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In patrilocal groups, females preferentially move to join their mate’s paternal relatives. The gender‐biased gene flow generated by this cultural practice is expected to affect genetic diversity across human populations. Greater female than male migration is predicted to result in a larger decrease in between‐group differentiation for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) than for the non‐recombining part of the Y chromosome (NRY). We address the question of how patrilocality affects the distribution of genetic variation in human populations controlling for confounding factors such as ethno‐linguistic heterogeneity and geographic distance which possibly explain the contradictory results observed in previous studies. By combining genetic and bio‐demographic data from Lesotho and Spain, we show that preferential female migration over short distances appears to minimize the impact of a generally higher female migration rate in patrilocal communities, suggesting patrilocality might influence genetic variation only at short ranges.  相似文献   
Species richness and taxonomic composition of pollinator assemblages are documented for 26 plant species from temperate rain forests of northern Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°30'S). We investigated the patterns of generalism and specialization among plants and animal pollinators by comparing the flower visit frequency by different pollen vectors during the spring and summer months of three consecutive years (2000–2002). Species studied exhibited a range of floral morphologies (radial vs. zygomorphic, open vs. tubular) and rewards (nectar and/or pollen). Overall, we recorded 172 pollinator species, with an average of 6.6 species of pollen vectors/plant species. Pollinators visited an average of 15.2 plant species/pollen vector. Pollinator assemblages were dominated by Coleoptera (75 species), Diptera (56 species) and Hymenoptera (30 species), but passerine birds and hummingbirds were also important. The most specialized plants were vines, including the bee-pollinated genus Luzuriaga (Philesiaceae) and two endemic species of hummingbird-pollinated Gesneriaceae. Hymenoptera contributed 41.2% of all visits, with the bumblebee Bombus dalhbomii accounting for 22.5% of these. Plants with unspecialized flower morphology supported a higher species richness of pollinators, but visiting rates did not differ from specialized flowers.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 399–416.  相似文献   
The dynamics of dissemination of the environmental human pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus are uncertain. The O3:K6 clone was restricted to Asia until its detection along the Peruvian coasts and in northern Chile in 1997 in phase with the arrival of El Niño waters. A subsequent emergence of O3:K6 strains was detected in austral Chile in 2004. The origin of these 1997 and 2004 population radiations has not yet been conclusively determined. Multiple loci VNTR analysis using seven polymorphic loci was carried out with a number of representative strains from Asia, Peru and Chile to determine their genetic characteristics and population structure. Asian and Chilean subpopulations were the most genetically distant groups with an intermediate subpopulation in Peru. Population structure inferred from a minimum‐spanning tree and Bayesian analysis divided the populations into two genetically distinct groups, consistent with the epidemic dynamics of the O3:K6 clone in South America. One group comprised strains from the original Asiatic population and strains arriving in Peru and Chile in 1997. The second group included the remaining Peruvian Strains and Chilean strains obtained from Puerto Montt in 2004. The analysis of the arrival of the O3:K6 clone at the Pacific coasts of South America has provided novel insights linking the origin of the invasion in 1997 to Asian populations and describing the successful establishment of the O3:K6 populations, first in Peru and subsequently in the South of Chile owing to a possible radiation of Peruvian populations.  相似文献   
1. The effect of habitat fragmentation on freshwater species has been addressed using brown trout Salmo trutta L. as a model species with a dendritic population structure. 2. Microsatellite loci were employed as molecular markers. Levels of gene flow and population subdivision were determined in more than 1200 brown trout individuals inhabiting four south European rivers with contrasting patterns of fragmentation, defined by the presence of barriers. 3. The genetic units in the four rivers were restricted by artificial barriers, and gene flow among samples within each river was associated with the level of fragmentation of the river. 4. Loss of genetic diversity and dislocation of the dendritic model have been detected in fragmented rivers. These results emphasise the importance of mitigating the impact of dams by constructing passages to restore gene flow along the river, for fish and other migratory species, as well as the need for caution in relation to stocking in isolated areas to avoid problems of inbreeding.  相似文献   
The hydraulic conductance ( L 0) of detached, exuding root systems from melon ( Cucumis melo cv. Amarillo oro) was measured. All plants received a half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution, and plants stressed either solely with NaCl (50 mM) or with NaCl (50 mM) following treatment (2 d) with CaCl2 (10 mM) were compared with controls and CaCl2-treated (10 mM) plants. The L 0 of NaCl-treated plants was markedly decreased when compared to control and CaCl2-treated plants, but the decrease was smaller when NaCl was added to plants previously treated with CaCl2. A similar effect was observed when the flux of Ca2+ into the xylem and the Ca2+ concentration in the plasma membrane of the root cells were determined. In control, CaCl2- and NaCl + CaCl2-treated plants, HgCl2 treatment (50 μM) caused a sharp decline in L 0 to values similar to those of NaCl-stressed roots, but L 0 was restored by treatment with 5 mM DTT. However, in NaCl roots only a slight effect of Hg2+ and DTT were observed. The effect of all treatments on L 0 was similar to that on osmotic water permeability ( P f) of individual protoplasts isolated from roots. The results suggest that NaCl decreased the passage of water through the membrane and roots by reducing the activity of Hg-sensitive water channels. The ameliorative effect of Ca2+ on NaCl stress could be related to water-channel function.  相似文献   
Restriction Endonucleases (REs) may recognize, cleave and remove DNA from fixed chromatin producing specific chromosome banding patterns. However, the modifications produced in the chromatin fibre are not easy to evaluate and compare. The aim of the present investigation was to visualize differences resulting in the texture of the chromatin fibre from metaphase chromosomes after each digestion using digital image analysis (DIA) facilities. To this purpose, metaphase chromosomes derived from a L-929 mouse cell line were digested with different REs (AluI,HpaII andHaeIII). Since light microscopy does not permit the observation of the chromatin fibre, DIA was performed on digitalized images of metaphase chromosomes under electron microscopy. The application of a LUT (Look Up Table) within the DIA software assigns a colour to each grey level of a digital image. The results obtained using a particular LUT, which permits the discrimination of specific chromatin fibre phenotypes resulting from each digestion, are reported and compared with those obtained under the light microscope.  相似文献   
A computer-supported determination of stereological parameterswas used to study the possible ultrastructural changes of Chlorellavulgaris UAM 101 under photolithotrophic, mixotrophic and photoheterotrophicconditions of growth. Data recording was carried out througha semi-automatic digitizing image analysis system instead ofthe current method of superimposition of an array of short lines. Glucose promoted drastic physiological changes [Martínezand Orús, 1991. Plant Physiology (in press)], which stronglyaffected the size of the cells and volume densities of storagematerials. However, volumetric ratios of the mitochondrion orchloroplast active fraction were not affected by the presenceof glucose, probably indicating that these ratios are characteristicof each species. Cell wall ultrastructure was also analysed and the presenceof sporopollenin demonstrated, in contrast to the thin and sporopollenin-lackingcell wall generally described for Chlorella vulgaris species. Chlorella vulgaris, photoautotrophic, mixotrophic, photoheterotrophic, image analysis, stereology  相似文献   
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