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Based on material collected in the Venezuelan state of Mérida, Echeveria compressicaulis ( Crassulaceae ) is described as a new species. Its stem sculpturing is similar to that of the Mexican E. multicaulis and E. nodulosa , but its exact position in the genus remains enigmatic. Its cultivation and propagation is discussed.  相似文献   
In wild-type Streptomyces coelicolor MT1110 cultures, cyclic adenosine 3′,5′ monophosphate (cAMP) was synthesized throughout the developmental programme with peaks of accumulation both during germination and later when aerial mycelium and actinorhodin were being produced. Construction and characterization of an adenylate cyclase disruption mutant (BZ1) demonstrated that cAMP facilitated these developmental processes. Although pulse-labelling experiments showed that a similar germination process was initiated in BZ1 and MT1110, germ-tube emergence was severely delayed in BZ1 and never occurred in more than 85% of the spores. Studies of growth and development on solid glucose minimal medium (SMMS, buffered or unbuffered) showed that MT1110 and BZ1 produced acid during the first rapid growth phase, which generated substrate mycelium. Thereafter, on unbuffered SMMS, only MT1110 resumed growth and produced aerial mycelium by switching to an alternative metabolism that neutralized its medium, probably by reincorporating and metabolizing extracellular acids. BZ1 was not able to neutralize its medium or produce aerial mycelium on unbuffered SMMS; these defects were suppressed by high concentrations (>1 mM) of cAMP during early growth or on buffered medium. Other developmental mutants (bldA, bldB, bldC, bldD, bldG) also irreversibly acidified this medium. However, these bald mutants were not suppressed by exogenous cAMP or neutralizing buffer. BZ1 also differentiated when it was cultured in close proximity to MT1110, a property observed in cross-feeding experiments between bald mutants and commonly thought to reflect diffusion of a discrete positively acting signalling molecule. In this case, MT1110 generated a more neutral pH environment that allowed BZ1 to reinitiate growth and form aerial mycelium. The fact that actinorhodin synthesis could be induced by concentrations of cAMP (< 20 μM) found in the medium of MT1110 cultures, suggested that it may serve as a diffusible signalling molecule to co-ordinate antibiotic biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Sympathetic discharge and vascular resistance after bed rest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shoemaker, J. Kevin, Cynthia S. Hogeman, Urs A. Leuenberger,Michael D. Herr, Kristen Gray, David H. Silber, and Lawrence I. Sinoway. Sympathetic discharge and vascular resistance after bedrest. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2):612-617, 1998.The effect of 6° head-down-tilt bedrest (HDBR) for 14 days on supine sympathetic discharge andcardiovascular hemodynamics at rest was assessed. Mean arterialpressure, heart rate (n = 25), musclesympathetic nerve activity (MSNA; n = 16) burst frequency, and forearm blood flow(n = 14) were measured, and forearmvascular resistance (FVR) was calculated. Stroke distance,our index of stroke volume, was derived from measurements of aorticmean blood velocity (Doppler) and R-R interval(n = 7). With these data, an index oftotal peripheral resistance was determined. Heart rate at rest wasgreater in the post (71 ± 2 beats/min)- compared with the pre-HDBRtest (66 ± 2 beats/min; P < 0.003), but mean arterial pressure was unchanged. Aortic strokedistance during post-HDBR (15.5 ± 1.1 cm/beat) was reduced frompre-HDBR levels (20.0 ± 1.5 cm/beat)(P < 0.03). Also, MSNA burstfrequency was reduced in the post (16.7 ± 2.8 beats/min)- comparedwith the pre (25.2 ± 2.6 beats/min)-HDBR condition(P < 0.01). Bed rest did not alterforearm blood flow, FVR, or total peripheral resistance. Thusreductions in MSNA with HDBR were not associated with a decrease inFVR.

