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The fluorescence of DAPI (AT-dye) and Chromomycin A3 (GMA; GC-dye) was measured in mitoses and interphase nuclei of nine species of plants having moderate or strong fluorescent bands—or none at all. In Scilla sibirica chromosomes, band and non-band regions were analysed. The results are compatible with a linear base-dependent fluorescence of the two dyes; their fluorescence can thus be utilized for cytofluorometric base content determination. The measurement of fluorescence fading of DAPI gave identical curves in band and non-band regions, whereas a different fading pattern could be observed with another AT-dye (Hoechst 33258). CMA also yielded different fading curves in band and non-band regions, which indicates a structural difference of the chromatin-dye complex.  相似文献   
Summary The lengths of the secondary constrictions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 vary with the degree of contraction of the chromosomes but these constrictions contract to a lesser degree than the euchromatic portions of the chromosomes. The regression coefficient for the regression of the length of the secondary constriction on the length of the euchromatic part of the chromosomes is shown to be larger for large constrictions. It is furthermore shown that there is a linear correlation between the regression coefficient and the size of the secondary constriction in question. This linear correlation makes it possible to correct the lengths of the secondary constrictions to the lengths expected when contraction is average. The correction method is used in a sample of 30 couples, and on the basis of this sample, the normal limits for the lengths of the secondary constrictions in chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 are defined.  相似文献   
The patterns of seasonal variation of enzyme levels in the brown alga Laminaria hyperborea (Gunn.) Fosl. have been investigated for the following enzymes: Ribulosebisphosphate-carboxylase (EC, phosphoenolpyruvate-carboxykinase (EC, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (NADP dep., EC, malate-dehydrogenase (NAD dep., EC, L-aspartate-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (EC, and mannitol-l-phosphate-dehydrogenase (EC The first four enzymes exhibit a circannual periodicity, characterized by a pronounced spring-maximum of enzyme activity in April and May. As a consequence, the phylloid can maintain high metabolic rates from early spring on, although water temperature has then only slightly risen above the annual minimum. This findings is discussed in relationship to the growth- and developmental cycle of L. hyperborea and to the seasonal variation of photosynthesis and light-independent CO2-fixation. The seasonal pattern, outlined above, correlates well with the circannual fluctuations of the nitrogen content of the sea and with the variation of the internal nitrogen- and nitrate-content of the alga. This coincidence may indicate that nitrogen levels play an important role in the regulation of enzyme activities and, hence, the metabolic capacities of L. hyperborea.Abbreviations PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC - RUBPC ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC - GAPDH (NADP dep.) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP dependent) (EC - MDH (NAD dep.) malate dehydrogenase (NAD dependent) (EC - AAT L-aspartate-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (EC - Mannitol-1-P DH mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC - LIF lightindependent CO2-fixation - DHAP dihydroacetone phosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - OAA oxaloacetate  相似文献   
The use of nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors (N‐Prot factors) is the most practical way of determining protein content. The accuracy of protein determination by this method depends on the establishment of N‐Prot factors specific to individual species. Experimental data are needed to allow the use of this methodology with seaweeds. The present study was designed to characterize the amino acid composition and to establish specific N‐Prot factors for six green, four brown and nine red marine algae. Mean values for individual amino acids tended to be similar among the three groups, but some differences were found. Green algae tended to show lower percentages of both aspartic acid and glutamic acid than the other two groups of algae. The percentages of both lysine and arginine were higher in red algae, while brown algae tended to show more methionine than green and red algae. The actual protein content of the species, based on the sum of amino acid residues, varied from 10.8% (Chnoospora minima, brown