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Low temperature (2°C) caused an increase in the activity of NAD+ kinase (EC in leaves of winter rape plants ( Brassica napus L. var. oleifera L. cv. Górezański). The enzyme activity markedly increased between day 4 and 11 of plant exposure to cold, then tended to decrease. Changes in activity of NAD+ kinase coincided with the previously observed changes in the levels of pyridine nucleotides, NADP(H) (U. Maciejewska and A. Kacperska, Physiol. Plant. 69: 687–691, 1987). As a result of cold treatment, Ca2+–calmodulin–dependent and Ca2+–calmodulin–independent NAD+ kinase activities increased to almost the same extent. It seems therefore, that the cold–induced activation of NAD+ kinase does not depend on the Ca2+–calmodulin complex.  相似文献   
Cardiomyocytes have multiple Ca(2+) fluxes of varying duration that work together to optimize function (1,2). Changes in Ca(2+) activity in response to extracellular agents is predominantly regulated by the phospholipase Cβ- Gα(q;) pathway localized on the plasma membrane which is stimulated by agents such as acetylcholine (3,4). We have recently found that plasma membrane protein domains called caveolae(5,6) can entrap activated Gα(q;)(7). This entrapment has the effect of stabilizing the activated state of Gα(q;) and resulting in prolonged Ca(2+) signals in cardiomyocytes and other cell types(8). We uncovered this surprising result by measuring dynamic calcium responses on a fast scale in living cardiomyocytes. Briefly, cells are loaded with a fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator. In our studies, we used Ca(2+) Green (Invitrogen, Inc.) which exhibits an increase in fluorescence emission intensity upon binding of calcium ions. The fluorescence intensity is then recorded for using a line-scan mode of a laser scanning confocal microscope. This method allows rapid acquisition of the time course of fluorescence intensity in pixels along a selected line, producing several hundreds of time traces on the microsecond time scale. These very fast traces are transferred into excel and then into Sigmaplot for analysis, and are compared to traces obtained for electronic noise, free dye, and other controls. To dissect Ca(2+) responses of different flux rates, we performed a histogram analysis that binned pixel intensities with time. Binning allows us to group over 500 traces of scans and visualize the compiled results spatially and temporally on a single plot. Thus, the slow Ca(2+) waves that are difficult to discern when the scans are overlaid due to different peak placement and noise, can be readily seen in the binned histograms. Very fast fluxes in the time scale of the measurement show a narrow distribution of intensities in the very short time bins whereas longer Ca(2+) waves show binned data with a broad distribution over longer time bins. These different time distributions allow us to dissect the timing of Ca(2+)fluxes in the cells, and to determine their impact on various cellular events.  相似文献   
Carcinomas are complex tissues comprised of neoplastic cells and a non-cancerous compartment referred to as the 'stroma'. The stroma consists of extracellular matrix (ECM) and a variety of mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes and leukocytes (1-3). The tumour-associated stroma is responsive to substantial paracrine signals released by neighbouring carcinoma cells. During the disease process, the stroma often becomes populated by carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) including large numbers of myofibroblasts. These cells have previously been extracted from many different types of human carcinomas for their in vitro culture. A subpopulation of CAFs is distinguishable through their up-regulation of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression(4,5). These cells are a hallmark of 'activated fibroblasts' that share similar properties with myofibroblasts commonly observed in injured and fibrotic tissues (6). The presence of this myofibroblastic CAF subset is highly related to high-grade malignancies and associated with poor prognoses in patients. Many laboratories, including our own, have shown that CAFs, when injected with carcinoma cells into immunodeficient mice, are capable of substantially promoting tumourigenesis (7-10). CAFs prepared from carcinoma patients, however, frequently undergo senescence during propagation in culture limiting the extensiveness of their use throughout ongoing experimentation. To overcome this difficulty, we developed a novel technique to experimentally generate immortalised human mammary CAF cell lines (exp-CAFs) from human mammary fibroblasts, using a coimplantation breast tumour xenograft model. In order to generate exp-CAFs, parental