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Summary Nearly complete backbone 1H, 15N and 13C signal assignments are reported for -hydroxydecanoyl thiol ester dehydrase, a 39-kDa homodimer containing 342 amino acids. Although 15N relaxation data show that the protein has a rotational correlation time of 18 ns, assignments were derived from triple-resonance experiments recorded at 500 MHz and pH 6.8, without deuteration. The Chemical Shift Index, CSI, identified two long helices and numerous -strands in dehydrase. The CSI predictions are in close agreement with the secondary structure identified in the recently derived crystal structure, particularly when one takes account of the numerous bulges in the -strands. The assignment of dehydrase and a large deuterated protein [Yamazaki et al. (1994) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 11655–11666] suggest that assignment of 40–60 kDa proteins is feasible. Hence, further progress in understanding the chemical shift/structure relationship could open the way to determine the structures of such large proteins. Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising Table S1 listing the spectral parameters; Table S2 listing the assignments; Fig. S1 showing the 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum; Fig. S2 showing sequential NOEs, secondary shifts, H-exchange and 3JHN data; and Fig. S3 showing plots of the H, C, CO and C Chemical Shift Indexes.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
The protein PLIM-1 (formerly SF3) from sunflower is expressed exclusively in mature, free pollen. It contains two LIM domains associated with an acidic C-terminus comprising six copies of the pentapeptide motif (A,T,S) (E,D) TQN. We have expressed the pollen protein as well as some of its mutant forms inEscherichia coli and have used the bacterially produced proteins to study interactions with nucleic acids. Our studies show that the protein binds DNA and RNA in vitro to form large complexes, while mutant polypeptides containing either a single LIM domain or a destabilized first or second LIM domain do not. Although these data suggest that the biological function of PLIM-1 involves interactions with nucleic acids, its role in pollen development remains unclear.  相似文献   
The clostridia are a diverse group of obligately anaerobic bacteria with potential for the fermentative production of fuels, solvents and other chemicals. Several species exhibit a broad substrate range, but there have been few studies of the mechanisms involved in regulation of uptake and metabolism of fermentable carbohydrates.Clostridium beijerinckii(formerlyClostridium acetobutylicum) NCIMB 8052 exhibited transport activity for hexoses and hexitols. Glucose-grown cells transported glucose and fructose, but not galactose, glucitol (sorbitol) or mannitol, transport of which was induced by growth on the respective substrates. Phosphorylation of glucose, fructose, glucitol and mannitol by cell extracts was supported by phosphoenolpyruvate, indicating the involvement of a phosphotransferase system in uptake of these substrates. Fructose phosphorylation was also demonstrated by isolated membranes in the presence of fructose 1-phosphate, thus identifying this derivative as the product of the fructose phosphotransferase system. The presence of phosphotransferase activities in extracts prepared from cells grown on different carbon sources correlated with transport activities in whole cells, and the pattern of transport activities reflected the substrate preference of cells growing in the presence of glucose and another carbon source. Thus, glucose and fructose were co-metabolised, while utilization of glucitol was prevented by glucose, even in cells which were previously induced for glucitol metabolism. Of the substrates examined, only galactose appeared to be transported by a non-phosphotransferase mechanism, since a significant rate of phosphorylation of this sugar was supported by ATP rather than phosphoenolpyruvate.  相似文献   
The clock gene period (per), originally identified inDrosophila, evolves relatively quickly within the insects; probably for this reason, no convincingperhomologues have been identified outside this class. However antibodies toDrosophilaPER have labelled neural pacemakers in other organisms, including mammals. Conserved regions, such as the PAS dimerization domain, reflect its functional importance, but the long Thr–Gly repeat encoded withinperis not conserved outside theDrosophila. The repeat appears to be a component of the temperature compensation system in the fly. This is reflected in the population structure of natural Thr–Gly length variants ofD. melanogaster. Patterns of nucleotide variation withinDrosophila perhave been used to examine the selective forces that have shaped the evolution of this gene.  相似文献   
The hydrological structure of the French coastal part of the eastern English Channel is strongly linked with tidal regimes and riverine input. Two distinct water masses are separated by a frontal area and drift along the coast in SW–NE direction. These two water masses are well-mixed during the entire year. We studied the seasonal dynamic of nitrogenous nutrients, chlorophyll a and organic particulate carbon and nitrogen at two stations, characteristic of these water masses, during the year 1994. Results show (i) a winter stock of nitrate and ammonium, (ii) a pre-bloom period corresponding to the use of ammonium, (iii) a high bloom period of short duration using nitrate, (iv) a post-bloom period with little phytoplanktonic activity probably limited by nutrients other than nitrogen and (v) an autumnal period of reconstitution of stock. The essential difference between the two stations is the importance of winter stock of nutrients and of bloom chlorophyll a concentration, with the coastal station richer than the offshore one. An assumption about the nitrogen available for new production in this area gives a value of 57% of the winter stock of inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   
CDKN4/p27Kip1 is a cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor implicated in G1 phase arrest, which negatively regulates G1 phase progression in response to TGF, and might represent a tumor suppressor gene. We report here the chromosomal assignment of the human CDKN4 gene to chromosome 12p12.3 in close proximity to highly polymorphic microsatellite markers.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the histochemical localization of glucose-6-phosphatase, malic dehydrogenase and aldolase in the microfilaria of Setaria cervi. Marked activity of glucose-6-phosphatase was observed in the cephalic cells, excretory and anal pores, G-cells and Innenk?rper. Malic dehydrogenase activity was noted throughout the body (including cuticle) of the microfilaria except for Innenk?rper. Intense aldolase activity was observed in the excretory pore and G-cells only. Muscle cells and anal pore were negative for this enzyme.  相似文献   
A system for the induction of specific, hemolytic plaque-forming cells from normal human lymphocytes in vitro (HcPFC) has been established and cells from various normal lymphoid tissues have been investigated. Normal values for anti-SRBC HcPFC responses in cultures of 107 Ficoll-Hypaque separated lymphocytes range from 2000 (bone marrow) to 7000 (spleen) and 15,000 (tonsillar and peripheral blood lymphocytes). HcPFC responses to ovalbumin were lower by factor of 2 to 4. Anti-SRBC as well as anti-ovalbumin responses required the cooperation of T lymphocytes and IgM-bearing B lymphocytes and the magnitude of the response was antigen dose dependent. Addition of adherent cells as well as of 2-mercaptoethanol enhanced the response. On the basis of the data obtained in experiments examining the role of B and T lymphocytes, a tentative model of cellular interaction has been postulated, suggesting a major role for antigen concentration in the modulation of the response via reactive T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
In cooperation of 6 laboratories in Czechoslovakia and in the GDR, the efficiency of auramine-rhodamine B (AR) and acridine orange (AO) (short-time method) for staining of acid-fast bacilli was compared. Whereas a former comparison of AR and AO (original method) pointed out the superiority of AR, the investigation of both methods used as short-time procedures showed significantly more acid-fast rods after using AO. The number of "false positive" results was somewhat higher on AR staining. However the results depend not only on the method used but also on the procedure of staining and the optical equipment, and they are essentially influenced by the experience and proficiency of the microscopist. Taking into account the results of both studies both auramine-rhodamine B and acridine orange can be proposed for the staining of slides for microscopical detection of acid-fast rods. In case of AO, the short-time method is superior to the original long-time procedure.  相似文献   
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