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Zusammenfassung Schon veröffentlichte Feststellungen über verringertes Heimfindevermögen von Brieftauben im Winter werden bestätigt.Durch wiederholte Auflassungen über die gleiche Kurzstrecke (von NNW 22 km nach SSO) wird gezeigt, daß die Einzeltaube regelmäßig wesentlich schlechter abschneidet, wenn sie die gleiche, im Sommer durchflogene Strecke im Winter wiederholt. Durch Verwendung einer hinreichenden Anzahl von Erstfliegern in beiden Jahreszeiten wird der Wintereffekt auch durch Vergleich von Heimkehrschnelligkeiten verschiedener Individuen sichergestellt.Es wird gezeigt, daß die Verwandlung des Landschaftsbildes nicht die Ursache des winterlichen Versagens sein kann. Es ist auch unwahrscheinlich, daß die im Winter geringere Höhe des Sonnenstandes schuld ist. Entgegen einer früher vonKramer geäußerten Meinung können auch weder niedrige Temperaturen als solche noch direkt mit ihnen streng gekoppelte Faktoren verantwortlich gemacht werden.Der Einwand, daß es sich beim Wintereffekt nicht um eine Orientierungsbehinderung, sondern um eine jahreszeitlich, vielleicht mit der Taglänge korrelierte Schwächung des Heimkehrimpulses handeln möge, wird kritisch besprochen. Gegen diesen Einwand wird geltend gemacht, daß nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen der März noch zu den Winter-Monaten zählt; sogar ein Aprilflug trug intermediäre Züge. Dagegen funktioniert das Heimkehrvermögen im September noch gut. — Eine Korrelation mit der Intensität des Fortpflanzungsverhaltens kann deswegen nicht vorliegen, weil die Fortpflanzungsaktivität schon im Februar erheblich gesteigert ist. Es wird der Nachweis geführt, daß bei gleichen Temperaturen im Winter signifikant verschiedene Heimkehrerfolge an nahe beisammenliegenden Daten (3. 1. und 26. 1. 1956) erzielt werden können.Auch für andere Strecken (36 km S — N, 41 km O — W, 94 km S — N) werden Vergleiche von Heimflügen im Sommer mit solchen im Winter angestellt. Die Winterergebnisse sind durchweg erheblich schlechter.Das Bestehen des Wintereffekts zeigt, daß die Orientierung bei der Heimkehr auch über kurze Strecken nicht auf dem visuellen Erkennen von Landschaftsstrukturen beruht. Der Orientierungsmechanismus ist vielmehr unbekannt. Es ist vorläufig zu vermuten, daß er identisch ist mit dem, der über weitere Distanzen wirksam ist.Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, welche das Fahrzeug zur Verfügung stellte und die Betriebsmittel dafür trug.  相似文献   
 CD44 isoforms have been implicated in tumor progression and metastasis formation. This study presents a thorough immunohistochemical analysis of CD44 standard and isoform expression in normal human skin appendages and epidermis applying monoclonal antibodies against CD44s, CD44v3, -v4, -v5, -v6, and -v9. An improved immunohistochemical protocol with microwave-based antigen retrieval in paraffin sections and heavy metal amplification of the diaminobenzidine reaction product provided enhanced resolution and sensitivity as compared to studies on frozen sections. The hair follicle, the seborrheic and eccrine sweat glands were strongly positive for all CD44 isoforms studied. In the latter, the clear cells but not the dark (intercalated) cells were positive. The sudoriferous ducts adjacent to the glands were weakly positive for all CD44 isoforms and strongly positive near the skin surface. In the apocrine glands, the basal cells showed only a moderate positivity. The myoepithelial cells expressed only CD44s. In the epidermis, all CD44 isoforms were detectable, with strongest CD44 immunostaining in the lower third of the stratum spinosum and weaker staining in the stratum basale and the upper two-thirds of the stratum granulosum. The stratum granulosum and corneum were unreactive. Thus, a regional and cell type-specific CD44 expression was revealed. Accepted: 10 May 1996  相似文献   
Effects of phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein on multidrug resistance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cells expressing elevated levels of the membrane phosphoprotein P-glycoprotein exhibit a multidrug resistance phenotype. Studies involving protein kinase activators and inhibitors have implied that covalent modification of P-glycoprotein by phosphorylation may modulate its biological activity as a multidrug transporter. Most of these reagents, however, have additional mechanisms of action and may alter drug accumulation within multidrug resistant cells independent of, or in addition to their effects on the state of phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein. The protein kinase(s) responsible for P-glycoprotein phosphorylation has(ve) not been unambiguously identified, although several possible candidates have been suggested. Recent biochemical analyses demonstrate that the major sites of phosphorylation are clustered within the linker region that connects the two homologous halves of P-glycoprotein. Mutational analyses have been initiated to confirm this finding. Preliminary data obtained from phosphorylation- and dephosphorylation-defective mutants suggest that phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein is not essential to confer multidrug resistance.  相似文献   