Frey, Urs, Bela Suki, Richard Kraemer, and Andrew C. Jackson. Human respiratory input impedance between 32 and 800 Hz,measured by interrupter technique and forced oscillations. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3):1018-1023, 1997.Respiratory input impedance (Zin) over a widerange of frequencies (f) has beenshown to be useful in determining airway resistance (Raw) and tissueresistance in dogs or airway wall properties in human adults. Zinmeasurements are noninvasive and, therefore, potentially useful ininvestigation of airway mechanics in infants. However, accuratemeasurements of Zin at these f valueswith the use of forced oscillatory techniques (FOT) in infants aredifficult because of their relatively high Raw and large compliance ofthe face mask. If pseudorandom noise pressure oscillations generated bya loudspeaker are applied at the airway opening (FOT), the power of theresulting flow decreases inversely withf because of capacitive shunting intothe volume of the gas in the speaker chamber and in the face mask. Westudied whether high-frequency respiratory Zin can be measured by using rapid flow interruption [high-speed interrupter technique(HIT)], in which we expect the flow amplitude in the respiratorysystem to be higher than in the FOT. We compared Zin measured by HIT with Zin measured by FOT in a dried dog lung and in five healthy adultsubjects. The impedance was calculated from two pressure signalsmeasured between the mouth and the HIT valve. The impedance could beassessed from 32 to 800 Hz. Its real part at lowf as well as thef and amplitude of the first andsecond acoustic resonance, measured by FOT and by HIT, were notsignificantly different. The power spectrum of oscillatory flow whenthe HIT was used showed amplitudes that were at least 100 times greaterthan those when FOT was used, increasing atf > 400 Hz. In conclusion,the HIT enables the measurement of high-frequency Zin data ranging from 32 to 800 Hz with particularly high flow amplitudes and, therefore, possibly better signal-to-noise ratio. This is particularly important in systems with high Raw, e.g., in infants, when measurements have tobe performed through a face mask.

We examined correlates and hypotheses pertaining to extrapairfertilizations in socially monogamous American redstarts (Setophagaruticilla). DNA fingerprinting revealed extrapair fertilizationin 59% of broods (19 of 32), involving 40% of nestlings (43of 108). Fewer broods than expected had mixed paternity, asdetermined from a binomial distribution of extrapair young inthe population. This result is consistent with the "good genes"hypothesis, but not with the "genetic diversity" hypothesis.There was a negative association between the age of putativefathers and the proportion of extrapair young in their broods.Irrespective of age, males with prior residency were cuckoldedless often than males new to the study area. Extrapair fatherswere' immediate neighbors in 7 of 10 cuckolded broods whereall neighbors were sampled. Males were more likely to sire offspringin the territories of younger neighbors than in those of olderneighbors. Plumage characteristics of adult males, breedingsynchrony of females, and breeding densities were not significantlyassociated with cuckoldry. Realized reproductive gain from cuckoldrywas small because of high nest predation in our area. Extrapairfertilizations allowed one-quarter of males whose own nestshad failed to achieve some reproductive success. Only 2 of 17males whose own nests were successful also had extrapair young.There was no egg dumping by females. We conclude that male ageand prior residency were predictors of cuckoldry in Americanredstarts. In the context of the heavy predation experiencedby our birds, extrapair fertilizations allowed many males tosalvage some reproductive success and did not increase the varianceof success across males  相似文献   
The pituitary hormones adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), beta-endorphin, and alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) are synthesized by proteolytic processing of their common proopiomelanocortin (POMC) precursor. Key findings from this study show that cathepsin L functions as a major proteolytic enzyme for the production of POMC-derived peptide hormones in secretory vesicles. Specifically, cathepsin L knock-out mice showed major decreases in ACTH, beta-endorphin, and alpha-MSH that were reduced to 23, 18, and 7% of wild-type controls (100%) in pituitary. These decreased peptide levels were accompanied by increased levels of POMC consistent with proteolysis of POMC by cathepsin L. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed colocalization of cathepsin L with beta-endorphin and alpha-MSH in the intermediate pituitary and with ACTH in the anterior pituitary. In contrast, cathepsin L was only partially colocalized with the lysosomal marker Lamp-1 in pituitary, consistent with its extralysosomal function in secretory vesicles. Expression of cathepsin L in pituitary AtT-20 cells resulted in increased ACTH and beta-endorphin in the regulated secretory pathway. Furthermore, treatment of AtT-20 cells with CLIK-148, a specific inhibitor of cathepsin L, resulted in reduced production of ACTH and accumulation of POMC. These findings demonstrate a prominent role for cathepsin L in the production of ACTH, beta-endorphin, and alpha-MSH peptide hormones in the regulated secretory pathway.  相似文献   
Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is the predominant protein in photosynthesizing plant parts and the most abundant protein on earth. Amino acids deriving from its net degradation during senescence are transported to sinks (e.g. developing leaves, fruits). Rubisco catabolism is not controlled only by the overall sink demand. An accumulation of carbohydrates may also accelerate senescence and Rubisco degradation under certain conditions. Amino acids produced by proteolysis are rapidly redistributed in plants with proper source-sink relationships. In leaves of wheat plants with reduced sink capacity (e.g. sink removal, phloem interruption by steam girdling at the leaf base), Rubisco is degraded and free amino acids accumulate. They may be washed out in the rain during late senescence. In leaves of depodded soybeans, Rubisco is degraded and amino acids can be reutilized in these leaves for the synthesis of special vacuolar proteins in the paraveinal mesophyll (vegetative storage proteins). Nitrogen deriving from Rubisco degradation in older (senescing) leaves of annual crops is integrated to some extent again in newly synthesized Rubisco in younger leaves or photosynthesizing tissues of fruits. Finally, a high percentage of this nitrogen is accumulated in protein bodies (storage proteins). At the subcellular level, Rubisco can be degraded in intact chloroplasts. Reactive oxygen species may directly cleave the large subunit or modify it to become more susceptible to proteolysis. A metalloendopeptidase may play an important role in Rubisco degradation within intact chloroplasts. Additionally, the involvement of vacuolar endopeptidase(s) in Rubisco catabolism (at least under certain conditions) was postulated by various laboratories.  相似文献   
A recombinant avidin-producing Mut+ Pichia pastoris strain was used as a model organism to study the influence of the methanol feeding strategy on the specific product productivity (q(p)) and protein glycosylation. Fed-batch cultivations performed at various specific growth rates (micro) and residual methanol concentrations showed that the specific avidin productivity is growth-dependent. The specific productivity increases strongly with the specific growth rate for micro ranging from 0 to 0.02 h(-1), and increases only slightly with the specific growth rate above this limit. N-terminal glycosylation was also found to be influenced by the specific growth rate, since 9-mannose glycans were the most abundant form at low growth rates, whereas 10-mannose carbohydrate chains were favored at higher micro. These results show that culture parameters, such as the specific growth rate, may significantly affect the activity of glycoproteins produced in Pichia pastoris. In terms of process optimization, this suggests that a compromise on the specific growth rate may have to be found, in certain cases, to work with an acceptable productivity while avoiding the addition of many mannoses.  相似文献   
A balanced supplementation method was applied to develop a serum and protein- free medium supporting hybridoma cell batch culture. The aim was to improve systematically the initial formulation of the medium to prevent limitations due to unbalanced concentrations of vitamins and amino acids. In a first step, supplementation of the basal formulation with 13 amino acids, led to an increase of the specific IgA production rate from 0.60 to 1.07 pg cell−1 h−1. The specific growth rate remained unchanged, but the supplementation enabled maintenance of high cell viability during the stationary phase of batch cultures for some 70 h. Since IgA production was not growth- related, this resulted in an approximately4-fold increase in the final IgA concentration, from 26.6 to 100.2 mgl−1. In a second step, the liposoluble vitamins E and K3 were added to the medium formulation. Although this induced a slightly higher maximal cell concentration, it was followed by a sharp decline phase with the specific IgA production rate falling to 0.47 pg cell−1 h−1. However, by applying a second cycle of balanced supplementation with amino acids this decline phase could be reduced and a high cell viability maintained for over 300 h of culture. In this vitamin- and amino acid- supplemented medium, the specific IgA production rate reached a value of 1.10 pg cell−1h−1 with a final IgA concentration of 129.8 mgl−1. The latter represents an increase of approximately5-fold compared to the non- supplemented basal medium. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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