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In potato tubers two starch phosphorylase isozymes, types L and H, have been described and are believed to be responsible for the complete starch breakdown in this tissue. Type L has been localized in amyloplasts, whereas type H is located within the cytosol. In order to investigate whether the same isozymes are also present in potato leaf tissue a cDNA expression library from potato leaves was screened using a monoclonal antibody recognizing both isozyme forms. Besides the already described tuber L-type isozyme a cDNA clone encoding a second L-type isozyme was isolated. The 3171 nucleotide long cDNA clone contains an uninterrupted open reading frame of 2922 nucleotides which encodes a polypeptide of 974 amino acids. Sequence comparison between both L-type isozymes on the amino acid level showed that the polypeptides are highly homologous to each other, reaching 81–84% identity over most parts of the polypeptide. However the regions containing the transit peptide (amino acids 1–81) and the insertion sequence (amino acids 463–570) are highly diverse, reaching identities of only 22.0% and 29.0% respectively.Northern analysis revealed that both forms are differentially expressed. The steady-state mRNA levels of the tuber L-type isozyme accumulates strongly in potato tubers and only weakly in leaf tissues, whereas the mRNA of the leaf L-type isozyme accumulates in both tissues to the same extent. Constitutive expression of an antisense RNA specific for the leaf L-type gene resulted in a strong reduction of starch phosphorylase L-type activity in leaf tissue, but had only sparse effects in potato tuber tissues. Determination of the leaf starch content revealed that antisense repression of the starch phosphorylase activity has no significant influence on starch accumulation in leaves of transgenic potato plants. This result indicated that different L-type genes are responsible for the starch phosphorylase activity in different tissues, but the function of the different enzymes remains unclear.  相似文献   
The Eph family represents the largest subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases. Its members are predominantly expressed in the developing and adult nervous system. Besides playing an important role in the contact-mediated repulsion of axons, they have recently also been implicated in the control of cell migration. Characteristics of the Eph family are extended promiscuity in the interaction between receptors and ligands, the necessity of membrane attachment of the ligands to exert their function, the lack of induction of mitogenic responses, and the bi-directional signalling of receptors and ligands.  相似文献   
A complex of human interferon-γ (IFN- γ) with the soluble extracellular domain of the IFN- γ receptor α-chain (IFN-γ-R) has been crystallised. Crystals of the complex were grown using PEG 4000 as the precipitating agent in the presence of β-octyl glucoside. The receptor-ligand complex crystallizes in a monoclinic space group and diffracts to about 3.0 Å resolution. Isomorphous crystals have been obtained with complex containing selenomethionine and cysteine mutants of IFN-γ, which may facilitate the ongoing X-ray structure determination. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes metabolize drugs and other xenobiotics in liver and also in some extrahepatic tissues. We have studied the expression and localization of CYP3A in primary lung tumours and normal lung tissue from the same patients. Thirtytwo patients undergoing partial or total lung resection for therapy of primary pulmonary carcinoma were included in this study. Immunohistochemical staining for CYP3A was performed with a modification of the ABC technique. Eight of the 32 cases of primary pulmonary carcinoma showed expression of CYP3A. In 12 of the 32 cases of normal tissue, the seromucous glands were positive for CYP3A. The bronchial epithelium was positive for CYP3A in 11 cases. We observed no correlation between CYP3A expression in tumour tissue and that in seromucous glands or bronchial epithelium. We conclude that CYP3A is present in both normal and cancerous lung tissue. Our findings suggest, however, no co-expression of CYP3A in lung cancer.  相似文献   