In potato tubers two starch phosphorylase isozymes, types L and H, have been described and are believed to be responsible for the complete starch breakdown in this tissue. Type L has been localized in amyloplasts, whereas type H is located within the cytosol. In order to investigate whether the same isozymes are also present in potato leaf tissue a cDNA expression library from potato leaves was screened using a monoclonal antibody recognizing both isozyme forms. Besides the already described tuber L-type isozyme a cDNA clone encoding a second L-type isozyme was isolated. The 3171 nucleotide long cDNA clone contains an uninterrupted open reading frame of 2922 nucleotides which encodes a polypeptide of 974 amino acids. Sequence comparison between both L-type isozymes on the amino acid level showed that the polypeptides are highly homologous to each other, reaching 81–84% identity over most parts of the polypeptide. However the regions containing the transit peptide (amino acids 1–81) and the insertion sequence (amino acids 463–570) are highly diverse, reaching identities of only 22.0% and 29.0% respectively.Northern analysis revealed that both forms are differentially expressed. The steady-state mRNA levels of the tuber L-type isozyme accumulates strongly in potato tubers and only weakly in leaf tissues, whereas the mRNA of the leaf L-type isozyme accumulates in both tissues to the same extent. Constitutive expression of an antisense RNA specific for the leaf L-type gene resulted in a strong reduction of starch phosphorylase L-type activity in leaf tissue, but had only sparse effects in potato tuber tissues. Determination of the leaf starch content revealed that antisense repression of the starch phosphorylase activity has no significant influence on starch accumulation in leaves of transgenic potato plants. This result indicated that different L-type genes are responsible for the starch phosphorylase activity in different tissues, but the function of the different enzymes remains unclear.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effects of 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NPA), an inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase, on cerebral metabolism were investigated in mice by NMR spectroscopy. 3-NPA, 180 mg/kg, caused a dramatic buildup of succinate. Succinate was labeled 5.5 times better from [1-13C]glucose than from [2-13C]acetate, showing a predominantly neuronal accumulation. [1-13C]Glucose labeled GABA in the C-2 position only, compatible with inhibition of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle associated with GABA formation, at the level of succinate dehydrogenase. Aspartate was not labeled by [1-13C]glucose in 3-NPA-intoxicated animals. In contrast, [1-13C]glucose labeled glutamate in the C-2, C-3, and C-4 positions showing uninhibited cycling of label in the TCA cycle associated with the large, neuronal pool of glutamate. The labeling of glutamine, and hence GABA, from [2-13C]acetate showed that the TCA cycle of glial cells was unaffected by 3-NPA and that transfer of glutamine from glia to neurons took place during 3-NPA intoxication. The high 13C enrichment of the C-2 position of glutamine from [1-13C]glucose showed that pyruvate carboxylation was active in glia during 3-NPA intoxication. These findings suggest that 3-NPA in the initial phase of intoxication fairly selectively inhibited the TCA cycle of GABAergic neurons; whereas the TCA cycle of glia remained uninhibited as did the TCA cycle associated with the large neuronal pool of glutamate, which includes glutamatergic neurons. This may help explain why the caudoputamen, which is especially rich in GABAergic neurons, selectively undergoes degeneration both in humans and animals intoxicated with 3-NPA. Further, the present results may be of relevance for the study of basal ganglia disorders such as Huntington's disease.  相似文献   
