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Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been successfully performed in animals for the treatment of different experimental models of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of VNS involves the release of acetylcholine by vagus nerve efferent fibers inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. TNF-α) produced by macrophages. Moreover, it has recently been demonstrated that splenic lymphocytic populations may also be involved. As anesthetics can modulate the inflammatory response, the current study evaluated the effect of two different anesthetics, isoflurane and pentobarbital, on splenic cellular and molecular parameters in a VNS rat model. Spleens were collected for the characterization of lymphocytes sub-populations by flow cytometry and quantification of cytokines secretion after in vitro activation. Different results were observed depending on the anesthetic used. The use of isoflurane displayed a non-specific effect of VNS characterized by a decrease of most splenic lymphocytes sub-populations studied, and also led to a significantly lower TNF-α secretion by splenocytes. However, the use of pentobarbital brought to light immune modifications in non-stimulated animals that were not observed with isoflurane, and also revealed a specific effect of VNS, notably at the level of T lymphocytes’ activation. These differences between the two anesthetics could be related to the anti-inflammatory properties of isoflurane. In conclusion, pentobarbital is more adapted than isoflurane in the study of the anti-inflammatory effect of VNS on an anesthetized rat model in that it allows more accurate monitoring of subtle immunomodulatory processes.  相似文献   
Activator of G protein signaling 3 (AGS3) binds Gαi subunits in the GDP-bound state, implicating AGS3 as an important regulator of Gαi-linked receptor (e.g., D2 dopamine and μ-opioid) signaling. We examined the ability of AGS3 to modulate recombinant adenylyl cyclase (AC) type 1 and 2 signaling in HEK293 cells following both acute and persistent activation of the D2L dopamine receptor (D2LDR). AGS3 expression modestly enhanced the potency of acute quinpirole-induced D2LDR modulation of AC1 or AC2 activity. AGS3 also promoted desensitization of D2LDR-mediated inhibition of AC1, whereas desensitization of D2LDR-mediated AC2 activation was significantly attenuated. Additionally, AGS3 reduced D2LDR-mediated sensitization of AC1 and AC2. These data suggest that AGS3 is involved in altering G protein signaling in a complex fashion that is effector-specific and dependent on the duration of receptor activation.  相似文献   
Biological pathways play an important role in the occurrence, development and recovery of complex diseases, such as cancers, which are multifactorial complex diseases that are generally caused by mutation of multiple genes or dysregulation of pathways. We propose a path-specific effect statistic (PSE) to detect the differential specific paths under two conditions (e.g. case VS. control groups, exposure Vs. nonexposure groups). In observational studies, the path-specific effect can be obtained by separately calculating the average causal effect of each directed edge through adjusting for the parent nodes of nodes in the specific path and multiplying them under each condition. Theoretical proofs and a series of simulations are conducted to validate the path-specific effect statistic. Applications are also performed to evaluate its practical performances. A series of simulation studies show that the Type I error rates of PSE with Permutation tests are more stable at the nominal level 0.05 and can accurately detect the differential specific paths when comparing with other methods. Specifically, the power reveals an increasing trends with the enlargement of path-specific effects and its effect differences under two conditions. Besides, the power of PSE is robust to the variation of parent or child node of the nodes on specific paths. Application to real data of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), we successfully identified 14 positive specific pathways in mTOR pathway contributing to survival time of patients with GBM. All codes for automatic searching specific paths linking two continuous variables and adjusting set as well as PSE statistic can be found in supplementary materials.  The proposed PSE statistic can accurately detect the differential specific pathways contributing to complex disease and thus potentially provides new insights and ways to unlock the black box of disease mechanisms.  相似文献   
The estimation of muscle forces in musculoskeletal shoulder models is still controversial. Two different methods are widely used to solve the indeterminacy of the system: electromyography (EMG)-based methods and stress-based methods. The goal of this work was to evaluate the influence of these two methods on the prediction of muscle forces, glenohumeral load and joint stability after total shoulder arthroplasty. An EMG-based and a stress-based method were implemented into the same musculoskeletal shoulder model. The model replicated the glenohumeral joint after total shoulder arthroplasty. It contained the scapula, the humerus, the joint prosthesis, the rotator cuff muscles supraspinatus, subscapularis and infraspinatus and the middle, anterior and posterior deltoid muscles. A movement of abduction was simulated in the plane of the scapula. The EMG-based method replicated muscular activity of experimentally measured EMG. The stress-based method minimised a cost function based on muscle stresses. We compared muscle forces, joint reaction force, articular contact pressure and translation of the humeral head. The stress-based method predicted a lower force of the rotator cuff muscles. This was partly counter-balanced by a higher force of the middle part of the deltoid muscle. As a consequence, the stress-based method predicted a lower joint load (16% reduced) and a higher superior–inferior translation of the humeral head (increased by 1.2 mm). The EMG-based method has the advantage of replicating the observed cocontraction of stabilising muscles of the rotator cuff. This method is, however, limited to available EMG measurements. The stress-based method has thus an advantage of flexibility, but may overestimate glenohumeral subluxation.  相似文献   

Two complementary methods are described that associate in vitro and in vivo steps to generate sequence diversity by segment directed saturated mutagenesis and family shuffling. A high-throughput DNA chip-based procedure for the characterization and potentially the equalization of combinatorial libraries is also presented. Using these approaches, two combinatorial libraries of cytochrome P450 variants derived from the CYP1A subfamily were constructed and their sequence diversity characterized. The results of functional screening using high-throughput tools for the characterization of membrane P450-catalyzed activities, suggest that the 204–214 sequence segment of human CYP1A1 is not critical for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon recognition, as was hypothesized from previous data. Moreover, mutations in this segment do not alter the discrimination between alkoxyresorufins, which, for all tested mutants, remained similar to that of wild-type CYP1A1. In contrast, the constructed CYP1A1–CYP1A2 mosaic structures, containing multiple crossovers, exhibit a wide range of substrate preference and regioselectivity. These mosaic structures also discriminate between closely related alkoxyresorufin substrates. These results open the way to global high-throughput analysis of structure–function relationships using combinatorial libraries of enzymes together with libraries of structurally related substrates.  相似文献   
The DNA‐binding protein TRF2 is essential for telomere protection and chromosome stability in mammals. We show here that TRF2 expression is activated by the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway in human cancer and normal cells as well as in mouse intestinal tissues. Furthermore, β‐catenin binds to TRF2 gene regulatory regions that are functional in a luciferase transactivating assay. Reduced β‐catenin expression in cancer cells triggers a marked increase in telomere dysfunction, which can be reversed by TRF2 overexpression. We conclude that the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway maintains a level of TRF2 critical for telomere protection. This is expected to have an important role during development, adult stem cell function and oncogenesis.  相似文献   

The use of 5′-triphosphate of 1-(2-deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (dYTP) in DNA amplification reaction in place of dATP or dGTP yielded mutations frequencies of 3–4×10?2 per base per amplification. A reasonable proportion of transversions (11–15%) was observed in the absence of deletions and insertions.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the novel modified nucleoside (1) exhibiting the 1,2-propadienyl [allenyl] group at the 3′-α- position is described. The 3′-C-C bond was formed by radical reaction between triphenylprop-2-ynylstannane (2) and the 3′-bromo(iodo)-2′,3′-dideoxynucleoside derivative (3).  相似文献   
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