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The electrophoretic patterns of 31 Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis capsular Surface Array Protein (SAP) isolated from bovines in reproduction from different regions of Brazil were analyzed. The persistence of the bacteria in the reproductive tract of naturally infected bovines and the dynamic of SAP expression were also evaluated. Cervical mucous and prepucial aspirates from five animals naturally infected were cultured for isolation of Campylobacter fetus and the SAPs extracted from the bacteria isolated were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Ten different patterns of SAP expression were demonstrated by the identification of proteins with molecular mass of 97, 100, 127, and 149 kDa, respectively. The most prevalent identified protein had a molecular mass of 100 kDa (41.9%). Taking into consideration the time during which the five animals were evaluated, it was possible to conclude that one of these animals persisted with the etiological agent up to 171 days. The five naturally infected bovines analyzed presented variation on their surface protein pattern during the period of this study. C. fetus subspecies venerealis persisted in the reproductive tract of naturally infected animals. In natural condition of infection C. fetus subspecies venerealis persisted in an intermittent condition and an alteration of the protein surface was shown. Received: 27 August 2001 / Accepted: 4 December 2001  相似文献   
Most modern cut-flower cultivars, including those of carnation(Dianthus caryophyllus), lack distinct fragrance.Carnationcv. Eilat flowers produce and emit various fragrance compounds, includingbenzoic acid derivatives and sesquiterpenes, but not monoterpenes. Based onGC-MS analysis, benzoic acid, benzyl benzoate, phenylethyl benzoate, methylbenzoate, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate and -caryophylleneare the major fragrance compounds, representing ca. 60% of the total volatilesgenerated by these flowers. The level of these compounds increases dramaticallyduring petal development. To evaluate the possibility of producing monoterpenesin carnation cv. Eilat, we generated transgenic plants expressing the linaloolsynthase gene from Clarkia breweri under the regulation ofthe CaMV 35S constitutive promoter. The product of this gene catalyzes theproduction of the monoterpene linalool from geranyl diphosphate. HeadspaceGC-MSanalysis revealed that leaves and flowers of transgenic, but not controlplants,emit linalool and its derivatives, cis- andtrans-linalool oxide. GC-MS analysis of petal extractrevealed the accumulation of trans-linalool oxide but notlinalool. The emission of linalool by the transgenic flowers did not lead todetectable changes in flower scent for human olfaction.  相似文献   
We explore the minimal conditions for sustainable cooperation on a spatially distributed population of memoryless, unconditional strategies (cooperators and defectors) in presence of unbiased, non-contingent mobility in the context of the Prisoner's Dilemma game. We find that cooperative behavior is not only possible but may even be enhanced by such an "always-move" rule, when compared with the strongly viscous ("never-move") case. In addition, mobility also increases the capability of cooperation to emerge and invade a population of defectors, what may have a fundamental role in the problem of the onset of cooperation.  相似文献   
Sixteen microsatellite loci are described for the two‐spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, which is an agricultural pest. The microsatellite loci were obtained through the construction of an enriched library; these loci exhibited polymorphisms (2–5 alleles per locus) and high levels of observed (0.033–0.667, average 0.415) and expected (0.033–0.602, average 0.336) heterozygosities. The isolated microsatellite markers are expected to be useful for the construction of a linkage map of this species.  相似文献   
Highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) was obtained by first wounding stem explants via microprojectile bombardment. When this was followed by cocultivation with disarmed Agrobacterium in the dark, the transformation frequency-based on transient GUS expression-increased to over 10-fold that of explants wounded by other means and cocultivated under constant light. Two cycles of regeneration/selection on kanamycin were employed to generate stably transformed carnation plants and eliminate chimeras: first, plantlets were regenerated from inoculated stem explants and then leaves from these plantlets were used to generate transgenes in a second selection cycle of adventitious shoot regeneration. Agrobacterium strain AGLO, carrying the binary vector pCGN7001 containing uidA and nptII genes, was used in the stable transformation experiments. The combination of wounding via bombardment, cocultivation in the dark and two cycles of kanamycin selection yielded an overall transformation efficiency of 1–2 transgenes per 10 stem explants for the three carnation varieties analyzed. Histochemical and molecular analyses of marker genes in T0 and T1 generations confirmed the transgenic nature of the selected plants.  相似文献   
The natural capacity of aspen (Populus tremula L.) roots for direct shoot-bud regeneration was harnessed to establish a highly efficient transformation and regeneration procedure that does not require a pre-selection stage on antibiotics. Aspen stem segments were transformed using wildtype Agrobacterium rhizogenes (LBA9402) with the binary p35SGUSINT plasmid carrying the genes coding for -glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II. High levels of transient GUS expression were found in the basal cut surface of 87% of the segments, and 98% of these formed well-developed adventitious roots. Proliferating root cultures were established in liquid culture, and GUS expression was found in 75% of the roots. Shoot-bud regeneration in root cultures was very high: 99% of the roots yielded shoot-buds (4.3 buds per root), of which 91% expressed GUS. Southern blot analysis and polymerase chain reaction confirmed the transgenic nature of the plants expressing GUS. Kanamycin resistance of transformants was tested with respect to callus growth and bud regeneration. Callus from transgenic plants exhibited a high growth rate in the presence of up to 100 g/l kanamycin, and bud regeneration from transformed roots occurred in the presence of up to 30 g/l kanamycin. Callus and buds from control (non-transformed) plants failed to proliferate or regenerate, respectively, in the presence of kanamycin at concentrations above 10 g/l. Ninety-four independent clones from different transformation events were established, of which 52 were phenotypically true-to-type.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - BA 6-benzylaminopurine - GUS -glucuronidase - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - PCR polymerase chain reaction - EtOH ethanol - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - NOS nopaline synthase - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus  相似文献   
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