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The metabolic pathways leading to the synthesis of bacterial glycogen involve the action of several enzymes, among which glycogen synthase (GS) catalyzes the elongation of the α-1,4-glucan. GS from Agrobacterium tumefaciens uses preferentially ADPGlc, although UDPGlc can also be used as glycosyl donor with less efficiency. We present here a continuous spectrophotometric assay for the determination of GS activity using ADP- or UDPGlc. When ADPGlc was used as the substrate, the production of ADP is coupled to NADH oxidation via pyruvate kinase (PK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). With UDPGlc as substrate, UDP was converted to ADP via adenylate kinase and subsequent coupling to PK and LDH reactions. Using this assay, we determined the kinetic parameters of GS and compared them with those obtained with the classical radiochemical method. For this purpose, we improved the expression procedure of A. tumefaciens GS using Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-RIL cells. This assay allows the continuous monitoring of glycosyltransferase activity using ADPGlc or UDPGlc as sugar-nucleotide donors.  相似文献   
The concept of sociality has been associated with the effectiveness of antipredator mechanisms, like cooperative vigilance and the dilution effect. Lama guanicoe (guanaco) is a social native herbivore in South America and a social species. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antipredator responses of different-sized groups of guanacos in areas with varying predation risks and to determine antipredator mechanisms in guanacos. For this, we measured different antipredator responses to a potential predator (human subjects). Detection of predator and flight distances from predator both increased with a greater number of guanacos per group and with greater distances among guanacos within the social group. Both buffer distance and flight time decreased with a greater number of guanacos per group, but increased with greater distances among guanacos inside the social group. Solitary adult males moved shorter distance and mixed groups moved greater distances. Flight distances were greater in areas with tall and dense vegetation than in areas with low vegetation. Buffer distance and flight time were shorter in undulating land than on flat lands, and groups were usually observed on hill slopes. Our results suggest that the benefit of social grouping in guanacos is the increased probability of avoiding predator with cooperative vigilance and not with the dilution effect. This means that a predator could be detected earlier when approaching a guanaco group than when approaching a solitary individuals and could thus be avoided.  相似文献   
Certain lactic acid bacteria, especially heterofermentative strains, are capable to produce mannitol under adequate culture conditions. In this study, mannitol production by Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1101 and Lactobacillus fermentum CRL 573 in modified MRS medium containing a mixture of fructose and glucose in a 6.5:1.0 ratio was investigated during batch fermentations with free pH and constant pH 6.0 and 5.0. Mannitol production and yields were higher under constant pH conditions compared with fermentations with free pH, the increase being more pronounced in the case of the L. fermentum strain. Maximum mannitol production and yields from fructose for L. reuteri CRL 1101 (122 mM and 75.7 mol%, respectively) and L. fermentum CRL 573 (312 mM and 93.5 mol%, respectively) were found at pH 5.0. Interestingly, depending on the pH conditions, fructose was used only as an alternative external electron acceptor or as both electron acceptor and energy source in the case of the L. reuteri strain. In contrast, L. fermentum CRL 573 used fructose both as electron acceptor and carbon source simultaneously, independently of the pH value, which strongly affected mannitol production by this strain. Studies on the metabolism of these relevant mannitol-producing lactobacilli provide important knowledge to either produce mannitol to be used as food additive or to produce it in situ during fermented food production.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus curvatus is one of the most prevalent lactic acid bacteria found in fermented meat products. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of Lactobacillus curvatus CRL705, a bacteriocin producer strain isolated from an Argentinean artisanal fermented sausage, which consists of 1,833,251 bp (GC content, 41.9%) and two circular plasmids of 12,342 bp (pRC12; GC, 43.9%) and 18,664 bp (pRC18; GC, 34.4%).  相似文献   
Normal aging and neurodegenerative diseases both lead to structural and functional alterations in synapses. Comparison of synapses that are generally similar but respond differently to insults could provide the basis for discovering mechanisms that underlie susceptibility or resistance to damage. Here, we analyzed skeletal neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in 16 mouse muscles to seek such differences. We find that muscles respond in one of three ways to aging. In some, including most limb and trunk muscles, age-related alterations to NMJs are progressive and extensive during the second postnatal year. NMJs in other muscles, such as extraocular muscles, are strikingly resistant to change. A third set of muscles, including several muscles of facial expression and the external anal sphinter, succumb to aging but not until the third postnatal year. We asked whether susceptible and resistant muscles differed in rostrocaudal or proximodistal position, source of innervation, motor unit size, or fiber type composition. Of these factors, muscle innervation by brainstem motor neurons correlated best with resistance to age-related decline. Finally, we compared synaptic alterations in normally aging muscles to those in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Patterns of resistance and susceptibility were strikingly correlated in the two conditions. Moreover, damage to NMJs in aged muscles correlated with altered expression and distribution of CRMP4a and TDP-43, which are both altered in motor neurons affected by ALS. Together, these results reveal novel structural, regional and molecular parallels between aging and ALS.  相似文献   
