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Psychrolutes marmoratus and Cottunculus granulosus, two psychrolutids, inhabit the shelf and continental slope of the southern South America between 45 and 1,250 m. Over this range, the P. marmoratus is found in depths of less than 400 m, whilst C. granulosus inhabits waters of >200 m. There is a trend of increasing total length with increasing water depth for P. marmoratus and the converse for C. granulosus. The total lengths of the species are different in the depth zone that they overlap in (200–400 m), and we hypothesise that this may reduce interspecific competition. Both are specialised carcinophagous feeding on crabs, large isopods and sea spiders, but they also prey upon polychaets and gastropods. There was no difference in the feeding spectra of similar-sized fish sampled at the same depth, indicating a similar foraging strategy. In contrast to this, the feeding spectra are quite different between the species over different depths as well as at different adult sizes. The feeding niche breadth in these species is similar to other slope dwelling fish in the area.  相似文献   
Sexual advertisement and immune function in an arachnid species (Lycosidae)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A simple version of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesizesthat through condition-dependence, the size of the sexual traitmay be positively related to immune function at the populationlevel. In the present study, we investigated the relationshipbetween sexual advertisement and immune function in a naturalpopulation of male wolf spiders, Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata (Araneae:Lycosidae). Males of H. rubrofasciata have a costly and condition-dependentacoustic signal, courtship drumming. In the mating season, malesdrum against dry leaves while wandering around the habitat searchingfor receptive females. Males increase their mating success byincreasing their drumming rate and mobility. We used drummingrate and mobility measured without female proximity as estimatesof sexual advertisement. As estimates of male immune function,we used encapsulation rate and lytic activity. Encapsulationrate is a common challenging technique, which measures immuneresponse against multicellular parasites. Lytic activity isa monitoring technique, which measures immune response againstpathogens. Our results show that males with higher drummingrate had higher encapsulation rate. This suggests that femalesmight use drumming rate as a signal for choosing males withgood immunocompetence. Moreover, our results show that maleswith higher mobility had higher lytic activity. As females aremore likely to encounter those males that have higher mobility,this might also select males with better immune function. Ourresults suggest that the immunocompetence handicap might workalso among spiders, although we could not assess the causalityof the relationship between sexual selection and immune functionin this correlational study.  相似文献   
Résumé Nous avons montré par une technique autoradiographique que les ions Cl et Na+ sont concentrés dans les cellules à chlorure de la branchie d'anguille adaptée à l'eau de mer. La signification de cette accumulation ionique plus marquée vers le pôle apical de ces cellules a été discutée par rapport à l'excrétion branchiale de ces ions en eau de mer.
Autoradiographic localization of Cl and Na+ ions in the chloride cells of sea water adapted eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) gills
Summary With an autoradiographic technique Cl and Na+ ions have been shown to be localized in the chloride cells of sea water eel gills. The significance of this accumulation, more marked towards the apical pole of these cells, is discussed with regard to branchial excretion of these ions in sea water.
Immunization of cancer patients with tumor-specific antigenic peptides is currently being tested in several clinical studies. We have examined the induction of CTL responses in mice after various modalities of peptide vaccination, to explore protocols that could be applied to humans. Our first model antigen was P198, which results from a point mutation in a normal gene. While two immunizations with peptide P198 in SBAS-1c adjuvant induced measurable CTL responses in less than 10% of DBA/2 mice, the addition of IL-12 to the peptide adjuvant mixture resulted in high CTL responses in nearly all mice. This strong enhancing effect of IL-12 was observed with 1,000 and 300 units and decreased gradually as the doses were reduced to 30 units. When IL-12 was replaced by other cytokines acting on T cells or antigen-presenting cells, such as IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, GM-CSF or MCP-3, no significant enhancing effect was observed. The same effect of IL-12 was obtained with peptide P1A, which is a major tumor-specific antigen of mastocytoma P815 and is encoded by a gene that is specifically activated in tumors.  相似文献   
A sequence-specific genomic delivery system for the correction of chromosomal mutations was designed by incorporating two different binding domains into a single-stranded oligonucleotide. A repair domain (RD) contained the native sequence of the target region. A third strand-forming domain (TFD) was designed to form a triplex by Hoogsteen interactions. The design was based upon the premise that the RD will rapidly form a heteroduplex that is anchored synergistically by the TFD. Deoxyoligonucleotides were designed to form triplexes in the human adenosine deaminase (ADA) and p53 genes adjacent to known point mutations. Transfection of ADA-deficient human lymphocytes corrected the mutant sequence in 1-2% of cells. Neither the RD or TFD individually corrected the mutation. Transfection of p53 mutant human glioblastoma cells corrected the mutation and induced apoptosis in 7.5% of cells.  相似文献   
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