human mammary fibroblasts, obtained from the reduction mammoplasty tissue, were first immortalised with hTERT, the catalytic subunit of the telomerase holoenzyme, and engineered to express GFP and a puromycin resistance gene. These cells were coimplanted with MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells expressing an activated ras oncogene (MCF-7-ras cells) into a mouse xenograft. After a period of incubation in vivo, the initially injected human mammary fibroblasts were extracted from the tumour xenografts on the basis of their puromycin resistance (11). We observed that the resident human mammary fibroblasts have differentiated, adopting a myofibroblastic phenotype and acquired tumour-promoting properties during the course of tumour progression. Importantly, these cells, defined as exp-CAFs, closely mimic the tumour-promoting myofibroblastic phenotype of CAFs isolated from breast carcinomas dissected from patients. Our tumour xenograft-derived exp-CAFs therefore provide an effective model to study the biology of CAFs in human breast carcinomas. The described protocol may also be extended for generating and characterising various CAF populations derived from other types of human carcinomas.  相似文献   
Streptomyces luridiscabiei U05 was isolated from wheat rhizosphere. It produced chitinase, which showed in vitro antifungal properties. The crude enzyme inhibited the growth of Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Botrytis cinerea, F. culmorum and Penicillium verrucosum. The chitinase enzyme of the molecular weight of 45 kDa was purified using affinity chromatography of chitin. Streptomyces luridiscabiei U05 produced different chitinolytic enzymes. The highest enzyme activity was observed with the use of 4‐MU‐(GlcNAc), which points to the presence of an β‐N‐acetylhexosaminidase. The optimum activity was obtained at 35–40°C and pH 7–8. The enzyme showed thermostability at 35–40°C during 240 min of preincubation and lost its activity at 50°C and 60°C in 60 min. The chitinase activity from S. luridiscabei U05 was strongly inhibited by Hg2+ and Pb2+ ions, and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The Ca2+, Cu2+ and Mg2+ ions stimulated the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
In regulated exocytosis vesicular and plasma membranes merge to form a fusion pore in response to stimulation. The nonselective cation HCN channels are involved in the regulation of unitary exocytotic events by at least 2 mechanisms. They can affect SNARE-dependent exocytotic activity indirectly, via the modulation of free intracellular calcium; and/or directly, by altering local cation concentration, which affects fusion pore geometry likely via electrostatic interactions. By monitoring membrane capacitance, we investigated how extracellular cation concentration affects fusion pore diameter in pituitary cells and astrocytes. At low extracellular divalent cation levels predominantly transient fusion events with widely open fusion pores were detected. However, fusion events with predominately narrow fusion pores were present at elevated levels of extracellular trivalent cations. These results show that electrostatic interactions likely help determine the stability of discrete fusion pore states by affecting fusion pore membrane composition.  相似文献   
Weed competition is a significant problem in maize (Zea mays, L.) production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Better understanding of weed management and costs in maize intercropped with beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) during transition to conservation agricultural systems is needed. Changes in weed population and maize growth were assessed for a period of three years at Bungoma where crops are grown twice per year and at Trans-Nzoia where crops are grown once per year. Treatments included three tillage practices: minimum (MT), no-till (NT) and conventional (CT) applied to three cropping systems: continuous maize/bean intercropping (TYPICAL), maize/bean intercropping with relayed mucuna after bean harvest (RELAY) and maize, bean and mucuna planted in a strip intercropping arrangement (STRIP). Herbicides were used in NT, shallow hand hoeing and herbicides were used in MT and deep hoeing with no herbicides were used in CT. Weed and maize performance in the maize phase of each cropping system were assessed at both locations and costs of weed control were estimated at Manor House only. Weed density of grass and forb species declined significantly under MT and NT at Manor House and of grass species only at Mabanga. The greatest declines of more than 50% were observed as early as within one year of the transition to MT and NT in STRIP and TYPICAL cropping systems at Manor House. Transitioning to conservation based systems resulted in a decline of four out of five most dominant weed species. At the same time, no negative impact of MT or NT on maize growth was observed. Corresponding costs of weed management were reduced by $148.40 ha-1 in MT and $149.60 ha-1 in NT compared with CT. In conclusion, farmers can benefit from effective and less expensive weed management alternatives early in the process of transitioning to reduced tillage operations.  相似文献   
