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  • 1 The vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen differed considerably between three stratification cycles in Lake Titicaca, a tropical lake (latitude 16°S) in the high Andes (3800 m altitude). In 1980/81 an anoxic layer of water extended from 200 to 275 m and contained high levels of NH4 but zero NO3. During the annual deep mixing period in 1981 this layer was substantially eroded, and was completely eliminated during deep-mixing in 1982.
  • 2 Nitrapyrin assays of nitrification demonstrated highest activity in the surface mixed layer, lowest activity just beneath the thermocline, and then increasing nitrification rates with increasing depth towards the bottom anoxic zone. Denitrification rates were slow, but detectable, in the surficial sediments of Lake Titicaca during late 1982. Much faster rates were estimated for the periods of water column anoxia.
  • 3 Lake Titicaca is a productive lake with low saturation levels of oxygen because of its high altitude. These features favour hypolimnetic anoxia, and thus denitrification which varies in magnitude from year to year.
VINCENT NIJMAN 《Ibis》2001,143(1):99-106
The migration of four northern migrant raptors (Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus , Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis, Japanese Sparrowhawk A. gularis and Common Buzzard Buteo buteo ) was studied in the Dieng mountains, Central Java, Indonesia during September-October 1998. Populations migrating through Central Java originate from northern Asia and most likely have passed over the Thai-Malay peninsula and Sumatra before reaching West and Central Java. An unknown proportion continues on to Bali and/or the Lesser Sunda Islands. In all, 68 groups totalling 885 individuals were counted passing by. Ninety-five percent of individuals identified were accipiters, two-thirds of which could be identified to the species level. Passage was directed from WSW-SW to E-ESE, following the alignment of volcanoes on the island. The number of groups was highest during late morning; single individuals were observed significantly more often during the early morning and large (> 25 individuals) groups during the afternoon. Single individuals and small (five or fewer individuals) groups spent significantly less time in the area than large groups. The forests of the Dieng mountains are also used as an overnight stopover and hunting site. Differences in the proportion of the two species of Accipiter identified at Javan and Bali study sites suggests an additional migration route to the one following the Javan mountains. This may follow the eastern edge of the Sunda Shelf. The Dieng mountains qualify as a globally Important Bird Area (IBA) on the grounds of the raptor congregations, as well as because of the presence of globally threatened and restricted range species.  相似文献   
Pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes of animals is influenced by a number of genes that modulate the activity of melanocytes, the intervention of enzymatic controls at different stages of the melanogenic process, and the physico-chemical properties of the final pigment. The results of combined phenotypic, ultrastructural, biochemical, and chemical analyses of hairs of a variety of defined genotypes on a common genetic background performed in this study are consistent with the view that pigmentation of dark to black hairs results from the incorporation of eumelanin pigments whereas that of yellow hairs results from the incorporation of eu- and pheomelanins. It is also clear that relatively minor differences in melanin content can have dramatic effects on visible hair color. A good correlation was found for expression of (and enzyme activities associated with) TRP1 and TRP2 with eumelanin synthesis and eumelanosome production.  相似文献   
  • 1 Using sites from the Upper Rhône River, France, as an example, the objective of this paper is to identify the essential elements needed to test current ecological theories with previously collected data. Procedures developed may enable other groups to design comparable research strategies for syntheses of long-term studies of ecological systems.
  • 2 Because of the high number (more than 200) and turnover of researchers, the long study period (about 17 years), the evolution of research methods and interests, and the diverse systematic groups that were considered (from micro-organisms to birds), the data available for a synthesis were quite heterogeneous. The application of a ‘fuzzy coding’ technique allowed such disparate information to be structured for analysis.
  • 3 The habitat templet concept and the patch dynamics concept were selected for analysis with existing data on the Upper Rhône because theories, such as these, that link ecological responses to habitat templets are a focus of current ecological debate and potentially may serve as a general tool for ecologically orientated river management.
  • 4 A preliminary trial to structure the existing knowledge, to identify (and manage) gaps in it, and to create and apply the analytical tools in a way that predictions from theory could be tested was an essential element in the design of this project.
  • 5 Predictions derived from the theoretical concepts had to match the format of the available information on the Upper Rhône; potential bias was avoided by having a priori predictions developed by previously uninvolved colleagues.
  • 6 Synthesis of the long-term study of the Upper Rhône in the context of concurrently developed ecological theory required, at times, an unconventional research strategy. Hence, the generation of hypotheses and methods, the presentation of results, and consequently the discussions in papers of this special issue of Freshwater Biology (Statzner, Resh & Dolédec, 1994) represent an innovative approach to testing ecological theory.
