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1. Oligotrophic Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand, is used for hydroelectric power generation and the lake levels are manipulated within an operating range of 3 m. There was concern that rapidly changing water levels adversely affected the littoral zone by decreasing light availability in two ways: local turbidity caused by shoreline erosion at low water levels; and decreased light penetration to the deep littoral zone caused by high water levels in summer. 2. The littoral zone was dominated by native aquatic plants with vascular species to 6 m and a characean meadow below this to 16 m. The biomass and heights of the communities in the depth zone 0–6 m were reduced at a site exposed to wave action relative to those at a sheltered site. However, the community structure below 6 m was similar at exposed and sheltered sites. The lower boundary of the littoral zone was sharply delimited at 16 m and this bottom boundary remained constant throughout the year despite large seasonal changes in solar radiation and the 3 m variation in lake level. 3. There was evidence that the deep-water community consisting of Chara corallina had adapted physiologically to low-light conditions. Net light saturated photosynthesis (CO2 exchange) per unit chlorophyll a (Chl a) was reduced to 1.7 μg C (μg Chl a)?1 h?1 at the lower boundary, half of that recorded at 5 m. The concentration of Chi a per gram of biomass (dry weight), was considerably greater at the lower boundary than higher in the profile [c. 7 mg Chl a (g dry wt)?1 at 16 m vs. 4 mg Chl a (g dry wt)?1 at 5 m]. Chl b also increased with depth and there was no change in the ratio of Chl a and Chl b with increasing depth. The saturation light intensity (Ik) of the community at the lower boundary was only 78 μmol photons m?2 s?1. Photosynthetic parameters (Ik and α) as well as the Chl a content remained relatively constant throughout the seasonal and short-term changes in radiation. 4. The photosynthetic characteristics of the littoral community were therefore not greatly affected by the lake level change caused by the present hydroelectric operations. However, the sharpness of the lower boundary and its extreme shade characteristics imply that the deep-water community would be sensitive to any further changes in underwater light availability.  相似文献   
1. Conifer‐feeding budworms (Choristoneura) hibernate in sheltered locations on their host trees from late summer of 1 year to spring of the next. During this period, they do not feed but rely on sustenance provided in the egg. Overwinter survival is dependent on the rate of consumption of these limited reserves. 2. A process model was developed that quantifies the relationship between the rate of consumption and survival at variable temperatures and exposure times for western spruce budworm. The model supported physiological evidence that warm weather conditions early in the diapause period have a dominant influence on overwinter survival. Output compared favourably with field observations of poorer budworm survival at lower elevations where late‐summer and autumn temperatures were warmer compared to those overwintering at cooler, higher elevations. 3. Field experiments demonstrated these weather‐dependent rates of survival were modulated significantly by the degree of shelter experienced by hibernating budworms. 4. Dissection of whole trees harbouring overwintering western spruce budworms showed a significant portion of the population had travelled a considerable distance from the periphery of the tree canopy where eggs were laid to overwinter successfully on the tree bole where sheltered niches are common. 5. Thus, budworms will travel relatively long distances and risk increased mortality during this dispersal to find adequate shelter to overwinter.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Pneumocystis jirovecii ITS and DHPS genotypes were identified in 3 patient groups developing diverse forms of P. jirovecii infections: 13 patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia, 8 patients merely colonized by the fungus, and 19 immunocompetent infants with bronchiolitis developing mild P. jirovecii infection. Common P. jirovecii genotypes were found in the 3 patient groups, suggesting that common sources of P. jirovecii were involved in the fungus acquisition, and that transmission cycles of P. jirovecii infections in these patient groups are not independent. Parasitized patients, whatever the form of parasitism they present, may he part of a common reservoir for P. jirovecii.  相似文献   
