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1. To correctly interpret chironomid faunas for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, it is essential that we improve our understanding of the relative influence of ecosystem variables, biotic as well as physicochemical, on chironomid larvae. To address this, we analysed the surface sediments from 39 shallow lakes (29 Norfolk, U.K., 10 Denmark) for chironomid head capsules, and 70 chironomid taxa (including Chaoborus) were identified. 2. The shallow lakes were selected over large environmental gradients of aquatic macrophytes, total phosphorus (TP) and fish communities. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified two significant variables that explained chironomid distribution: macrophyte species richness (P < 0.001) and TP (P < 0.005). Generalised linear models (GLM) identified specific taxa that had significant relationships with both these variables. Macrophyte percentage volume infested (PVI) and species richness were significant in classifying the lake types based on chironomid communities under twinspan analysis, although other factors, notably nutrient concentrations and fish communities, were also important, illustrating the complexities of classifying shallow lake ecosystems. Lakes with plant species richness >10 all had relatively diverse (Hill’s N2) chironomid assemblages, and lakes with Hill’s N2 >10 all had TP <250 μg L−1 and total fish densities <2 fish per m2. 3. Plant density (PVI), and perhaps more importantly species richness, were primary controls on the distribution of chironomid communities within these lakes. This clearly has implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using zoobenthos remains (i.e. chironomids) and suggests that they could be used to track changes in benthic/pelagic production and could be used as indicators of changing macrophyte habitat. 4. Measuring key biological gradients, in addition to physicochemical gradients, allowed the major controls on chironomid distribution to be assessed more directly, in terms of plant substrate, food availability, competition and predation pressure, rather than implying indirect mechanisms through relationships with nutrients. Many of these variables, notably macrophyte abundance and species richness, are not routinely measured in such studies, despite their importance in determining zoobenthos in temperate shallow lakes. 5. When physical, chemical and ecological gradients are considered, as is often the case with palaeo‐reconstructions rather than training sets chosen to maximise one gradient, complex relationships exist, and attempting to reconstruct a single trophic variable quantitatively may not be appropriate or reliable.  相似文献   
1. Interspecific competition among ants is common, and so is competitive exclusion among dominant ant species. In contrast, specific associations between non‐parasitic ant species are rare, especially in the temperate zones. As an exception, the subordinate ant Camponotus lateralis frequently co‐occurs with the dominant Crematogaster scutellaris but rarely with other dominant ants. 2. This association is one of various associations between Camponotus and Crematogaster species across the world. However, the mechanisms behind these co‐occurences are largely unknown. 3. In the present study, we therefore investigated the association of Ca. lateralis and Cr. scutellaris. We studied the spatial association of the nests, interspecific aggression, both species' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, and their propensity to follow the other species' pheromone trails. 4. Crematogaster scutellaris usually attacked and displaced the generally submissive Ca. lateralis, but was significantly less aggressive at jointly used trails. Camponotus nests were always in close proximity to Crematogaster nests. 5. The cuticular hydrocarbons of both species consisted of alkanes with chain lengths between C21 and C35. The two species had 25 hydrocarbons in common, including mono‐, di‐, and tetramethyl alkanes. Despite this qualitative similarity, however, the quantitative hydrocarbon composition differed between the two species. 6. Camponotus lateralis followed artificial trails containing trail pheromones of Cr. scutellaris, but the latter did not follow Ca. lateralis trail pheromones. Interspecific trail‐following by Camponotus, but not vice versa, has been observed in another Camponotus–Crematogaster association and may be a more general mechanism that facilitates associations between the two ant genera.  相似文献   

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Plant endemism in two forests in southern Bahia, Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An important factor in determining species rarity is the geographic distribution of species. Estimates were made of the level of endemism of the flora of two sites in the southern Bahian wet forest zone. Estimates were made for endemism in the Atlantic forest biome and for the much more restricted area of southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo and are derived from analyses of the distributions of the species known from each area. The species checklist for each area is based on identified specimens resulting from intensive collecting in a forest near Serra Grande (40km north of Ilhe´us) and the Una Biological Reserve (40km south of Ilhe´us). Slightly less than half of the species (45.2% at Una and 47.7% at Serra Grande) have widespread distributions and 7.4% at each site are disjunct between the coastal forests and Amazonia. In the Una Reserve, 44.1% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 28.1% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo. At Serra Grande, 41.6% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 26.5% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo.  相似文献   
