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The genome sequence of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 revealed four Open reading frame (ORF) encoding putative inositol monophosphatase or inositol monophosphatase-like proteins. One of the ORFs, sll1383, is ∼870 base pair long and has been assigned as a probable myo-inositol 1 (or 4) monophosphatase (IMPase; EC IMPase is the second enzyme in the inositol biosynthesis pathway and catalyses the conversion of L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate to free myo-inositol. The present work describes the functional assignment of ORF sll1383 as myo-inositol 1-phosphate phosphatase (IMPase) through molecular cloning, bacterial overexpression, purification and biochemical characterization of the gene product. Affinity (K m) of the recombinant protein for the substrate DL-myo-inositol 1-phosphate was found to be much higher (0.0034 ± 0.0003 mM) compared to IMPase(s) from other sources but in comparison V max (∼0.033 μmol Pi/min/mg protein) was low. Li+ was found to be an inhibitor (IC50 6.0 mM) of this enzyme, other monovalent metal ions (e.g. Na+, K+ NH4+) having no significant effect on the enzyme activity. Like other IMPase(s), the activity of this enzyme was found to be totally Mg2+ dependent, which can be substituted partially by Mn2+. However, unlike other IMPase(s), the enzyme is optimally active at ∼42°C. To the best of our knowledge, sll1383 encoded IMPase has the highest substrate affinity and specificity amongst the known examples from other prokaryotic sources. A possible application of this recombinant protein in the enzymatic coupled assay of L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase (MIPS) is discussed.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of inland groundwater salinity on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency, nutrient retention and intestinal enzyme activity in milkfish, two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment (Expt I), a 100‐day monoculture of Chanos chanos [mean body weight (BW): 2.2 g] at different salinities (0, 10, 15, 20 and 25‰) was carried out in ponds fertilized with cowdung (about 10 000 kg ha?1 year?1) and poultry droppings (about 3000 kg ha?1 year?1). The fish were fed a compounded supplementary diet (containing 40% protein) at 5% BW day?1. Studies have revealed that growth increased with each increase in the salinity level; the highest values in weight gain and energy assimilated were observed in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity [weight: 322.2 g and specific growth rate (SGR): 8.3]. Highest values of condition factor (0.7) and exponential value (n) of the length–weight relationship (LWR; n = 3.25) were also observed in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity. Dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), pH and nutrient release remained at the optimal level during the culture period. High values of chlorophyll a, net primary productivity (NPP), phytoplankton and zooplankton population coincided with the highest values of alkalinity and turbidity in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity. Multivariate analysis revealed a significant positive correlation of chlorides (r = 0.91), conductivity (r = 0.89) and hardness (r = 0.96) with fish growth. Productivity indicating parameters viz. NPP (r = 0.45), nitrate (r = 0.94) and o‐PO4 (r = 0.52) also showed a significant positive correlation with fish weight gain. In the second experiment (Expt II), milkfish (mean BW: 3.7 g) fry were exposed to different levels of salinity (0.0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30‰), and maintained for 90 days in the laboratory. Significantly (P < 0.05) high growth (percentage increase in BW: 183.1 and SGR: 1.2), feed conversion efficiency (64.5%) and intestinal enzyme activity (protease 5.1, amylase 4.1 and cellulolytic 3.2) were observed in the group maintained at 25 ppt salinity in comparison with other groups similarly maintained at low or high salinity levels. Carcass composition, muscle and liver glycogen levels were also significantly (P < 0.05) affected by salinity changes. The significance of these findings is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
Tolerant and non-tolerant clones of Chloris barbata Sw. obtained, respectively, from an erstwhile mercury contaminated solid waste dump site near a chloralkali plant and a non-contaminated (control) site were subjected to cadmium-stress by growing the rooted cuttings in water containing CdSO4, 13 and 130 μM. Differences between the two clones in their response to cadmium-stress were noted in root growth, and also with respect to certain biochemical parameters. Whereas catalase activity decreased and non protein-thiol levels increased in the non-tolerant clone, the level of protein-thiol alone increased significantly in the tolerant clone in response to cadmium-stress. No remarkable differences between the clones, however, were noted with respect to total soluble protein, peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation. Remarkably the two clones responded differently to buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of glutathione and/or phytochelatin synthesis, which inhibited root growth significantly in non-tolerant clone but not in the tolerant clone. Buthionine sulfoximine, nonetheless, could potentate cadmium toxicity in either of the clones, but more effectively in the tolerant clone. The high sensitivity of tolerant-clone to the combined treatment of BSO and Cd in the present study could, therefore, be attributed to the cumulative oxidative stress generated synergistically by BSO and Cd.  相似文献   
In the current era of genomic medicine, diseases are identified as manifestations of anomalous patterns of gene expression. Cancer is the principal example among such maladies. Although remarkable progress has been achieved in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis and progression of cancer, its epigenetic regulation, particularly histone deacetylation, demands further studies. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are one of the key players in the gene expression regulation network in cancer because of their repressive role on tumor suppressor genes. Higher expression and function of deacetylases disrupt the finely tuned acetylation homeostasis in both histone and non-histone target proteins. This brings about alterations in the genes implicated in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and other cellular processes. Moreover, the reversible nature of epigenetic modulation by HDACs makes them attractive targets for cancer remedy. This review summarizes the current knowledge of HDACs in tumorigenesis and tumor progression as well as their contribution to the hallmarks of cancer. The present report also describes briefly various assays to detect histone deacetylase activity and discusses the potential role of histone deacetylase inhibitors as emerging epigenetic drugs to cure cancer.  相似文献   
Summary Nearly 400 individuals at two locations and over a number of years were crossed and subsequently scored for selfing versus outcrossing in eight monohybrid populations of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Two different marker loci, petal colour (R/r) and capsule size (B/b) were used to determine the male gametes that had effected fertilizations in F2 recessives (rr and bb). The estimates of the outcrossing parameter were found to vary with year, location and for the marker locus used ( range: 0.0988–0.3704). Study of two dihybrid crosses involving the two loci simultaneously, further confirmed that outcrossing at the R/r locus was significantly greater than that at the B/b locus. The nature of the outcrossing was, in general, nonrandom. Selfmg predominated in this species; however, there was a high frequency of natural outcrossing for generating variations in P. somniferum.CIMAP publication No. 1086  相似文献   
Fishes belonging to the Orders Beloniformes, Cypriniformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes are usually found in the Kangsabati reservoir of West Bengal, India. In recent years among the trapped fishes fishermen failed to get certain fish species which were available to them in the last decade. This prompted us to conduct a survey of ichthyofauna of the said reservoir in respect to the water parameters, keeping in view the anthropogenic activity-induced pollution scenario. It is revealed that the fishes belonging to the species Xenentodon cancila, Nemacheilus savona, Sillaginopsis panijus, Pangasius sutchi, Colisa sota, Mystus cavasius, Mystus seenghala and Mastacembelus armatus are completely absent in the survey area. It is most likely that the eutrophication-induced causes especially, variations in composition and density of plankton as well as the undesirable changes in physical and chemical properties of the water have forced these fishes to migrate elsewhere.  相似文献   