Our recent study has indicated that a moderate lesion of the mesostriatal and mesolimbic pathways in rats, modelling preclinical stages of Parkinson’s disease, induces a depressive-like behaviour which is reversed by chronic treatment with pramipexole. The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signalling in the aforementioned model of depression. Therefore, we investigated the influence of 6-hydoxydopamine (6-OHDA) administration into the ventral region of the caudate-putamen on mRNA levels of BDNF and tropomyosin-related kinase B (trkB) receptor. The BDNF and trkB mRNA levels were determined in the nigrostriatal and limbic structures by in situ hybridization 2 weeks after the operation. Pramipexole (1 mg/kg sc twice a day) and imipramine (10 mg/kg ip once a day) were injected for 2 weeks. The lesion lowered the BDNF and trkB mRNA levels in the hippocampus [CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG)] and amygdala (basolateral/lateral) as well as the BDNF mRNA content in the habenula (medial/lateral). The lesion did not influence BDNF and trkB expression in the caudate-putamen, substantia nigra, nucleus accumbens (shell and core) and ventral tegmental area (VTA). Chronic imipramine reversed the lesion-induced decreases in BDNF mRNA in the DG. Chronic pramipexole increased BDNF mRNA, but decreased trkB mRNA in the VTA in lesioned rats. Furthermore, it reduced BDNF and trkB mRNA expression in the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens, BDNF mRNA in the amygdala and trkB mRNA in the caudate-putamen in these animals. The present study indicates that both the 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic lesion and chronic pramipexole influence BDNF signalling in limbic structures, which may be related to their pro-depressive and antidepressant activity in rats, respectively.  相似文献   
Heart failure is a consequence of progression hypoxia‐dependent tissue damages. Therapeutic approaches to restore and/or protect the healthy cardiac tissue have largely failed and remain a major challenge of regenerative medicine. The myo‐inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) is a modifier of haemoglobin which enters the red blood cells and modifies the haemoglobin properties, allowing for easier and better delivery of oxygen by the blood. Here, we show that this treatment approach in an in vivo model of myocardial infarction (MI) results in an efficient protection from heart failure, and we demonstrate the recovery effect on post‐MI left ventricular remodelling in the rat model. Cultured cardiomyocytes used to study the molecular mechanism of action of ITPP in vitro displayed the fast stimulation of HIF‐1 upon hypoxic conditions. HIF‐1 overexpression was prevented by ITPP when incorporated into red blood cells applied in a model of blood‐perfused cardiomyocytes coupling the dynamic shear stress effect to the enhanced O2 supply by modification of haemoglobin ability to release O2 in hypoxia. ITPP treatment appears a breakthrough strategy for the efficient and safe treatment of hypoxia‐ or ischaemia‐induced injury of cardiac tissue.  相似文献   
For over the last 50 years, the molecular mechanism of anti‐psychotic drugs' action has been far from clear. While risperidone is very often used in clinical practice, the most efficient known anti‐psychotic drug is clozapine (CLO). However, the biochemical background of CLO's action still remains elusive. In this study, we performed comparative proteomic analysis of rat cerebral cortex following chronic administration of these two drugs. We observed significant changes in the expression of cytoskeletal, synaptic, and regulatory proteins caused by both antipsychotics. Among other proteins, alterations in collapsin response mediator proteins, CRMP2 and CRMP4, were the most spectacular consequences of treatment with both drugs. Moreover, risperidone increased the level of proteins involved in cell proliferation such as fatty acid‐binding protein‐7 and translin‐associated factor X. CLO significantly up‐regulated the expression of visinin‐like protein 1, neurocalcin δ and mitochondrial, stomatin‐like protein 2, the calcium‐binding proteins regulating calcium homeostasis, and the functioning of ion channels and receptors.


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