Protein-carbohydrate interactions are supposed to play key roles in the mechanisms of cell adhesion, biosignalling and intracellular routing, warranting the analysis of the developmental course of expression of epitopes of this system. Thus, a panel of carrier-immobilized carbohydrate ligands was used as probes, namely lactose,N-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, fucose and maltose. Additionally, an antibody to an endogenous -galactoside-binding lectin (anti-galectin-1), the biotinylated lectin and two further human lectins, namely the macrophage migration inhibitory factor-binding sarcolectin and serum amyloid P component (SAP) that displays selectivity for sulphated sugars and mannose-6-phosphate, were included. They enabled us to assess the extent of the presence of respective binding sites in fixed sections from human lungs (pulmonary epithelial cells), livers (hepatocytes) and hearts (myocard cells) of 10–50 weeks gestation. Invariably, specific binding was detected in the three organ types, at least in certain stages. In most of the cases, the intensity of staining exhibited developmental regulation. The apparent patterns reveal similarities between the different cell types, as seen with immobilizedN-acetylglucosamine as well as with labelled galectin-1 and sarcolectin. However, drastic differences among such patterns with nearly opposite developmental courses do also occur, as detected for carrier-attached mannose and maltose residues. These results point to a potential importance for the detected glycohistochemical features in human development and substantiate the possibility of differential regulation of the presence of binding sites for distinct sugars within a certain organ and between the individual cell types of the monitored organs.  相似文献   
The usefulness of hybridization by protoplast fusion and mitotic segregation for the genetic analysis of the imperfect fodder yeastCandida maltosa was tested. Mitotically stable fusion hybrids were obtained with frequencies between 10–6 and 10–7. Complementation tests were performed by protoplast fusion. Substances that are known to induce frequent mitotic segregation in other yeast species such as benomyl, p-fluorophenylalanine, and acriflavine were ineffective inC. maltosa. UV irradiation induced mitotic segregation in up to 10%. This agent induced mainly mitotic crossing over inC. maltosa. Our data enabled the construction of the linkage group I with the sequenceCEN-ade-26-pro-1.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of animal, plant, and microbial origin were tested against human and canine granulocytic elastases. The trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors from dog submandibular glands, from soybeans (Bowman-Birk) and from chickpeas show strong interaction with these proteases (Ki = 10(-8) - 10(-9)M). The trypsin-kallikrein inactivator of bovine organs (Trasylol) is not active against granulocytic elastases or against human granulocytic cathepsin G. Elastatinal, a specific inhibitor of elastases, isolated from actinomycetes (Streptomyces griseoruber), forms stable complexes with elastase from human (Ki = 6.2 X 10(-6)M) and canine granulocytes (Ki = 1.1 X 10(-6)M). A possible therapeutic application of these inhibitors for the inactivation of granulocytic proteases, which are able to degrade connective tissue in different pathological states, is discussed.  相似文献   
Uwe H. Humpesch 《Oecologia》1982,55(3):285-288
Summary Eggs of Ecdyonurus picteti from the Herrnalmbach and Seebach, and E. venosus and Rhithrogena cf. hybrida from the Seebach were fertilized artificially and kept at fluctuating temperatures (range 2.8°–18.1° C) in the laboratory. The percentage of eggs that hatched at each sinusoidal temperature cycle ranged from 0 to 49% and values were similar to those obtained for eggs reared under constant temperature conditions. The hatching time (days after fertilization for 10, 50% and 90% of the eggs to hatch) decreased with increasing temperature and the relationship between the two variables was well described by a powerlaw within the range 2.8°–18.1° C for E. venosus. A similar relationship has been found for the effect of constant temperature on the hatching time of eggs of E. venosus. It appears that the effect of temperature on the rate of change in the hatching time and the rate of development is approximately similar for both constant and fluctuating temperatures.  相似文献   
Main subject of the reported investigation is the question in which way the acquisition of a conditional discrimination is modified on the one hand by the kind of objects presented, on the other hand by early experience. 40 newly hatched chickens grew up either with all the wooden eggs or cubes used for training and test, or without these objects, or in a ‘natural’ (enriched) environment. The results prove an influence of the kind of objects — cubes are discriminated twice or three times as fast as wooden eggs — but no effects of the different environments on acquisition (number of trials for reaching learning criterion). Results are discussed under aspects of species-specific constraints on learning.  相似文献   
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