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During periods of dehydration, water transport through xylem conduits can become blocked by embolism formation. Xylem embolism compromises water supply to leaves and may lead to losses in productivity or plant death. Vulnerability curves (VCs) characterize plant losses in conductivity as xylem pressures decrease. VCs are widely used to characterize and predict plant water use at different levels of water availability. Several methodologies for constructing VCs exist and sometimes produce different results for the same plant material. We directly compared four VC construction methods on stems of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), a model tree species: dehydration, centrifuge, X‐ray–computed microtomography (microCT), and optical. MicroCT VC was the most resistant, dehydration and centrifuge VCs were intermediate, and optical VC was the most vulnerable. Differences among VCs were not associated with how cavitation was induced but were related to how losses in conductivity were evaluated: measured hydraulically (dehydration and centrifuge) versus evaluated from visual information (microCT and optical). Understanding how and why methods differ in estimating vulnerability to xylem embolism is important for advancing knowledge in plant ecophysiology, interpreting literature data, and using accurate VCs in water flux models for predicting plant responses to drought.  相似文献   
The sugar conducting phloem in angiosperms is a high resistance pathway made up of sieve elements bounded by sieve plates. The high resistance generated by sieve plates may be a trade‐off for promoting quick sealing in the event of injury. However, previous modeling efforts have demonstrated a wide variation in the contribution of sieve plates towards total sieve tube resistance. In the current study, we generated high resolution scanning electron microscope images of sieve plates from balsam poplar and integrated them into a mathematical model using Comsol Multiphysics software. We found that sieve plates contribute upwards of 85% towards total sieve tube resistance. Utilizing the Navier–Stokes equations, we found that oblong pores may create over 50% more resistance in comparison with round pores of the same area. Although radial water flows in phloem sieve tubes have been previously considered, their impact on alleviating pressure gradients has not been fully studied. Our novel simulations find that radial water flow can reduce pressure requirements by half in comparison with modeled sieve tubes with no radial permeability. We discuss the implication that sieve tubes may alleviate pressure requirements to overcome high resistances by regulating their membrane permeability along the entire transport pathway.  相似文献   
Viruses have become a prominent issue in public health, politics and economics due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet they have still met little attention in educational research, although misconceptions concerning viruses may contribute to antibiotics misuse, disbelief in existence of viruses and distrust in vaccination. We investigated knowledge and attitudes in Austria concerning Covid-19, viruses in general and vaccination. We conducted two cross-sectional online surveys. Study A was performed Austrian-wide (N = 1027), study B specifically targeted Austrian students from middle and high schools (N = 1728). Several participants did not believe in the existence of SARS-CoV-2. General vaccination damage was highly overrated. Many defined viruses as unicellular organisms or bacteria, and 6-10 % believed that they can be killed by antibiotics. Very many participants were unable to identify, whether a specific disease was caused by a virus or another pathogen. Knowledge was significantly correlated with level of education/grade and interest in virology. Additionally, willingness to become vaccinated was significantly correlated with knowledge. Many participants felt insufficiently informed about viruses at school. We strongly recommend that virus-related school education must highly improve to enable the population to correctly assess health-related information, counter fake news and come to scientifically informed decisions.  相似文献   
Human small cell lung cancer (SCLC) produces and secretes BN/GRP (bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide). Because BN stimulates the growth of SCLC cells and these cells have receptors for BN-like peptides, it is important to define agents which disrupt this self-promoting autocrine growth cycle. Here, substance P analogues were evaluated as BN receptor antagonists using SCLC cell lines. (D-Arg1, D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9, Leu11) substance P [(APTTL)SP] was one of the more potent analogues tested in inhibiting BN-like peptide receptor binding with an IC50 value of 1 μM. Micromolar concentrations of (APTTL)SP antagonized BN receptor mediated elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels and decreased the colony formation in soft agarose. These data suggest that SP analogues function as SCLC BN receptor antagonists and may be useful in disrupting the autocrine growth function of BN-like peptides.  相似文献   
