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Both prostaglandins (PGs) and vitamin E are known to deeply affect immune responses. It is shown here that they both influence T cell-mediated immunity through reciprocal interference on the expression of cyclic-AMP responsive element binding (CREB) family proteins. CREB1 protein of human T lymphocytes was significantly modulated by a brief treatment of 5 to 10 min with PGE2. On the contrary, vitamin E appeared to be ineffective on the CREB1 behavior, while it abolished the PGE2-induced modulation of this protein. The CREB2 protein expression was also affected by PGE2 treatment, but a longer period of incubation (>20 min) was needed to observe these changes. Vitamin E showed a strong enhancing effect on CREB2 that was partially reversed by the subsequent treatment with PGE2. Our results support the idea that there is reciprocal interference between PGE2 and vitamin E on PGE2-induced signals in T lymphocytes. These data are in agreement with the reports concerning different cell systems and experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Based on recent surveys of the freshwater decapod fauna, distributional data of five exotic species of freshwater decapod crustaceans for the hydrographic basins of the state of São Paulo are presented, as part of a large initiative for a comprehensive survey of the state’s biodiversity (BIOTA-FAPESP Program). These species are the North American crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) (Cambaridae), the crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson (Trichodactylidae) from the Amazon and Paraguay/lower Paraná River Basins, and the palaemonid shrimps Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man), from the Indo-Pacific region, Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller) and Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers), both from the Orinoco, Amazon and the Paraguay/lower Paraná River Basins. Possible modes by which their introduction might have occurred are commented upon and potential consequences are discussed.  相似文献   
Stomatal conductances of normally oriented and inverted leaves were measured as light levels (photosynthetic photon flux densities) were increased to determine whether abaxial stomata of Vicia faba leaves were more sensitive to light than adaxial stomata. Light levels were increased over uniform populations of leaves of plants grown in an environmental chamber. Adaxial stomata of inverted leaves reached maximum water vapor conductances at a light level of 60 micromoles per square meter per second, the same light level at which abaxial stomata of normally oriented leaves reached maximum conductances. Abaxial stomata of inverted leaves reached maximum conductances at a light level of 500 micromoles per square meter per second, the same light level at which adaxial stomata of normally oriented leaves reached maximum conductances. Maximum conductances in both normally oriented and inverted leaves were about 200 millimoles per square meter per second for adaxial stomata and 330 millimoles per square meter per second for abaxial stomata. Regardless of whether leaves were normally oriented or inverted, when light levels were increased to values high enough that upper leaf surfaces reached maximum conductances (about 500 micromoles per square meter per second), light levels incident on lower, shaded leaf surfaces were just sufficient (about 60 micromoles per square meter per second) for stomata of those surfaces to reach maximum conductances. This `coordinated' stomatal opening on the separate epidermes resulted in total leaf conductances for normally oriented and inverted leaves that were the same at any given light level. We conclude that stomata in abaxial epidermes of intact Vicia leaves are not more sensitive to light than those in adaxial epidermes, and that stomata in leaves of this plant do not respond to light alone. Additional factors in bulk leaf tissue probably produce coordinated stomatal opening on upper and lower leaf epidermes to optimally meet photosynthetic requirements of the whole leaf for CO2.  相似文献   
During a survey of the mutations of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) gene in Italian patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), we identified a novel point mutation, that creates a new EcoRI site at the 5 end of exon 7, in a heterozygous FH subject (FH-100). The sequence of a cDNA fragment encompassing exon 7 showed the presence of a GT transversion in codon 297; this created a new EcoRI site and produced a missense mutation, leading to a Cys297Phe substitution in repeat A of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) precursor homology domain of LDL-R. Since the substitution of Cys297 disrupts the intracellular transport of the LDL-R protein, as previously demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis, we suggest that this mutation is the cause of FH in the FH-100 proband. We screened the DNA of 303 Italian FH patients by amplification of exon 7 from genomic DNA followed by digestion with EcoRI or by Southern blotting. Two individuals (FH-64 and FH-127) were found to be carriers of the Cys297Phe mutation. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated that, in two kindreds (FH-64 and FH-100), the haplotype in linkage with the Cys297Phe mutation was the same, suggesting the presence of a common ancestor. The Cys297Phe mutation has been designated FHTrieste after the name of the city in Northern Italy from which probands FH-100 and FH-127 originate.  相似文献   
