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In the present study, we reported on the synthesis of two new mu-opioid peptide analogs, [D-1-Nal3]morphiceptin and [D-1-Nal4]-morphiceptin [1-Nal=3-(1-naphthyl)-alanine] which expressed receptor binding affinities at least at the level of the primary opioid ligands. The new analogs also labeled mu-opioid receptors on the cells of human breast cancer MCF-7 cell line with affinity much higher than that of endomorphins and morphiceptin, the well-known mu-selective opioid peptides. However, none of the tested peptides significantly decreased cell proliferation of MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that suspension-cultured cells of Solanum genotypes with various polygenic resistances to Phytophthora infestans differed in activities of early oxidative processes in response to culture filtrate (CF) from this pathogen. These studies have now been extended by analysing production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and Lipoxygenase (LOX, E.C. activity induced by CF in detached leaves of S. tuberosum cv Bzura and clone H-8105, polygenically resistant and susceptible, respectively, as well as S. nigrum, nonhost, completely resistant. The relative increase in the ROS production was higher in the susceptible clone H-8105 than in both resistant genotypes. Lipid peroxidation increased only in the nonhost S. nigrum. An increase in lipid peroxidation in S. nigrum leaves coincided with enhanced LOX activity. In both S. tuberosum genotypes, significant increases in LOX activity were delayed and unaccompanied by changes in the level of lipid peroxidation. LOX activity attained a higher level in both of the resistant genotypes than in the susceptible one. The present results suggest that the involvement of both ROS production and LOX activity in the defense strategy in Solanum species/P. infestans interactions.  相似文献   
Southern analysis showed that Gr-EXPB1, a functional expansin from the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis, is member of a multigene family, and EST data suggest expansins to be present in other plant parasitic nematodes as well. Homology modeling predicted that Gr-EXPB1 domain 1 (D1) has a flat beta-barrel structure with surface-exposed aromatic rings, whereas the 3D structure of Gr-EXPB1-D2 was remarkably similar to plant expansins. Gr-EXPB1 shows highest sequence similarity to two extracellular proteins from saprophytic soil-inhabiting Actinobacteria, and includes a bacterial type II carbohydrate-binding module. These results support the hypothesis that a number of pathogenicity factors of cyst nematodes is of procaryotic origin and were acquired by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   
Following genetic immunization of laying ducks with a plasmid expressing Helicobacter pylori UreB (large subunit of urease), IgY against UreB were obtained from egg yolks. These polyclonal and monospecific IgY antibodies are of higher-titer and specifically recognize recombinant H. pylori urease purified from Escherichia coli. To our knowledge this is the first report describing generation of IgY antibodies directed against antigens of H. pylori by DNA-based immunization.  相似文献   
Using various chromatographic techniques (size exclusion, anion exchange, and cation exchange) combined with several detectors (neutron activation analysis and atomic fluorescence spectrometry), an attempt was made to characterize selenium compounds in some edible, selenium-accumulating mushrooms (Albatrellus pes-caprae and Boletus edulis). The mushrooms contained mostly low-molecular-weight (6 kDa) selenium compounds. After proteolysis, only a small fraction of the extractable selenium could be identified as selenite (3.0–9.2%, Albatrellus pes-caprae), selenocystine (minor, Albatrellus pes-caprae; 7.5%, Boletus edulis), or selenomethionine (1.0%, Boletus edulis), leaving the form of the bulk still to be elucidated.  相似文献   
