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SYNOPSIS. There is a consistent repeatable pattern of innervationof the vertebrate limb by sensory and motor axons from the spinalcord. We have been looking at the factors which control thegeneration of this pattern in the developing chick limb. Thegross pattern of nerves in the limb is controlled by the limbtissue and arises as a result of the axon's response to itslocal environment. Each segmental root innervates a characteristic territory inthe limb. Each muscle is innervated by a characteristicallylocated motoneurone pool in the cord. Three models explaining the generation of these patterns arepresented: active selection, selective cell death, and passivedeployment. A review of recent experiments leads us to concludethat there is evidence for both passive deployment and local,short range, active selection.  相似文献   
Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil is a discontinuously distributed native tree species in South American subtropical forests. Thirteen quantitative traits and eight nuclear microsatellite loci were examined in individuals from two biogeographic provinces of Argentina to determine the number and composition of genetically distinguishable groups of individuals and explore possible spatial patterns of the phenotypic and genetic variability. Means of reproductive traits were higher in the Yungas than in the Paranaense biogeographic province, whereas five out of eight nonreproductive quantitative traits showed higher mean values in the latter. Variance coefficients were moderate, and there were significant differences between and within provinces. Three clusters were defined based on spatial model for cluster membership for quantitative traits. One cluster grouped the individuals from the Paranaense biogeographic province whereas the individuals from the Yungas biogeographic province grouped regarding its population of origin. Parameters of molecular genetic variability showed higher values in the Yungas than in the Paranaense biogeographic province. Observed heterozygosity was lower than expected heterozygosity in both biogeographic provinces, indicating an excess of homozygosity. The homozygosity test by Watterson and the exact test by Slatkin suggested diversifying selection for locus Ac41.1. Bayesian clustering spatial model for microsatellites loci data were performed for both all loci and for all loci excluding locus Ac41.1. In both analyses two clusters were inferred. Analysis of molecular variance revealed similar results for all genotypes and for all genotypes defined excluding locus Ac41.1. Most of the total variance is attributable to genetic variation within clusters. The presence of homogeneous clusters was detected for both the phenotypic and molecular genetic variability. Two Bayesian clustering analyses were performed according to molecular genetic data, and two clusters were inferred. Individuals were assigned to their provinces of origin. Genetic molecular variation was higher in the populations of the Yungas biogeographic province which translates into highly qualified populations for conservation. Populations from the Paranaense biogeographic province showed the highest mean value of number of seeds per fruit making them valuable as well with regard to the exploitation of management strategies as a means to recover the impacted areas where these populations are located.  相似文献   
In Patagonian Monte, as in other arid ecosystems, grazing has triggered changes in vegetation and soil such as plant cover reduction, changes in species composition and soil nutrient losses. Several mechanisms were proposed interconnecting these changes, but evidence supporting them is very scarce. On the basis of published data concerning plant cover by species along grazing gradients and leaf litter production of dominant species, we estimated the effects of grazing on a – quality (N, soluble phenolics and lignin concentrations) and b – quantity (leaf litterfall (LLF) and inputs of nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin to the soil) of leaf litter in the Patagonian Monte, discriminating the effect of plant cover reduction from that of species composition. We also evaluated the relationship between senesced leaves traits and the response of species to grazing (i.e. their relative change in plant cover). Grazing causes a reduction in LLF and in the inputs of nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin to the soil. In the case of LLF, this reduction was not only a result of the decrease in plant cover but also due to changes in species composition. In contrast, our results showed that the reduction in nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin inputs to the soil by LLF is only a consequence of plant cover reduction. Additionally, litter quality was affected through increasing concentration of N and secondary compounds (soluble phenolics and lignin). N and soluble phenolics concentration on senesced leaves were positively related to the response of species to grazing, suggesting that other factors instead of N are relevant to sheep foraging decisions.  相似文献   
Species relocation programmes are increasingly performed with the intention of establishing a self‐sustaining population of threatened or declining native species. However, the use of experimental quantitative approaches in species relocation programmes is still relatively uncommon, despite a number of international studies recommending clear guidelines and standards. This paper evaluates species relocation programmes conducted within Australia to assess how programmes performed in relation to such standards. The search techniques identified 54 species relocation programmes, the majority of which were reintroductions (52%) and supplementations (30%). Only 25 (46%) of the species relocation programmes claimed success, with a lack of effective predator control recognized as contributing to the failure of 14 programmes. There was considerable variation in the quality of species relocation programmes in relation to key features such as whether the programme integrated experimental