperatures. Penilia avirostris was more abundant in summer (March), a period with the greatest relative densities of nanoplankton. Evadne tergestina was also abundant in summer, but its peak fell in November, a period with a relative increase in microphytoplankton density in the bay. The two species disappeared in winter: Penilia avirostris was absent from May to August, whereas Evadne tergestina disappeared in August and September.  相似文献   
Male songbirds usually sing when they have occupied a territory, but the territory prospecting of non-territorial males is more elusive and has been rarely studied. Here, we simulated newly arriving, non-territorial males by translocating unmated male nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) to our study site. We show that territory prospecting of translocated males was largely confined to the hour before sunrise. The radio-tagged males made extensive excursions visiting several singing males at dawn, but after dawn they remained stationary outside occupied territories. As in many other songbird species, dawn was also the time when resident males sang the most. These results suggest that nonterritorial male nightingales use the dawn chorus to assess singing residents or territory occupancy. For resident males, dawn singing may be important to announce territory occupancy to prospecting males and may thus play a role in territory maintenance.  相似文献   
A fluorescence-based method for quantitative determination of RNA and DNA in probes containing both nucleic acids has been developed. The total concentration of nucleic acids is determined using SYBR Green II dye under conditions providing independent binding of the fluorophore with DNA and RNA. The concentration of DNA is specifically measured using the Hoechst 33258 dye and the RNA concentration is calculated from these data. The procedure allows for accurate determination of DNA concentration in the range 10-1000 ng/ml in the presence of 200-fold excess of RNA and determination of RNA concentrations in the range 10-1000 ng/ml in the presence of large excess of DNA. An absence of the treatment of mixed samples with RNase-free DNase I provides rapid, reproducible, and accurate RNA quantification.  相似文献   
Polarized absorption microspectrophotometry has been used to detect catalysis and intermolecular electron transfer in single crystals of two multiprotein complexes: (1) the binary complex between Paracoccus denitrificans methylamine dehydrogenase, which contains tryptophan-tryptophylquinone (TTQ) as a cofactor, and its redox partner, the blue copper protein amicyanin; (2) the ternary complex between the same two proteins and cytochrome c-551i. Continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance has been used to compare the state of copper in polycrystalline powders of the two systems. While catalysis and intermolecular electron transfer from reduced TTQ to copper are too fast to be accessible to our measurements, heme reduction occurs over a period of several minutes. The observed rate constant is about four orders of magnitude lower than in solution. The analysis of the temperature dependence of this apparent constant provides values for the parameters H(AB), related to electronic coupling between the two centers, and lambda, the reorganizational energy, that are compatible with electron transfer being the rate-determining step. From these parameters and the known distance between copper and heme, it is possible to calculate the parameter beta, which depends on the nature of the intervening medium, obtaining a value typical of electron transfer across a protein matrix. These findings suggest that the ternary complex in solution might achieve a higher efficiency than the rigid crystal structure thanks to an as yet unidentified role of protein dynamics.  相似文献   
Speculation has long surrounded the question of whether past exposure to ionizing radiation leaves a unique permanent signature in the genome. Intrachromosomal rearrangements or deletions are produced much more efficiently by densely ionizing radiation than by chemical mutagens, x-rays, or endogenous aging processes. Until recently, such stable intrachromosomal aberrations have been very hard to detect, but a new chromosome band painting technique has made their detection practical. We report the detection and quantification of stable intrachromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of healthy former nuclear-weapons workers who were exposed to plutonium many years ago. Even many years after occupational exposure, more than half the blood cells of the healthy plutonium workers contain large (>6 Mb) intrachromosomal rearrangements. The yield of these aberrations was highly correlated with plutonium dose to the bone marrow. The control groups contained very few such intrachromosomal aberrations. Quantification of this large-scale chromosomal damage in human populations exposed many years earlier will lead to new insights into the mechanisms and risks of cytogenetic damage.  相似文献   
In this paper we address the question of how a protein environment can modulate the absorption spectrum of a chromophore during a molecular dynamics simulation. The effect of the protein is modeled as an external field acting on the unperturbed eigenstates of the chromophore. Using a first-principles method recently developed in our group, we calculated the perturbed electronic energies for each frame and the corresponding wavelength absorption during the simulation. We apply this method to a nanosencond timescale molecular dynamics simulation of the light-harvesting peridinin-chlorophyll-protein complex from Amphidinium carterae, where chlorophyll was selected among the chromophores of the complex for the calculation. The combination of this quantum-classical calculation with the analysis of the large amplitude motions of the protein makes it possible to point out the relationship between the conformational flexibility of the environment and the excitation wavelength of the chromophore. Results support the idea of the existence of a correlation between protein conformational flexibility and chlorophyll electronic transitions induced by light.  相似文献   
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