The majority of epitopes for TSH receptor (TSHR) stimulating autoantibodies are clustered around the Nterminal region of the TSH receptor. The characteristic feature of this region is the presence of four cysteine residues. It was proposed that cysteines in positions 29 and 41 in the receptor are connected by disulfide bonds and they are the target for receptor stimulating antibodies. The present study was aimed to check this possibility. The synthetic peptides: peptide corresponding to the part of TSHR containing the above 29-41 cysteine bond, the peptide similar to this peptide but without disulfide bond and the control peptide, containing sequence absent in the receptor were used for rabbit immunization. The thyroid status of all immunized rabbits was the same. Rabbits immunized with peptides related to TSHR generated antisera reactive with TSHR in immunoenzymatic assay. To check specificity of this reaction the influence of the peptides and the antisera on TSH binding to the receptor in competitive assay (TRAK) and their influence on adenylate cyclase activity were studied. It was found that neither synthetic peptides nor antiserum from any rabbit influenced TSH binding to the receptor in TRAK. In contrast low, but significant adenylate cyclase stimulating activity was noticed for antisera from two of six rabbit immunized by peptide containing the disulfide bond. We concluded that such a bond between cysteine residues 29 and 41 are present in TSHR in the site of stimulating antibodies epitope.  相似文献   
The DH‐PH domain tandems of Dbl‐homology guanine nucleotide exchange factors catalyze the exchange of GTP for GDP in Rho‐family GTPases, and thus initiate a wide variety of cellular signaling cascades. Although several crystal structures of complexes of DH‐PH tandems with cognate, nucleotide free Rho GTPases are known, they provide limited information about the dynamics of the complex and it is not clear how accurately they represent the structures in solution. We used a complementary combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS), and hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) to study the solution structure and dynamics of the DH‐PH tandem of RhoA‐specific exchange factor PDZRhoGEF, both in isolation and in complex with nucleotide free RhoA. We show that in solution the DH‐PH tandem behaves as a rigid entity and that the mutual disposition of the DH and PH domains remains identical within experimental error to that seen in the crystal structure of the complex, thus validating the latter as an accurate model of the complex in vivo. We also show that the nucleotide‐free RhoA exhibits elevated dynamics when in complex with DH‐PH, a phenomenon not observed in the crystal structure, presumably due to the restraining effects of crystal contacts. The complex is readily and rapidly dissociated in the presence of both GDP and GTP nucleotides, with no evidence of intermediate ternary complexes.  相似文献   
Deep dormancy of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) seeds is terminated by a 3-month-long cold stratification. It is expressed by rapid germination of seeds and undisturbed growth of seedlings. However, stimulation of germination of isolated apple embryos is also observed after applying inhibitors of cytochrome c oxidase: nitric oxide (NO) or hydrogen cyanide (HCN) during the first 3–6 h of imbibition of dormant embryos. The aim of this work was to compare the effect of yet another toxic gaseous molecule carbon monoxide (CO) with the effects of HCN and NO on germination of apple embryos and growth and development of young seedlings. We demonstrated that stimulation of germination after short-term pre-treatment with HCN, NO or CO was accompanied by enhanced NO emission from the embryo axes during their elongation. Moreover, similarly high NO production from non-dormant embryos, after cold stratification, was detected. Therefore, we propose that NO may act as signaling molecule in apple embryo dormancy break.  相似文献   
The Calcyclin binding protein and Siah-1 interacting protein (CacyBP/SIP) protein is highly expressed in mammalian brain as well as in neuroblastoma NB2a cells and pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. This protein interacts with several targets such as cytoskeletal proteins or ERK1/2 kinase and seems to be involved in many cellular processes. In this work we examined a post-translational modification of CacyBP/SIP which might have an effect on its function. Since theoretical analysis of the amino acid sequence of CacyBP/SIP indicated several lysine residues which could potentially be sumoylated we checked experimentally whether this protein might be modified by SUMO attachment. We have shown that indeed CacyBP/SIP bound the E2 SUMO ligase, Ubc9, in neuroblastoma NB2a cell extract and was sumoylated in these cells. By fractionation of NB2a cell extract we have found that, contrary to the majority of SUMO-modified proteins, sumoylated CacyBP/SIP is present in the cytoplasmic and not in the nuclear fraction. We have also established that lysine 16 is the residue which undergoes sumoylation in the CacyBP/SIP protein.  相似文献   
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