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Eight isolates of Naegleria australiensis were obtained from a small lake in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The eight strains were isolated during the hot summer months of July through September, when water temperatures ranged from 27 to 33°C. All eight isolates were pathogenic for mice. The mean time to death for mice was 10 days (range 6–13 days). This pathogenic free-living ameba has not before been reported from the United States or the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   
An imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide solution was used to visualize lipids at the ultrastructural level in the following members of the family Trypanosomatidae: Trypanosoma cruzi, T. dionisii, T. vespertilionis, T. rangeli, Crithidia deanei, C. fasciculata, C. oncopelti, and Blastocrithidia culicis. Electron-dense material was seen in various lipid droplets found in all parasites and in the multivesicular structure of members of the sub-genus Schizotrypanum. High contrast of some membranes, mainly those which enclose the mitochondrion, the nucleus, and the endoplasmic reticulum, was observed even in unstained sections. X-ray microanalysis confirmed that the electron density of lipid droplets of B. culicis and membrane-bounded dense granules of C. oncopelti was due to the presence of osmium.  相似文献   
A high molecular weight glycoconjugate has been isolated from neurite-producing neuronal tumor cells in culture and has been designated as I(0) based on its elution characteristics in gel filtration chromatography. This molecule cannot be found in a variety of nonneuronal cells. I(0) is found in the substratum-attached material or cell fraction of neurite-producing neuroblastoma cells, depending upon culture conditions. It is found in the substratum-bound fraction of B104 rat neuroblastoma cells during serum starvation and in the EGTA-detached cell fraction of B104 cells grown in chemically defined N2 medium. It occurs only in the cell fraction of the human neuroblastoma line Platt. Examination of behavioral variants of the B104 rat line further strengthens the association of I(0) with neurite production; the constitutive neurite-producing E(R)B9 variant contains I(0) while the non-neurite-producing E(R)A11 variant does not. I(0) is large, eluting in the void volume of sepharose-CL2B columns. Radioiodination of intact cells with lactoperoxidase shows I(0) to be a cell surface component. Metabolic radiolabeling studies show that it contains a high proportion of polysaccharide to protein, does not contain mannose, and is unsulfated. Alkaline borohydride reduction release two size classes of large polysaccharide chain. The alkaline reduction results, along with the mannose incorporation studies, show the presence of O-glycosidic linkages and few, if any, N-linkages. Resistance to nitrous acid deamination, insensitivity to glycosaminoglycan lyases, and the absence of sulfation, indicate that I(0) does not contain the glycosaminoglycans hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-, dermatan-, or heparin- sulfates. Affinity column chromatography reveals high binding affinity of I(0) to polyornithine and no binding to gelatin (collagen) or the glycosaminoglycans hyaluronate and heparin. These studies describe a unique high molecular weight glycoconjugate on the surface of neurite-producing neuroblastoma cell lines from two species.  相似文献   
SYNTHETIC polycarboxylates have been reported to impart resistance to viral infection to experimental animals1–8. Injection of these polyanions induces interferon1–3,5–9, to which it therefore seemed logical to attribute the antiviral effect. The high degree and long duration of protection, however, are not in accord with the low and transitory levels of interferon induced, suggesting that mechanisms other than interferon are involved. Certain polyanions have been found directly to inactivate virus or to inhibit its adsorption to cells10in vitro. This may delay the development of viral infection in vivo. Stimulation of reticuloendothelial cell activity, as demonstrated by increased phagocytosis induced by pyran copolymer11, may deviate virus from its target cells.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Two hundred and fifty-nine specimens of the sea urchins Echinometra lucunter (201), Diadema antillarum (52), Tripneustes ventricosus (5) and Eucidaris tribuloides (1), collected on the littoral of the Federal District of Venezuela, were examined for intestinal ciliates.
