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Summary The kinetics of cell division and sister chromatid exchanges were studied in PHA-stimulated short-term cultivations of peripheral blood by means of the BUDR/FPG technique in controls and in five patients with 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) mosaicism. No significant differences in the length of the cell cycle were observed between 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) and control 46,XX cells. The number of SCE on late i(Xq) was only nonsignificantly elevated (0.6 per i(Xq)) against the value expected on the basis of its relative length.  相似文献   
Choline- and ethanolamine-phosphoglycerides (CPG and EPG) are the most abundant phospholipids of retinal membranes. We have investigated some regulatory mechanisms involved in the final steps of their biosynthesis, namely those catalysed by CDP-choline 1,2 diradyl-sn-glycerol choline phosphotransferase (CPT) and CDP-ethanolamine 1,2 diradyl-sn-glycerol ethanolamine phosphotransferase (EPT). We have studied both enzymes in the retina which offers an excellent model for the investigation of the molecular basis of the effect of its physiological stimulus, the light. In chick retina. the specific activity (SA) of EPT reached a maximum at the 18th day of embryonic life and decreased thereafter. In the case of CPT, a similar peak of SA was observed at hatching. The time of maximum SA of EPT and CPT corresponded to the period during which retinal rod outer segments are formed. The apparent Km values of EPT and CPT determined with whole retinal homogenates for CDP-bases showed different profiles. The apparent Km of EPT decreased during embryonic life and increased thereafter whereas the apparent Km of CPT did not change during ontogenesis. Light stimulation of calf retinal homogenates had different effects on phosphotransferase activities. In the presence of only endogenous diacylglycerol (DAG) the SA of CPT was 2-fold higher for dark-adapted retinas, whereas no differences in EPT activities were observed. After addition of exogenous DAG (4mM) to the incubation medium, light stimulation of the retina led to a 50% increase of EPT activity whereas no effect was observed for CPT. These different effects could be related to the cyclic nucleotides present in retina before and after light stimulation. In addition all the data presented in this study indicate that, as in brain, CPT and EPT in retina are two different enzymes.  相似文献   
Oral inoculation of BALB/c mice with infective larvae of Heligmosomoides polygyrus resulted in chronic infection characterized by the release of parasite eggs in the feces for several months. The actual number of eggs per gram of feces was dependent on the dose of the inoculum. Serum IgE in infected mice peaked at a level of greater than 70 micrograms/ml during Weeks 3 through 6 following inoculation, and high levels of IgE (greater than 40 micrograms/ml) persisted for over 14 weeks. Protective immune responses resulted in reduced egg production and the development of markedly fewer adult worms in the small intestines following a challenge inoculation. The role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in these responses was examined by depletion in vivo of either T cell subpopulation with rat mAb specific for the appropriate determinants. Mice treated with anti-CD4 during a primary infection had increased EPG which was due primarily to an increase in worm fecundity (eggs produced per adult female). A challenge inoculation of mice that had been cleared of the primary infection with an anthelmintic drug induced a protective response that reduced development of new adult worms by 70-80% and their fecundity by greater than 90%. This protective response was abrogated by injection of mice with anti-CD4. Serum IgE diminished when adult worms were removed after anthelmintic treatment. A more precipitous drop in serum IgE followed successive treatments of mice with an anthelmintic and anti-CD4. In addition, the anamnestic serum IgE response to a challenge inoculation was reduced by over 80% in anti-CD4-treated mice. Anti-CD8 treatment had no appreciable effect on the immunological or parasitological parameters measured following a challenge inoculation with H. polygyrus. Thus, CD4+ T cells regulate host protective immunity, worm fecundity, and IgE levels in an H. polygyrus infection. This experimental system may be particularly suitable for analysis of chronic nematode infections of humans and livestock because of the responsiveness of the parasite in vivo to changes in host immune function.  相似文献   
To probe the structure-function relationships of voltage-dependent sodium channels, we have been examining the mechanisms of channel modification by batrachotoxin (BTX), veratridine (VTD), and grayanotoxin-I (GTX), investigating the unifying mechanisms that underlie the diverse modifications of this class of neurotoxins. In this paper, highly purified sodium channel polypeptides from the electric organ of the electric eel were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers in the presence of GTX for comparison with our previous studies of BTX (Recio-Pinto, E., D. S. Duch, S. R. Levinson, and B. W. Urban. 1987. J. Gen. Physiol. 90:375-395) and VTD (Duch, D. S., E. Recio-Pinto, C. Frenkel, S. R. Levinson, and B. W. Urban. 1989. J. Gen. Physiol. 94:813-831) modifications. GTX-modified channels had a single channel conductance of 16 pS. An additional large GTX-modified open state (40-55 pS) was found which occurred in bursts correlated with channel openings and closings. Two voltage-dependent processes controlling the open time of these modified channels were characterized: (a) a concentration-dependent removal of inactivation analogous to VTD-modified channels, and (b) activation gating similar to BTX-modified channels, but occurring at more hyperpolarized potentials. The voltage dependence of removal of inactivation correlated with parallel voltage-dependent changes in the estimated K1/2 of VTD and GTX modifications. Ranking either the single channel conductances or the depolarization required for 50% activation, the same sequence is obtained: unmodified > BTX > GTX > VTD. The efficacy of the toxins as activators follows the same ranking (Catterall, W. A. 1977. J. Biol. Chem. 252:8669-8676).  相似文献   
