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新(亚)种的模式标本除标明者外均存作者所在单位。1.贵州棘蝇Phaonia guizhouensis Wei,新种(图1) 雄:体长6mm。眼具淡黄色密长毛。额宽至少等于触角第三节宽。间额黑灰,约为一侧额的5倍宽。侧额狭,粉被暗银灰色。额鬃上达单眼瘤前,仅前方的3对发达,后大半细如眼毛。侧颜黑,下侧颜暗红,粉被银灰;侧颜至少如触角第三节宽之半。触角黑,第三节约为第二节的2倍长。芒短羽状,最长芒毛约为触角宽之半。颊蓝黑,粉被灰褐,前上缘具一列上弯的鬃;颊约如眼高的2/7。口上片突出于额前缘。中颜板  相似文献   
据我们在北京和内蒙古等地多年研究表明,黄芪的植食性种子小蜂包括广肩小蜂科Bruchophagus属5种和金小蜂科Habrocytus属1种,为多种混合群体。我们通过大量标本的形态比较以及交配行为的观察,结合其生物学特性研究以及应用扫描电镜对其并胸腹节花纹的超微结构观察,鉴定出黄芪种子里有5种广肩种子小蜂,即黄芪种子小蜂Bruchophagus huonchi Liao et Fan及本文的4新种。  相似文献   
角胫象属Shirahoshizo Morimoto,1962隶属象虫科隐喙象亚科,模式种为Cryptorhynchus rufescens Roelofs.本属昆虫多寄生于松属植物,有些是我国重要林业害虫,如马尾松角胫象Shiraho shizo flavonotatus(Voss),其成虫侵入衰弱的黄山松和堆积的马尾松原木,和其它钻蛀性害虫一起,造成严重危害,据浙江亚热带林研所赵锦年先  相似文献   
李贵山  梁妮 《蛇志》1991,3(4):4-5
本文选用金黄地鼠的微血管,利用显微高速摄影技术,放大微观流场和血细胞,连续地“冻结”短瞬间的变化状态,把物理图象呈现在胶片上,经图像分析和数据处理,从定性及定量方面研究血液微流变学,为生命科学和医学研究提供了又一种新的方法。  相似文献   
本文报道了寄生在云杉上的中国新记录种顶裂盘菌(Lophophacidium hyperboreumLagerb.);首次发现了这个种的无性型座壳梭孢属(Apostrasseria sp.),证实了融雪前病株针叶上有表生的菌丝和小菌核;查清了它是新疆云杉林中的广布种,引致云杉雪枯病;发现了新分布区,地理分布范围在75°—94°E,37°40′—49°N;发现了新寄主,多土的西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata Ledeb.)和引进的青海云杉(P.crassifolia Kom.)、川西云杉(P.balfourianaRehd.et Wils.)。  相似文献   
Cellular metabolism is a very complex process. The biochemical pathways are fundamental structures of biology. These pathways possess a number of regeneration steps which facilitate energy shuttling on a massive scale. This facilitates the biochemical pathways to sustain the energy currency of the cells. This concept has been mimicked using electronic circuit components and it has been used to increase the efficiency of bio-energy generation. Six of the carbohydrate biochemical pathways have been chosen in which glycolysis is the principle pathway. All the six pathways are interrelated and coordinated in a complex manner. Mimic circuits have been designed for all the six biochemical pathways. The components of the metabolic pathways such as enzymes, cofactors etc., are substituted by appropriate electronic circuit components. Enzymes are related to the gain of transistors by the bond dissociation energies of enzyme-substrate molecules under consideration. Cofactors and coenzymes are represented by switches and capacitors respectively. Resistors are used for proper orientation of the circuits. The energy obtained from the current methods employed for the decomposition of organic matter is used to trigger the mimic circuits. A similar energy shuttle is observed in the mimic circuits and the percentage rise for each cycle of circuit functioning is found to be 78.90. The theoretical calculations have been made using a sample of domestic waste weighing 1.182 kg. The calculations arrived at finally speak of the efficiency of the novel methodology employed.  相似文献   
