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During a short field trip to the Special Reserve of Anjanaharibe-Sud in northeastern Madagascar, data concerning pelage coloration, behavior (especially vocalization), and ecology of indris were collected. Anjanaharibe-Sud is the northernmost locality of indri distribution. In comparison to the better-known indris from the southern part of their distribution, the indris in this region show different pelage coloration. Several types of loud vocalizations are analyzed, based on a small sample of tape recordings. Their song structure is more complicated than previously reported, containing distinct sequences of duetting. Data on behavior and ecology were collected by interviewing guides and local inhabitants. Some information contrasts with reports on the more southern indri populations. The conservation status of indris in Anjanaharibe-Sud and the future of the reserve are outlined.  相似文献   
Molecularly targeted gold nanorods were investigated for applications in both diagnostic imaging and disease treatment with cellular resolution. The nanorods were tested in two genetically engineered cell lines derived from the human colon carcinoma HCT-116, a model for studying ligand-receptor interactions. One of these lines was modified to express delta opioid receptor (deltaOR) and green fluorescent protein, whereas the other was receptor free and expressed a red fluorescent protein, to serve as the control. Deltorphin, a high-affinity ligand for deltaOR, was stably attached to the gold nanorods through a thiol-terminated linker. In a mixed population of cells, we demonstrated selective imaging and destruction of receptor-expressing cells while sparing those cells that did not express the receptor. The molecularly targeted nanorods can be used as an in vitro ligand-binding and cytotoxic treatment assay platform and could potentially be applied in vivo for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes with endoscopic technology.  相似文献   
Bacterial polyesters such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have to pass the following requirements to be accepted on a large scale: (i) they have to fulfil an urgent market need: (ii) they require that new and efficient composting systems are installed in urban areas; (iii) they have to complete with the present plastics as far as quality and processing performance are concerned; (iv) they have to meet the requirement for the registration as food packages; and (v) they have to meet competitive price limits. (i) Some 30% of the plastics in the municipal waste originates from goods which are less than 1 year in use and tend to be heavily soiled by food and feed residues. This part is difficult and expensive to dispose of. Biodegradable alternatives could replace a large part of it. The waste could be diverted from landfills and incineration to composting sites near the end user. The savings in costs and frustrations are the source of a pressing demand for biopolymers, especially for producing goods which do not demand longevity and which are likely to end up soiled with organic matters. (ii) Composting infrastructures exist in rural areas. In urban areas new systems for collecting and composting ‘garden and kitchen wastes’ are being installed for reducing landfill problems, especially in Austria, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. These installations give biopolymers a competitive edge in the disposal discussion. (iii) Bacterial polyesters meet various quality and processing performances. They are water-resistant, and goods made of the polyesters are water-tight. The material can be processed by injection and by blow moulding. However, the esters are not flexible enough for forming films or foils. They also tend to become brittle and to lose their vapour barrier properties. It is expected that these limits will be overcome by improving blend formulations. (iv) Bacterial polyesters are not yet allowed for use as food package material. Since the esters represent a novel product, the procedure for the registration poses serious, but no insoluble problems. They require long and costly tests. There are no indications that bacterial polyesters would not attain the requirements. However, they are not expected to serve as food packages in the near future. (v) The present prices for bacterial polyesters are far too high to be accepted on a large scale by the processing and packaging industry. Costs are high mainly because of the raw material prices and to the small-scale production units. They can be lowered to accepted levels by investing in larger units in countries where inexpensive raw materials are available. Thus they will be able to meet the price limits. Since bacterial polyesters increasingly meet the requirements for the penetration of a mass market and since more and more consumers accept composting as an environmentally sound way of recycling organic materials, the polyesters are expected to penetrate a significant part of the short-lived and contaminated plastic products markets by the turn of the century.  相似文献   
This study presents the tidal exchange of ammonium, nitrite + nitrate, phosphate and silicate between two salt marshes and adjacent estuarine waters. Marsh nutrient fluxes were evaluated for Pointe-au-Père and Pointe-aux-épinettes salt marshes, both located along the south shore of the lower St. Lawrence Estuary in Rimouski area (QC, Canada). Using nutrients field data, high precision bathymetric records and a hydrodynamic numerical model (MIKE21-NHD) forced with predicted tides, nutrients fluxes were estimated through salt marsh outlet cross-sections at four different periods of the year 2004 (March, May, July and November). Calculated marsh nutrient fluxes are discussed in relation with stream inputs, biotic and abiotic marsh processes and the incidence of sea ice cover. In both marshes, the results show the occurrence of year-round and seaward NH4 + fluxes and landward NO2  + NO3 fluxes (ranging from 9.06 to 30.48 mg N day−1 m−2 and from −32.07 to −9.59 mg N day−1 m−2, respectively) as well as variable PO4 3− and Si(OH)4 fluxes (ranging from −3.73 to 6.34 mg P day−1 m−2 and from −29.19 to 21.91 mg Si day−1 m−2, respectively). These results suggest that NO2  + NO3 input to marshes can be a significant source of NH4 + through dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). This NH4 +, accumulating in marsh sediment rather than being removed through coupled nitrification–denitrification or biological assimilation, is exported toward estuarine waters. From average P and Si tidal fluxes analysis, both salt marshes act as a sink during high productivity period (May and July) and as a source, supplying estuarine water during low productivity period (November and March).  相似文献   
Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae) is a genus of pathogens of poikilotherms, and some ranaviruses may play a role in widespread mortality of amphibians. Ecology of viral transmission in amphibians is poorly known but can be addressed through experimentation in the laboratory. In this study, we use the Ranavirus frog virus 3 (FV3) as an experimental model for pathogen emergence in naive populations of tadpoles. We simulated emerging disease by exposing tadpoles of the Italian agile frog (Rana latastei), to the North American Ranavirus FV3. We demonstrated that mortality occurred due to viral exposure, exposure of tadpoles to decreasing concentrations of FV3 in the laboratory produced dose-dependent survival rates, and cannibalism of virus-carrying carcasses increased mortality due to FV3. These experiments suggest the potential for ecological mechanisms to affect the level of exposure of tadpoles to Ranavirus and to impact transmission of viral pathogens in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is expressed in central and peripheral tissues where it participates in the complex network regulating energy homeostasis as well as in other physiologically important functions. Two MCH receptor subtypes, MCH-R1 and MCH-R2, have been cloned which signal through activation of Gi/o/q proteins and hence regulate different intracellular signals, such as inhibition of cAMP formation, stimulation of IP3 production, increase in intracellular free Ca2+ and/or activation of MAP kinases. Most of the data were obtained with cell systems heterologously expressing either of the MCH receptors. Fewer reports exist on studies with cell lines which endogenously express MCH receptors. Here, we describe human and other mammalian cell lines with which MCH receptor activation can be studied under "natural" conditions and we summarize the characteristics and signaling pathways of the MCH receptors in the different cell systems.  相似文献   
The establishment and maintenance of cell polarity play pivotal roles during plant development. During the past five years, proteins that are required for different aspects of plant cell polarity have been identified. However, the functions of lipids and their interactions with proteins that mediate polarity remained largely unaddressed. Recent genetic studies have discovered cell and tissue polarity mutants that have defects in sterol composition, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis and phospholipid signalling. Analyses of the affected gene products have provided a first glance at the roles of lipids in cell polarity signalling, as well as in the trafficking and anchoring of polar proteins.  相似文献   
Recent research on mouse models has taken us closer to deciphering the molecular clock mechanism that defines an individual's 'body time'. How feasible will it be to create a molecular timetable that allows determination of individual body time from tissue harvested at a single time point?  相似文献   
WW domains mediate protein-protein interactions in a number of different cellular functions by recognizing proline-containing peptide sequences. We determined peptide recognition propensities for 42 WW domains using NMR spectroscopy and peptide library screens. As potential ligands, we studied both model peptides and peptides based on naturally occurring sequences, including phosphorylated residues. Thirty-two WW domains were classified into six groups according to detected ligand recognition preferences for binding the motifs PPx(Y/poY), (p/phi)P(p,g)PPpR, (p/phi)PPRgpPp, PPLPp, (p/xi)PPPPP, and (poS/poT)P (motifs according to modified Seefeld Convention 2001). In addition to these distinct binding motifs, group-specific WW domain consensus sequences were identified. For PPxY-recognizing domains, phospho-tyrosine binding was also observed. Based on the sequences of the PPx(Y/poY)-specific group, a profile hidden Markov model was calculated and used to predict PPx(Y/poY)-recognition activity for WW domains, which were not assayed. PPx(Y/poY)-binding was found to be a common property of NEDD4-like ubiquitin ligases.  相似文献   
The Per1 and Per2 genes are components of the mammalian circadian clock. Mutations in these genes alter phase resetting in response to a nocturnal light pulse, and Per2 mutant mice are known to become arrhythmic in constant darkness. We show that under constant light conditions, Per2 mutant mice exhibit robust activity rhythms as well as body temperature rhythms with a period length that is less than 24 h. In Per1 mutants, the period length of both activity and body temperature rhythms is longer than 24 h in constant light. Per1 mutants prolong their period length (tao) when illuminance is increased, whereas Per2 mutants shorten their endogenous period. Additionally, the authors show that the circadian pattern of Per1 and Per2 gene expression in mice is modified under different photoperiods and that there is a mutual influence of these genes on their timing of expression. We propose that, in mice, the phase relationship between Per1 and Per2 gene expression might be critical for transducing day length information to the organism. Per1 could be part of a morning oscillator tracking dawn, and Per2 could be part of an evening oscillator tracking dusk.  相似文献   
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