The blood filtering organ in zebrafish embryos is the pronephros, which consists of two functional nephrons. Segmentation of a nephron into different domains is essential for its function and is well conserved among vertebrates. Zebrafish has been extensively used as a model to understand nephron segmentation during development. Here, we have identified EF-hand domain containing 2 (Efhc2) as a novel component of genetic programme regulating nephron segmentation in zebrafish. Human EFHC2 is a protein with one predicted calcium-binding EF-hand motif and three DM10 domains, whose function is unknown. EFHC2 has been implicated in several brain-related genetic diseases like Turner syndrome and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. However, there is limited information on its normal physiological function.


efhc2 mRNA is primarily expressed in the pronephros of zebrafish embryos. Other sites of expression include olfactory placode, notochord, otic vesicle, epiphysis and neuromast cells. Morpholino antisense oligonucleotide-mediated knock-down of Efhc2 resulted in defects in pronephros development and function in zebrafish embryos. Efhc2 knock-down leads to expansion of distal early segment of pronephros, whereas, the corpuscle of stannius and distal late segments were reduced. The number of multi-ciliated cells (MCC) that are present in a salt-and-pepper fashion throughout the middle of each nephron and vital for fluid flow were also reduced. It is known that retinoic acid (RA) signaling regulates pronephros segmentation in vertebrates and we show that Efhc2 function is crucial for nephron segmentation in zebrafish. Our data suggests that RA and Efhc2 function independent of each other in pronephros segmentation. However, Efhc2 and RA synergistically regulate MCC development.


In this study, we have identified Efhc2 as a regulator of segmentation of the distal part of nephron and pronephros function during zebrafish development.
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