A study of the effect of educating four- to six-year-old children in mosquito control was recently conducted in a city in the state of Jalisco, western Mexico. Four neighborhood districts were selected. Children attending one kindergarten in each of two experimental districts were taught mosquito control with a video from the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA), joined to the use of the AMCA Touch Table Technique. The entomological indices monitored in the study decreased significantly (P<0.05) in houses in the experimental districts, apparently because parents acted on the comments and suggestions of the children and eliminated or monitored containers used as oviposition sites by mosquitoes. Based on these results, combining both techniques for teaching children mosquito control is a potentially useful tool for control efforts in Mexico and other places in Latin America.  相似文献   
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) engenders strong antiproliferative responses, in part through activation of p53. However, the long-known IFN-γ-dependent upregulation of human Trp-tRNA synthetase (TrpRS), a cytoplasmic enzyme that activates tryptophan to form Trp-AMP in the first step of protein synthesis, is unexplained. Here we report a nuclear complex of TrpRS with the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) and with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1), the major PARP in human cells. The IFN-γ-dependent poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of DNA-PKcs (which activates its kinase function) and concomitant activation of the tumor suppressor p53 were specifically prevented by Trp-SA, an analog of Trp-AMP that disrupted the TrpRS-DNA-PKcs-PARP-1 complex. The connection of TrpRS to p53 signaling in vivo was confirmed in a vertebrate system. These and further results suggest an unexpected evolutionary expansion of the protein synthesis apparatus to a nuclear role that links major signaling pathways.  相似文献   
When soil moisture is heterogeneous, sap flow from, and ABA status of, different parts of the root system impact on leaf xylem ABA concentration ([X-ABA]leaf). The robustness of a model for predicting [X-ABA]leaf was assessed. 'Two root-one shoot' grafted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants received either deficit irrigation (DI, each root system received the same irrigation volumes) or partial rootzone drying (PRD, only one root system was watered and the other dried the soil). Irrespective of whether relative sap flow was assessed using sap flow sensors in vivo or by pressurization of de-topped roots, each root system contributed similarly to total sap flow during DI, while sap flow from roots in drying soil declined linearly with soil water potential (Psisoil) during PRD. Although Psisoil of the irrigated pot determined the threshold Psisoil at which sap flow from roots in drying soil decreased, the slope of this decrease was independent of the wet pot Psisoil. Irrespective of whether sap was collected from the wet or dry root system of PRD plants, or a DI plant, root xylem ABA concentration increased as Psisoil declined. The model, which weighted ABA contributions of each root system according to the sap flow from each, almost perfectly explained [X-ABA] immediately above the graft union. That the model overestimated measured [X-ABA]leaf may result from changes in [X-ABA] along the transport pathway or an artefact of collecting xylem sap from detached leaves. The implications of declining sap flow through partially dry roots during PRD for the control of stomatal behaviour and irrigation scheduling are discussed.  相似文献   
A prominent feature of synaptic maturation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the topological transformation of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-rich postsynaptic membrane from an ovoid plaque into a complex array of branches. We show here that laminins play an autocrine role in promoting this transformation. Laminins containing the α4, α5, and β2 subunits are synthesized by muscle fibers and concentrated in the small portion of the basal lamina that passes through the synaptic cleft at the NMJ. Topological maturation of AChR clusters was delayed in targeted mutant mice lacking laminin α5 and arrested in mutants lacking both α4 and α5. Analysis of chimeric laminins in vivo and of mutant myotubes cultured aneurally demonstrated that the laminins act directly on muscle cells to promote postsynaptic maturation. Immunohistochemical studies in vivo and in vitro along with analysis of targeted mutants provide evidence that laminin-dependent aggregation of dystroglycan in the postsynaptic membrane is a key step in synaptic maturation. Another synaptically concentrated laminin receptor, Bcam, is dispensable. Together with previous studies implicating laminins as organizers of presynaptic differentiation, these results show that laminins coordinate post- with presynaptic maturation.  相似文献   
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