Abstract: Given the extreme lability and the facile inactivation of the messenger nitric oxide (NO) by many reactive biochemical species, it has been suggested that some intermediate compounds, for example, S -nitrosothiols, may act to stabilize NO and at the same time to preserve its biological activity. To test this hypothesis, we investigated if the S -nitrosothiol of glutathione, which is the predominant low molecular weight thiol in CNS, is present in the rat brain. The HPLC analysis of cerebellar extract from [35S]cysteine-prelabeled slices suggested that S -nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) was indeed present in rat brain. To detect endogenous GSNO, a methodology based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was developed. Besides an unequivocal identification of the endogenous GSNO, this method also permitted its precise quantification using 15N-labeled GSNO ([15N]-GSNO) as internal standard. GSNO level in adult cerebellum amounts to 15.4 ± 1.4 pmol/mg of protein. This is the first direct demonstration of the presence of endogenous GSNO in CNS. The packaging of NO in the form of GSNO might serve to facilitate its transport, prolong its life, and target its delivery to specific effectors.  相似文献   
In the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat, characterized by inherited retinal dystrophy, retinal projections to the brain were studied using anterograde neuronal transport of cholera toxin B subunit upon injection into one eye. The respective immunoreactivity was found predominantly contralateral to the injection site in the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, nucleus of the optic tract, medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, and bilateral hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei. Although terminal density was somewhat reduced in dystrophic rats, the projection patterns in these animals appeared similar to those seen in their congenic controls and were comparable to the visual pathways described for the rat previously. In dystrophic rats, the number of cell bodies exhibiting immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, viz. a population of suprachiasmatic neurons receiving major retinohypothalamic input, was reduced by one-third, and some differences were observed in the termination pattern of the geniculohypothalamic tract, as revealed by immunoreactivity to neuropeptide Y in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.This study was supported by grants from the DFG (Re 644/2-1) and the NMFZ, Mainz (to S.R.).  相似文献   
We have determined the parental origin of the deleted chromosome 22 in 29 cases of DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) using a CA-repeat mapping within the commonly deleted region, and in one other case by using a chromosome 22 short arm heteromorphism. The CA-repeat was informative in 21 out of 29 families studied and the deleted chromosome was of maternal origin in 16 cases (72%). When these data are pooled with recent results from the literature, 24 de novo DGS, velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) and isolated conotruncal cardiac disease deletions are found to be of maternal origin and 8 of paternal origin, yielding a 2 of 8 with a probability level lower than 0.01. These data, and review of the literature on familial DGS/VCFS and isolated conotruncal cardiopathies suggest that there is a strong tendency for the 22q11.2 deletions to be of maternal origin.  相似文献   
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are conserved regulators of the eukaryotic cell cycle with different isoforms controlling specific phases of the cell cycle. Mitogenic or growth inhibitory signals are mediated, respectively, by activation or inhibition of CDKs which phosphorylate proteins associated with the cell cycle. The central role of CDKs in cell cycle regulation makes them a potential new target for inhibitory molecules with anti-proliferative and/or anti-neoplastic effects. We describe the crystal structures of the complexes of CDK2 with a weakly specific CDK inhibitor, N6-(δ2-isopentenyl)adenine, and a strongly specific inhibitor, olomoucine. Both inhibitors are adenine derivatives and bind in the adenine binding pocket of CDK2, but in an unexpected and different orientation from the adenine of the authentic ligand ATP. The N6-benzyl substituent in olomoucine binds outside the conserved binding pocket and is most likely responsible for its specificity. The structural information from the CDK2-olomoucine complex will be useful in directing the search for the next generation inhibitors with improved properties. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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