algae) to 23.1% (Aglaothamnion uru‐guayense, red algae) of the dry weight. Nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors were established for the species studied, based on the ratio of amino acid residues to total nitrogen, with values ranging from 3.75 (Cryptonemia seminervis, red algae) to 5.72 (Padina gymnospora, brown algae). The relative importance of non‐protein nitrogen is greater in red algae, and consequently lower N‐Prot factors were calculated for these species (average value 4.59). Conversely, protein nitrogen content in both green and brown algae tends to be higher, and average N‐Prot factors were 5.13 and 5.38, respectively. An overall average N‐Prot factor for all species studied of 4.92 ± 0.59 (n = 57) was established. This study confirms that the use of the traditional factor 6.25 is unsuitable for seaweeds, and the use of the N‐Prot factors proposed here is recommended.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zur Klärung des Problems der Kastendetermination bei Formiciden konnte durch die Untersuchung der endomitotischen Polyploidisierung im Verlauf der Larvenentwicklung beigetragen werden. Endomitosen können hierbei nicht direkt beobachtet werden, die Polyploidisierung ist nur aus dem Wachstum der Kerne zu erschließen.Die Polyploidisierung sieben verschiedener Gewebe von Myrmica- wurde untersucht. Alle Tiere wachsen unter ständiger Polyploidisierung bis zum Puppenstadium heran. Während der Metamorphose werden alle hochpolyploiden Gewebe abgebaut. Besonders hohe Polyploidiegrade erreichen Gewebe der Stoffwechselorgane, wie Mitteldarm und Malpighische Gefäße. Oenocyten zeigen sehr unübersichtliche Verhältnisse. Die Spinndrüse wird im Zusammenhang mit dem Sekretionszyklus hochpolyploid. Fettzellen, Epidermis und Ganglien zeigen dagegen nur geringe Polyploidiegrade.Die Unterschiede in den verschiedenen Kasten werden festgestellt. Es zeigte sich, daß a anfänglich haploid sind and Geschlechtstiere einen Endomitoseschritt mehr ausführen als .Die Polyploidisierung entsprechender Gewebe von Lasius niger zeigt die gleiche Entwicklungstendenz. Futter- ud Temperatureinflüsse konnten festgestellt werden. Zwerg- zeigten Polyploidiegrade, die von denen der Normal- abweichen und dadurch auf blastogene Determination schließen lassen.-Brut gibt bei Ausschluß der Nestbegattung stets , die sick in ihren Kerngrößen nicht von den aus weiselrichtigen Nestern unterscheiden.Alle untersuchten Formicidenarten weisen die gleiche Entwicklungstendenz auf.Beobachtungen über Entwicklungsdauer, Eiablage und -Brut-Entwicklung werden angefügt.Auf Grund der Ergebnisse wurde zu Fragen der endomitotischen Polyploidisierung Stellung genommen. Die Gründe, die zur Annahme eines Polyploidisierungsvorganges in der Larvenentwicklung der Formiciden führen, werden diskutiert. Polyploidie wird in Beziehung gesetzt zur Körpergröße der Tiere, zur phylogenetischen Entwicklungshöhe und zur Gewebsfunktion (Deutung als Sparsamkeitsmaßnahme). Hypothesen zur Kastendetermination werden durch die Ergebnisse unterstützt.  相似文献   
Summary Because induction of proteolytic activity and stress-response proteins can significantly affect expression levels in recombinant Escherichia coli, the influence of low-level expression of a mutant \-galactosidase was investigated. A single copy of the well-characterized CSH11 mutant of the lacZ gene was integrated into the chromosome. Induction of expression of the mutant \-galactosidase caused a measurable increase in ATP-dependent intracellular proteolytic activity but resulted in no significant change in ATP-independent proteolytic activity. Growth at temperatures above 40°C resulted in a significant decrease in the level of ATP-independent proteolytic activity compared to growth at 37°C, and the ATP-dependent activity increased 2.5-fold from 30 to 42°C. Synthesis of stress-response proteins was evident in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of proteins in the strain expressing the abnormal \-galactosidase at 37°C, but no such response was evident when mutant \-galactosidase expression was induced at 30°C. In separate experiments, stress proteins were overexpressed by inducing expression of the htpR gene on a plasmid. Resulting increases in stress-protein levels correlated with an increase in ATP-dependent proteolytic activity with no significant change in the intracellular ATP-independent proteolytic activity. These data suggest that even very low levels of abnormal protein can substantially influence protease levels and stress response in E. coli. These responses were reduced by induction' at lower temperatures. Correspondence to: J. E. Bailey  相似文献   
