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Besides its traditional role in hemostasis, factor XIII subunit A (FXIII-A) is supposed to function as a cellular transglutaminase and to be involved in certain intracellular processes, including cytoskeletal remodeling. To investigate its intracellular role, the aim of the present study was to follow changes in FXIII-A production in combination with the receptor-mediated phagocytic activities of monocytes/macrophages and to examine the phagocytic functions of monocytes in patients with FXIII-A deficiency. Human blood monocytes were isolated from the buffy coats of healthy volunteers and cultured for 4 days. The FcgammaR-mediated phagocytosis of sensitized erythrocytes (EA) and the complement receptor (CR)-mediated phagocytosis of complement-coated yeast particles were studied during monocyte/macrophage differentiation. Changes in the gene expression of FXIII-A were detected by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. FXIII-A protein production was investigated with fluorescent image analysis at single cell level and Western immunoblot analysis. Both the FcgammaR and CR-mediated phagocytosis increased during culturing, which peaked on day 3. The phagocytic activity of the cells could be markedly inhibited with monodansylcadaverine, an inhibitor of the transglutaminase-induced crosslinking of proteins. The phagocytosis of EA, complement-coated and uncoated yeast particles was found to be strongly diminished in monocytes of FXIII-A deficient patients. The phagocytic functions of cultured cells showed a change in parallel with the alterations in FXIII-A mRNA expression, as well as with that in FXIII-A in protein synthesis detected by image and Western immunoblot analyses in concert. Our results suggest that FXIII-A plays a role in the Fcgamma and complement receptor-mediated phagocytic activities of monocytes/macrophages.  相似文献   
Open angle glaucoma is defined as a progressive and time-dependent death of retinal ganglion cells concomitant with high intraocular pressure, leading to loss of visual field. Because neurotrophins are a family of growth factors that support neuronal survival, we hypothesized that quantitative and qualitative changes in neurotrophins or their receptors may take place early in ocular hypertension, preceding extensive cell death and clinical features of glaucoma. We present molecular, biochemical, and phenotypic evidence that significant neurotrophic changes occur in retina, which correlate temporally with retinal ganglion cell death. After 7 days of ocular hypertension there is a transient up-regulation of retinal NGF, while its receptor TrkA is up-regulated in a sustained fashion in retinal neurons. After 28 days of ocular hypertension there is sustained up-regulation of retinal BDNF, but its receptor TrkB remains unchanged. Throughout, NT-3 levels remain unchanged but there is an early and sustained increase of its receptor TrkC in Müller cells but not in retinal ganglion cells. These newly synthesized glial TrkC receptors are truncated, kinase-dead isoforms. Expression of retinal p75 also increases late at day 28. Asymmetric up-regulation of neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors may preclude efficient neurotrophic rescue of RGCs from apoptosis. A possible rationale for therapeutic intervention with Trk receptor agonists and p75 receptor antagonists is proposed.  相似文献   
We herein describe a novel protein encoded by a single exon in a single-copy conserved mammalian gene. This protein, termed TMF regulated nuclear protein (TRNP), was identified in a yeast "two-hybrid" screen in which the "BC box" containing protein-TMF/ARA160 served as a bait. TRNP is a basic protein which accumulates in an insoluble nuclear fraction in mammalian cells. It is 227 aa long in humans and chimps and 223 aa long in mice. Enforced expression of TRNP in cells that do not express this protein significantly increased their proliferation rate by enhancing their cell-cycle progression from the G0/G1 to the S phase. Like another proliferation promoting factor, Stat3, TRNP was directed to proteasomal degradation by TMF/ ARA160. Thus, the trnp gene encodes a novel mammalian conserved nuclear protein that can accelerate cellcycle progression and is regulated by TMF/ARA160.  相似文献   
The scatter hoarding of food, or caching, is a widespread and well-studied behaviour. Recent experiments with caching corvids have provided evidence for episodic-like memory, future planning and possibly mental attribution, all cognitive abilities that were thought to be unique to humans. In addition to the complexity of making flexible, informed decisions about caching and recovering, this behaviour is underpinned by a motivationally controlled compulsion to cache. In this review, we shall first discuss the compulsive side of caching both during ontogeny and in the caching behaviour of adult corvids. We then consider some of the problems that these birds face and review the evidence for the cognitive abilities they use to solve them. Thus, the emergence of episodic-like memory is viewed as a solution for coping with food perishability, while the various cache-protection and pilfering strategies may be sophisticated tools to deprive competitors of information, either by reducing the quality of information they can gather, or invalidating the information they already have. Finally, we shall examine whether such future-oriented behaviour involves future planning and ask why this and other cognitive abilities might have evolved in corvids.  相似文献   
Myosin IIIa (Myo3A) transports cargo to the distal end of actin protrusions and contains a kinase domain that is thought to autoregulate its activity. Because Myo3A tends to cluster at the tips of actin protrusions, we investigated whether intermolecular phosphorylation could regulate Myo3A biochemical activity, cellular localization, and cellular function. Inactivation of Myo3A 2IQ kinase domain with the point mutation K50R did not alter maximal ATPase activity, whereas phosphorylation of Myo3A 2IQ resulted in reduced maximal ATPase activity and actin affinity. The rate and degree of Myo3A 2IQ autophosphorylation was unchanged by the presence of actin but was found to be dependent upon Myo3A 2IQ concentration within the range of 0.1 to 1.2 μm, indicating intermolecular autophosphorylation. In cultured cells, we observed that the filopodial tip localization of Myo3A lacking the kinase domain decreased when co-expressed with kinase-active, full-length Myo3A. The cellular consequence of reduced Myo3A tip localization was decreased filopodial density along the cell periphery, identifying a novel cellular function for Myo3A in mediating the formation and stability of actin-based protrusions. Our results suggest that Myo3A motor activity is regulated through a mechanism involving concentration-dependent autophosphorylation. We suggest that this regulatory mechanism plays an essential role in mediating the transport and actin bundle formation/stability functions of Myo3A.  相似文献   
