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In the platypus, electroreceptors are located in rostro-caudal rows in skin of the bill, while mechanoreceptors are uniformly distributed across the bill. The electrosensory area of the cerebral cortex is contained within the tactile somatosensory area, and some cortical cells receive input from both electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors, suggesting a close association between the tactile and electric senses. Platypus can determine the direction of an electric source, perhaps by comparing differences in signal strength across the sheet of electroreceptors as the animal characteristically moves its head from side to side while hunting. The cortical convergence of electrosensory and tactile inputs suggests a mechanism for determining the distance of prey items which, when they move, emit both electrical signals and mechanical pressure pulses. Distance could be computed from the difference in time of arrival of the two signals. Much of the platypus' feeding is done by digging in the bottom of streams with the bill. Perhaps the electroreceptors could also be used to distinguish animate and inanimate objects in this situation where the mechanoreceptors would be continuously stimulated. Much of this is speculation, and there is still much to be learned about electroreception in the platypus and its fellow monotreme, the echidna.  相似文献   
The acute-phase protein secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) influences the metabolism of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The adrenals are known to utilize HDL cholesterol as a source of sterols. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that sPLA2 enhances the selective uptake of HDL into the adrenals in response to acute inflammation as a possible physiological role for the sPLA2-HDL interaction. Human sPLA2-transgenic mice, in which sPLA2 expression is upregulated by inflammatory stimuli, were used. Ten hours after induction of the acute-phase response (APR) by injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), plasma levels of HDL cholesterol decreased significantly in sPLA2-transgenic mice (-18%, P < 0.05) but remained unchanged in wild-type mice. The fractional catabolic rates of both 125I-labeled tyraminecellobiose (TC)-HDL and [3H]cholesteryl ether increased significantly in the sPLA2-transgenic mice after induction of the APR (0.18 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.21 +/- 0.01 pool/h, P < 0.05, and 0.31 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.42 +/- 0.05 pool/h, P < 0.05, respectively) but remained unchanged in the wild-type mice (0.10 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.22 +/- 0.02 pool/h, respectively). After induction of the APR, in both groups HDL holoparticle uptake by the liver was increased (P < 0.001). sPLA2-transgenic mice had 2.4-fold higher selective uptake into the adrenals after induction of the APR than wild-type mice (156 +/- 6 vs. 65 +/- 5%/ micro g tissue protein, P < 0.001). In summary, upregulation of sPLA2 expression during the APR specifically increases the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester into the adrenals. These data suggest a novel metabolic role for sPLA2: modification of HDL during the APR to promote increased adrenal uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester to serve as source for steroid hormone synthesis.  相似文献   
Wendt KS  Schall I  Huber R  Buckel W  Jacob U 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(14):3493-3502
Glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase is a biotin-dependent ion pump whereby the free energy of the glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylation to crotonyl-CoA drives the electrogenic transport of sodium ions from the cytoplasm into the periplasm. Here we present the crystal structure of the decarboxylase subunit (Gcdalpha) from Acidaminococcus fermentans and its complex with glutaconyl-CoA. The active sites of the dimeric Gcdalpha lie at the two interfaces between the mono mers, whereas the N-terminal domain provides the glutaconyl-CoA-binding site and the C-terminal domain binds the biotinyllysine moiety. The Gcdalpha catalyses the transfer of carbon dioxide from glutaconyl-CoA to a biotin carrier (Gcdgamma) that subsequently is decarboxylated by the carboxybiotin decarboxylation site within the actual Na(+) pump (Gcdbeta). The analysis of the active site lead to a novel mechanism for the biotin-dependent carboxy transfer whereby biotin acts as general acid. Furthermore, we propose a holoenzyme assembly in which the water-filled central channel of the Gcdalpha dimer lies co-axial with the ion channel (Gcdbeta). The central channel is blocked by arginines against passage of sodium ions which might enter the central channel through two side channels.  相似文献   
Studies on expression and function of key developmental control genes suggest that the embryonic vertebrate brain has a tripartite ground plan that consists of a forebrain/midbrain, a hindbrain and an intervening midbrain/hindbrain boundary region, which are characterized by the specific expression of the Otx, Hox and Pax2/5/8 genes, respectively. We show that the embryonic brain of the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster expresses all three sets of homologous genes in a similar tripartite pattern. Thus, a Pax2/5/8 expression domain is located at the interface of brain-specific otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 expression domains anterior to Hox expression regions. We identify this territory as the deutocerebral/tritocerebral boundary region in the embryonic Drosophila brain. Mutational inactivation of otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 result in the loss or misplacement of the brain-specific expression domains of Pax2/5/8 and Hox genes. In addition, otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 appear to negatively regulate each other at the interface of their brain-specific expression domains. Our studies demonstrate that the deutocerebral/tritocerebral boundary region in the embryonic Drosophila brain displays developmental genetic features similar to those observed for the midbrain/hindbrain boundary region in vertebrate brain development. This suggests that a tripartite organization of the embryonic brain was already established in the last common urbilaterian ancestor of protostomes and deuterostomes.  相似文献   
