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The extent of gene dispersal is a fundamental factor of the population and evolutionary dynamics of tropical tree species, but directly monitoring seed and pollen movement is a difficult task. However, indirect estimates of historical gene dispersal can be obtained from the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of populations at drift-dispersal equilibrium. Using an approach that is based on the slope of the regression of pairwise kinship coefficients on spatial distance and estimates of the effective population density, we compare indirect gene dispersal estimates of sympatric populations of 10 tropical tree species. We re-analysed 26 data sets consisting of mapped allozyme, SSR (simple sequence repeat), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) or AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) genotypes from two rainforest sites in French Guiana. Gene dispersal estimates were obtained for at least one marker in each species, although the estimation procedure failed under insufficient marker polymorphism, limited sample size, or inappropriate sampling area. Estimates generally suffered low precision and were affected by assumptions regarding the effective population density. Averaging estimates over data sets, the extent of gene dispersal ranged from 150 m to 1200 m according to species. Smaller gene dispersal estimates were obtained in species with heavy diaspores, which are presumably not well dispersed, and in populations with high local adult density. We suggest that limited seed dispersal could indirectly limit effective pollen dispersal by creating higher local tree densities, thereby increasing the positive correlation between pollen and seed dispersal distances. We discuss the potential and limitations of our indirect estimation procedure and suggest guidelines for future studies.  相似文献   
Epidemic models usually rely on the assumption of exponentially distributed sojourn times in infectious states. This is sometimes an acceptable approximation, but it is generally not realistic and it may influence the epidemic dynamics as it has already been shown in one population. Here, we explore the consequences of choosing constant or gamma-distributed infectious periods in a metapopulation context. For two coupled populations, we show that the probability of generating no secondary infections is the largest for most parameter values if the infectious period follows an exponential distribution, and we identify special cases where, inversely, the infection is more prone to extinction in early phases for constant infection durations. The impact of the infection duration distribution on the epidemic dynamics of many connected populations is studied by simulation and sensitivity analysis, taking into account the potential interactions with other factors. The analysis based on the average nonextinct epidemic trajectories shows that their sensitivity to the assumption on the infectious period distribution mostly depends on , the mean infection duration and the network structure. This study shows that the effect of assuming exponential distribution for infection periods instead of more realistic distributions varies with respect to the output of interest and to other factors. Ultimately it highlights the risk of misleading recommendations based on modelling results when models including exponential infection durations are used for practical purposes.  相似文献   


Toxoplasma gondii is found worldwide, but distribution of its genotypes as well as clinical expression of human toxoplasmosis varies across the continents. Several studies in Europe, North America and South America argued for a role of genotypes in the clinical expression of human toxoplasmosis. Genetic data concerning T. gondii isolates from Africa are scarce and not sufficient to investigate the population structure, a fundamental analysis for a better understanding of distribution, circulation, and transmission.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Seropositive animals originating from urban and rural areas in Gabon were analyzed for T. gondii isolation and genotyping. Sixty-eight isolates, including one mixed infection (69 strains), were obtained by bioassay in mice. Genotyping was performed using length polymorphism of 13 microsatellite markers located on 10 different chromosomes. Results were analyzed in terms of population structure by Bayesian statistical modeling, Neighbor-joining trees reconstruction based on genetic distances, F ST and linkage disequilibrium. A moderate genetic diversity was detected. Three haplogroups and one single genotype clustered 27 genotypes. The majority of strains belonged to one haplogroup corresponding to the worldwide Type III. The remaining strains were distributed into two haplogroups (Africa 1 and 3) and one single genotype. Mouse virulence at isolation was significantly different between haplogroups. Africa 1 haplogroup was the most virulent.