The analysis of cytogenetic anomaly dynamics in conditions of chronic low doze effect of ionizing irradiation in generations of genetically homogeneous laboratory line of mice CC57W/Mv and genetically heterogeneous populations of vole's species, trapped in alienation zone of Chernobyl's NPP in places with different levels of radio nuclide contamination in 1994-2001 was carried out. The data about the physiological adaptation to ionizing irradiation effects under age of linear mice and non-linearity of frequency changes of separate cytogenetic anomalies in generations as laboratory line of mice, and genetically heterogeneous populations of vole's species were obtained. Was supposed, that the number of non-linear effects of the ionizing irradiation in low doze range could be stipulated by comparability between the intensity of it's damage effects and the activation by it the polyfactor systems of anti oxidant ones, reparation events, and also elimination of defective cells.  相似文献   
Diel C export from source leaves of two Flaveria linearis lines [85-1: high cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cytFBPase) and 84-9: low cytFBPase] were estimated using three methods, including leaf steady-state (14)CO(2) labelling, leaf metabolite analysis, and leaf dry mass analysis in conjunction with leaf CO(2) exchange measurements. Synthesis and accumulation of starch during the daytime were much higher in 84-9. Relative (14)C-export (export as a % of photosynthesis) in the light was 36% higher in 85-1. The diel export patterns from (14)C-analyses correlated with those based on metabolite or dry weight/gas exchange analyses during the daytime, but not during the night. Night-time export estimated from (14)C-disappearance was 3.6 times lower than those estimated using the other methods. Even though the starch degradation at night was greater for 84-9, night-time export in 84-9 was similar to 85-1, since 84-9 showed both higher respiration and accumulation of soluble sugars (i.e. glucose) at night. Patterns of (14)C allocation to sink organs were also different in the two lines. Main stem growth was less in 84-9, being reduced most in the light when leaf export was lower relative to 85-1. Supplementation with sucrose for 1 h daily via the roots at a time when leaf export in 84-9 was low relative to 85-1 increased the stem growth rate of 84-9 to a level similar with that of 85-1. This study provides evidence that diel C availability predicted by source strength (e.g. C-export rate) influences main stem extension growth and the pattern of sink development in F. linearis.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Effective algorithms for finding relatively weak motifs are an important practical necessity while scanning long DNA sequences for regulatory elements. The success of such an algorithm hinges on the ability of its scoring function combined with a significance analysis test to discern real motifs from random noise. RESULTS: In the first half of the paper we show that the paradigm of relying on entropy scores and their E-values can lead to undesirable results when searching for weak motifs and we offer alternate approaches to analyzing the significance of motifs. In the second half of the paper we reintroduce a scoring function and present a motif-finder that optimizes it that are more effective in finding relatively weak motifs than other tools. AVAILABILITY: The GibbsILR motif finder is available at http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~keich.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn the current study we evaluated 68Ga PSMA PET/ CT to measure local control of bone metastasis in oligometastatic prostate cancer patients treated with SBRT.Materials and methodsAfter the institutional review board approval, a retrospective review of medical records of consecutive prostate cancer patients treated between 2014 and 2018 was conducted. Only medical records of patients that were treated with SBRT for bone metastasis and had pre-and post-SBRT 68Ga PSMA PET/CT scans were included in our study. Data extracted from the medical files included patient-related (age), disease-related (Gleason score, site of metastasis), and treatment-related factors and outcomes.ResultsDuring the study period, a total of 12 patients (15 lesions) were included, with a median age of 73 years. The median follow-up was 26.5 months (range 13–45 months). Median time of 68Ga PSMA PET/ CT follow up was 17.0 months (range 3–39 months). The median pre-treatment PSA was 2 ng/mL (range 0.56–44 ng/mL) vs. post treatment PSA nadir of 0.01 ng/mL (0.01–4.32) with a median time to nadir of 7 months (range, 2–12). Local control was 93% during the follow up period and there was correlation with PS MA avidity on PE T. None patients developed recurrences in the treated bone. None of the patients had grade 3 or more toxicities during follow-up.ConclusionsSBRT is a highly effective and safe method for treatment of prostate cancer bone metastases. More studies are required to determine if SBRT provides greater clinical benefit than standard fractionation for oligometastatic prostate cancer patients. 68Ga PSMA PET/CT should be further investigated for delineation and follow-up.  相似文献   
The dose dependencies of the aberrant anaphases frequency in the root meristem in 48 hours after irradiation in the range of doses of 4-10 Gy is characterized by threshold and plateau at 33% aberrant anaphase. The plateau indicates the activation of the recovery processes. Topology of cell rows in the primary meristem of the dose to 8 Gy are conserved and recovered damages. New cell rows are formed by local cell pools in the distal meristem, pericycle cells and subepidermy. It grows by intrusive character displacing the rows of damaged cells. Apparently the competition between clones of normal and aberrant cells plays the primary role in the mechanisms of recovery. Resulting to competition the promotion of aberrant cells to the extension zone is slowed down or blocked. So critical level of damage of the root apical meristem was defined about 50% of aberrant anaphase. Exceeding of this level leads to lethal consequence for meristem and it is accompanied by the inclusion of more radical process of restoration through regeneration. Regeneration leads to complete replacement of the apex tissues including the extension zone.  相似文献   
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