1. Increasingly viewed to have societal impact and value, science is affected by complex changes such as globalisation and the increasing dominance of commercial interest. As a result, technical advancements, financial concerns, institutional prestige and journal proliferation have created challenges for ecological and other scientific journals and affected the perception of both researchers and the public about the science that they publish. 2. Journals are now used for more than dissemination of scientific research. Institutions use journal rankings for a variety of purposes and often require a pre‐established number of articles in hiring and budgetary decisions. Consequently, journal impact factors have achieved greater importance, and the splitting of articles into smaller parcels of information (‘salami‐slicing’) to increase numbers of publications has become more frequent. 3. Journals may prescribe upper limits to article length, even though the average length of articles for several ecological journals examined has increased over time. There are clear signs, however, that journals without length limits for articles will become rarer. In contrast to ecological journals, taxonomic journals are not following this trend. 4. Two case histories demonstrate how splitting longer ecological articles into a series of shorter ones results in both redundancy of information and actually increases the journal space used overall. Furthermore, with current rejection rates of ecological journals (often ~80%), many thin salami‐sliced articles jam the peer‐review system much longer (through resubmission after rejection) than unsliced articles previously did (e.g. when rejection rates were ~50%). In our experience, the increased pressure to publish many articles in ‘high‐impact’ journals also may decrease the attractiveness of a future scientific career in ecology to young people. 5. ‘Gatekeeping’ of journal quality has shifted from editors to reviewers, and several recent trends are apparent including: bias about appropriate statistical methods; reviewers being more rigid overall; non‐native English writers being criticised for poor communications skills; and favourable reviews being signed more often than unfavourable ones. In terms of production, outsourcing of copy editing has increased the final error rate of published material. 6. We supplemented our perceptions with those of older colleagues (~100 experienced ecologists) that responded to an informal survey on this topic (response rate: 81%). In the opinion of almost 90% of our respondents, the overall review process has changed and for 20% among them the professional quality of reviews has declined. 7. We, and many older colleagues, are convinced there have been some negative changes in the scientific publication process. If younger colleagues share this concern, we can collectively counter this deteriorating situation, because we are the key to the publishing and evaluation process.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This work reports for the first time the presence of two Pneumocystis species in wild Rattus norvegicus specimens from Thailand. Pneumocystis DNA was detected in 57.7% (15/26) wild rats without apparent association with typical pneumocystosis. Pneumocystis carinii was found alone in five rats (19.2%), Pneumocystis wakefieldiae was detected alone in six rats (23.1%), and two rats were infected by both species (7.7%). In addition, a new P. wakefieldiae variant sequence has been identified in three wild R. norvegicus specimens caught in the same geographical area. The high frequency of Pneumocystis in wild rats documented in this study and the apparent scarcity of severe pneumocystosis were consistent with an efficient circulation of rat Pneumocystis species in ecosystems.  相似文献   
1. We investigated the seasonal variation of biological traits and the influence of interannual rainfall variability on this pattern. Using long‐term survey data (6–19 years) from an intermittent and a perennial stream in the Mediterranean‐climate region of northern California, we examined 16 fuzzy‐coded biological traits (e.g. maximum size, life cycle duration, and mode of respiration). 2. Seasonal habitat variability is higher in the intermittent stream than in the perennial stream. During the winter and spring wet‐season both streams flood; however, during the summer dry‐season, the intermittent stream forms isolated pools in (occasionally drying completely). 3. Seasonal habitat variability influenced both taxonomic and biological trait composition. Distinct taxonomic communities were present in each season, particularly in the intermittent stream. The intermittent stream also exhibited more seasonal variation in biological traits than the perennial stream. 4. Despite statistically significant seasonal variation, trait composition was relatively stable among seasons in comparison with taxonomic composition and abundance. Taxonomic composition varied considerably between seasons, because of high seasonal and interannual replacement of taxa resulting from seasonal habitat changes. 5. The seasonality of taxonomic composition and abundance was sensitive to interannual rainfall variability. In dry years, the taxonomic composition of communities was more similar between seasons than in wet years, while trait composition was relatively insensitive to rainfall variability. 6. Despite high seasonal variation in abundance and taxonomic composition, biological traits of aquatic macroinvertebrates varied less and exhibited seasonal stability, which may be a result of the unpredictability and harshness of stream environments.  相似文献   
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