Africa 1 and 3 haplogroups were proposed as being new major haplogroups of T. gondii circulating in Africa. A possible link with strains circulating in South and Central America is discussed. Analysis of population structure demonstrated a local spread within a rural area and strain circulation between the main cities of the country. This circulation, favored by human activity could lead to genetic exchanges. For the first time, key epidemiological questions were addressed for the West African T. gondii population, using the high discriminatory power of microsatellite markers, thus creating a basis for further epidemiological and clinical investigations.  相似文献   
Motor actions and action verbs activate similar cortical brain regions. A functional interference can be taken as evidence that there is a parallel treatment of these two types of information and would argue for the biological grounding of language in action. A novel approach examining the relationship between language and grip force is presented. With eyes closed and arm extended, subjects listened to words relating (verbs) or not relating (nouns) to a manual action while holding a cylinder with an integrated force sensor. There was a change in grip force when subjects heard verbs that related to manual action. Grip force increased from about 100 ms following the verb presentation, peaked at 380 ms and fell abruptly after 400 ms, signalling a possible inhibition of the motor simulation evoked by these words. These observations reveal the intimate relationship that exists between language and grasp and show that it is possible to elucidate online new aspects of sensorimotor interaction.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) play a role in the development of obesity by contributing to adipogenesis, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix degradation. We have evaluated a potential functional role of TIMP‐1, which inhibits most MMPs, in in vivo adipogenesis. Therefore, human (h) TIMP‐1 was overexpressed by injection in the tail vein of NUDE mice of an adenoviral vector 3 days before injection of 3T3‐F442A preadipocytes in the back. After 4 weeks of high‐fat diet, the de novo formed fat was analyzed. Overexpression of hTIMP‐1 had no effect on de novo formed fat pad mass. However, the blood vessel density of the fat pads from mice overexpressing hTIMP‐1 was significantly lower than in controls (587 ± 11 mm?2 vs. 806 ± 20 mm?2, P < 0.0001) whereas the adipocytes were somewhat larger (1,477 ± 44 µm2 vs. 1,285 ± 32 µm2, P = 0.03). Thus, in vivo hTIMP‐1 overexpression did not significantly affect the extent of de novo adipose tissue formation, but was associated with significantly lower blood vessel density.  相似文献   


BC RNAs and the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) are translational repressors that have been implicated in the control of local protein synthesis at the synapse. Work with BC1 and Fmr1 animal models has revealed that phenotypical consequences resulting from the absence of either BC1 RNA or FMRP are remarkably similar. To establish functional interactions between BC1 RNA and FMRP is important for our understanding of how local protein synthesis regulates neuronal excitability.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated BC1−/− Fmr1−/− double knockout (dKO) mice. We examined such animals, lacking both BC1 RNA and FMRP, in comparison with single knockout (sKO) animals lacking either one repressor. Analysis of neural phenotypical output revealed that at least three attributes of brain functionality are subject to control by both BC1 RNA and FMRP: neuronal network excitability, epileptogenesis, and place learning. The severity of CA3 pyramidal cell hyperexcitability was significantly higher in BC1−/− Fmr1−/− dKO preparations than in the respective sKO preparations, as was seizure susceptibility of BC1−/− Fmr1−/− dKO animals in response to auditory stimulation. In place learning, BC1−/− Fmr1−/− dKO animals were severely impaired, in contrast to BC1−/− or Fmr1−/− sKO animals which exhibited only mild deficits.


Our data indicate that BC1 RNA and FMRP operate in sequential-independent fashion. They suggest that the molecular interplay between two translational repressors directly impacts brain functionality.  相似文献   
“Made in Brazil”: Human Dispersal of the Brazil Nut ( Bertholletia excelsa , Lecythidaceae) in Ancient Amazonia. The Brazil nut, Bertholletia excelsa, is a colossal tree of terra firme forest whose seeds represent the most important non-timber forest product in Amazonia. Its peculiarly inefficient dispersal strategy and discontinuous distribution have led some to hypothesize anthropogenic origins, but evidence to date has been inconclusive. Here we present results of a multidisciplinary study addressing this question. A review of the geographic distribution of B. excelsa and comparison with that of similar Lecythis species suggest a number of anomalies that are consistent with a recent and wide colonization of Bertholletia. Published studies and field observations indicate that anthropogenic disturbance facilitates Brazil nut regeneration. Recent genetic studies showing no sequence diversity and no geographical structuring of within-population variability support a rapid and recent irradiation from an ancestral population. Historical linguistic analysis of indigenous terms for Brazil nut suggests a northern/eastern Amazonian origin for Bertholletia, with a concomitant spread of Brazil nut distribution or cultivation to the south and west. Such an expansion would have been particularly facilitated by the emergence of intensive bitter manioc cultivation and networks of interethnic trade beginning in the first millennium C.E. Together, ecological, phytogeographic, genetic, linguistic, and archeological data reinforce the hypothesis that ancient Amazonian peoples played a role in establishing this emblematic and economically important rainforest landscape.  相似文献   
For most species, the logarithm of their average body mass is negatively related to the logarithm of their relative population density, i.e. the numerical abundance. In this way, the allometric scaling (both mass–abundance regressions and body–size spectra) becomes useful in ecological theory to build and explain food webs. Using empirical evidence derived from 145 Dutch sites, a hypothesis is formulated to explain how soil microbivores, detritivores and predators react to increasing resource availability. Shifts in size distribution, and subsequently changes in soil food‐web structure, are further discussed in the perspective of Holling's sequential interactions between basic system functions. We show that the allometric scaling and the averages of the (log‐transformed) prey:predator body‐mass ratios are reliable predictors for assessing faunal responses to nutrient availability. We view this work as a first attempt toward an extensive comparison of ecological processes in different soil systems.  相似文献   
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