Iron hematoxylin and silver-impregnation staining technics permitted determination of eight of the nine ciliates found: Anophrys aglycus, A. elongata, Cohnilembus caeci, Biggaria bermudensis, B. echinometris, Cyclidium rhabdotectum, Metopus circumlabens and M. rotundus . An unidentified species of Euplotes was also found.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Structure and morphogenesis, and cytochemical data on Cochlodinium heterolobatum, a new species of unarmored dinoflagellate, were derived from living and fixed material from culture. C. heterolobatum is characterized by the torsion of the girdle which descends in a left-hand spiral 1.8 turns; the sulcus having a torsion of 0.8 turn; a sulcus loop in the epicone; a tongue-shaped lobe in the right hypocone; nucleus in the epicone; and a stigma in the left epicone. Trichocysts and behavior of the nucleus during typical and atypical divisions are described in cells from cultures of different ages. A small form with the specific characters was found. Intracellular bacteria were seen and their growth followed in individuals from cultures of different ages. A possible relationship between those bacteria and the accumulation of metabolites inside old cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. In a factorial experiment, fifth-instar Locusta migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were given either dry food (lyophilized grass) and drinking water, food only, water only, or neither food nor water.Food consumption and insect weight were measured daily, and the behaviour of each locust was recorded for 5 h on each of four consecutive days and for 2.5 h on the fifth.Consumption declined progressively in locusts given food only, and those given water only were not observed to drink after the first day of food deprivation.The decline in food consumption on the first day was accounted for by a decrease in the average duration of feeds, which remained constant thereafter.The further decline in consumption over subsequent days was due to a progressive decline in the number of feeds.Although food availability did not slow weight loss relative to locusts given neither food nor water, the availability of water without food did.The proportion of time locomoting increased in all deprivation treatments, but the pattern of change across the five observation days differed markedly between treatments.Locusts given food but no water increased locomotion from 20% of the time budget (the value for controls) to 30% on the first day of deprivation, and by the second day had reached a plateau of approximately 65%.which was maintained until the experiment was terminated on day 5.In contrast, locusts given water but no food approached the 65% level of locomotion on the first day, which was stutistically greater than the 55% observed in those deprived of both food and water.This increase was due both to an increase in the number of locomotion bouts initiated and an increase in the average duration of locomotion bouts.On the second and third days, all deprivation treatments maintained locomotion at around 65%.By day 4, locomotion had decreased to approximately 15% in locusts deprived of both food and water, but not in those deprived of food only or water only.Unlike those given only food, locusts given only water showed a reduction in locomotion of c. 15% on the fifth day.  相似文献   
Surveys of the principal yellowing viruses of sugar beet, beet yellows virus (BYV) and beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) in Spain were carried out from 1990–1993. Beet yellowing viruses were detected in all provinces, although the mean percentages of plants infected with BYV and BMYV were practically zero in the southern zone. Within the northern zone high variations from one province to another could be observed. The mean percentages of plants infected with BYV were higher in the Ebro Valley than in the Duero Valley. Areas infected with BYV were very restricted, while BMYV could be found to a variable extent all over Spain, although the infection levels were lower. The incidence and distribution of these viruses in the Spanish sugar beet crop makes the study and application of control measures for beet yellowing viruses necessary.  相似文献   
Deep-level diagnostic value of the rDNA-ITS region   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The similarity of certain reported angiosperm rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences to those of green algae prompted our analysis of the deep-level phylogenetic signal in the highly conserved but short 5.8S and hypervariable ITS2 sequences. We found that 5.8S sequences yield phylogenetic trees similar to but less well supported than those generated by a ca. 10-fold longer alignment from rDNA-18S sequences, as well as independent evidence. We attribute this result to our finding that, compared to 18S, the 5.8S has a higher proportion of sites subject to vary and greater among-site substitution rate homogeneity. We also determined that our phylogenetic results are not likely affected by intramolecular compensatory mutation to maintain RNA secondary structure nor by evident systematic biases in base composition. Despite historical homology, there appears to be no ITS2 primary sequence similarity shared sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that groups, however, share sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that ITS region sequences can diagnose organismal origins and phylogenetic relationships at many phylogenetic levels and provide a useful paradigm for molecular evolutionary study.   相似文献   
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