In animal species where females mate with multiple males, female mating success might be expected to covary with aspects of female morphology, such as size or shape. Spiders are especially interesting in this regard, as the females of several spider groups weave intricate webs that often accommodate multiple male spiders, all of whom are potential mates. Because web design is likely to be dependent on female size/shape, we use multivariate methods to assess the relationships among female morphology, web design, and reproductive ecology over a range of body sizes in the orb-weaving spider Nephila clavipes . Of the measured variables, only abdomen size explained a significant amount of the variation in number of males on a web, and this relationship holds even after statistically accounting for body size. Because abdomen size is an indicator of body condition in spiders, we suggest that condition is likely to be an important factor relating to potential mating success in female spiders. We found no evidence for an association between web design and number of males on a web, although our data indicate that larger females build webs that are both larger and further from the ground than those of smaller females.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 95−102.  相似文献   
The sole described indigenous afrotropical cynipid, the South African endemic Rhoophilus loewi , was originally described as a gall inducer. As predicted by phylogenetic relationships, we confirm that R. loewi is instead an inquiline wasp. Although all other cynipid inquilines develop in galls induced by cynipid wasps, or very rarely cecidomyiid midges, R. loewi is the only cynipid inquiline of a lepidopteran gall, inducing secondary inquiline cells in galls induced by a cecidosid moth genus Scyrotis on Rhus species (Anacardiaceae). Rhoophilus is a lethal inquiline; its larval cells expand into the hollow interior of the host gall resulting in death of the gall inducer. Rhoophilus loewi is redescribed and the final-instar larva described for the first time. We describe host-plant associations, the morphology and phenology of gall formation, and the suite of parasitoid Hymenoptera associated with these galls. The community centred on Scyrotis galls is compared with those observed in other hosts of inquiline cynipids. Elucidation of the life history of R. loewi has fundamental implications for understanding the evolution of cynipid wasps.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 153–172.  相似文献   
Abstract Benthic macroinvertebrates are the group of organisms most widely used for assessment of water resources. Rapid assessment approaches are intended to be efficient and cost effective; savings are found in reduced sampling and more efficient data analysis. Rapid bioassessment programmes have been quickly accepted and now cover most of the United States (US) and equivalent programmes cover all of the United Kingdom (UK). Rapid bioassessment programmes are designed to screen large regions, pinpointing trouble spots worthy of more detailed attention. Fundamental to all rapid bioassessment methods is the classification of streams so that comparisons can be made between reference areas and areas of concern, or test sites with similar characteristics. Both the UK and US approaches assess habitat characteristics. These characteristics are used to predict the fauna expected at a test site in the UK approach; in the US they are used as an aid to classification and interpretation of aquatic faunal data. Habitat assessments in the US are also used to determine whether poor water quality or degraded habitat are stressing the invertebrate communities. This is a major development in approaches to water resource assessment. In the UK, a model developed using multivariate statistics uses a few environmental variables thought to be unaffected by human activities to predict the fauna expected at a test site. The US approaches analyse data using several indices (or metrics) presumed to represent ecological features of interest. These indices have a range of sensitivities to different kinds of stress and must be calibrated for the area of interest. The two approaches have been developed in isolation but may have much to offer each other. Developing programmes are advised to consider both. Future needs include: development of procedures that can be applied to large rivers and to lakes; further refinement of ecological principles underlying metric choice; the inclusion of chemical criteria and toxicity tests to establish thresholds that indicate impairment; and development of criteria indicating the necessity for implementation of quantitative assessment studies.  相似文献   
The morphology of the arthrodire placoderm Yujiangolepis liujingensis Wang, Pan & Wang, 1998, from the Lower Devonian of Guangxi is redescribed, and compared to that of the basal arthrodires Antarctaspis White, 1968 from Antarctica, Toombalepis Young & Goujet, 2003 and Wuttagoonaspis Ritchie, 1973 from Australia, and Yiminaspis Dupret, 2008 from south China. A very small plate of the skull roof at the junction of the nuchal, marginal, postorbital, and paranuchal plates is considered as the vestigial homologue of the anterior paranuchal plate in the Petalichthyida and Acanthothoraci. Yujiangolepis is attributed to the family ‘Antarctaspididae’ White, 1968, together with the genera Antarctaspis and Toombalepis. A computerized phylogenetic analysis resolved Yujiangolepis as the most basal arthrodire, and the family ‘Antarctaspididae’ appears paraphyletic, Yujiangolepis being possibly the most basal. The family Wuttagoonaspididae contains the genera Wuttagoonaspis and Yiminaspis, and remains monophyletic. A Chinese origin of the ‘Antarctaspididae’ is proposed, together with a southward dispersal into Gondwana during the Early Emsian.  相似文献   
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