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is more prevalent among the elderly Caucasians than in Africans. A significant association between light iris colour, fundus pigmentation and incidence of AMD is reported, suggesting a possible correlation with melanin pigment. Zinc is known to bind to melanin in pigmented tissues and to enhance antioxidant capacity by function as a cofactor or gene expression factor of antioxidant enzymes in the eye. In this in vitro study, we investigated the uptake and storage of zinc in human irides. Irides of blue and brown human eyes were used. The number of melanocytes was measured. Tissues without any treatment served as controls. The irides were incubated with 100 microM zinc chloride in culture medium for 24 h. Specimens of the tissues were stored for the uptake examination. The remained pieces were further incubated for 3 and 7 d to investigate the storage of zinc. The concentration of zinc was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Melanocytes count was significantly higher in the brown tissues (P < 0.0001). Zinc concentration of blue coloured irides after 24 h zinc treatment was close to the controls. We did not observe any significant storing. In contrast, the concentration of zinc in brown irides was significantly increased after 24 h (P < or = 0.01) and remained at a high level for 7 d. The uptake of zinc is likely dependent on the amount of pigmentation in human iris. Therefore, we assume that in patients suffering from AMD the degree of pigmentation of the irides and eventually fundi should be under consideration when the patients are treated with zinc supplementation.  相似文献   
The development of a nanoparticle-based detection methodology for sensitive and specific DNA-based diagnostic applications is described. The technology utilizes gold nanoparticles derivatized with thiol modified oligonucleotides that are designed to bind complementary DNA targets. A glass surface with arrays of immobilized oligonucleotide capture sequences is used to capture DNA targets, which are then detected via hybridization to the gold nanoparticle probes. Amplification with silver allows for detection and quantitation by measuring evanescent wave induced light scatter with low-cost optical detection systems. Compared to Cy3-based fluorescence, silver amplified gold nanoparticle probes provide for a approximately 1000-fold increase in sensitivity. Furthermore, direct detection of non-amplified genomic DNA from infectious agents is afforded through increased specificity and even identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in human genomic DNA appears feasible.  相似文献   
Activation of sugars into nucleotide sugars is critical for their entry into biosynthetic pathways. In eukaryotic cells, the activation of the acidic nine-carbon sugar sialic acid to CMP-sialic acid takes place in the cell nucleus, whereas all other nucleotide sugars are made in the cytoplasm. Molecular cloning of vertebrate CMP-sialic acid synthetases confirmed the nuclear localization and introduced new molecular tools for directly exploring the functional mechanisms of the enzymes, as well as the physiological relevance of their nuclear transport. Although major advances have been made in understanding structure-function relationships and defining elements involved in the nuclear transport, the riddle surrounding the physiological relevance of nuclear localization awaits resolution.  相似文献   
Four betacyanin pigments were analysed by LC NMR and subjected to extensive NMR characterisation after isolation. Previously, low pH values were applied for NMR investigations of betalains resulting in rapid degradation of the purified substances thus preventing extensive NMR studies. Consequently, up to now only one single (13)C NMR spectrum of a betalain pigment, namely that of neobetanin (=14,15-dehydrobetanin), was available. Because of its sufficient stability under highly acidic conditions otherwise detrimental for betacyanins, this pigment remained an exemption. Since betalains are most stable in the pH range of 5-7, a new solvent system has been developed allowing improved data acquisition through improved pigment stability at near neutral pH. Thus, not only (1)H, but for the first time also partial (13)C data of betanin, isobetanin, phyllocactin and hylocerenin isolated from red-purple pitaya [Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae] could be indirectly obtained by gHSQC- and gHMQC-NMR experiments.  相似文献   
Viscotoxins (Vts) are basic peptides expressed in mistletoe leaves, seeds and stems which have been shown to be cytotoxic to mammalian cells. The aim of this study was to analyse whether Vts were able to control and/or inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic fungi to obtain a clue to their biological function. Incubation of two Vt isoforms, VtA3 and VtB, at a final concentration of 10 µ M resulted in a complete blockage of the germination of spores from three different pathogenic fungi. It was also shown that lower concentrations than 10 µ M of VtA3 and VtB inhibit their mycelial growth in a dose-dependent manner. The protein dose required to inhibit the growth of Fusarium solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to a 50% was between 1.5 and 3.75 µ M , which represents a potent activity. No significant differences in the antifungal potency for each Vt isoform, either VtA3 and VtB, were observed, although they have been shown to exert differential cytotoxicity on mammalian cells. It was also demonstrated that Vts act as fungicidal compounds. To explore the basis of the antifungal activity the ability of VtA3 to induce changes in membrane permeability and on the oxidative status of F. solani spores was analysed. By using a specific fluorescent probe on intact spores, it was demonstrated that VtA3 produces rapid changes in fungal membrane permeability. It also induces H2O2 production verified by a histochemical staining. The data presented in this study support a direct role of Vts in the plant defence determined by their lethal effect on fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
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