Intestinal epithelial cells are able to differentially interact with commensal or pathogenic microorganisms, triggering a physiological or destructive inflammation, respectively. To mimic commensal-enteroinvasive bacteria-host cell interaction, we infected Caco-2 cells with noninvasive Escherichia coli HB101 and with recombinant invasive E. coli HB101(pRI203). Using DNA microarray mRNA profiling and ELISA assays, we studied the expression of several cytokine and cytokine-related genes in infected Caco-2 cells in the absence or presence of bovine lactoferrin (bLf). Infection of Caco-2 cells with the noninvasive strain induced a slight increase in the expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8), whereas infection with invasive E. coli HB101(pRI203) induced a significant increase in the expression of IL-8 as well as other pro-inflammatory cytokines. The addition of bLf, in native- or holo-form, did not influence expression of cytokine genes by uninfected Caco-2 cells, but it decreased expression of IL-8 by cells infected with E.coli HB101. Moreover, except for IL-8, bLfs dramatically downregulated pro-inflammatory cytokines upexpressed by Caco-2 cells infected with the invasive strain. Although IL-8 was decreased by bLfs, it remained upregulated, suggesting that it could be a signal of persistence of intracellular bacteria. The bLf ability to reduce expression of some pro-inflammatory cytokines, which appears independent of its iron saturation, might represent an important natural mechanism in regulating epithelial cell responses to pathogenic bacteria and in limiting cell damage and the spread of infections.  相似文献   
Reverse gyrase is a unique hyperthermophile-specific DNA topoisomerase that induces positive supercoiling. It is a modular enzyme composed of a topoisomerase IA and a helicase domain, which cooperate in the ATP-dependent positive supercoiling reaction. Although its physiological function has not been determined, it can be hypothesized that, like the topoisomerase–helicase complexes found in every organism, reverse gyrase might participate in different DNA transactions mediated by multiprotein complexes. Here, we show that reverse gyrase activity is stimulated by the single-strand binding protein (SSB) from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Using a combination of in vitro assays we analysed each step of the complex reverse gyrase reaction. SSB stimulates all the steps of the reaction: binding to DNA, DNA cleavage, strand passage and ligation. By co-immunoprecipitation of cell extracts we show that reverse gyrase and SSB assemble a complex in the presence of DNA, but do not make stable protein–protein interactions. In addition, SSB stimulates reverse gyrase positive supercoiling activity on DNA templates associated with the chromatin protein Sul7d. Furthermore, SSB enhances binding and cleavage of UV-irradiated substrates by reverse gyrase. The results shown here suggest that these functional interactions may have biological relevance and that the interplay of different DNA binding proteins might modulate reverse gyrase activity in DNA metabolic pathways.  相似文献   
In humans, gain-of-function mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene are the cause of autosomal dominant hypocalcemia or type 5 Bartter syndrome characterized by an abnormality of calcium metabolism with low parathyroid hormone levels and excessive renal calcium excretion. Functional characterization of CaSR activating variants has been so far limited at demonstrating an increased sensitivity to external calcium leading to lower Ca-EC50. Here we combine high resolution fluorescence based techniques and provide evidence that for the efficiency of calcium signaling system, cells expressing gain-of-function variants of CaSR monitor cytosolic and ER calcium levels increasing the expression of the Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium-ATPase (SERCA) and reducing expression of Plasma Membrane Calcium-ATPase (PMCA). Wild-type CaSR (hCaSR-wt) and its gain-of-function (hCaSR-R990G; hCaSR-N124K) variants were transiently transfected in HEK-293 cells. Basal intracellular calcium concentration was significantly lower in cells expressing hCaSR-wt and its gain of function variants compared to mock. In line, FRET studies using the D1ER probe, which detects [Ca2+]ER directly, demonstrated significantly higher calcium accumulation in cells expressing the gain of function CaSR variants compared to hCaSR-wt. Consistently, cells expressing activating CaSR variants showed a significant increase in SERCA activity and expression and a reduced PMCA expression. This combined parallel regulation in protein expression increases the ER to cytosol calcium gradient explaining the higher sensitivity of CaSR gain-of-function variants to external calcium. This control principle provides a general explanation of how cells reliably connect (and exacerbate) receptor inputs to cell function.  相似文献   
Potential boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) agents have been designed on the basis of the evidence about translocator protein (TSPO) overexpression on the outer mitochondrial membrane of tumor cells. The structure of the first TSPO ligand bearing a carborane cage (compound 2d) has been modified in order to find a suitable candidate for in vivo studies. The designed compounds were synthesized and evaluated for their potential interaction with TSPO and tumor cells. In vitro biological evaluation showed in the case of fluoromethyl derivative 4b a nanomolar TSPO affinity very similar to that of 2d, a significantly lower cytotoxicity, and a slightly superior performance as boron carrier toward breast cancer cells. Moreover, compound 4b could be used as a 1?F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) agent as well as labeled with 11C or 1?F to obtain positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers in order to apply the "see and treat" strategy in BNCT.  相似文献   
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