A series of seven 1-aryl-3.3-dialkyltriazenes, including 1-phenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene (DMPT), 1-phenyl-3.3-di-(trideuteromethyl)-triazene (DMPT-ds), 1-p-methylphenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene (DMpMPT), 1-p-nitrophenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene (DMpNPT), 1-phenyl-3.3-diethyltriazene (DEPT), 1-phenyl-3.3-di-n-propyltriazene (DnPrPT) and 1-phenyl-3.3-diisopropyltriazene (DiPrPT) and 1.3-diphenyl-3-methyltriazene (DPMT), was synthesized and characterized by UV/VIS, IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Chemical half-life was determined in phosphate buffer at 37° using UV/VIS spectroscopy. With the exception of DMpNPT, which was stable, the triazenes underwent pH-dependent hydrolytic decomposition (acid catalysis). By means of UV/VIS spectra, TLC and HPLC, phenol, aniline and secondary azocoupling products were identified after complete hydrolytic cleavage of the parent compounds. Pathways of spontaneous hydrolysis are proposed and discussed. Genotoxic activity of the triazenes was assayed by measurement of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in V79-E cells without and with rat liver S9 mix as an exogenous metabolizing system. In the direct SCE assay (without S9 mix), all triazenes except DMpNPT exerted a toxic action (cell cycle delay) in a narrow concentration range between no effect and overt cytotoxicity. This non-specific toxicity depended on the pH of the incubation system and was inversely proportional to chemical half-life. The toxicity of these agents is most likely due to the arenediazonium cation which is a relatively stable intermediate. In a sublethal concentration range most triazeness induced significant increases of SCE rates. These are interpreted as an indirect consequences of cytotoxicity. Upon metabolic activation, the compounds were genotoxic in a dose-dependent fashion. Their SCE-inducing capacity depended on the nature of the alkylating species generated, i.e., the alkyldiazonium cation, and on chemical stability. Surprisingly, no deuterium isotope effect was observed in DMPT-d6. The order of genotoxic activity among the aryldialkyltriazenes was DMpNPT DMPT = DMPT- ds > DMpMPT DEPT > DnPrPT DiPrPT. DMPT was a marginal SCE inducer but very toxic upon metabolic activation. As monooxygenation of DPMT, like spontaneous hydrolysis, should generate a phenyldiazonium cation, the results suggest that arylation of DNA causes a very low SCE induction, if any.Abbreviations BUdR 5-bromodeoxyuridine - CP cyclophosphamide - DEPT 1-phenyl-3.3-diethyltriazene - DiPrPT 1-phenyl-3.3-diisopropyltriazene - DMPT 1-phenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene - DMPT-d6 1-phenyl-3.3-di(trideuteromethyl)triazene - DMpMPT 1-p-methylphenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene - DMpNPT 1-p-nitrophenyl-3.3-dimethyltriazene - DnPrPT 1-phenyl-3.3-di-n-propyltriazene - DPMT 1.3-diphenyl-3-methyltriazene - SCE sister chromatid exchange  相似文献   
The synthesis of several 2-alkoxy-5-alkyl-tetrahydrofurans is of interest in our investigations of structure–function relationships of chiral flavour compounds. For the preparation of the enantiomeric acetals the unambiguous configurational assignment of the cis and trans series of these compounds is indispensable. By means of crystalline acetal derivatives the absolute structure of a model compound in the cis and the trans configuration is revealed by X-ray measurement and correlated with the corresponding cis and trans configurated aroma compounds. The first complete structure elucidation of the class of 2-alkoxy-5-alkyltetrahydrofurans has been carried out.  相似文献   
Summary The three haploid yeast strains T2tmp1-3, T2tmp1-1, and T6tmp1-51 auxotrophic for 5-dTMP differ in their requirement for thymidylate: 72, 16, and 3 g 5-dTMP/ml will restore optimal growth, respectively. Thymidylate low requirement in strain T2tmp1-1 and T6tmp1-51 is termed tlrA and tlrC, respectively. When the growth medium is made 5x10-4 M for 5-dTMP only strain T6tmp1-51 is severely inhibited in RNA and DNA synthesis. This inhibition is reversible after removal of excessive 5-dTMP. The inhibitory characteristic is in marked contrast to thymineless death due to the lack of 5-dTMP in strain T6tmp1-51 where only DNA synthesis stops while RNA synthesis continues. The inhibitory effect of 5x10-4 M 5-dTMP is not due to the 5-dTMP auxotrophy but to the thymidylate low requiring character (tlrC) in strain T6tmp1-51. The arrest of RNA and DNA synthesis by high concentrations of exogenous 5-dTMP suggests a regulatory role of either the monoor triphosphate on nucleoside or nucleotide biosynthesis in yeast.  相似文献   
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