The neurotoxic effect of capsaicin has been shown to be selective on a subpopulation of small dorsal root ganglion neurons in newborn animals. The aim of this study was to provide evidence of the long lasting effect of capsaicin and its ultrapotent analog resiniferatoxin (RTX) on sensory peptidergic neurons maintained in organotypic cultures. The effects of the two irritants were examined on neurons that contained substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Exposure of the cultures to 10 microM capsaicin and 100 nM RTX for periods of 2 days or longer resulted in almost complete elimination of SP-immunoreactive (IR) neurites and reduction, but not elimination, of CGRP-IR neurites. In addition, both 10 microM capsaicin and 100 nM RTX significantly reduced the number of SP- and CGRP-IR cell bodies within DRG explants. Capsaicin in 100 microM concentration produced complete elimination of SP-IR fibers and a greater decrease in the number of CGRP-IR fibers, but failed to completely eliminate IR cell bodies. Exposure of the cultures to the irritants in the same concentrations for 90 min did not produce a measurable effect on SP- or CGRP-IR in neurites or cell bodies. It is important to establish that the effect of capsaicin and RTX on cultured neurons was of long duration (longer than 4 days) and is therefore different from depletion of peptides. These findings demonstrate that processes of cultured sensory neurons are much more sensitive to capsaicin and RTX than cell bodies. Furthermore, our results show that SP-IR neuronal elements are more sensitive to capsaicin than CGRP-IR elements. These data suggest that cultured sensory neurons express the functional properties of differentiated sensory neurons in vivo.  相似文献   
A near full-length cDNA clone (pZRP3) corresponding to an mRNA that accumulates specifically in roots of maize was isolated. The ZRP3 mRNA is ca. 600 nucleotides in length. The amino acid sequence of the predicted polypeptide is rich in leucine (16%), proline (11%), and cysteine (8.5%). The zrp3 gene appears to be expressed exclusively in roots, whereas other ZRP3-related genes are expressed in additional organs of the maize plant. In situ hybridization shows that ZRP3 mRNA accumulation is largely confined to the cells of the cortical ground meristem. Furthermore, accumulation of this mRNA occurs within a distinct subset of cortical cells, the inner three to four cell layers.Journal paper number J-14572 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa Project Number 2997.  相似文献   
Fred Finkelmon and Joseph Urban propose that optimal host defense against different classes of parasite depends upon induction of different sets of immune effector mechanisms, which are, in turn, dependent upon secretion of different sets of cytokines. The authors suggest that hosts identify characteristics common to parasites of a given type as those triggers that stimulate secretion of the proper cytokine set.  相似文献   
Modifications in a zoo exhibit were made to increase the arboreality of an aged female diana monkey, and to increase her use of the central portion of the exhibit where a new food shelf had been added. Branches, which formed ramps to this shelf, also were added. Following these changes, the aged female's arboreality increased slightly, and her use of the central portion of the exhibit increased significantly. Changes in habitat use following these modifications also were noted in the other two diana monkeys in the group. These results suggest that zoo habitats can be made more usable for individuals whose behavioral capabilities might be limited due to age or physical disability.  相似文献   
In the host, Erwinia arnylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al. travels primarily in the inter-cellular spaces of immature cortical tissue; progress in mature tissue is restricted. Only in the later stages of infection are saprophytic bacteria such as Erwinia herbicola (Löhnis) Dye commonly found in association with the pathogen. Their effect on the persistence of the pathogen is still uncertain though commonly assumed (with little supporting evidence) to be inhibitory. Most interaction studies have concentrated on the early stages of infection. The interactants have been inoculated prior to or together with E. amylovora and they have included avirulent E. amylovora, phyto-pathogenic pseudomonads, E. herbicola and other saprophytes or cell components including DNA. Our experience reflects that of other workers in that interactants only inhibit at high doses or at high numbers relative to the pathogen. Prior inoculation is not always necessary for protection. In our preliminary studies of the fate of interactants, the outcome varied. Where infection progressed the interactant disappeared, persisted only at the point of inoculation or progressed alongside the pathogen. Where there was protection, both pathogen and interactant disappeared from the tissues or only the interactant persisted at the site of inoculation. Crown gall apart (possibly a special case), observations with other bacterial plant diseases have been similar to those with fireblight with an added one of stimulation of infection by the interactant. The underlying mechanisms of protection probably vary with different interacting systems and cannot always be attributed to a hypersensitivity reaction or to bacteriophage or bacteriocin activity. If a host response is involved, it seems pertinent to ask whether there are simpler ways of achieving protection of growing tissue other than by using bacteria and their products. With epiphytic bacteria two major problems are the achievement and maintenance of high enough populations at critical sites and the lack of major transmitted or translocated effects beyond the site of interaction.  相似文献   
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