Centromere-specific multi-color FISH (cenM-FISH) is a new multicolor FISH technique that allows the simultaneous characterization of all human centromeres by using labeled centromeric satellite DNA as probes. This approach allows the rapid identification of all human centromeres by their individual pseudo-coloring in one single step and is therefore a powerful tool in molecular cytogenetics. CenM-FISH fills a gap in multicolor karyotyping using WCP probes and distinguishes all centromeric regions apart from the evolutionary highly conserved regions on the chromosomes 13 and 21. The usefulness of the cenM-FISH technique for the characterization of small supernumerary marker chromosomes with no (or nearly no) euchromatin and restricted amounts of available sample material is demonstrated in prenatal, postnatal, and tumor cytogenetic cases. In addition, rarely described markers with the involvement of heterochromatic material inserted into homogeneously staining regions could be identified and characterized by using the cenM-FISH technique.  相似文献   
Tight Junctions of the Blood–Brain Barrier   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1. The blood–brain barrier is essential for the maintainance and regulation of the neural microenvironment. The blood–brain barrier endothelial cells comprise an extremely low rate of transcytotic vesicles and a restrictive paracellular diffusion barrier. The latter is realized by the tight junctions between the endothelial cells of the brain microvasculature, which are subject of this review. Morphologically, blood–brain barrier-tight junctions are more similar to epithelial tight junctions than to endothelial tight junctions in peripheral blood vessels.2. Although blood–brain barrier-tight junctions share many characteristics with epithelial tight junctions, there are also essential differences. However, in contrast to tight junctions in epithelial systems, structural and functional characteristics of tight junctions in endothelial cells are highly sensitive to ambient factors.3. Many ubiquitous molecular constituents of tight junctions have been identified and characterized including claudins, occludin, ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, cingulin, and 7H6. Signaling pathways involved in tight junction regulation comprise, among others, G-proteins, serine, threonine, and tyrosine kinases, extra- and intracellular calcium levels, cAMP levels, proteases, and TNF. Common to most of these pathways is the modulation of cytoskeletal elements which may define blood–brain barrier characteristics. Additionally, cross-talk between components of the tight junction– and the cadherin–catenin system suggests a close functional interdependence of the two cell–cell contact systems.4. Recent studies were able to elucidate crucial aspects of the molecular basis of tight junction regulation. An integration of new results into previous morphological work is the central intention of this review.  相似文献   
The murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) fcr-1 gene codes for a glycoprotein located at the surface of infected cells which strongly binds the Fc fragment of murine immunoglobulin G. To determine the biological significance of the fcr-1 gene during viral infection, we constructed MCMV fcr-1 deletion mutants and revertants. The fcr-1 gene was disrupted by insertion of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. In another mutant, the marker gene was also deleted, by recombinase cre. As expected for its hypothetical role in immunoevasion, the infection of mice with fcr-1 deletion mutants resulted in significantly restricted replication in comparison with wild-type MCMV and revertant virus. In mutant mice lacking antibodies, however, the fcr-1 deletion mutants also replicated poorly. This demonstrated that the cell surface-expressed viral glycoprotein with FcR activity strongly modulates the virus-host interaction but that this biological function is not caused by the immunoglobulin binding property.  相似文献   
The synthesis of n-butanol and cinnamic alcohol esters of glucuronic acid and the esterification of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) with phenylbutyric acid was performed with lipase from Candida antarctica B (CAL-B, SP435) in a mainly solid-phase system. Products were obtained in 15 to 22 % yield. Computer modelling based on the structure of CAL-B was used to elucidate the access of glucuronic acid to the catalytic site of the lipase. A fixation of glucuronic acid via H-bonds to Q157, D134 and H224 during the transition state was observed. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
Regioselective synthesis of e.g. 6-O-phenylbutyryl-1-n-butyl--D-glucopyranose was achieved in 21 % yield using almond--glucosidase and Candida antarctica lipase B. The -glucosidase reaction was performed in a biphasic (buffer/n-alcohol) system using free and Eupergit CTM-immobilized glucosidase. Immobilized enzyme allowed product formation even at a water content of 1 %. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
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