We present a mathematical method for acceleration workspace analysis of cooperating multi-finger robot systems using a model of point-contact with friction. A new unified formulation from dynamic equations of cooperating multi-finger robots is derived considering the force and acceleration relationships between the fingers and the object to be handled. From the dynamic equation, maximum translational and rotational acceleration bounds of an object are calculated under given constraints of contact conditions, configurations of fingers, and bounds on the torques of joint actuators for each finger. Here, the rotational acceleration bounds can be applied as an important manipulability index when the multi-finger robot grasps an object. To verify the proposed method, we used a set of case studies with a simple multi-finger mechanism system. The achievable acceleration boundary in task space can be obtained successfully with the proposed method and the acceleration boundary depends on the configurations of fingers.  相似文献   
Water striders are insects living on the water surface, over which they can move very quickly and rarely get wetted. We measured the force of free walking in water striders, using a hair attached to their backs and a 3D strain gauge. The error was calculated by comparing force and data derived from geometry and was estimated as 13%. Females on average were stronger (1.32 mN) than males (0.87 mN), however, the ratio of force to weight was not significantly different. Compared with other lighter species, Aquarius paludum seems stronger, but the ratio of force to weight is actually lower. A. paludum applies about 0.3 mN·cm-1 to 0.4 mN·cm-1 with its mid-legs, thus avoiding penetrating the surface tension layer while propelling itself rapidly over the water surface.We also investigated the external morphology with SEM. The body is covered by effectively two layers of macro-and micro-hairs, which renders them hydrophobic. The setae are long (40 um-60 um) and stiff, being responsible for waterproofing, and the microtrichia are much smaller (<10 um), slender, and flexible, holding a bubble over the body when submerged.  相似文献   
新疆苦豆子根瘤菌的数值分类研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides)对于干旱荒漠地区的畜牧业发展有着非常重要的意义,其生长特性与根瘤菌有密切关系。我们对分离自新疆苦豆子根瘤的67株根瘤菌及36个模式菌株进行了118项表型性状的测定,包括唯一碳源利用、唯一氮源利用、对抗生素和染料的抗性、耐盐性、初始pH值生长范围、生长温度范围及石蕊牛奶反应、氧化酶、过氧化氢酶和脲酶。对测定结果用聚类分析方法进行了分析,获得数值分类树状图。结果表明:新疆苦豆子根瘤菌在碳氮源利用、抗生素敏感性以及对染料的抗性程度等方面存在着差异。新疆苦豆子根瘤菌能耐受低温,并具有较强的耐盐、碱能力,所有供试菌株均能在初始pH值为9-12的YMA培养基上生长,92.5%的菌株能耐受3.0%的NaCl,91.0%的菌株能耐受4.0%的NaCl,有18株菌甚至能耐受5.0%和6.0%的NaCl。聚类结果表明, 在84.8%的相似性水平上,67个供试菌株构成了4个新的表观群,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ类群分别有21、7、4、3个菌株,中心菌株分别为NWBC152、NWTKX101、NWYJS12、NWLP112。此外,数值分类结果还表明,苦豆子根瘤菌与模式菌株的相似性较低,它们所形成的4个独立群可能有新种出现。  相似文献   
观察了20位志愿者在接种试验性流行性出血热(EHF)地鼠肾细胞(GHKC)双价灭活疫苗后的细胞免疫反应,并以其体液免疫反应作对照观察。用淋巴细胞转化试验测定细胞免疫水平。结果首针疫苗接种后42天和56天,特异性刺激指数(SSI)和非特异性刺激指数(NSI)均较免疫前显著增高(P_(SSI)<0.001;P_(NSI)<0.02),免疫后SSI累计阳转率为100%,NSI累计阳转率为60%,免疫后6个月二者均降低至正常水平。免疫后56天测定抗体,荧光抗体阳转率为100%;微量感染性中和试验表明,针对家鼠型病毒L99株中和抗体阳转率为95%,而针对野鼠型病毒JR株阳转率为65%。  相似文献   
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