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Predicting the function of a protein from its sequence is a long-standing goal of bioinformatic research. While sequence similarity is the most popular tool used for this purpose, sequence motifs may also subserve this goal. Here we develop a motif-based method consisting of applying an unsupervised motif extraction algorithm (MEX) to all enzyme sequences, and filtering the results by the four-level classification hierarchy of the Enzyme Commission (EC). The resulting motifs serve as specific peptides (SPs), appearing on single branches of the EC. In contrast to previous motif-based methods, the new method does not require any preprocessing by multiple sequence alignment, nor does it rely on over-representation of motifs within EC branches. The SPs obtained comprise on average 8.4 +/- 4.5 amino acids, and specify the functions of 93% of all enzymes, which is much higher than the coverage of 63% provided by ProSite motifs. The SP classification thus compares favorably with previous function annotation methods and successfully demonstrates an added value in extreme cases where sequence similarity fails. Interestingly, SPs cover most of the annotated active and binding site amino acids, and occur in active-site neighboring 3-D pockets in a highly statistically significant manner. The latter are assumed to have strong biological relevance to the activity of the enzyme. Further filtering of SPs by biological functional annotations results in reduced small subsets of SPs that possess very large enzyme coverage. Overall, SPs both form a very useful tool for enzyme functional classification and bear responsibility for the catalytic biological function carried out by enzymes.  相似文献   
Understanding the tradeoffs faced by organisms is a major goal of evolutionary biology. One of the main approaches for identifying these tradeoffs is Pareto task inference (ParTI). Two recent papers claim that results obtained in ParTI studies are spurious due to phylogenetic dependence (Mikami T, Iwasaki W. 2021. The flipping t-ratio test: phylogenetically informed assessment of the Pareto theory for phenotypic evolution. Methods Ecol Evol. 12(4):696–706) or hypothetical p-hacking and population-structure concerns (Sun M, Zhang J. 2021. Rampant false detection of adaptive phenotypic optimization by ParTI-based Pareto front inference. Mol Biol Evol. 38(4):1653–1664). Here, we show that these claims are baseless. We present a new method to control for phylogenetic dependence, called SibSwap, and show that published ParTI inference is robust to phylogenetic dependence. We show how researchers avoided p-hacking by testing for the robustness of preprocessing choices. We also provide new methods to control for population structure and detail the experimental tests of ParTI in systems ranging from ammonites to cancer gene expression. The methods presented here may help to improve future ParTI studies.  相似文献   
The common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus, of Ethiopian origin, has a widespread distribution across arid, semi-arid and Mediterranean parts of the Arabian sub-region. We compared the daily energy expenditure (DEE), water turnover (WTO) and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS=DEE/resting metabolic rate) of two adjacent populations during the winter. Mice were captured from North- and South- facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, comprising mesic and xeric habitats, respectively. Both DEE and SusMS winter values were greater in NFS than SFS mice and were significantly greater than values previously measured in the summer for these two populations in the same environments. However, WTO values were consistent with previously established values and were not significantly different from allometric predictions for desert eutherians. We suggest that physiological plasticity in energy expenditure, which exists both temporally and spatially, combined with stable WTO, perhaps reflecting a xeric ancestry, has enabled A. cahirinus to invade a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   
Novel assembly properties of recombinant spider dragline silk proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Spider dragline silk, which exhibits extraordinary strength and toughness, is primarily composed of two related proteins that largely consist of repetitive sequences. In most spiders, the repetitive region of one of these proteins is rich in prolines, which are not present in the repetitive region of the other. The absence of prolines in one component was previously speculated to be essential for the thread structure. Here, we analyzed dragline proteins of the garden spider Araneus diadematus, ADF-3 and ADF-4, which are both proline rich, by employing the baculovirus expression system. Whereas ADF-3 represented an intrinsically soluble protein, ADF-4 was insoluble in vitro and self-assembled into filaments in the cytosol of the host insect cells. These ADF-4 filaments displayed the exceptional chemical stability of authentic silk threads. We provide evidence that the observed properties of ADF-3 and ADF-4 strongly depend on intrinsic characteristics such as hydropathicity, which differs dramatically between the two proteins, as in most other pairs of dragline silk proteins from other Araneoidea species, but not on their proline content. Our findings shed new light on the structural components of spider dragline silk, allowing further elucidation of their assembly properties, which may open the door for commercial applications.