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We investigate the circumstances under which the moments of the order statistics of the extinction times of a set of independent branching processes exist. This extends a result of Schuster and Sigmund,Bull. math. Biol. 46, 11–17, 1984, which was found in a special random selection model. Furthermore we discussed existence of the expectation of extinction times of multitype branching processes and extend well known results for irreducible processes to the reducible case.  相似文献   
Normal tissues of DBA, CBA, CC57W, C3H, Balb/c, SHR mice and F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA appeared to differ in the ratios of mitochondrial and supernatant NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Tested inbred mice strains CC57W, C3H, SHR, Balb/c contain allelic form Idh-1a of supernatant IDH gene Idh-1, whereas allelic form Idh-1b is characteristic of mice strains DBA and CBA. In tumors IDH isozymes have the same mobility as do isozymes of homologous normal tissues; but their activity is lower. A high variability of each isozyme activity in the isozyme spectrum is revealed in various tissues of F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA. Allelic forms of gene Idh-1 were used as markers of normal and tumor cells for the experimental model: transplantation of sarcoma 37 (Idh-1a/Idh-1a) to subcutaneous tissue of the mouse strain DBA (Idh-1b/Idh-1b). It enables us to reveal isozymes of stromal cell in tumor IDH isozyme spectrum. The results indicate that the relation of normal and tumor isozymes vary in different tumors.  相似文献   
The effect of low-frequency (1-10 Hz) electrical stimulation of nonspecific n. centralis lateralis and n. centrum medianum and specific thalamic (LGB) nuclei on spatial synchronization of biopotentials of neocortical areas and on the process of learning was studied on rabbits. Electrical stimulation of the non-specific nuclei raised the level of correlation of the cortical potentials, while the LGB stimulation, on the contrary, weakened the spatial synchronization between the potentials of the visual and sensorimotor neocortical areas. On the basis of the obtained data a conclusion is made that stimulation of the non-specific thalamus contributes to a more successful formation of defensive conditioned reflex to light unlike LGB stimulation. It is suggested that a certain specificity of the studied subcortical formations in organization of spatial synchronization of the brain biopotentials and in the process of learning is due to morpho-functional peculiarities of these structures.  相似文献   
It is sometimes necessary to identify eitherH. bulbosum orH. murinum on the basis of the inflorescence or seeds alone. The majority of taxonomic keys use the presence of swollen basal culms for the former against the annual habit for the latter. Confusion is due to similarities in inflorescences and spikelet morphology. Lodicules which always persist and are present beside the fruit in a mature caryopsis, and other characters such as the awns of the lemmas of the lateral spikelets enable conclusive distinction.  相似文献   
The occurrence of peroxisomes, their morphogenesis during the process of sebaceous transformation and their spatial relationship to the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets were investigated by light and electron microscopy after visualization of the peroxidatic activity of catalase using an alkaline diaminobenzidine medium. The morphological alterations of peroxisomes display a characteristic sequence: During cellular differentiation, a remarkable proliferation of exclusively tubular, diaminobenzidine-reactive peroxisomes occurs. As maturation proceeds, an extensive elongation of tubular peroxisomes is seen. Concomitantly, they are densely packed in a regular, hexagonal arrangement and both the diameter and the catalase content gradually decreases. The most conspicuous feature of mature glandular cells are numerous highly organized aggregates of tubular, almost unstained peroxisomes with a diameter of 50 nm, arranged in a hexagonal pattern. They resemble adjacent tubular profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. However, membrane continuities between these two compartments were never observed. During lethal disintegration peroxisomes subsequently decrease in number, probably by rapid sequestration within autophagolysosomes. The role of tubular peroxisomes in the biosynthesis of wax esters in the mouse Meibomian gland is discussed.  相似文献   
The interaction of rabbit skeletal muscle adenylate deaminase with myosin fragments (heavy meromyosin and subfragment-2) has been studied by analytical centrifugation, gel chromatography, and stopped flow light scattering. Formation of the complex is highly cooperative with respect to addition of two molecules of adenylate deaminase/molecule of myosin fragment to form a ternary complex. Ternary complex formation is also highly pH-dependent with less complex formed at higher pH values, and the pH dependence is steeper with heavy meromyosin than with subfragment-2. At pH 6.5, the dissociation constant for the heavy meromyosin-deaminase complex is approximately 1.2 X 10(-15) M2. Over the pH range 6.5-7.0, rate constants for the formation and dissociation of both the ternary and binary complexes of adenylate deaminase with heavy meromyosin have been determined. From analysis of the time course of stopped flow light scattering, the association steps are found to be extremely rapid, while the rate constant for dissociation of the first molecule of adenylate deaminase from the ternary complex is quite slow. This rate constant increases as the pH increased, but is sufficiently low that the interacting system does not equilibrate on the time scale of mass transport experiments (sedimentation velocity and gel chromatography), and thus displays apparent "slow" behavior. The kinetic regulatory properties of adenylate deaminase are influenced by heavy meromyosin and subfragment-2, particularly with respect to inhibition by GTP. The association and dissociation of adenylate deaminase and myosin fragments and the resultant changes in kinetic properties of the adenylate deaminase can markedly alter the time course of the enzymatic reaction. The time scale over which this interaction is modulated by changes in pH may have significance in the metabolism of exercising muscle.  相似文献   
This paper describes the extent of the hazardous and toxic chemical waste problems in Canada and discusses the management, treatment, and disposal methods commonly used in North America and Europe. The treatment and disposal techniques covered are biological, physical-chemical, incineration technologies, and secure land disposal. Some of the available and emerging technologies for destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls are also described.  相似文献   
S Ghisla  C Thorpe  V Massey 《Biochemistry》1984,23(14):3154-3161
Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase from Megasphera elsdenii catalyzes the exchange of the alpha- and beta-hydrogens of substrate with solvent [Gomes, B., Fendrich, G., & Abeles, R. H. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 1481-1490]. The stoichiometry of this exchange was determined by using 3H2O label as 1.94 +/- 0.1 per substrate molecule. The rate of 3H label incorporation into substrate under anaerobic conditions is monophasic, indicating that both the alpha- and beta-hydrogens exchange at the same rate. The exchange in 2H2O leads to incorporation of one 2H each into the alpha- and the beta-positions of butyryl-CoA, as determined by companion 1H NMR experiments and confirmed by mass spectroscopic analysis. In contrast, with general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase from pig kidney, only exchange of the alpha-hydrogen was found. The beta-hydrogen is the one that is transferred (reversibly) to the flavin 5-position during substrate dehydrogenation. This was demonstrated by reacting 5-3H- and 5-2H-reduced 5-deaza-FAD-general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase with crotonyl-CoA. Only one face of the reduced flavin analogue is capable of transferring hydrogen to substrate. The rate of this reaction is 11.1 s-1 for 5-deaza-FAD-enzyme and 2.2 s-1 for [5-2H]deaza-FAD-enzyme, yielding an isotope effect of 5. These values compare with a rate of 2.6 s-1 for the reaction of native reduced enzyme with crotonyl-CoA. The two reduced enzymes (normal vs. 5-deaza-FAD-enzyme) thus react at similar rates, indicating a similar mechanism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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