This study examined the transcultural robustness of a screening instrument for hypomania, the Hypomania Checklist-32, first revised version (HCL-32 R1). It was carried out in 2606 patients from twelve countries in five geographic regions (Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, South America and East Asia). In addition, GAMIAN Europe contributed data from its members. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the transregional stability of the measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1, including the influence of sex and age as covariates. Across cultures, a two-factor structure was confirmed: the first factor (F1) reflected the more positive aspects of hypomania (being more active, elated, self-confident, and cogni-tively enhanced); the second factor (F2) reflected the more negative aspects (being irritable, impulsive, careless, more substance use). The measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1 were largely invariant across cultures. Only few items showed transcultural differences in their relation to hypomania as measured by the test. F2 was higher among men and in more severe manic syndromes; F1 was highest in North and East Europe and lowest in South America. The scores decreased slightly with age. The frequency of the 32 items showed remarkable similarities across geographic areas, with two excep-tions: South Europeans had lower symptom frequencies in general and East Europeans higher rates of substance use. These findings support the interna-tional applicability of the HCL-32 R1 as a screening instrument for hypomania.  相似文献   
Forest trees are major components of the terrestrial biome and their response to rising atmospheric CO2 plays a prominent role in the global carbon cycle. In this study, loblolly pine seedlings were planted in the field in recently disturbed soil of high fertility, and CO2 partial pressures were maintained at ambient CO2 (Amb) and elevated CO2 (Amb + 30 Pa) for 4 years. The objective of the study was to measure seasonal and long-term responses in growth and photosynthesis of loblolly pine exposed to elevated CO2 under ambient field conditions of precipitation, light, temperature and nutrient availability. Loblolly pine trees grown in elevated CO2 produced 90% more biomass after four growing seasons than did trees grown in ambient CO2. This large increase in final biomass was primarily due to a 217% increase in leaf area in the first growing season which resulted in much higher relative growth rates for trees grown in elevated CO2. Although there was not a sustained effect of elevated CO2 on relative growth rate after the first growing season, absolute production of biomass continued to increase each year in trees grown in elevated CO2 as a consequence of the compound interest effect of increased leaf area on the production of more new leaf area and more biomass. Allometric analyses of biomass allocation patterns demonstrated size-dependent shifts in allocation, but no direct effects of elevated CO2 on partitioning of biomass. Leaf photosynthetic rates were always higher in trees grown in elevated CO2, but these differences were greater in the summer (60–130% increase) than in the winter (14–44% increase), reflecting strong seasonal effects of temperature on photosynthesis. Our results suggest that seasonal variation in the relative photosynthetic response to elevated CO2 will occur in natural ecosystems, but total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) levels in leaves indicate that this variation may not always be related to sink activity. Despite indications of canopy-level adjustments in carbon assimilation, enhanced levels of leaf photosynthesis coupled with increased total leaf area indicate that net carbon assimilation for the whole tree was greater for trees grown under elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2. If the large growth enhancement observed in loblolly pine were maintained after canopy closure, then these trees could be a large sink for fossil carbon emitted to the atmosphere and produce a negative feedback on atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
The invasion of woody plants into grass‐dominated ecosystems has occurred worldwide during the past century with potentially significant impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, ecosystem carbon sequestration and global climate warming. To date, most studies of tree and shrub encroachment impacts on SOC have been conducted at small scales and results are equivocal. To quantify the effects of woody plant proliferation on SOC at broad spatial scales and to potentially resolve inconsistencies reported from studies conducted at fine spatial scales, information regarding spatial variability and uncertainty of SOC is essential. We used sequential indicator simulation (SIS) to quantify spatial uncertainty of SOC in a grassland undergoing shrub encroachment in the Southern Great Plains, USA. Results showed that both SOC pool size and its spatial uncertainty increased with the development of woody communities in grasslands. Higher uncertainty of SOC in new shrub‐dominated communities may be the result of their relatively recent development, their more complex above‐ and belowground architecture, stronger within‐community gradients, and a greater degree of faunal disturbance. Simulations of alternative sampling designs demonstrated the effects of spatial uncertainty on the accuracy of SOC estimates and enabled us to evaluate the efficiency of sampling strategies aimed at quantifying landscape‐scale SOC pools. An approach combining stratified random sampling with unequal point densities and transect sampling of landscape elements exhibiting strong internal gradients yielded the best estimates. Complete random sampling was less effective and required much higher sampling densities. Results provide novel insights into spatial uncertainty of SOC and its effects on estimates of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem and suggest effective protocol for the estimating of soil attributes in landscapes with complex vegetation patterns.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Enhanced esterase C activity could be demonstrated by starch gel electrophoresis in various stocks of Paramecium spp. (P. primaurelia stocks 90 and 540, P. biaurelia stock 93, P. tetraurelia stock 29. P. pentaurelia stock 87, P. octaurelia stocks 31 and 300, and P. multimicronucleatum species 3, stock 8 MO) grown in Adaptation Medium. This esterase, however, was barely detectable when they were cultivated in Axenic Medium. Addition of trypticase to Adaptation Medium resulted in reduction of esterase C in the ciliates. This effect is ascribable to Na acetate present in trypticase. Since esterase C increased with the decrease in acetate concentration (as estimated by gas-liquid chromatography) during growth of Paramecium, acetate appears to be utilized by the cells. Sensitivity of esterase C to acetate occurs in all 6 species of Paramecium examined. Different stocks within a species may have different levels of sensitivity; in one case this is genetically determined. The results emphasize the importance of controlling and manipulating growth conditions for the assessment of inter- and intraspecies variations in the isozymes of Paramecium.  相似文献   
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