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Neurons in primary auditory cortex are known to be sensitive to the locations of sounds in space, but the reference frame for this spatial sensitivity has not been investigated. Conventional wisdom holds that the auditory and visual pathways employ different reference frames, with the auditory pathway using a head-centered reference frame and the visual pathway using an eye-centered reference frame. Reconciling these discrepant reference frames is therefore a critical component of multisensory integration. RESULTS: We tested the reference frame of neurons in the auditory cortex of primates trained to fixate visual stimuli at different orbital positions. We found that eye position altered the activity of about one third of the neurons in this region (35 of 113, or 31%). Eye position affected not only the responses to sounds (26 of 113, or 23%), but also the spontaneous activity (14 of 113, or 12%). Such effects were also evident when monkeys moved their eyes freely in the dark. Eye position and sound location interacted to produce a representation for auditory space that was neither head- nor eye-centered in reference frame. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together with emerging results in both visual and other auditory areas, these findings suggest that neurons whose responses reflect complex interactions between stimulus position and eye position set the stage for the eventual convergence of auditory and visual information.  相似文献   
Quorum sensing is a widespread regulatory mechanism among Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, Acinetobacter strains were assayed for the presence of quorum sensing signal molecules capable of activating N-acylhomoserine lactone biosensors. By using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens reporter strain it was shown that all the cultures produced two to four detectable signal molecules with different chromatographic patterns. In A. calcoaceticus BD413 supernatants four compounds were detected in a time-dependent manner, and maximal activity was reached at stationary phase. The number of signal molecules was dependent on medium composition; typically, cultures in minimal medium displayed one or two more signals, as compared to complex medium. None of the Acinetobacter supematants showed autoinduction activity with an Chromobacterium violaceum reporter strain, neither in direct or competition assays.  相似文献   
HPC1/RNASEL was recently identified as a candidate gene for hereditary prostate cancer. We identified a novel founder frameshift mutation in RNASEL, 471delAAAG, in Ashkenazi Jews. The mutation frequency in the Ashkenazi population, estimated on the basis of the frequency in 150 healthy young women, was 4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.9%-8.4%). Among Ashkenazi Jews, the mutation frequency was higher in patients with prostate cancer (PRCA) than in elderly male control individuals (6.9% vs. 2.4%; odds ratio = 3.0; 95% CI 0.6-15.3; P=.17). 471delAAAG was not detected in the 134 non-Ashkenazi patients with PRCA and control individuals tested. The median age at PRCA diagnosis did not differ significantly between the Ashkenazi carriers and noncarriers included in our study. However, carriers received diagnoses at a significantly earlier age, compared with patients with PRCA who were registered in the Israeli National Cancer Registry (65 vs. 74.4 years, respectively; P<.001). When we examined two brothers with PRCA, we found a heterozygous 471delAAAG mutation in one and a homozygous mutation in the other. Loss of heterozygosity was demonstrated in the tumor of the heterozygous sib. Taken together, these data suggest that the 471delAAAG null mutation is associated with PRCA in Ashkenazi men. However, additional studies are required to determine whether this mutation confers increased risk for PRCA in this population.  相似文献   
GeneCards 2002: towards a complete,object-oriented,human gene compendium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: In the post-genomic era, functional analysis of genes requires a sophisticated interdisciplinary arsenal. Comprehensive resources are challenged to provide consistently improving, state-of-the-art tools. RESULTS: GeneCards (Rebhan et al., 1998) has made innovative strides: (a). regular updates and enhancements incorporating new genes enriched with sequences, genomic locations, cDNA assemblies, orthologies, medical information, 3D protein structures, gene expression, and focused SNP summaries; (b). restructured software using object-oriented Perl, migration to schema-driven XML, and (c). pilot studies, introducing methods to produce cards for novel and predicted genes.  相似文献   
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