approaches with testable hypotheses, whether there were explicit statements of criteria for success, whether suitable habitat was identified for the release site and whether long‐term monitoring was conducted. We propose guidelines to improve scientific rigour and success rates of species relocation programmes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Identifying causes of declines and evaluating effects of management practices on persistence of local populations of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) requires accurate estimates of abundance and population trends. Moreover, regulatory agencies in the United States and Canada typically require surveys to detect nest burrows prior to approving developments or other activities in areas that are potentially suitable for nesting burrowing owls. In general, guidelines on timing of surveys have been lacking and surveys have been conducted at different times of day and in different stages of the nesting cycle. We used logistic regression to evaluate 7 factors that could potentially affect probability of a surveyor detecting a burrowing owl nest. We conducted 1,444 detection trials at 323 burrowing owl nests within 3 study areas in Washington and Wyoming, USA, between February and August 2000–2002. Detection probability was highest during the nestling period and increased with ambient temperature. The other 5 factors that we examined (i.e., study area, time of day, timing within the breeding season, wind speed, % cloud cover) interacted with another factor to influence detection probability. Use of call-broadcast surveys increased detection probability, even during daylight hours when we detected >95% of owls visually. Optimal timing of surveys will vary due to differences in breeding phenology and differences in nesting behavior across populations. Nevertheless, we recommend ≥3 surveys per year: one that coincides with the laying and incubation period, another that coincides with the early nestling period, and a third that coincides with the late nestling period. In northern latitudes, surveys can be conducted throughout the day. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):688–696; 2008)  相似文献   
We describe six polymorphic, trinucleotide microsatellite loci that were isolated from the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), a model system for examining the mechanisms behind sperm competition in species with internal fertilization. These microsatellites yielded between 3 and 11 alleles per locus in a sample of 20–48 dung flies collected from several sites in Cheshire, UK. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.195 and 0.900 and 0.335–0.842, respectively. These markers should allow us to investigate postcopulatory sexual selection processes in this fly much more fully than has been possible in the past.  相似文献   
For plant populations, gene movement through pollen and seed dispersal governs the size of local genetic neighbourhoods and shapes the opportunities for natural selection and genetic drift. A critical question is how together these two processes influence the evolutionary dynamics of local populations. To assess the respective contributions of pollen and seed flow, we propose a novel indirect assessment of the separate male and female gametic contributions to total effective parental size ( N e), based on parental correlations estimated via kinship coefficients, that can be applied to data sets that include unambiguous genotypes for male and female gametic contributions. Using the endemic Californian valley oak ( Quercus lobata ) as our study species, we apply this method to a set of microsatellite genotypes for two distinct ecological sets of naturally recruiting seedlings with acorns attached. We found that the effective numbers of contributing male parents ( N ep) exceed effective numbers of female parents ( N em) for seedlings established beneath adult trees ( N ep = 8.1 and N em = 1.1), as well as for seedlings established away from adult trees ( N ep = 15.4 and N em = 2.7), illustrating that seed dispersal enhances pollen dispersal and increases the effective number of seed sources in open seedling patches. The resulting effective parental size of seedling populations translates into smaller effective numbers of parents for undispersed vs. dispersed seedlings ( N e = 3.6 and N e = 6.7, respectively). This study introduces a novel statistic method and provides important new evidence that, on a short-term temporal scale, seed dispersal shapes the local neighbourhood size of new recruits.  相似文献   
Abstract Competition is a major aspect of the ecology of insect communities exploiting ephemeral and fragmented resources. We analysed the effect of intraspecific (single species culture) and interspecific (mixed species culture) competition on larval viability, developmental time and wing length in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila koepferae (Diptera: Drosophilidae) reared in cultured media prepared with fermenting tissues of three common natural cactus hosts in nature at different densities. Our results show that all traits measured were affected by both intra‐ and interspecifc competition, although the effect of competition depended on the Drosophila species and the rearing cactus. In fact, flies tended to have a lower viability, shorter wing size and longer developmental time as a function of increasing density in single species culture in both D. buzzatii and D. koepferae (intraespecific competition). Besides, the performance of both species was seriously affected (shorter body size, slower developmental times, lower viability) by the presence of heterospecific competitors except in the case of D. koepferae reared in its primary host plant, Trichocereus terschekii. We also show that D. koepferae successfully utilized Opuntia quimilo, which is absent in most parts of its distribution range. We discuss the roles of intra‐ and interspecific competition as determinants of the relative abundance of these two species in the arid zones of Southern South America.  相似文献   
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